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Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Links - 23rd March 2021 (1) (George Floyd Protests: Defunding/Abolishing the Police)

Jesse Singal on Twitter - "Me: KICK PUPPIES! Everyone: That's a horrible slogan! Why would you say that?
Me: Nononononono, the point isn't to 'kick' 'puppies' -- it's far more subtle than that. Read these 10 links explaining what the phrase REALLY means. This will get you on my side, I'm sure"

An0maly on Twitter - "When celebrities come to the shitty parts of Los Angeles where we have to live to do their award shows, they shut down the streets & get dozens of police officers to protect them. They also build walls around the area. Isn’t that amazing?"

Nicole Arbour on Twitter - "Don't lie to yourselves today. Don't post up heartfelt pictures and quotes while you have defund the police in your bio. The same officers who ran in to save everyone of any color, you're shooting in the streets and throwing bottles at at "protests." You forgot. #September11"

Sarah Haider on Twitter - "Abolish the police = privatize the police. Just so you know."

Steven Universe and She-Ra Suggest We Should Abolish the Police
Using children's shows to make arguments about the real world. Right...

'Defund the police' activist Alyssa Milano sparks massive police presence after calling 911 - "Actress and 'Defund the police' activist Alyssa Milano was quick to call cops when she believed an armed gunman was on her Bell Canyon property on Sunday morning... 'It turned out it was a neighborhood teen with an air gun shooting at squirrels'... In July, the left leaning activist Alyssa tweeted out to her 3.7 million followers a link, urging them to sign the 'People's Budget L.A.' that demands a 90 percent reduction in police funding... One neighbor says, 'She can tweet those things because at the end of the day she lives behind gates in a gated community. She knows the police will come to save her. But what about all those people who don't have that luxury and live in unsafe neighborhoods? She obviously doesn't care.'She uses her platform in hypocritical ways. Why not send your husband into the yard to find out what is actually going on before you call the police? I would guesstimate the response today from law enforcement cost tax payers thousands of dollars.'This isn't the first time she has been called out for being a hypocrite.In August, ex-Charmed castmate Rose McGowan went on a twitter rant accusing her of stealing the #metoo movement.Milano enraged McGowan when she defended presidential candidate Joe Biden after sexual assault allegations against him by a former staffer went public.The feud prompted the hashtag #AlyssaMilanoIsALie to trend on Twitter."

AOC's new 'Squad' members want to defund police, much more - "Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., was one of just a handful of radical left-wing lawmakers elected to Congress in 2018, and who banded together to form the “Squad” to push once-fringe policies like the Green New Deal and "Medicare-for-all" -- but in 2020, that small group's numbers are expanding.Last week’s congressional elections led to victory for a number of progressive candidates who share the New York congresswoman’s outlook, and with the defeat of a number of moderates elsewhere, policies like the Green New Deal, free college, "Medicare-for-all" and defunding the police will be getting more attention in 2021."

Seattle hires convicted ex-pimp as 'street czar' to work on police reform - "The city of Seattle has hired an ex-pimp who has been convicted of running a prostitution operation, including pimping underage girls, at a $150,000 a year salary who now holds the title of “Street Czar.”... Andre Taylor, has been contracted by the city to provide “expertise and support services” in de-escalation, community engagement, and alternatives to policing.”... “I was born from the streets. I come out of the deep darkness.”He then bragged about how he had children with some of the women who were there with him when he was a pimp... Taylor was also one of the organizers of the “Capitol Hill Occupied Protest” (CHOP) zone and said protesters should demand $2 million from the city to give up the occupation... This is not the first time Seattle has paid Taylor with taxpayer funds. According to reports, his organization, Not This Time was paid $100,000 last year to sponsor a speaker series called “Conversations with the Streets.”... Taylor was also featured in the 1999 documentary American Pimp which examined the pimping “subculture” and is known to have bragged about impregnating the young girls he pimped. However, Seattle officials the the local media call Taylor a “civic activist” in large part because his brother, Che Taylor was killed in an officer-involved shooting back in 2016.The shooting was justified and rule lawful when a gun was found at the scene. Che Taylor had a previous criminal record where he had been convicted of rape and robbery. He also had outstanding warrants. Even so, Taylor and other activists in Seattle continue to demand justice."
Who better than a criminal to destroy the police under the guise of reforming it? This plotline could be ripped off from a comic book

