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Thursday, June 10, 2021

Links - 10th June 2021 (2)

Watch: AI camera mistakes referee’s bald head for ball, follows it through the match

James Lindsay - Posts | Facebook - "Agencies, Contractors Suspend Diversity Training To Avoid Violating Trump Order"
"This is terrible NPR. The executive order bans race and sex stereotyping and scapegoating. Do you support those? If your reporting on this simple thing is this misleading and bad, why should we believe anything you've reported on Donald J. Trumpis true? People really should push NPR on this. Why do they present a case that seems to support the ideas of race and sex scapegoating and stereotyping? Are they racist and sexist or what?"

Cafe shuts after Union Flag breakfasts branded racist - "Carol Brown and her daughter Candy Merrett had been serving the meal with patriotic toothpicks since they opened two years ago.But they were targeted by a barrage of online complaints. And some customers even ordered the meal just so they could throw the flags on the floor.The pair are now so upset and fed up they have decided to close their Station 164 cafe in Hornchurch, east London, for good."
We are still told that liberals don't hate their countries

DJ R-Tistic on Twitter - "America gotta be the only country that when you see someone wearing the flag, your first thought is “they probably racist AF”"

Dems tweet then delete post linking Trump's Mt. Rushmore event to ‘glorifying white supremacy’ - ""Trump has disrespected Native communities time and again," The Democrats wrote. "He's attempted to limit their voting rights and blocked critical pandemic relief. Now he's holding a rally glorifying white supremacy at Mount Rushmore- a region once sacred to tribal communities." Critics pounded the Democrats for the tweet, which has since been deleted."Would be curious to hear @TheDemocrats explain what part of shooting off fireworks at Mt. Rushmore for the 4th of July "glorifies white supremacy". The fireworks? Mt. Rushmore itself? The 4th of July?" GOP pollster Logan Dobson asked. "Like I think I know what they're implying here, and the tweet was obviously designed to tell their base something, but it would be really instructive if they were actually made to answer the question.""

Sargon of Akkad - Posts | Facebook - "The Democrats called planed 4th of July celebrations by Trump "Glorifying white supremacy" and then deleted the tweet when it did not go down well.Saying leftists hate the country is perfectly legitimate."

Escape The Echo Chamber - Posts | Facebook - "Recently a civil war statue was torn down in Colorado that represented a civil war era soldier. Some felt since it was a confederate era statue it glorified the racist Confederacy. Others viewed it as a Union Soldier that helped liberate the Southern slaves. Still others viewed it as representing the troop that committed the Sand Creek massacre — two thirds of the victims were women and children. One icon, three meanings, and an another excellent example of why it’s important to ask others why they chose their symbols and not just assume. This simple step could bridge a world of animosity."

Prof. Kate Antonova on Twitter - "No one should ever publish Andrew Sullivan, David Brooks, Matt Taibbi, Matt Ygesias, Steven Pinker, or Niall Ferguson ever again. Not to "cancel" them but because they have nothing of value to add and never have. They produce vapid, superficial, baseless clickbait."
What a big tent

Facebook - "Objectivity Is a Privilege Afforded to White Journalists"
"Destroying the epistemic authority of objectivity is one of the most harmful manifestations of wokeness. What's left are lived experience and a moral hierarchy that determines whose narratives matter more. Not only is this the death of journalism; it's the death of civilization"

James Lindsay - Posts | Facebook - "How to be an Antiracist, a required text in an engineering course."

SJWCentral - Posts | Facebook - "The Other 98%:
"Dickhead wants unionized Goodyear Tires (60k jobs)to go out of business because they hurt his feelings"
"Have you joined the Goya Foods Boycott yet?""

Thomas Sowell on Twitter - "In my old neighborhood, there was a special contempt for the kind of guy who was always trying to get other guys to fight each other. Today, it's considered a great contribution to society to incite consumers against producers, women against men, and the races against each other."

Video: Dozens of People in New Jersey Stop Their Cars, Mistake Blimp For a UFO - "The object is clearly a blimp and its flashing light can be seen blinking in the video."

