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Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Links - 24th March 2021 (1) (Trans Mania)

Owen Jones on Twitter - "The conspiracy theory that gender transitioning is a new form of gay conversion therapy relies on believing there is a cohort of parents who are a) horrified by their children being gay and b) would prefer them to be trans instead. If you believe that, you are high."
The gay people pushed to change their gender - BBC News - "Iran is one of a handful of countries where homosexual acts are punishable by death. Clerics do, however accept the idea that a person may be trapped in a body of the wrong sex. So homosexuals can be pushed into having gender reassignment surgery - and to avoid it many flee the country."

AITA for not butchering my native language to please my nonbinary friend? : AmItheAsshole - "In one of my group of friends, in which we are mainly gay guys, one of us recently identified themselves as non-binary. I have no problem with this, and I use their preferred pronouns and suffix (In Spanish it is made adding an E instead of A or O: Ele, amigue, hije, compañere)What is the problem? Since "coming out”, they are trying to force us to use inclusive language for EVERYTHING. For you to get a better idea, in Spanish most nouns are gendered and we don’t have a "neutral" article.The chair = La silla (Female), The shoe = El zapato (Male), Cat = Gato (Male) or Gata (Female)Their idea of inclusive language means butchering the words and using the article "ele" for all that has no specified gender... It has gotten to the point we can't no longer say "Hola chicos" (Hi guys) or "Hola amigos" (Hi friends) in our group chat without them jumping because we are excluding them. (In Spanish, the male forms are used for mixed groups and generalizations) Hearing them speak or reading their messages has become a torture because it barely sounds like Spanish anymore, and they are always mad that I refuse to speak in this weird jargon"
Trans mania is racist!

Gad Saad on Twitter - "A Blackpool woman who amassed 81,000 images of child sex abuse has been jailed for 9 months. Julie Marshall (54) was caught as she accessed such material from her hospital bed via public wi-fi as she recovered from a heart attack. 677 of the images were of the most serious kind."
"See, some of you bigots thought that women couldn’t be dangerous child predators. This woman is just as bad as any male child predator. Slowly we inch..."

Satiria - Posts - "Period cravings. Hormones. Oh yes, I need my cake. Give this girl chocolate and I’ll love you forever."
"You don't menstruate. You're biologically male. Most likely, your craving is due to being a clinically obese male."

I,Hypocrite - Posts - "Are there people within the trans community who regret changing their sex and realised it was just a phase that they grew out of? If so, what was that like and did you change anything permanently that you now regret?"
"It has been very insightful reading all of these answers. Why can't I upvote the question? Mods?"

University of Alberta fires anthropology professor for saying biological sex is real - "Kathleen Lowery, an academic at the University of Alberta, has been fired from her role as associate chair of undergraduate programs in the Department of Anthropology for expressing gender-critical feminist ideas... The University of Alberta justified its decision on the basis that a student, or students, informally complained to its Office of Safe Disclosure and Human Rights that Lowery made the learning environment feel "unsafe" for them by voicing gender critical feminist ideas. As a teacher of young people with curious minds, Lowery said her method is to summarize her views on the first day of any course about sex or gender, along with a declaration that students are not required to agree with her. She took this approach to her 2020 course on the "Anthropology of Women." It is difficult to imagine how a teacher could communicate knowledge on that topic without reference to biological sex, as opposed to the relatively recent academic trend of gender identity. However, Lowery's employers felt that her reference to the importance of biological sex broke with orthodoxy to such an unacceptable degree that she had to go... Academic freedom is under threat under the guise of "protecting" minorities, particularly young people steeped in the belief system of gender ideology. For them, even to speak of the reality of sex is a form of "harm."Of course, crying because you've been exposed to an idea which doesn't sit neatly with your current world view is a way to shut down debate, discussion and dissent. When deployed against heterodox academics—and it should not be considered heterodox to know that sex is real—it is cry-bullying, and it is now endemic within academia in the West."

Karine Covfefe - "How they went from, "Men cannot even have an opinion on abortion, let alone make laws on abortion, because they cannot get pregnant," to getting you fired for saying men cannot get pregnant is one of the most peak clown world things of the modern era. 🤡"

TransgenderTrend on Twitter - "7 out of 9 teenage girls at this school have detransitioned since lockdown and one is considering it. This is, happily, as we predicted. An identity that depends on outside validation loses its point when the peer group isn't there. Schools must take note."