CiCi Adams on Twitter - "I cringe whenever I see the word “crime.” It’s no longer part of my vocab “Crime” is a historical &political construction. The sooner we acknowledge “crime” as a madeup thing used to justify targeted criminalization/policing, the sooner we can talk meaningfully about actual harm Remember when some Black folks were on here talking about “high crime rates” to justify the Crime Bill the other day? I was like, “crime?” You mean the socially constructed set of racialized, gendered arbitrary rules created solely to limit your freedom and movement? That thing?"
Replies: "You're going to keep that same energy when a hate crime occurs or a celebrity gets MeToo'ed?"
"So my rapist who decapitated my cat, bled him out elsewhere, and returned him to my lawn in pieces minus his head to try to keep me from testifying, what shall we call that man’s actions if not crime? Recreation? Self-expression? Shenanigans? Hijinx?"
"I cringe whenever i see the word "racism". its no longer part of my vocab. "racism" is a historical & political construction. the sooner we acknowledge "racism" as a madeup thing used to justify targeted vandalism/theft, the sooner we can talk meaningfully about actual harm."

Protestors Surround Asian Mayor’s House and Demand Police Defunding - "“Twilight Lockdown,” was the name of the campaign where pro-Black Lives Matter groups surrounded Fremont Mayor Lily Mei’s house... The protesters drew chalk messages on the street in front of Mei’s home reading “Asian Silence is Violence,” and “Defund the FPD.” They also displayed “Black Lives Matter” signs as well as “Care not Cops”... Let’s not mention the fact Fremont has seen some very violent robberies and home invasions in the last few years. Mainly African-American gangs targeting Asian-Americans have become an epidemic. Defunding police would further the violence toward Asian-Americans."
Asians complaining about violent robberies and home invasions is "anti-blackness", of course

Law of the Jungle – StoneToss - "Abolish the police!"
"Well then, racist ex-cop, I guess you're free to go"

Opinion | Yes, We Mean Literally Abolish the Police - The New York Times - "I’ve been advocating the abolition of the police for years. Regardless of your view on police power — whether you want to get rid of the police or simply to make them less violent — here’s an immediate demand we can all make: Cut the number of police in half and cut their budget in half. Fewer police officers equals fewer opportunities for them to brutalize and kill people. The idea is gaining traction in Minneapolis, Dallas, Los Angeles and other cities... We are not abandoning our communities to violence. We don’t want to just close police departments. We want to make them obsolete.We should redirect the billions that now go to police departments toward providing health care, housing, education and good jobs. If we did this, there would be less need for the police in the first place.We can build other ways of responding to harms in our society. Trained “community care workers” could do mental-health checks if someone needs help. Towns could use restorative-justice models instead of throwing people in prison.What about rape? The current approach hasn’t ended it... People like me who want to abolish prisons and police, however, have a vision of a different society, built on cooperation instead of individualism, on mutual aid instead of self-preservation"
Of course, this won't stop the liberal gaslighting that no one wants to defund or even abolish the police
Presumably since modern medicine hasn't resulted in people living forever, it is useless and we should abandon it

Mey Rude on Twitter - "isn’t this whole “they don’t *really* mean defund when they say defund” like wild 1984 doublespeak gaslighting? yes we mean defund. yes we mean abolish."

Herschel Walker Suggests Airlines Fly 'Defund the Police' Activists to Countries with No Police - " it might be easier to send these liberals to the Democrat-controlled cities in America that have already neutered their police forces to see how an end to the police might look to residents.The City of Chicago has practically muzzled its police since the Laquan McDonald shooting in 2014, and for the last few years, the murder rate has soared. During the recent riots in the aftermath of the killing of George Floyd, riots that Chicago’s mayor did little to stop, the city suffered its bloodiest day in 60 years with 18 murders in a single day.In Baltimore, another city where police have been put on a leash, the murder rate has also soared... with the police practically cowed in the wake of the police-involved death of Freddie Gray in 2015, the sad fact is that 68 percent of the city’s murders went without arrests."

