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Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Links - 31st August 2021 (1)

Teen boy forced to transition in juvenile hall in California - "While the topic of underage transitioning becomes more and more a part of our national dialogue, it seems as if the use of hormone replacement therapy by teens isn’t just elective in at least one instance. According to a new lawsuit in Los Angeles, a 16-year-old boy in a juvenile detention facility was forcibly given estrogen as treatment for ODD (Oppositional Defiant Disorder). As a consequence, his body feminized to the point where he had grown actual breasts. Doctors David Oh and Danny Wang are the doctors being sued in this horrific case. After the teenage boy was diagnosed with his behavioral disorder in June 2019, he allegedly tested positive for “elevated levels of testosterone”, which may have sparked the doctors decision to combat it with estrogen. This is a terrible abuse of power, however, as this is not a commonplace treatment. In fact, there is no real precedent for it unless the teen is actually transgender, and unless it’s completely elective."

Dentists Can Tell If You've Given Oral Sex Recently, According To TikTok - ""Yeah, sometimes we can tell," TikTok dentist @thyrants said in one viral response. "And it's usually bruising on the soft palate called petechiae. But unless the patient's really young or shows signs of abuse, we don't care.""

Saudi influencer loses custody of children after husband says her tattoos and green hair make her an unfit mum - "Refa Al-Yemi, who has a large online following on TikTok and Snapchat, was then allegedly kidnapped by relatives who reportedly felt she was shaming them with her online activities... Her husband was awarded custody after using her tattoo's, hair colour and images of her workouts in court as "proof" that she was not a fit mum."

Black Country Artists Largely Missing From Radio: Study - "data from a study entitled Redlining In Country Music: Representation in the Country Music Industry (2000-2020) from SongData's principal investigator, Dr. Jada Watson, shows that despite some improvement for Black artists in the past year, the genre is still woefully under-serving artists of color... only 2.7% of country radio airplay over the past two decades were for songs by BIPOC women."
This "study" is awful as it doesn't even try to quantify how many blacks are into country music in the first place. Indeed, from the data presented in the study, blacks are overrepresented in country success: 0.7% of unique male artists on major labels are male and 0.2% female, yet black men get 0.76% of spins for current singles and black women 0.03%. Of course the low number of blacks on major labels is taken as "evidence" of discrimination

Toronto restaurant naming menu after office supplies so you can expense your meals - "Good Fortune Burger has begun offering #RECEATS, their renamed menu items disguised as a number of common office tools. Their Fortune Burger has become the Basic Steel Stapler and Parm Fries are also known as CPU Wireless Mouse. "We just wanted an opportunity to put a smile on some people's faces and have them have a little bit of a giggle," says Jon Purdy, Director of Operations at Good Fortune Burger."

Meme - "Andrea Heinz @heitizsight2020: When was selling sex men would take me on trips; staying at luxurious hotels, eating at the fanciest restaurants, shopping & day spa treatments. Not a moment of it was ever enjoyable though because I knew what was to come after - the part where I had to let them rape my body."
The best part is she advertises that she's a "Former Brothel Owner"

Steven Di Giovanni on Twitter - "@heinzsight2020 I can so relate. I recently sold my PlayStation console, and the person paid me cash and that was great. However I couldn't enjoy the money because I knew what was to come after - the part where I had to let them steal my PlayStation"
Of course feminists will get upset and claim that you can't compare women to property, and that this shows that the people who make the argument are misogynists. But feminists aren't noted for their logical consistency

Lola Bunny (Space Jam) By Amouranth-Kaitlyn Bezos

Lola Bunny (Space Jam) by Amouranth

Indy on Twitter - "white people: Speedy Gonzales is offensive
mexicans: why?
white people: because he’s mexican
mexicans: why do you think being mexican is offensive"

Pair Who Led Racist Attack on Boy's Party Sentenced to Years in Prison - "A man and a woman were sentenced Monday to 13 and six years in prison, respectively, for joining a group of Confederate flag supporters who in 2015 drove around a small Georgia community threatening people, including a gathering of African-Americans celebrating a young boy's birthday... The two sentenced Monday, Jose Torres and Kayla Norton, who authorities said yelled racist slurs and threatened the birthday revelers with a shotgun, were the last of the group to be sentenced"

White and non-black people are told NOT to share Oprah memes because it is 'digital blackface' - "The Slow Factory Foundation, a non-profit dedicated to social and environmental justice, this week issues a warning about digital blackface, describing it as an online phenomenon where white and non-black people share GIFs and photos of black people to express emotion, and stating that it often perpetuates negative stereotypes that they are 'aggressive, loud, and sassy.'"
The "myth" of the slippery slope!

Halle Berry Cites 'One-Drop' Rule in Battle Over Whether Her Daughter Is Black or White - "Halle Berry said she is in a war of words with her ex-partner, Gabriel Aubry, about their daughter's racial identity.Berry, 44, is the daughter of a white mother, who was a psychiatric nurse, and a black father, who was a hospital attendant in the same ward. Aubry is French-Canadian and white.The couple is in the middle of a bitter custody battle over their 2-year-old girl, Nahla."I feel she's black. I'm black and I'm her mother, and I believe in the one-drop theory," Berry said in an interview with Ebony magazine.The "one-drop" rule refers to Jim Crow laws passed in the South during the 20th century to further disenfranchise African Americans."
Strange that "white privilege" and "white supremacy" mean people want to be minorities, not white

Wilfred Reilly on Twitter - "William is a biracial teenager in Nevada. He lives in transitional housing with his mother, Gabrielle, who is black and disabled. William works at a local fast food restaurant to support his mother and two siblings. His father died when he was young... Last year, William took a mandatory, yearlong class called Sociology of Change in which he was asked to reveal his race, gender, religious, and sexual identities and then attach derogatory labels to those identities.
Students were then asked to “undo and unlearn” their “beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors that stem from oppression.” William was understandably reluctant to label himself as “privileged” or an “oppressor.” He refused and was failed.
So Gabrielle Clark filed suit in the Federal District Court of Nevada, claiming the school violated William’s First Amendment rights by “repeatedly compelling his speech involving intimate matters of race, gender, sexuality and religion.”"
"This is indeed a ridiculous case: a light-skinned Black dude - I feel your pain, bro - may not be allowed to graduate HS after refusing to denounce his white "oppressor privilege." Wot? Check out the link."