Bones Equal Dollars 🦴= on Twitter - "People will say shit like "My Grandpa barely escaped the communists!" as if that's supposed it make me dislike communism instead of making me sorry they didn't catch his ass.
Like damn if they got him there's a chance we wouldn't be having this convo right now."

Facebook - "I mean, the Japanese were nuked, twice; that is nuked x2, and yet were competing with their nukers after 1 decade or so. To "be held back" by slavery (or colonialism) some 200 years onwards is a total WTF moment to me, to be honest."
Comments: "How about the Jews? In the 1940s, 6 million of them were slaughtered systematically. A few decades later, they were world leaders in technology."
"Same thing about Israel- people literally came out of the gas chambers and built a country. “Some other people” lived here for 2000 years under foreign rule and did pretty much nothing."
"Or take Germany as an example. Whole cities totally destroyed (Hamburg, Cologne more than 80, 90%). Major industries deconstructed as reperation. Tens of thousands of patents robbed. And? Nine years after WWII soccer World Champion in 1954 and no. 1 economic power in Europe 2nd only to the US."

Meme - "How old were you before you realised Casper the Friendly Ghost was just Richie Rich without hair and clothes"

Facebook - "My server said he liked my necklace.... sir....."
"Tf is he supposed to say? ”Hey nice huge fat ass titties, honk honk”??? You weird as fuck"

Facebook - "If you're under 40, your friends are probably much more likely to die by suicide than coronavirus. Be kind to one another.If politics are causing you to be cruel to people, stop talking about politics."

The trouble with dog-whistles - "One of the strange habits of our time is the one in which a self-appointed class roams the land, hands cupped to their ear, hoping to discern something they can identify as a ‘dog-whistle’. I wrote about this habit after Conservative MP Suella Braverman came in for a scolding for using the phrase ‘cultural Marxism’ in a speech.In the aftermath of that outrage, the Board of Deputies of British Jews – among others – expressed their concern that the phrase was in and of itself anti-Semitic. Since then, the Board has met with Ms Braverman and announced that it has discerned that there was in fact nothing “intentionally anti-Semitic” about her comments, and expressed sorrow about any hurt having been caused to the MP (who happens to have a Jewish husband). It is unlikely that any lesson will be learned about claiming to hear things beneath or above the pitch of normal words. Not least because there is now a phalanx of self-appointed bodies and individuals dedicated to this peculiar form of voluntary service.One oddity of the whole business of trying to hear dog-whistles is very basic: if you can hear the whistle, you must surely be the dog... to be able to hear on a whole different aural wave-length to everyone else – to be peculiarly attuned to the tones of the time and to be able to explain to everyone else – is one heck of a power to bestow upon yourself."

Arigonia - "Stan Lee was a bigot.He said Peter Parker could never be gay.So, stop with this Stan Lee worshiping.He not only refused to make spiderman queer, he also stated that Spiderman should never be gay. If you continue to idolize him, then you are just as bad."
"He said Peter Parker shouldn’t be gay because the character wasn’t written with the intention to be queer. There is more to LGBTQ+ inclusion that just queerwashing already established non-queer characters.And also, Peter Parker isn’t the only spider-man.Stan Lee created X-Men to show how we shouldn’t be discriminate or be afraid of people just because they are different. That’s whom you are trying to paint as a bigot."

"Just Because You Did It Doesn't Mean You're Guilty" : law

Hate crime bill: Hate talk in homes ‘must be prosecuted’ | Scotland | The Times - "Conversations over the dinner table that incite hatred must be prosecuted under Scotland’s hate crime law, the justice secretary has said.Journalists and theatre directors should also face the courts if their work is deemed to deliberately stoke up prejudice, Humza Yousaf said.The Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Bill has been condemned by critics including the Scottish Catholic Church, police representatives, academics and artists. It will introduce an offence of stirring-up of hatred against people with protected characteristics, including disability, sexual orientation and age. The bill is loosely based on the Public Order Act 1986, which outlaws threatening, abusive or insulting words and behaviour but includes a “dwelling defence” that states the threatening language cannot be prosecuted if it is spoken in a private home.Mr Yousaf said that there should be no “dwelling defence” in his bill... Mr Yousaf said theatre directors and journalists should not be exempt from the bill, to prevent activists stoking tensions under the cloak of dramatic licence or freedom of expression"