Underpoliced and Overprisoned, revisited - "“The United States today is the only country I know of that spends more on prisons than police”... the United States employs many more prison guards per-capita than does the rest of the world. Given our prison population that isn’t surprising. What is surprising is that on a per-capita basis we employ 35% fewer police than the world average. That’s crazy... a 10% increase in policing would reduce crime by 3 to 5%... in recent years large majorities of blacks, hispanics and whites have said that they support hiring more police... lower crime has been one of the greatest benefits to African American men over the past 30 years... Chicago just had a horrendous day with 18 innocent people murdered in mostly random drive-by shootings, in part because the police were occupied with protests and riots."
Not having enough police is one reason people buy a gun to protect themselves - quite apart from the issue of a lack of political will to do proper policing

What Was Gary Becker's Biggest Mistake? - "Beginning in the 1980s we dramatically increased the punishment for crime in the United States but we did so more by increasing sentence length than by increasing the probability of being punished. In theory, this should have reduced crime, reduced the costs of crime control and led to fewer people in prison. In practice, crime rose and then fell mostly for reasons other than imprisonment. Most spectacularly, the experiment with greater punishment led to more spending on crime control and many more people in prison. Why did the experiment fail? Longer sentences didn’t reduce crime as much as expected because criminals aren’t good at thinking about the future; criminal types have problems forecasting and they have difficulty regulating their emotions and controlling their impulses. In the heat of the moment, the threat of future punishment vanishes from the calculus of decision. Thus, rather than deterring (much) crime, longer sentences simply filled the prisons. As if that weren’t bad enough, by exposing more people to criminal peers and by making it increasingly difficult for felons to reintegrate into civil society, longer sentences increased recidivism...
When Becker first wrote many criminologists were flat out denying that punishment deterred. As late as 1994, for example, the noted criminologist David Bayley could write:
    The police do not prevent crime. This is one of the best kept secrets of modern life. Experts know it, the police know it, but the public does not know it. Yet the police pretend that they are society’s best defense against crime. This is a myth Inspired by Becker, a large, credible, empirical literature–including my own work on police (and prisons)–has demonstrated that this is no myth, the police deter"

Minneapolis City Council President: If You Call the Cops When Your Garage is Broken Into, You're a White Supremacist - "The Minneapolis experiment in recreating Escape From New York in real life is off to a great start."If you are a comfortable white person asking to dismantle the police I invite you to reflect: are you willing to stick with it? Will you be calling in three months to ask about garage break-ins? Are you willing to dismantle white supremacy in all systems, including a new system?" Minneapolis City Council President Lisa Bender tweeted."

For Mayor Jacob Frey of Minneapolis, a Stinging Rebuke - The New York Times - "Mayor Jacob Frey of Minneapolis retreated on Saturday through a sea of protesters yelling, “Go home, Jacob, go home!” and “Shame! Shame!” after he refused to commit to defunding the Police Department... Mr. Frey, a 38-year-old civil rights lawyer, swept into office in 2018 on promises to fix the broken relationship between the community and the police. Across the country, calls to defund, downsize or abolish police departments have gained new traction... Mayor Eric Garcetti of Los Angeles announced that he would cut as much as $150 million from a planned increase in the Police Department’s budget. And in New York, Corey Johnson, the City Council speaker, and Daniel Dromm, a council member from Queens, vowed even before the latest protests to cut the Police Department’s $6 billion budget. In Minneapolis, at least four members of the City Council have called for dismantling the Police Department... Mr. Frey was pressed to state his position on the issue by protesters who had massed outside his house.Looming above the mayor on a stage, a woman with a microphone asked him if he would commit on the spot to defunding the Minneapolis Police Department.“It is a yes or no,” she said, instructing the crowd to be quiet and reminding them that the mayor is up for re-election next year. “And if he says no, guess what we’re going to do next year,” she said, adding an expletive for emphasis."
Police in the US are brutal partly because of insufficient training. Solution: cut the budget. Brilliant!

Carjacking up 537% amid Minneapolis city council plans to further defund police force - "Violent carjackings are up an astronomical 537% in the city of Minneapolis this November compared to November of 2019, while the City Council announced plans to cut another $8 million from the police budget."

They actually did it. Minneapolis just voted to defund their police of $8 million even as shootings have doubled and carjackings were up 537% last month. - "If you're gonna reform the police, why not actually, you know, do some reforming? A cut like this does NOTHING for anyone. It doesn't placate the radicals who want to literally defund the police, it doesn't produce meaningful reforms, and it certainly doesn't help the police to be able to actually do their job of stopping crime as crime continues to go UP not DOWN.It's also been revealed that about 160 officers in Minneapolis have either resigned or gone on leave since the beginning of this year. Some have even claimed post-traumatic stress disorder from the chaos they faced this summer!Probably safe to say morale is pretty low. And I'm certain these latest cuts and the flurry of verbal abuse the police received at the public portion of the meeting is not going to help.Here's a recipe for you: If you want police to make bad decisions, underfund them, spread them way too thin so they are stressed out, teach the public to disrespect their authority, and then call them all terrible people."

