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Thursday, June 10, 2021

Links - 10th June 2021 (1)

African American Abolitionists In Britain | HistoryExtra Podcast - HistoryExtra - "Just because you were an abolitionist, it did not mean that you're anti racist or that you were free from the white privilege that obviously you bore. So the abolitionists who slandered and ruined and raped his reputation, had no qualms about it. They demonstrated this sort of paternalism over visiting activists. So for example, and another way this manifested itself was that if an individual came over to raise money to purchase their own legal freedom from slavery, or perhaps and their family or brothers and sisters, mothers, fathers, daughters, you know, children, British abolitionists decided, well, I will look after that money for you, you cannot be trusted to look after that money. So obviously, there's a kind of strand of racism there. And again, there was an element of control as well with certain activists who came over. There, there was a sort of deliberate decision to try and control where they were going, where they shouldn't go, where they should try and publish their narratives, what they should say even on the anti slavery sort of circuit. Again, Frederick Douglass, before he came to the UK, he was told by the abolitionist movement: stick to the facts, we will take care of the philosophy. So what they wanted was Douglass to stand up and share the facts of his enslaved life and to step back down again"

Michael Lewis Discusses Treasure Finds | HistoryExtra Podcast - HistoryExtra - "A substantial amount of objects are recorded through the portable antiquity scheme are Roman in date, which might surprise some people actually, and you know, talking about those people from other, other countries to think that almost 50% of the dataset is Roman material is quite, is quite amazing. We are selective in recording post medieval material to be fair, so, you know, that explains some of that but even so, the Romans seemed to be throwing stuff all over the place, you know, I don't know what they were, they were careless, I think, in my opinion, but anyway, one of the things that they did, they do seem to lose in in terrific numbers are these coins and grot really is a very, I suppose, is a pretty crude term to describe these Roman coins, normally, of base metals so copper alloy that that are heavily corroded, and indeed for most people, they look like a disc and nothing more"

Meme - "Know the warning signs of WHITE SUPREMACY
1. Full time employment
2. Literacy
3. Professional or technical degree
4. Regular church/temple attendance
5. Auto insurance
6. Good credit rating
7. No criminal record"

Facebook knew its algorithms divided users, execs killed fixes: report - "One 2016 report found that "64% of all extremist group joins are due to our recommendation tools," with most people joining at the suggestion of Facebook's "Groups You Should Join" and "Discover" algorithms. "Our recommendation systems grow the problem," the researchers said, according to The Journal.The Journal reported that Facebook teams pitched multiple fixes, including limiting the spread of information from groups' most hyperactive and hyperpartisan users, suggesting a wider variety of groups than users might normally encounter, and creating subgroups for heated debates to prevent them from derailing entire groups."

A Massive Trove Of Over 2,500 MS-DOS Games Now Free To Play - "1991 just called, bringing some presents from a simpler time. Over 2,500 of them, to be exact. If you thought playing Diablo on browser was cool, wait till you get a load of this huge collection of MS-DOS games that are available for free now on the Internet Archive."

From Singapore with love - "At 32, Rana Shikder is waiting for death, but he is content because he is at home.When he does slip off this mortal coil, Rana will have his loved ones beside him instead of being thousands of miles away in a cold, anonymous hospital bed. And he has Cynthia Goh to thank for it... Distraught and devastated, all Rana wanted was to go home to Karaitala, Narayanganj and spend his last days with his loved ones."The image of my mother and son flashed through my mind. There was nothing I wanted more than to be with them in my dying days."In stepped Cynthia Goh, a senior consultant of the Singapore National Cancer Centre... They contacted the Bangladesh embassy, 'but did not get good response from the high commission'."