Erfurt latrine disaster - Wikipedia - "An accident in Erfurt, Duchy of Thuringia, caused the deaths of at least 60 people in 1184. A number of nobles from across the Holy Roman Empire were meeting in a room at the Church of St. Peter, when their combined weight caused the floor to collapse into the latrine beneath the cellar and led to dozens of nobles drowning in liquid excrement"

Education council accuses white member of 'racist behaviour' for holding a black baby on his lap - "District Two, which covers a swath of some of the wealthiest areas of Manhattan, met to discuss an alleged incident of racism that happened during the June 11 council meeting. At that time, council member Thomas Wrocklage had long-standing family friends visiting for the day. He held his friend’s nephew on his lap.Holding the baby while council discussed integration is the alleged incident of racism. Council members who saw a white man holding a black baby while saying that integration was possible were horrified by the “racist” act. Council member Robin Broshi was one of those who was beside herself with humiliation and shame at having witnessed this incident of alleged racism."

Woman cut off her hand with circular saw in $1.2m insurance scam - "Slovenian Julija Adlesic, 22, is accused of using a circular saw to sever herself at the left wrist in early 2019.She had taken out insurance policies with five companies the year before and would have received €1m ($1.2m) in payout.However, the young woman was found guilty of attempted insurance fraud"

Paul Krugman on Twitter - "Starting to look like two possible outcomes: Trump and a number of others end up in jail, or thousands of journalists end up in prison camps"
Sep 2019. Looks like a sure way to earn money is betting against Krugman

Musrat G. Maria's answer to Do you think that Game of Thrones actors felt sad and let down by the low quality of the last seasons, or was it just another paycheck for them? - Quora - "Most actors were upset - not all, but most. Nikolaj Coster-Waldau said he almost signed the petition to reshoot the GoT finale, saddened to see how upset fans were over the ending. Kit Harrington, to this day, hasn't seen the GoT finale. Emilia Clarke admitted that, after reading the script, she cried. It took her five hours to recover. Conleth Hill was upset with his GoT ending. I mean, just look at his face; Even Lena Headey said she was disappointed by Cersei's death on GoT.The actors of GoT were very dedicated to their roles and wanted the best ending for their characters. The GoT finale did not live up to their expectations."

Carl Richard Archie's answer to Do you think that Game of Thrones actors felt sad and let down by the low quality of the last seasons, or was it just another paycheck for them? - Quora - "The actors were not pleased. The writing quality had decreased since the fifth season. HBO had given the show runners enormous resources due to the previous successes. HBO had made massive amounts of money off the series and executives wanted more. The actors wanted to move on… but they wanted to finish strong. This was one time when studio interference would have improved the end product.The show had impacted the actors’ careers for five years and they wanted freedom to pursue new opportunities full time but they were in a very successful project; it was unwise to disrupt a winning project.George R.R. Martin had been very concerned with this in the beginning. The original cast, to a large degree, was chosen by him. He thought this group of actors, especially the young ones, were very good, and would eventually feel hemmed in by the show, when their talent began to shine. However, a winning series increases an actor’s value... However, two men wanted to move on more than any others: Showrunners David Benioff And D.B. Weiss, wanted to finish the series. They had several projects waiting but HBO wanted more seasons. D&D were very distracted... With no detailed plot in hand, D&D and their writers, went on to draft increasingly mediocre scripts. More action and CGI, less quality dialogue. The actors noticed, but were being paid well, so they did their jobs.That said, most casual fans misunderstand why the geekdom were upset. They were not upset about the conclusions, they were upset about the rushed storytelling, implausible setups and dumb presentation. It was NOT their imagination; the quality of dialogue had decreased and there was less... There were many Chekhov's guns that were merely left unused, etc. There were story lines that deflated. Dorne, the Golden Company, and the faceless men…Did the big bad, the Others and the Night’s King ride to Winterfell…for nothing? What did he want?"

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