Minneapolis lawmakers vow to disband police department in historic move - "The Minneapolis city council has pledged to disband the city’s police department and replace it with a new system of public safety... a veto-proof majority of council members declared their intent to “dismantle” and “abolish” the embattled police agency responsible for George Floyd’s death – and build an alternative model of community-led safety... President Donald Trump tweeted his apparent opposition to the Minneapolis move on Monday morning: “LAW & ORDER, NOT DEFUND AND ABOLISH THE POLICE. The Radical Left Democrats have gone Crazy!”... Minneapolis is also home to a powerful union leader who has aggressively resisted any reforms to the department despite the agency’s history of racial abuse... Supporters are pushing for the council to start with taking money away from the police budget and investing in other government departments, social services and programs, while launching a community process for creating alternative systems.An alternative safety model, advocates say, can start with finding “non-police solutions to the problems poor people face”, such as counselors responding to mental health calls and addiction experts responding to drug abuse."

Top Dems put the kibosh on ‘defund the police’

Bernie Sanders pushes back on idea of abolishing police departments - "Sanders received criticism from some progressives for proposing better resources to ensure police officers are paid attractive wages."

1969: Montreal’s ‘night of terror’ - "Montreal is in a state of shock. A police officer is dead and 108 people have been arrested following 16 hours of chaos during which police and firefighters refused to work. At first, the strike's impact was limited to more bank robberies than normal. But as night fell, a taxi drivers' union seized upon the police absence to violently protest a competitor's exclusive right to airport pickups. The result, according to this CBC Television special, was a "night of terror." Shattered shop windows and a trail of broken glass are evidence of looting that erupted in the downtown core. With no one to stop them, students and separatists joined the rampage. Shop owners, some of them armed, struggled to fend off looters. Restaurants and hotels were also targeted. A corporal with the Quebec provincial police was shot and killed at the garage of the Murray Hill limousine company as taxi drivers tried to burn it down."
When the police stop working, it's paradise!

Michael Berry - Posts - "1. Defund and eliminate the police so that the peaceful protesters can riot and loot.
2. Open our borders and allow anyone to come in who wants to.
3. Close the businesses, and prohibit weddings, graduations, and funerals, while allowing riots.
4. Implement the Green New Deal, which would, among other things, eliminate airline travel.
These are actual Democrat plans. We should never lose to this, even despite them far more aggressive and owning the schools, the media and Hollywood."

Ilhan Omar and #BLM Are Wrong, African Americans Want Same or More Police, Not Less - "Polls reveal that the African American community does not want their local police department to be “defunded” or “abolished” as is being demanded by Black Lives Matter, but instead want the police to maintain or grow their numbers instead, and the same sentiment is shared by all Americans... According to the Gallup poll, released on August 6, 2015, even though the African American community was split on whether police treat them fairly, a total of 92 per cent of poll respondents indicated they are either comfortable with the current number of police or would prefer additional police.33 per cent of African Americans want a higher police presence in their community, and interestingly, of those African Americans who specifically believe that they are treated unfairly by police, 44 per cent want a larger police presence in their community. 59 per cent of African Americans want the current number of police to be maintained, leaving only 8 per cent calling for less police... despite the constant haranguing of Black Lives Matter protesters across the country, only 16 per cent of Americans want the police to be defunded... As was indicated in 2015, there is, however, bipartisan support for expanding police education and resources when it comes to deescalating conflicts, identifying potential bad police officers, and increasing to use of body cameras to record the behavior of police and the public they interact with.""
It looks like most blacks are white supremacists
Gallup poll: Blacks Divided on Whether Police Treat Minorities Fairly

Ajax on Twitter - "Wait, wouldn’t abolishing the police create peak inequality in terms of security? Rich families paying for private security whilst poor families have “community” security?"
"Abolishing the Police is a great idea... if you want people like this patrolling your town instead"

Simu Liu on Twitter - ""WhAt WiLl We RePlAcE ThE pOLiCe WiTh?!?!" Social Workers. Crisis staff trained in de-escalation. Womens' shelters. Counsellors. Planned Parenthood. Therapists. Safe injection sites. Rehab. Community outreach. Night classes. Affordable health care. #ImagineSomethingDifferent"
Good luck getting night classes when you're being raped"
Someone: "I'm a forensic psychiatrist and deal with violent psychotic people all the time. The idea that we are going to replace - not augment - the police and have only mental health staff deal with violent outbursts is completely insane."

