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Monday, August 30, 2021

Links - 30th August 2021 (1)

New York Times deletes tweet saying 'airplanes took aim' at towers on 9/11 - "The New York Times has deleted a tweet saying “airplanes took aim” at the Twin Towers on 9/11 after getting flack for not mentioning that Al Queda terrorists had hijacked the planes that brought down the towers, killing close to 3,000 people.The original tweet read: “18 years have passed since airplanes took aim and brought down the World Trade Center. Today families will once again gather and grieve at the site where more than 2000 people died.”But that tweet was quickly scrubbed following a fury on Twitter that continued even after the offending tweet was removed."

Stephen Knight 🔊 on Twitter - "Philip Russell, 28, was killed while en route to work on 7 July 2005, when the bus he was on exploded."
"And in unrelated news, John F. Kennedy died in 1963 when the head he was using exploded."

Ayishat Akanbi on Twitter - "Never until anti-racism became mainstream have I experienced so many white people so eager to tell me which ways I am oppressed, and how they will always be innately more “privileged” and powerful than me."

Valued at £67 Billion, the Monarchy is Britain’s Greatest Treasure - "Brand Finance estimates that in 2017 the Monarchy generated a gross uplift of £1.766 billiontothe UK economy.The contribution includes the Crown Estate’ssurplus as well as the Monarchy’s indirect effect on various industries. The respect for the institution boosts the price and volume premium  of  brands  boasting  a  Royal  Warrant  or  a  Coat  of  Arms;  the  appeal  of  pomp  and circumstance set in living royal residences draws millions of tourists; the mystique surrounding the Monarchy adds to the popularity of shows like The Crown and Victoria that offer a glimpse of the private lives of the Royal Family. The economic benefits generated by the Monarchy come at a very low cost to the British nation, equal to only £4.50 per person per year or just over 1p a day. The total costs of the Monarchy, totalling approximately £292 million,include the Sovereign Grant, earnings from the Duchies of Lancaster  and  Cornwall  ceded  to  the  Queen  and  the  Prince  of Wales, and  security  expenses, among others. A significant proportion of these costs is in fact incurred by residence maintenance, staff salaries, and travel expenditures required by any head of state."

Effect of dietary carbohydrate on triglyceride metabolism in humans - "When the content of dietary carbohydrate is elevated above the level typically consumed (>55% of energy), blood concentrations of triglycerides rise. This phenomenon, known as carbohydrate-induced hypertriglyceridemia, is paradoxical because the increase in dietary carbohydrate usually comes at the expense of dietary fat. Thus, when the content of the carbohydrate in the diet is increased, fat in the diet is reduced, but the content of fat (triglycerides) in the blood rises. The present article will review studies of carbohydrate-induced hypertriglyceridemia, highlighting data obtained in fasted subjects habituated to high carbohydrate diets, data obtained from subjects in the fed state, and metabolic studies investigating fatty acid and triglyceride synthesis in subjects consuming diets of different carbohydrate content. The available data have been recently expanded by new methodologies, such as the use of stable isotopes, to investigate the metabolism of sugars in humans in vivo. Given the significant increase in body weight observed in the American population over the past decade and the changing availability of carbohydrate in the food supply, future studies of carbohydrate-induced hypertriglyceridemia promise to provide important information of how the macronutrient composition of the diet can influence health"
Yet so many people think a low carb diet does to you what a high carb one really does

