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Tuesday, June 08, 2021

Links - 8th June 2021 (2)

Politically Incorrect - Posts - "Recognize the crazy fads, and refuse to play. Laugh, if need be, but do not play.
Via Stephen W. Browne
Learn now Steve's Four Rules of Power
Demonstrate your power over others by:
1) Making them constantly afraid of giving offense unintentionally.
2) Making them give up cherished customs, symbols, pastimes.
3) Making them pay lip service to ideas of breathtaking absurdity.
4) Making them do things that disgust and repel them.
Corollary: Give a nonentity a taste of power and he will never let it go."

Perma Banned - Posts - "lotheriel: I‘d like to address the attention I've received regarding my Princess Yue cosplay. I‘m a huge Avatar fan, and was excited when the show was being offered again on Netflix, so I rushed to bring back my Yue cosplay. That being said, I want to make it clear that not one character from ATLA is white. I can recognize how - as a white person - choosing to cosplay an indigenous character was insensitive and distasteful, regardless of the manner of how it was done. I want to apologize for making that choice. As a cosplayer I've seen how POC cosplayers, and especially Black cosplayers, are constantly treated. Any criticism I've experienced is nothing in comparison to the trauma they have to face daily. Cosplay is a transformative hobby that should foster inclusivity, not one that should be based around excluding or ridiculing anyone for the color of their skin. I'll continue to share and uplift Black and POC cosplayers through my stories to help bring them the love their hard work deserves."
"*non-white person cosplays white character*
“She can cosplay as whoever she wants!” -白左
*white person cosplays non-white character*
Did I ever say that Westerner Leftists Arbitrary Moral Police are a joke throughout the world? Can’t even so much as do something harmless that you enjoy without a bunch of overprivileged and overcomfortable worry-free children making a fucking scene and turning everything political. Fucking clowns"

WATCH: Vancouver Police to investigate tire marks on LGBT crosswalk as 'gesture of hate' - "The poor West Vancouver Police are having to waste their time on a report of tire marks "tarnishing" the new Pride crosswalk in West Vancouver... "You'll see the tire marks in the photo. The suspect accelerated at a high rate of speed, leaving tire skid marks across the pedestrian crosswalk as well as along Esquimalt Ave. We are hoping that someone will recognize the vehicle and contact us.""
Guess they can't defund the police after all

'Proud to be Canadian': BCCDC 'glory holes' sex tip makes international headlines - "The BC Centre for Disease Control has released a number of safe sex tips in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, and it has some rather surprising suggestions.For one, the centre notes that the positions best suited for sex during the pandemic are those with "minimal face-to-face contact." They also note that it is best to use barriers when possible.And what exactly constitutes a barrier?Walls, such as glory holes, that allow for sexual contact but prevent close face-to-face contact... New York City also suggested intercourse through walls in June. That said, the article highlights that the city, "did not outright call them glory holes … sorry, NYC, Canada is holier than thou!"... The news has also reached the Vice President of YouPorn, Charlie Hughes, who has stated that the company will offer a $100,000 grant to support the construction of glory holes B.C.-wide."

Meme - "Feminist mother forces child to be naked to protest, the embarrassed child tries to hide the body with her hands."
"And welcome to feminist parenting 101."

Lucas Lynch - "This Supreme Court Case in Oklahoma is just bizarre.People who know nothing about it are celebrating half of Oklahoma being declared Native American territory, not realizing the reason this happened was to overturn a conviction of a child rapist, serving a life sentence for raping a 4-year-old child.This doesn't necessarily let him off the hook, as now only Federal authorities can try crimes within these territories. Just a bizarre way to this conclusion and a bizarre reaction"

Check mate feminists : dankmemes - "Some say Rey is the strongest female character. Others say it is Carol Denvers. But deep down we all know it's The T-Rex from Jurrasic Park""

Omar: 'We Must Dismantle The Oppressive System That Allowed A Refugee To Get Elected To The Highest Legislative Body In The Land' | The Babylon Bee - "During a press conference earlier this week, Representative Ilhan Omar called on the nation to dismantle the oppressive, racist system that allowed a Somalian refugee to become a citizen and get elected to the highest legislative body in the land... "The whole thing is racist -- dismantle it all," she added before heading to a dinner party for elites in Washington."

Matt Walsh on Twitter - "This country gave Ilhan Omar everything. She came here for refuge and received it. And then was quickly given power and prestige beyond the imagining of most natural born citizens. She should live every day in gratitude but instead she despises America and most of its citizens."

Did Belle Delphine Get Arrested? - "Perhaps part of the reason people seem so willing to believe absurd rumors about Dalphine’s bathwater is that she’s fooled her fans before. In June, she posted a picture of herself to Instagram in fishnet stockings and “F*ck Me!” pasties, and told followers that if the photo got 1 million likes, she’d make a PornHub account. “The time has officially come.”The picture got over 1 million likes, and Delphine kept her word. Sort of. She uploaded 12 videos which included, “Belle Delphine gets SCISSORED,” a video of her cutting up paper with scissors, and “Belle Delphine plays with her PUSSY,” a video of her petting two stuffed cats."