Miscellaneous - "Today, I was walking to school with my earphones in, when someone tapped me on the shoulder. I was shocked, and whirled around to hit him in the crotch. I soon realized he was just trying to return the commuter pass I'd dropped at the station. FML "

Uni hosts OnlyFans event for students keen on 'starting' and to 'destigmatise sex work' - "As part of Ohio State University’s “Sex Week”, Psychology and Political Science student Emma King hosted a webinar advising would-be OnlyFans creators on how to examine their experiences and take the stigma out of sex work.The hour-long online event, which took place on Saturday, February 20, was organised by OSU’s Student Advocates for Sexual Health Awareness (SASHA)."
It is good for universities to promote sex work. But good luck if a student association promotes something liberals disapproves of

Effects Of Women’s Seductive Dressing On Men’s Behaviour And Judgement: A Study In Selected Universities In Ghana - "Fashion, nowadays among others, has ostensibly been a defining factor of class differentiation among university students. Most students, particularly the females, struggle daily to meet up to these standards. Whereas modesty, courtesy, virtue and chastity among others are the terms which characterised the dressing of parents in a decade ago, modernity seems to have swept all these away and recast them in new relative meanings. In the light of this the study sought to find out the effects of women’s suggestive dressing on men’s behaviour and judgement. The study adopted survey as a research design. The study population involved students from University of Education, Winneba (Kumasi campus), Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, University of Ghana, Ghana Telecommunication University College and University of Development Studies. A sample size of 250 students was considered for the study. The constituents were made up of 125 females whereas the males were 125. Stratified sampling technique was used to group the population into sub strata. However, simple random sampling was used to select the five (5) universities. The study used questionnaire as the data collection instruments. The study found that there are different attires worn by female students on university campuses. Aside these varieties of dresses lay the motives for which female students wear them that culminates into the different attitudes men put up towards them. That is to say, most male students get tempted to lust after female students by their dressings. This affinity has the possibility of leading to promiscuous lifestyle on campuses. Based on this conclusions were made and recommendations included the issue that there should be institution of control measures on the university campuses to help monitor and direct females students to dress well."

Professor Makes Ancient Mesopotamia Food From 3,770 Years Ago - "It's not unusual for people to use recipes from decades past as a way to explore what dishes were like from long ago, but Bill Sutherland took this idea to another level with his recent endeavor into ancient food preparation. Using a 3,770-year-old Mesopotamian tablet as his recipe book, the University of Cambridge professor cooked a now-viral feast that those living in 1750 BCE Babylon would’ve eaten. So, what was on the menu? Many of the dishes sound like things we'd enjoy today. One entree was a “stew of lamb,” which Sutherland called “simple and delicious” and included barley cakes topped with crushed leek and garlic. Another was called Unwinding with sauteed leeks, spring onions, and sourdough crumbs... While many of the dishes called for conventional ingredients, there were some notable exceptions. The Elamite broth, for instance, instructed Sutherland to use sheep’s blood, which he substituted with tomato sauce."

The rule of three: How the third event signals the emergence of a streak - "It is well established that people perceive streaks where they do not exist. However, little is known about what constitutes a streak in the mind of an observer. This paper proposes that the third repeat event in a sequence is pivotal to the subjective belief that a streak is occurring. In five studies, we find direct and indirect evidence that perceived streakiness plateaus with the third repeat outcome in a sequence. The evidence to support this rule of three comes from various domains, including: observation of randomly determined probabilistic outcomes, investment decisions in response to performance histories, and basketball shooting percentages."

Women warned not to put ice lollies in their vagina to cool off in hot weather - "This isn't the first bizarre warning experts have issued to women recently.In June, a nurse begged ladies not to try and vacuum their periods after two young women were hospitalised for doing just that... Over the last few months, females have also been urged not to put garlic,parsley,bath bombs and cucumbers inside their vaginas."
Kink shaming!

Indonesian lady says gust of wind made her pregnant, police start investigating - "Indonesian police in the town of Cianjur, West Java, Indonesia are looking into a strange claim made by a 25-year-old woman who says that she was made pregnant by a gust of wind – not via sexual intercourse – and proceeded to give birth to a baby girl.Even more strange is the claim made by the woman named Siti Zainah that it all happened within the span of an hour... Curiously, this also isn't the first case of such "immaculate conception"-type incidences in Indonesia. According to news portal Coconuts, one such similar case happened in July last year, while in 2017, a supposed virgin gave birth to a "magical baby" after a three-hour gestation period."

Robber arrested in Slovakia after woman distracts him by giving oral sex - "According to the republic’s daily Noviny.sk, the suspect had earlier robbed the petrol station at Bratislava, the republic’s capital, and punched the cashier several times.Before leaving, he went to the office to try to take more money from a safe.“Under mysterious circumstances, an unknown woman entered the office via a back entrance,” the daily reported.The 36-year-old woman then gave the suspect oral sex before the arrival of police.When police found the duo, they were half-naked and lying on the floor.“The woman’s first words to police when found were to take the suspect as she couldn’t continue anymore”"

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