S'pore taxi driver, 40, jailed 4 months for posting false info in private Facebook group for 15 minutes - "Lai saw a text message in one of his WhatsApp group chats between April 15 and 16 that was a rumour.The message said that “disposable food container can transmit the virus” and “hawker centre and coffeeshop will be closed”.Lai then reposted the information in the Taxiuncle Facebook group, which had 7,478 members, and embellished it with an added claim that he had “intel” from the government that “more measures” will be enforced over the weekend."
Amazing. Perhaps the chilling effect is intended - precisely to make people only trust/share government sources

Britain’s historic ghost villages - "Most of Britain’s ghost towns were abandoned after a previous pandemic – the Black Death – wiped out entire populations from hundreds of villages"

Couple "trapped" in hi-tech keyless car forgot to try the door handle... - "“We were trapped for thirteen hours in our own car” Brian Smith explained to reporters in Alexandra (New Zealand). “and the emergency services told us we’d have died if we’d been there for another half an hour. It’s a keyless car, so when the doors shut and we didn’t have the transponder key, we couldn’t get out. We tried to smash the window with a car jack, and we sounded our horn, but it was Guy Fawkes night and nobody noticed it, due to fireworks. We were trapped.“By morning my wife Mollyjeanne was unconscious and I was struggling to breathe, when neighbours finally rescued us and took us to hospital. I’ve since been shown how I could have opened the car door manually with the door handle, but I didn’t know that then. I thought the doors would only work with the transponder, so I didn’t try the handle. I think all owners of keyless cars need to educate themselves in how to operate their car”"

BBC Radio 4 - Best of Today, Monday's business with Dominic O'Connell - "‘Why do you think there are so few black people in the city?’
‘Well look at the compli-, this is a complicated question. I think people haven't wanted to talk about this. You know, people don't even like saying the word black. So they will often use the word BAME. But there's a problem with that, I mean, BAME stands for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic. And of course, within that acronym, you've got perhaps the most successful minority demographic in British history. The Asians. The Indian Asians, are slightly simplifying things, but there's no doubt that that's, that's part of the issue. And so when we talk about BAME and people look at their BAME stats, they'll say, look, my BAME stats are fine. But actually, when you look at the numbers, you know, there will almost always be another minority. And people haven't really wanted to talk about the black issue’
Apparently racism in the UK means that Indians do very well, but not other minorities

BBC Radio 4 - Best of Today, Thursday's business with Dominic O'Connell - "‘Tesla is unlike every other automaker out there, they make their cars, they update their cars via over the air software updates, and they can also sell customers upgrades after they've purchased the car. If those particular features were not available at time of purchase. And this has already got Tesla into trouble in Germany, but fans are lapping it up.’
‘But, some analysts have pointed out to the fact that they only made a profit in this quarter by booking $400 million worth of sale of tax credits to other, to other car makers, so there were not actually from selling cars at all.’...
'One of the reasons why Tesla has a lot of hate aimed at it is because it is so disruptive. It behaves more like a software company than a legacy automaker'
The usual 'people only hate them because they are different' claim. That's what cult members say too

BBC Radio 4 - Best of Today, Friday's business with Katie Prescott - "It's busy and getting busier, but so far the tourists are almost exclusively French. Of the British normally here in numbers even in this early part of the summer, not a sign. Much to the chagrin of *port’s* mayor, *name*.
‘We get a lot of British visitors here, especially the boating crowd. And it's funny they go to places here that only they know about. Places that the French don't even know. No, we really like the Brits and we miss them’ What the British and others are missing is a tourist season that's now very much up and running. What strikes one is how quickly this place seems to have resumed its regular rhythm. Yes, there are the masks. Yes, there are the floor markings and the signs. But other than that, it's hard to imagine that just a few weeks ago, *port*, like the rest of France was in complete lockdown.”

Simple Math Reveals CEO Pay Is Not Hurting Workers - "Using the OES data, we find that for all occupations, workers earn an average of $50,620 which totals $7.2 trillion given the 142.5 million workers included in the database. The 210,160 CEOs earned a total of $41.2 billion thanks to their $196,050 average salary. If we do the math, we find that CEOs captured a “whopping” 0.6% of all wages. If we took all salary away from all CEOs in America (not just the highest paid ones), and distributed it among all other workers, we other workers would each receive an additional $46 a year."
It's amazing how many leftists fail at maths