Michael Brendan Dougherty on Twitter - "If I had known Bari Weiss was also breathing air, I would have asphyxiated myself earlier. Please accept my strangulated corpse as evidence of my commitment to “do the work.” I’m trying to do better."

Meme - "I'm sorry Daddy. I've been a bad girl"
For the last time... It's "Forgive me Father for I have sinned""

A Tesla YouTuber Wants a Gas Car and Now YouTube Keeps Taking Down His Video - "Rich Benoit announced to his over 700,000 YouTube subscribers that he was selling his latest Tesla project in favor of purchasing a gas powered vehicle. Within hours the video was taken down for violating Community Guidelines... Benoit pointed to the high dislike ratio on his video within the first 15 minutes as the reason why he suspects it was in fact die hard fans of electric vehicles who flagged his video... after submitting an appeal, he received a message from YouTube stating the video had not violated Community Guidelines and had been reinstated. Motherboard also watched the video and it doesn’t appear to violate any of YouTube’s Community Guidelines... After reuploading the video it was once again flagged and taken down.“I have given up yes,” Benoit said when asked if he would try uploading again. “It's not worth it me trying for a third time.”" The Cult of Elon strikes again

DC Wants to Fix Superman. Here's What They Could Learn from Marvel's Success with Captain America. - "“DC Films still doesn’t know what to do with Superman, the studio reportedly is unsure how to make the character ‘relevant to modern audiences,’” said Forbes’s tweet of Di Placido’s article. Why is Superman failing to connect? Di Placido posited that Superman’s “godlike powers and righteous attitude” are “too alienating for modern audiences.”That has long been the prevailing theory: that Superman is a problematic character because he is too powerful and too good. This charge has been made on multiple grounds.One common claim is that it leads to boring stories. Good stories, it is said, need challenges and perils for the hero to overcome. A hero who is unstoppable and invulnerable to harm therefore is boring. And morally righteous heroes are also boring, because they have no internal demons to overcome, and thus no room for growth.But Di Placido didn’t say “boring.” She said “alienating.” Why would power and goodness serve to alienate?Maybe it’s because mere mortal readers have trouble identifying with such a perfect character.But I think it’s more than that. After all, audiences in 1938 and 1978 were just as mortal as audiences today. Why would “modern audiences” be “alienated” by power and goodness when past audiences were not?Maybe it’s the way we have been taught to regard “being super.”According to a common worldview, many forms of “being super” are often considered, not admirable, but suspect. Not worthy of emulation, but of resentment. Not a source of inspiration, but of envy.Entrepreneurs who achieve super-success in business are regarded as villains, even by those who benefit greatly from their products and services. People with high-functioning virtues like industry and frugality who dare to encourage others to work and save are denounced for “poverty shaming.”Even fit people who promote healthy habits in others are bashed for “fat shaming.”With such an attitude, it’s no surprise that some might find Superman alienating. Superman, as traditionally conceived, is a Platonic ideal of human excellence: of health, vitality, self-discipline, and heroism.If you look at excellence in others as something to envy, resent, and attack, then a symbolic figure like Superman will be a standing insult that only makes you feel worse about yourself.But if you look at human excellence in others as something to admire, celebrate, emulate, and aspire to, then you will more likely see Superman as inspiring and uplifting. You know you can never achieve his superhuman perfection, but you embrace the fantasy as a symbolic ideal, a guiding star. That being said, I think it’s the filmmakers, not the audiences, who are to blame for not appreciating what Superman has to offer.Superman’s copyright-holding custodians have long bought into the theory that classic Superman is too powerful and good, and so they’ve tried to remedy that by giving “modern” Superman feet of clay. They have powered him down and made him vulnerable to getting knocked around, even beaten to death.But more perniciously, they have weakened him morally. Over and over again, they have depicted Superman as a morally compromised government stooge or a power-mad would-be dictator. Zak Snyder’s Superman is a mopey, tormented figure whose inner conflict and hesitancy lead to catastrophic failure and mass casualties.The more pertinent question is: why is that version of Superman failing to inspire audiences? My guess is that they are not intimidated by his strength, but bored and even disgusted by his weakness.A testament to that interpretation is the enormous and enthusiastic popularity of Captain America in the Marvel Cinematic Universe... Captain America’s popularity is a hopeful sign that, in spite of envy and cynicism toward virtue being drilled into us by media, academia, politicians, and activists, a core part of the human spirit will always be drawn to, and be able to learn from, stories that inspire us to become better versions of ourselves. And this inner core is as impervious to deconstruction as Superman is to bullets."