The Yaboiposting - Posts - "homophobia is understable, transphobia is not. there’s so many reasons to hate gay people, most specifically white gays.. but there’s never a reason to be a transphobe"

/pol/ - Politically Incorrect » Thread #266416316 - "I've been commenting on women's pictures congratulating them on how their transition is going. It usually hits quite a nerve when you 'mistake' them for a tranny. Best part of it is when they get too offended over it I call them out as transphobic.How am i supposed to know the difference between biological females and MtF females if trans women are women too? Them telling me it should be obvious is clearly just bigoted hate speech."

Tony Blair is right about the culture war - "he said that the Labour Party has become mired in the ‘cul-de-sac of identity politics’... Noting that most of the Labour leadership candidates have signed up to a 12-point trans pledge, promising to expel members who do not believe ‘trans women are women’, Blair said making transgender rights ‘our big thing’ would stoke a culture war Labour cannot win.He also made a key distinction – that ditching identity politics is not about abandoning egalitarian causes. ‘You have got to distinguish between the advocacy of things that are right – gay rights, transgender rights, whatever it is – and launching yourself politically into a culture war with the right’... the problem with many people on the left is not that they support LGBT rights. These days, people across the political spectrum do. The problem is they have imbibed a strange and often extreme orthodoxy on identity issues – so much so that a deputy leadership candidate will happily go on national TV and say ‘a child is born without sex’, as Dawn Butler did... Meanwhile, despite holding views that are frankly batty to most voters, not least the working-class voters Labour is supposed to represent, these MPs show little to no interest in actually winning people over to their position. Instead, they shame and castigate those who disagree with them. ‘If you’re going out there and trying to advocate things in a finger-jabbing, sectarian way’, as Blair put it, ‘you’re not going to win that battle’. Identity politics has poisoned the left. It has been a colossal distraction and has driven a wedge between Labour and its traditional base. This is not because working-class people are unreconstructed bigots, but because they happen to think other issues are more important than identity. They would rather talk about living standards than trans lavatories."

Lynn P 󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿♀️ on Twitter - "Friend on FB had apologised for having Silence of the Lambs in their top 10 films, as they have since found out its ‘transphobic’.Its problematic not cos it depicts the kidnap, imprisonment, murder, & mutilation of women.Nope, its cos Buffalo Bill was denied a ‘sex change’"
"You should show your friend this from the actor that played him."
"I met with female impersonators. I went to some very interesting bars looking and talking to people about a side of life that I’m not familiar with. And I came to the conclusion that none of that had anything really to do with this. If the guy was gay, he’d be killing and maiming boys and men and he was killing women."

EleanorOliphant 🟥 on Twitter: "Separation of brain and body is one of the most dangerous aspects of gender identity.  Regarding the body as a "meat suit" is now prevalent among young people.  Once it becomes a mere receptacle, it's just flesh to be molded according to identity."
"It’s very Silence of the Lambs. You’d think there’d be a huge attempt to steer clear of that correlation"

Rhona Hotchkiss on Twitter - "the majority of those id-ing as transwomen in prison, never did so prior to being jailed & even then, some choose not to go to the women’s estate because they don’t feel unsafe in men’s prisons."
""the majority" – according to who, exactly?"
"Me. Ex-prison Governor."

Meme - "A Picture That Destroys Racism
Anti-LGBT Hate Crime Relative Per-Capita Offending Rates by Race"

How common is intersex? a response to Anne Fausto-Sterling - "Anne Fausto-Sterling s suggestion that the prevalence of intersex might be as high as 1.7% has attracted wide attention in both the scholarly press and the popular media. Many reviewers are not aware that this figure includes conditions which most clinicians do not recognize as intersex, such as Klinefelter syndrome, Turner syndrome, and late-onset adrenal hyperplasia. If the term intersex is to retain any meaning, the term should be restricted to those conditions in which chromosomal sex is inconsistent with phenotypic sex, or in which the phenotype is not classifiable as either male or female. Applying this more precise definition, the true prevalence of intersex is seen to be about 0.018%, almost 100 times lower than Fausto-Sterling s estimate of 1.7%."
Also, trans activists try to do a bait and switch and conflate intersexed people with trans people