DoorKickers Inc - "Hey Everyone,
Me and my team of door kickers are ready to jump in on the action. If your community or business needs protecting please reach out to me. We can deploy anywhere for the right price."

Meme - "Socialists defund the police
rich people hire private security
Socialists advocate private security for all
socialists invent the police"

Hugh Jackman criticised for posting police photo after anti-racism Instagram message - "Hugh Jackman has spoken out about systemic racism, following widespread global protests over the death of Minneapolis man George Floyd.However, many have criticised the Australian actor for subsequently sharing a photo of a black protester embracing a police officer."
Apparently love and understanding are a bad thing, and racist

Biden Walks a Cautious Line as He Opposes Defunding the Police - The New York Times

Police groups break with Biden - "Biden’s call for more national policing reforms and oversight in the wake of the death of George Floyd — and the perception that he hasn’t shown enough solidarity with law enforcement amid the ensuing nationwide protests and unrest — have created a fissure with law enforcement groups, leaving many who once supported him frustrated by what they regard as political posturing by their one-time ally... "On law-and-order issues, Biden was right of center: the ‘94 crime bill, the Brady law and enhanced penalties"... An assault-weapons ban was included in the ’94 crime bill along with other legislation that gave the federal government more power to investigate a “pattern or practice” of local law enforcement abuses.But the 1994 crime bill also serves as the poster child for the mass-incarceration movement that swept states, and Biden has struggled to win support with progressives and young voters of color as a result... “Biden hasn't said a single word on one of the most horrific aspects of the bloodshed: attacks by rioters and looters, sometimes fatal, on police officers in the line of duty protecting innocent Americans""

Baltimore Residents Blame Record-High Murder Rate On Lower Police Presence - "On whether the community wanted police to back off after the death of Freddie Gray
No. That represented our progressives, our activists, our liberal journalists, our politicians, but it did not represent the overall community. Because we know for a fact that around the time Freddie Gray was killed, we start to see homicides increase. We had five homicides in that neighborhood while we were protesting."
When you abolish the police!

What police reform does America support? - "Despite calls by activists and protesters to defund police departments, most Americans do not support reducing law enforcement budgets. Close to two-thirds (65%) oppose cutting police force funding. Just 16 percent of Democrats and 15 percent of Republicans support that idea."

When you abolish the police...

NYPD limits retirement applications amid 411% surge this week - "New York’s Finest are putting in for retirement faster than the NYPD can handle — while citing a lack of respect and the loss of overtime pay... 179 cops filed for retirement between June 29 and Monday, an astounding 411 percent increase over the 35 who filed during the same period in 2019. The astonishing rush for the door came as 503 cops filed for retirement between May 25 — the day George Floyd was killed in Minneapolis, sparking anti-cop protests around the country — and July 3, the NYPD said.That number represents a 75 percent increase over the 287 who filed for retirement during the same time last year... Sources blamed the situation — which comes amid an alarming spike in shootings — on growing anti-cop sentiment, coupled with a pending city law that would make it a crime for cops to use chokeholds while trying to subdue violent suspects.“There’s just droves and droves of people retiring. But there’s no surprise here, who the hell wants to stay on this job?” one cop said.“Why would you want to stay on this job when people don’t appreciate what you do?”... the expected loss of overtime due to the recent $1 billion cut to the NYPD’s budget were also factors... “You have to be crazy to stay on a job where you are losing money, abused by the people you are trying to protect and not appreciated by the politicians,” the source said.A Manhattan detective also noted the impact of controversial criminal justice and bail reform laws.“It is frustrating — you work on a case and then the suspect is let go,” the 25-year veteran said.“Why put your job on the line, when no one appreciates you or has your back?” In a prepared statement, the head of the Police Benevolent Association blamed lawmakers for having “completely dismantled our justice system” and called the rash of retirement applications “one answer to the question on every police officer’s mind: How are we supposed to do our job in this environment?”“And now that crime is out of control, they want to blame us for that, too,” PBA president Pat Lynch said... Lieutenants Benevolent Association president Lou Turco said cops feel “demoralized and abandoned” by politicians.“Overtime plays a part, it happened in 2008 and 2009 and after 9/11, but this is not about overtime now,” he claimed. “They feel abandoned by the silent majority and they are leaving. They don’t feel appreciated.”"