Meme - "The penis of a virgin. Penis is still large and healthy. It hasn't been crushed inside dozens of vaginas and will one day make the right woman a very happy wife.
The penis of a man who has had multiple sexual partners. Penis has shriveled down to less than 1/3 of its original size due to vaginal pressure and will no longer be able to pleasure any woman""

Jedi is not a religion, Charity Commission rules - "The commission rejected an application to grant charitable status to The Temple of the Jedi Order.It said Jediism did not "promote moral or ethical improvement" for charity law purposes in England and Wales. In the 2011 census, 177,000 people declared themselves Jedi under the religion section, making it the seventh most popular religion...  others took the message from the Star Wars films further, aiming to build a belief system and religious code inspired by the franchise. In its ruling the Charity Commission said Jediism "lacked the necessary spiritual or non-secular element" it was looking for in a religion.  It said there was insufficient evidence that "moral improvement" was central to the beliefs and practices of Jediism and did not have the "cogency, cohesion, or seriousness" to truly be a belief system. The commission said to be classed as a religion it must also have a positive beneficial impact on society in general and raised concerns that Jediism may, in part, have an "inward focus" on its members... Jediism has more adherents than Rastafarians and Jains, according to the 2011 census."

Census: 'Jedi knights' and 'man traps' - "While "Jedi knight" was a popular choice of religion in the last census, equally frivolous answers were recorded in the 19th Century.A baker, for example, was registered as "master of the rolls and burn crust"... Knowingly giving inaccurate information on the 2011 census can result in a fine, but a 19th Century minister had no such worries when he filled in records for the parishioners of Middleton, in Norfolk.The Very Reverend Dr Peter Scrimshire Wood registered a butcher as a "cut throat of pigs" and a greengrocer as a "cabbage gelder".He also listed mothers of illegitimate children as "whore and man trap".Whether he was doing this for his own amusement, or his records reflected his low opinion of the villagers, is unclear... Ministers such as Dr Wood, together with local farmers and employers, were charged with filling in details for the first censuses because the population in the early 19th Century was largely illiterate."

Lucas Lynch - Hagia Sophia: Turkey turns iconic Istanbul museum into mosque "It is only in the free, cosmopolitain west that we have morally evolved to know that our former conquests were unjustifiable.Other regions of the world have no such self reflection or embarrassment over their equivalent behaviors.That there is no wringing of hands from the self-appointed warriors for the oppressed over this harkening back to Turkey's undeniable imperialist roots shows that their concern was disingenuous to begin with. It has always been selective, political, and for an end that is not to the benefit of those on whose behalf they claim concern.When the Temple Mount was controlled by Jordan, no Jews were allowed to pray there. By contrast, as long as Israel has controlled the site, they have affirmed and protected the right of Muslims to pray there, even though the presence of a mosque at the site is an equivalent testament to conquest and violence towards the indigenous populations.This is why the moral progress made by the west is still worthy of examination and defense. It is only in the bosom of the Enlightenment that a cosmopolitain future of tolerance and freedom is to be found, where we move forward together as one human family."

Converting Hagia Sophia Into a Mosque is a Violation of Islamic Law - "In Islam, there are stringent and sophisticated rules for the establishment of a Mosque. A building cannot simply be converted into a Mosque by a President or a High Court decision. That is a violation of Islamic Jurisprudence and Sharia Law. Prophet Mohammad said: “Whoever usurps the land of somebody unjustly, his neck will be encircled with it down the seven earths (on the Day of Resurrection).” For a Mosque to be lawfully established in accordance with Islamic laws, the property in which prayers will be held needs to be transferred to Muslims appropriately, through either a donation or lawful purchase. It cannot be occupied by force, as is the case with Hagia Sophia. Secondly, we Muslims require permission to pray on any land that is not considered public property. The water we use to purify ourselves for the washing ritual before prayers (Wudhu), needs to either be owned by us, or from a public source (such as a public tap, fountain or a river) or used by the permission of its rightful owner. Without the consent of the land’s owner(s), Muslims cannot pray on that land, and prayer on it will be considered void. Imam Abu Hamed al-Ghazali, one of Islam’s most prominent jurists, states that: “In regard to the Mosque, if it is constructed in an illegally usurped land, or with wood that is illegally usurped from another mosque or property, it is impermissible to enter it, even to offer Friday prayer.” — Lawful and Unlawful, Page 196. Grand Ayatollah Sistani rules that: “Usurpation is when a person unjustly takes control over the property or right of someone else. It is something that the intellect, Qur’an, and traditions all rule to be unlawful.” The Church in Turkey would be considered the rightful owner of Hagia Sophia, and without their permission, an Islamic prayer within the venue would be void. Ironically, the Islamic Laws issued by Erdogan’s good friend, the “Supreme Leader” Grand Ayatollah Khamenei, require that a Mosque is established on “ownerless land” and for the sole purpose of it being a Mosque."

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