In Humans, Sex is Binary and Immutable - "This article says nothing novel. It discusses a fact as well-established as the billions of years of evolution that shaped our species. We live in a world,however, that increasingly ignores such truths, and in which the combination of awareness and courage to set the record straight appears rare... More than 2,600 scientists signed astatement claiming that“[t]here are no genetic tests that can unambiguouslydetermine gender, or even sex.” Nature, the world’s premier science journal,ran an editorial stating that“the research and medical community now sees sex as more complex than male and female”'and“the idea that science can make definitive conclusions about a person's sex or gender is fundamentally flawed.” These are remarkable statements as they are equivalent to outright denial of humans’ biological nature. Numerous publications promoted such positions.Nature had previously published an editorial titled “Sex Redefined,” boldly stating that“[t]he idea of two sexes is simplistic. Biologists now think there is a wider spectrum than that.” Popular science magazines such as Scientific American and National Geographic told readers that“the science is clear andconclusive: sex is not binary,” a view even more aggressively pushed inmainstream media, where we regularly read that“ biologists now think the idea of two sexes is inaccurate.” Much has been written by feminist authors about the non-binary nature of “gender,” where“gender ”is defined as something“socially constructed,”distinct from sex. But biological sex itself is also under attack. Feminist philosophers such as Judith Butler and Anne Fausto-Sterling initially advanced the view that both gender and sex are “socially constructed,” denying theobjective reality of binary biological sex, and academic writings promoting this view continue to be produced... this has become mainstream, and an unquestionable dogma too, even within the hard sciences. This is disastrous, as the objective truth is that sex inhumans is strictly binary and immutable, for fundamental reasons that are common knowledge to all biologists taking the findings of their discipline seriously. Denying that sex in humans is binary attacks the very foundations of the biological sciences... what about “intersex” individuals? Unfortunately, confusion and misunderstanding reign when it comes to their existence. Humans are indeed born with a variety of “intersex”conditions at low frequency, but that does not mean that these conditions are part of normal healthy variation. Humans are also born with agreat variety of devastating congenital deformities and diseases, and if alien exozoologists were to write a description of Homo sapiens based on extensive observations of the population, such a description would never feature, for example, anencephaly, and neither would it include anything else but binary sex. Extremely deleterious phenotypes, especially when their fitness is invariant with respect to environmental conditions, cannot be part of that description, as they are by definition actively eliminated from the population. The mathematics of natural selection is remorseless... All “intersex” conditions, when examined, clearly arise from single-gene mutations or chromosomal aberrations on a genetic background that would have indisputably been producing male or female gametes had these mutations not occurred, and, rarely, due to chimerism (i.e. individuals made up of both male and female cells). True hermaphrodites possessing both sets of functional gonads and genitalia have never been observed in Homo sapiens. Therefore the “intersex” argument against the sex binary is simply not valid...
The type of gametes produced is a very objective criterion for classifying the sex of an individual, and is its fundamental defining feature. In metazoans, there are only two types of gametes, although they do exhibit enormous diversity in the relationship between the individual and gamete production and fertilization. Numerous species practice parthenogenesis,many are predominantly hermaphroditic (e.g. earthworms and snails), while individuals of some species can change their sex (e.g. clownfish). However, no such examples have ever been observed in mammals, in which binary sexual reproduction appears to be extremely strongly enforced...
Certain parallels can perhaps be made with battles over the teaching of evolution, but there is one critical difference—the ideas in question here are coming directly from within the highest ranks of academia, where they appear to have significant institutional support, and, as recent years have demonstrated,their proponents are more than willing to use aggressive tactics outside the scholarly realm to silence their critics. There is also little understanding of the seriousness of the situation within the scientific community, which, whether for political reasons or due to lack of awareness, has been willingly supporting outright “bio-denialism.”"
Some people claim that no biologists (or even scientists) are claiming that sex isn't binary. Notably, Anne Fausto-Sterling is a biology profesor
Others claim that "actual biologist, sex researchers [and] neuroscientists" say "no it's not, here's a mile long reading list"