Ketogenic diets inhibit mitochondrial biogenesis and induce cardiac fibrosis - "In addition to their use in relieving the symptoms of various diseases, ketogenic diets (KDs) have also been adopted by healthy individuals to prevent being overweight. Herein, we reported that prolonged KD exposure induced cardiac fibrosis. In rats, KD or frequent deep fasting decreased mitochondrial biogenesis, reduced cell respiration, and increased cardiomyocyte apoptosis and cardiac fibrosis. Mechanistically, increased levels of the ketone body β-hydroxybutyrate (β-OHB), an HDAC2 inhibitor, promoted histone acetylation of the Sirt7 promoter and activated Sirt7 transcription. This in turn inhibited the transcription of mitochondrial ribosome-encoding genes and mitochondrial biogenesis, leading to cardiomyocyte apoptosis and cardiac fibrosis. Exogenous β-OHB administration mimicked the effects of a KD in rats. Notably, increased β-OHB levels and SIRT7 expression, decreased mitochondrial biogenesis, and increased cardiac fibrosis were detected in human atrial fibrillation heart tissues. Our results highlighted the unknown detrimental effects of KDs and provided insights into strategies for preventing cardiac fibrosis in patients for whom KDs are medically necessary."
One keto guy at first claimed that he didn't know what sort of fat the rats were being fed, then when I showed him the relevant part, ignored that there were rats on a normal diet as a control group and claimed the rats should've been fed butter and red meat Epic War History - Posts | Facebook - "This is Major Digby Tatham-Warter, a British officer who fought in World War 2. He was famous for carrying his umbrella into battle. The main reason he carried an umbrella everywhere was because he had trouble remembering passwords and declared that anyone who saw him would obviously assume that only a "bloody fool Englishman" would carry an umbrella into combat against the Nazis. During the battle of Arnhem, Digby led a bayonet charge wearing a bowler hat instead of a helmet against German tanks that were attempting to cross a bridge. His umbrella proved to come in handy as he was able to use it to disable a German armored car, by pushing it through the observational slit and poking the eyes of the driver, completely incapacitating him. When Digby saw a chaplain pinned down by enemy fire, he reportedly said, "Don't worry about the bullets, I've got an umbrella". He then proceeded to escort him across the street using his umbrella to "shield" him. In another exchange, a fellow officer is said to have told him "that thing won't do you any good", to which Digby replied "Oh my goodness Pat, but what if it rains? Eventually, Digby was captured by the Germans but quickly managed to escape. He built a compass from the buttons on his uniform to navigate behind enemy lines. Instead of returning back to base, he proceeded to disguise himself as a deaf-mute son of a Dutch lawyer with the help of the Dutch resistance. To test his disguise he stayed at an inn that also housed German soldiers and he even helped push a Nazi staff car out of a ditch. No one recognized that he was a British soldier in disguise. He went on to round up 150 POWs and used bicycles to ride back to freedom. This was known as Operation Pegasus. After the war, Digby went on to create the modern safari, where he dictated that animals should be observed and photographed instead of being hunted and killed. He passed away in 1993 of natural causes."

Francis Foster on Twitter - "The funniest joke of 2020 will always be middle class, privately educated comedians lecturing me about why socialism is great. Mate, my cousin lives in Venezuela and drinks water from a tank on his roof. I think there’s a couple of flaws in your argument..."

Gad Saad - Posts | Facebook - "I watched a few minutes of the @Scotus hearings and then decided that I had had enough.  Here is what I saw (summarizing):  Dear Judge Barrett, why do you wish to kill people who have serious illnesses?  Why do you hate people with diabetes?  They are people too."

Gad Saad - Posts | Facebook - "So now we know the playbook:  They can't accuse Judge Barrett of being a serial gang rapist so they will accuse her of being the head of a star chamber of judges seeking to exterminate all people with illnesses. Stay classy @thedemocrats."

Gad Saad - Posts | Facebook - "According to progressives and @thedemocrats, the person on the left (Judge Barrett) is a fanatical religious extremist. The person on the right (deceased leader of ISIS) is an austere religious scholar.  This is not hyperbole but literally true. Vote for the other party."

Man in Taiwan forced to sell PS5 after wife discovers it was not an air purifier

Man buys PS5 & had it installed as a 5G router by a Sony staff to deceive his wife - "Stories making the rounds in the Vietnamese Facebook group – Vietnam Gaming Setup is that a family man who wanted a PS5 but didn’t want the wife to find out had the console installed as a 5G WIFI router. The man is said to have instructed the guy from Sony who was going to install the console to dress up in the uniform of a local network service provider Viettel. They didn’t stop there, a sticker of the network’s after-sales service contact was posted on the side of the PS5 to further douse any suspicion the wife might have."