Manchester Arena Inquiry: Security 'did not approach bomber over racism fears' - "A security guard had a "bad feeling" about suicide bomber Salman Abedi but did not approach him for fear of being branded a racist, an inquiry has heard.Kyle Lawler, who was 18 at the time of the Manchester Arena attack, was standing 10 or 15ft away from Abedi.He later told police he was conflicted because he thought something was wrong but could not put his finger on it.About five minutes later, Abedi detonated a bomb... Abedi, 22, dressed all in black and carrying a large rucksack, had been reported to security by a member of the public at 22:15... In his statement to police, Mr Lawler said: "I just had a bad feeling about him but did not have anything to justify that."The witness added that Abedi was "fidgety and sweating"... "It's very difficult to define a terrorist. For all I knew he might well be an innocent Asian male."I did not want people to think I am stereotyping him because of his race."I was scared of being wrong and being branded a racist if I got it wrong and would have got into trouble. It made me hesitant."I wanted to get it right and not mess it up by over-reacting or judging someone by their race.""
Perhaps the clearest example so far of how political correctness kills - in this case 22 innocents. Less graphically, the Ferguson effect has probably killed more blacks in the US than the police ever will

BBC Radio 4 - Moral Maze, China - "‘This is just North Korea with a lot more money when it comes to that kind of psychology of power. Those interests are not necessarily those of the Chinese people. And when you look at Hong Kong, you clearly have a division within the Hong Kong population over what the best future is. It's very difficult to talk about the interest of the Chinese people in that situation. Those people are Chinese citizens. Many of them on the other hand resent the behavior of the Chinese government and some are considering taking up British citizenship. I find it highly ironic that so many people should wish to leave this glorious growing economic superpower to come and join this little backwater called Great Britain. Clearly there's something about us that the human, that human beings yearn for and what it is... is freedom, which actually trumps making money sometimes.’"

We left the UK for Portland expecting a liberal dream. That wasn’t the reality - "Five years ago, when we dreamed up our relocation from London to Portland, it went something like this: we’d land in the city where my husband’s mother lives, and which we knew to be a liberal, laid-back place, full of quirky, outdoorsy people (the Patagonia sort, not hunting).Whenever Portland featured on TV, it was mostly being sent up for its progressive earnestness, aided by the long-running comedy series Portlandia, which skewered the city’s hipster tendencies... The first surprise was the lack of non-white people. I later discovered that the 2010 census found Portland to be the whitest big city in the US. When our daughter started daycare, she came home and said she didn’t like her brown skin; she wanted to be white like the other kids. She was three. I felt like a fool for moving her out of a city where she would have been surrounded by people who look like her. Living in Portland was also the first time I felt noticed for being in a mixed-race marriage... I write all of this as a brown person and a recent transplant. Racism for black people in Portland is far more pervasive and damaging. It’s visible in housing policy, police brutality and who gets to work where... On a micro scale, we’ve made a happy life. What I love most about living in America is the feeling of possibility. Get in your car and you can drive for days through deserts, ghost towns, canyons, glaciers. We’ve spotted brown bears and bald eagles, driven around tornadoes, spent eight straight hours gripped to the wheel on icy snow. And in general, I find people less judgmental and cynical than in the UK."
If there's so much racism in a liberal utopia...

Nabisco builds concrete bunker to protect Oreos from asteroid disaster

Lalo Dagach - "Just watched the first 3 episodes of season 3 of #StarTrekDiscoveryDid anyone else notice how they got rid of all straight white males from the crew? Every main character is now a POC, a woman, or a LGBT white male. This is some epic next-level wokeness. LOLAlso, the show runners must have told Sonequa Martin-Green, “You how when the show started you were a stoic Vulcan-raised character? Well, pretend like that was never a thing, and just get emotional all the the time. Actually, go full-manic whenever possible.”And now the creators are patting themselves on the back for hiring a non-binary actor. yay. That will totally make up for the godawful dialogue, chaotic storylines and messy character development.I really don’t think I’m capable of watching anymore of this junk. It’s too painful."
"And of course, this dumpster fire of a season already has 93% critic approval rating on RT."

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