Project Nettie – Scientists supporting biological sex - "Project Nettie is an online and regularly updated record of scientists, medics and those in related disciplines who, by signing their support for the Project Nettie statement (below), assert the material reality of biological sex and reject attempts to reframe it as a malleable social construct."
I am old enough to remember when it was Creationists attacking science and scientists fighting back by finding those who refuted their magical claims

Only ‘limited’ evidence for trans kids’ medicine but inquiry too ‘dangerous’ - "The evidence for life-altering medical intervention in youth gender clinics suffers from “gaps” and “limitations” but a national inquiry would be “dangerous”, federal Health Minister Greg Hunt has been told. The inquiry urged by more than 200 doctors and clinicians “would further harm vulnerable patients and their families through increased media and public attention,” the Royal Australasian College of Physicians said... the college had lobbied with paediatrician Michelle Telfer — whose Royal Children’s Hospital gender clinic in Melbourne spearheads the pro-trans “affirmative” treatment model in Australia — for easier and quicker underage access to hormones and less oversight by the Family Court... the former British minister for mental health and suicide prevention, Jackie Doyle-Price, called for “more control over gender treatment for children”, citing litigation involving a regretful “detransitioner”, Keira Bell, 23, who said the NHS Tavistock gender clinic in London “should have challenged me more” over medical transition.“Puberty is not the time for anyone to consent to life-changing treatment,” Ms Doyle-Price said in a tweet. This week brought the launch of a new global body, the Society for Evidence-Based Gender Medicine, which argues that the low quality of the evidence for the affirmative model has been obscured by dramatic but unsupported claims that young people are likely to kill themselves if denied hormones and surgery. “Given the lack of evidence of benefits of these treatments on long-term mental health, and the evidence of alarmingly high rates of post-treatment suicide, the use of affirmative care outside of rigorously designed clinical trial settings is inconsistent with ethical medical practice”... Before the rise of the affirmative model and teenage-onset dysphoria, the condition typically occurred in a small, stable percentage of pre-school boys, with the vast majority coming to accept their bodies as they matured and many emerging as gay or bisexual.Philip Morris, president of the National Association of Practising Psychiatrists, which supports a national inquiry, said he found it “very surprising” for a medical college to claim it would be “dangerous” to hold “a balanced, comprehensive inquiry into the most effective and safe treatments for gender dysphoria”... Treatment side-effects include infertility, loss of sexual desire, cardiovascular problems, and possible cognitive impairment... RACP president Mark Lane said young people with gender dysphoria suffered “extremely high” rates of self-harm and attempted suicide. The college did not supply any evidence when asked. Canadian psychologist Ken Zucker, a world authority on gender dysphoria and editor of the journal Archives of Sexual Behavior, has dismissed as “pure dogma” the affirmative model line to parents hesitating on the brink of treatment for their child, “Do you want a live son or a dead daughter?”.“If you are depressed, your suicidality risk is going to be elevated, but you see that in kids who are depressed but don’t have gender dysphoria,” Dr Zucker told The Australian last year.“The idea that adolescents with gender dysphoria are at a higher risk of suicide per se is dogma — and I think it’s wrong.”... Sydney clinical psychologist Dianna Kenny, a critic of the affirmative model, said the college’s statement was “so politically correct as to lack any scientific merit or moral courage”.Professor of paediatrics John Whitehall, another critic, said it was odd for the college to not want “public attention” for the issue of medical transition of under-18s.“I would have thought there is already a great deal of attention, though all one way (in favour of the affirmative model),” he said.“The RACP boasts of interest in public health and that usually involves full and frank discussion of all side-effects as part of preventing harm. Here, it is essentially (saying), ‘Be quiet and accept the experimentation’.” In a 2018 submission to the National Children’s Commissioner, which was reporting on progress under the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child, the college said taxpayers should subsidise puberty blocker drugs (which cost $5000 a year for each trans youth) as well as trans surgery, while “gender identity” should be taught in schools and medical courses at university... “Gender dysphoria is not a fatal disease: no single, quality study has demonstrated that gender dysphoria causes suicides in young people,” he said.“Treatment with hormones and surgeries to halt puberty deny young people a chance for natural resolution of gender dysphoria.”"
If your claims can't withstand scrutiny, just label dissenters heretics

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