Swedish Guy Who Created Kiwi Pizza Says Wife Divorced Him After It Went Viral - "When Stellan Johansson of Skottorp, Sweden, was gifted 10kg worth of kiwi fruit by his brother last Christmas, he had absolutely no clue whatsoever as to what to do with them... As well as this significant blow to his personal life, Stellan has also had to endure some hateful comments – and even death threats. He has received approximately 50 death threats in total, and believes all of them were sent by ‘Italians living inside or outside of Italy’. Most of the comments, according to Stellan, are ‘mostly about me destroying Italian culture and that I should die’... Stellan also expressed that his ‘goal for 2021’ was to find one hater in particular, inviting them out for ‘kiwi pizza and beer at a pizzeria in Italy’."

A non-Muslim woman sued a Muslim woman for ruining her | AskLegal.my - "You can sue your husband’s lover for adultery—after you’ve established a case against him to get a divorce. Now this might be rather assuring for those who are worried about their partner’s straying away—you might be left with a broken heart, but at least you have more money.But the courts have now made an exception to this law, on whether or not you can destroy your partner’s lover…financially. The judges in AJS v RIS & Anor [2020] stated that the husband’s (alleged) lover, a Muslim woman—cannot be sued by the wife during separation proceedings between non-Muslims."

3 years’ jail for doctor who took 3,000 upskirt videos at JCs, hospitals and malls with his ‘special shoes’ - "Chu Ben Wee started filming up women’s skirts and watching the videos for his own pleasure while studying in a top junior college.He stopped doing this during his medical undergraduate days at the National University of Singapore, but started again when he started work at public hospitals.Chu cut a hole at the front of his shoe, hid a GoPro camera in it and positioned his foot under the skirts of doctors and nurses.He also managed to gain entry into a junior college career fair by wearing a school uniform that he bought from e-commerce platform Carousell.He managed to take 97 videos there before a student caught him... While investigations were ongoing, Chu continued taking more upskirt videos"

Michigan Attorney General Says Being Wished a Merry Christmas ‘Devastated’ Her Son - "A follower told Nessel in response: “Being offended is a choice. If you’re offended by an expression of goodwill, that’s a you problem. If someone wishes me Happy Hanukkah or Ramadan I just say thanks as it’s said with good intentions. Asking people of faith to not use these is telling them to hide their faith. Nope.”Another was confused how the greetings could cause such harm. “There are only 2 holidays in December. I say Happy Hanukah to my Jewish friends and Merry Christmas to my Christian friends. I belong to neither religion, but somehow I manage these small gestures to goodwill without severe damage to my psyche.”"

FUCK MY LIFE TWEETS on Twitter - "Today, I found out my 7-year-old daughter really did lie about my husband’s “other girlfriend“ as revenge for being grounded, and that he never cheated on me at all. We‘re well into our divorce proceedings and he won’t forgive me for not believing him when he denied it. FML"

Please do not perceive me ❌ on Twitter - "[during sex]
Me: hurt me
Him: your obsession with books doesn't make you quirky or intelligent, you just seek fiction as escapism from your own life
Me: wait
Him: you root for character development and relationships in stories because you're unable to cultivate your own"

Sarah on Twitter - "My bf got me a hematite ring that breaks when it's absorbed too much negative energy from my life. It only took a month and I need a new one."
"I need to start selling poor quality products and start marketing them like this"

Egypt sentences TikTok star to 10 years in prison for 'human trafficking' - "Haneen Hossam, a 20-year-old Cairo University student who became an influencer on video sharing app Tiktok, was sentenced in absentia on Sunday alongside four others.  While all five were fined 200,000 Egyptian pounds (£9,160) for encouraging women to share videos in exchange for money, which Egyptian authorities equated to human trafficking...   Ms Hossam was first arrested last year after posting a video explaining how women could earn money by posting videos online, which authorities interpreted as encouraging online prostitution"

Meme - "10 years from now expect to hear girls complaining about how they were "forced" and "groomed" to twerk on TikTok & OnlyFans and will blame men. No accountability"
Natutrally, if you have concerns about women exposing themselves on TikTok and OnlyFans today, you are mocked and told you have a small dick

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