NYC shootings surge after NYPD's anti-crime unit disbanded - "“This is what the politicians wanted — no bail, nobody in Rikers, cops not arresting anyone,” one angry law enforcement source said Friday.“All those things equal people walking around on the street with guns, shooting each other.”"

Shootings soar 205 percent after NYPD disbands anti-crime unit - "Gun violence exploded across the city after the NYPD disbanded its anti-crime unit of plainclothes cops on June 15, with three times as many shootings in the last two weeks of the month over the same period in 2019, police stats show.And the shocking rise in gunfire — to 116 incidents from 38 between June 15 and July 2, a 205 percent increase — meant scores more victims were hurt or killed by bullets this year over last year.Gunshot injuries skyrocketed to 157 from 47 in 2019, a 238 percent increase.With a total of 205 shootings during the month, it was the bloodiest June in 24 years — going back to 1996, when the NYPD logged 236 incidents... “I feel like we are giving the streets back to the criminals,” Glasgow’s mom, Hazel Thomas, told The Post.“They shouldn’t have disbanded it,” she said of the anti-crime unit. “Whatever the problem they have, address it. But don’t disband the unit. Many lives would have been saved. Not just my son.”... “Without having this tool, it will be much harder to tackle rising felony crimes, ‘shots fired’ jobs and the growing number of illegal guns pouring into the neighborhoods,” said NYPD Sgt. Joseph Imperatrice, a former anti-crime unit supervisor and founder of Blue Lives Matter.He said members were “disheartened” by the announcement.The NYPD has blamed the shooting spike on everything but the disbanding of the anti-crime unit.“It’s bail reform,” Shea said on PIX11 this week. “It’s COVID. It’s emptying out prisons. One of the most frustrating pieces right now is a criminal justice system that just is not working and I’m calling on Albany to fix it. Fix it now. People are dying on the streets of New York City.” De Blasio — who as recently as 2015 described the anti-crime unit as “elite” — has remained silent on it being dissolved. But when shootings started to climb last month,  he vowed that “we are not going to allow gun violence to continue to grow in this city.”“We’re not going to go back to the days when there was so much violence pervading our communities,” Hizzoner told CBS 2 on June 22, following a week of 53 shootings. But the next week there were 63 more shootings."

Protesters Chain Doors Of Police Station, Locking Officers Inside For 7 Hours - "Aurora police officers were trapped inside the District 1 station house for hours July 3 night after protesters chained the doors shut and plotted to storm the building... Angry protesters barricaded the streets and vandalized the exterior of the police station, KDVR reported.Police didn’t move in to clear out the protesters locking their fellow officers in the station until about 3:30 a.m. on July 4 when rioters began shooting fireworks at officers in the area... “They were starting to take the big mortar style type fireworks while they were trying to untie the gates so officers could come and go, they started throwing fireworks at them. Not only that, someone had a fire extinguisher, they were spraying our officers with a fire extinguisher. We didn’t use any force until they started doing it to us, that’s when we used 40-millimeter foam rounds, no pepper spray or tear gas or smoke,” Officer Longshore explained.He said that the decision to let the protesters keep the officers locked in was made intentionally... “The officers were safe inside. We wanted to give the people the ability to express their First Amendment right, to protest, peacefully assemble and make their voices heard, so we didn’t have an immediate rush to go in and clear people out. Waiting a little bit longer, the crowd size became smaller, so we had an advantage.”Afterward, police found full gas cans and other homemade weapons hidden in the area around the police station... “We found gas cans, full of gasoline that were staged in that immediate area,” Officer Longshore said.Officers were unable to respond to 911 calls in the area for the seven hours protesters surrounded District 1... Protesters had threatened to continue their occupation of the area around the police station until the police chief fired and charged all of the officers involved in McClain’s arrest.However, the officers have a right to due process under their collective bargaining agreement and cannot be summarily fired to satisfy protesters’ demands."
If the police don't even dare to save themselves, how can they save citizens from criminals?

De Blasio unveils plan to combat NYC's surge in gun violence - "Mayor Bill de Blasio on Friday finally outlined a plan to try to stem the city’s surge in shootings that will rely in part on unarmed civilians who will hit the streets to help “break the cycle of violence.”... Criminology experts immediately took aim at the plan, with one saying that “the chances of this working are remote.”“I think he deserves to tell the city that it’s his policy that is getting people killed,” said former NYPD cop Eugene O’Donnell who’s now a professor at John Jay College of Criminal Justice.“He stood down anti-crime [efforts] and doesn’t want people arrested. ‘Fess up…There’s an acceptable level of death on his watch and he should admit that.”Another John Jay professor, Maria Haberfeld, said, “The only way that is effective in curbing violent behavior is saturation patrol, not using community members.”“I would not recommend sending inexperienced members of the community to areas where they can become victims of shootings or other violent exchanges”... “Community members might be willing, but they do not have the experience. What you are doing is exposing community members to random violence.”"

Veto-Proof City Council Majority Vows To Cut Seattle PD Budget By 50 Percent - "The 50 percent budget-reduction plan was presented by King County Equity Now and Black Lives Matter-inspired Decriminalize Seattle during a Seattle City Council budget committee meeting"

Cuomo Shreds AOC’s Claim That Crime Surge Due To Trouble Paying Rent: ‘You Cannot Be Evicted Right Now’ - "Democratic New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo shredded Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s (D-NY) claim this week that the surge in crime around the city was due to people being “scared to pay their rent.”... “it is factually impossible that somebody committed a crime so they could pay their rent. If you can’t pay your rent, you cannot be evicted right now.”"

AOC Claims Rioters Are Just Burning Down Neighborhoods To Keep Themselves Warm | The Babylon Bee - ""Thanks to capitalism, they could not afford their heating bills and had to warm up at night," she said. "This is the byproduct of poverty, which only happens in capitalistic systems. In socialist societies, there are no concepts like 'hunger' or 'inequality' or 'poverty,' because there is no 'food' or 'equality' or 'money.'"... "Being too hot is just another flaw in the capitalist system," she said. "Look at utopian societies like the U.S.S.R -- you don't see people in Siberian gulags complaining about the heat.""

Police Drop Out Of Democratic National Convention Security After Milwaukee Bans Pepper Spray - "More than 100 Wisconsin police departments have pulled out of agreements to help provide security for the Democratic National Convention in Milwaukee in August. The mass withdrawal occurred after the Milwaukee Fire and Police Commission ordered Milwaukee Police Chief Alfonso Morales to discontinue the use of tear gas and pepper spray for crowd control"

Seattle City Council move to abolish police department with new bill - "Under the bill, cops would be replaced by “community-led activities” and organizations focused on “housing, food security, and other basic needs” along with “culturally-relevant expertise rooted in community connections”... To gain police department funding, groups must show they are “well-versed in de-escalation skills” along with “trauma-informed, gender-affirming, anti-racist praxis” and are “committed to hiring staff from the communities they serve,” according to the proposal."

If You Thought 'Defund the Police' Was Insane You'll Love 'Abolish Prisons' in Seattle - "You would think after the insanity that was CHAZ/CHOP, Seattle might have taken a hard look at their relationship with law and order. You would be wrong.Seattle is in King County, and the County Executive’s Office is moving ahead with plans to “abolish prisons.”... The ideas In the document are based on the same horrible ideas as the City of Seattle’s new employee training. The systemic racism, white supremacy, and critical race theory that permeated training, given only to white employees, scream through these plans as well. The premise of the entire presentation is that white people need to oppress and confine those who do not share their white culture... It is always stunning to note that woke anti-racists speak in a language that white identitarians like Richard Spencer would nod in agreement with... The presentation used the old analogy about the forest and trees to assert that criminal justice needs to be governed by feelings and not data. All that quantitative data is the forest covering profound individual suffering rooted solely in white oppression of minorities. All of this will lead to suffering and collapse. However, folks in positions of power around Seattle see this as a way to force accountability by ensuring “internal discrimination and racism come to the surface.” They should be very wary of those feelings coming to the surface in extremely dangerous ways. They might want to take an early 20th-century history class. Scapegoating based on immutable characteristics has resulted in genocide more than once. They also may want to listen to the mayor of San Francisco. In an interview with Vogue, Mayor London Breed bluntly said woke progressive policies don’t work for minority communities... Perhaps they failed to note, but in the Seattle CHAZ/CHOP, only black men died. Likewise, New York, Chicago, and Atlanta have piled up black bodies, the result of senseless violence. All because their mayors cave to the woke mob screaming “black lives matter.” Some historians will write eloquently on the irony of the entire cultural moment."

When Black America Was Pro-Police - The Atlantic - "as crime rose from the late 1960s to the ’90s, the city’s African American residents responded by supporting an array of tough-on-crime measures. A 1975 measure decriminalizing marijuana died in the majority-black city council, which went on to implement one of the nation’s most stringent gun-control laws. Black residents endorsed a ballot initiative that called for imposing harsh sentences on drug dealers and violent offenders. Replicated on a national level over the same period, these policies led to mass incarceration and aggressive policing strategies like stop-and-frisk, developments that are now looked upon as affronts to racial justice. Much of what Forman reports would not surprise anyone who has spent time at a black church or a black barbershop—or in the company of my mother. In the ’60s, she marched with Malcolm X, and during the ’80s, after the public school where she taught was vandalized, she said, “Those niggers should be put under the jail.” My mom’s ideas about criminal-justice policy are informed by getting held up at gunpoint in front of our house on Chicago’s South Side, seeing family members suffer from addiction, and watching the cops treat my stepfather like a criminal after he got into a fender bender with a white man... The absence of equal protection has been, historically, the most vexing problem in the lives of African Americans. The NAACP was founded in 1909 partly in response to the federal and state governments’ turning a blind eye to white violence against blacks. More than half a century later, as open-air drug markets flourished in inner-city neighborhoods, black activists perceived a related form of racist neglect by the state. The police, they believed, would have shut down those markets had they existed in white communities. In fact, as Forman notes, many activists thought that those in power actually condoned the availability of drugs in the hood, as a means to keep the black man down... In Race, Crime, and the Law, Kennedy argues that African Americans suffer more harm from underenforcement of the law than from overenforcement. He also notes that “racist” can be, from the perspective of African Americans, an inaccurate way to describe criminal-justice policies that burden primarily black criminals... Gone are the days when some black activists and politicians aimed to equip cops with more-powerful guns, as then–D.C. Mayor Marion Barry wanted to do during the crack wave that began in the late ’80s."
Given that even now, an overwhelming majority of blacks want the same amount of policing or even more policing, this is not just of historical interest

Mayor Proposes Defunding NYPD By $1 Billion Amid Spike In Violent Crime

Bill De Blasio Halts NYPD Reform Bill As Violence, Murders Skyrocket - "New York Police Department commissioner, Dermot Shea, connected the spike in crime directly to de Blasio’s efforts to weaken the police department... “Police officers should not have to worry more about getting arrested than the person with the gun that they’re rolling around on the street with”"

City Council Members Spend $63k Of Taxpayer Money On Private Security After Calling To Abolish PD - "Three Minneapolis City Council members who have demanded the city’s police force be dismantled have been using taxpayer dollars to pay for their own private security details.Over the course of the past three weeks, the city has doled out $63,000 to pay for the private security for councilmembers Alondra Cano, Phillipe Cunningham, and Andrea Jenkins... Many Minneapolis residents and business owners do not support abolishing the police department.Don Blyly, whose bookstores were destroyed in the Floyd riots, said he won’t re-open in Minneapolis if local leaders do something “sufficiently stupid” like getting rid of police, WIFR reported.“There are legitimate problems with the Minneapolis police, but the way the politicians are going about it is just ridiculous,” Blyly said. “They are pandering to a certain segment of the electorate.”"
Doubtless, Blyly is just racist for not wanting his bookstores to be destroyed by "mostly peaceful protests" again

Security for Minneapolis Council totaled $152K - "The final bill is in for taxpayer funded private security for three Minneapolis City Council members: $152,400"

Minneapolis City Council, which voted to dismantle police, unsettled by rise of crime and demand action from law enforcement - "Minneapolis City Council members, who recently voted to defund the police department, demanded answers from the city’s police chief for the recent uptick in crime."

House Democrats Propose 'BREATHE Act' To Defund Police, Pay Reparations - "The other part of the reparations included a separate program named for Michael Brown, a robbery suspect killed after beating a police officer and trying to take his gun, and called for reparations for numerous demographic groups"
When you valorise Michael Brown, a proven thug...

Harvard professor’s research: ‘Defunding the police could cost thousands of black lives’ - "Amid nationwide Black Lives Matter protests, riots, looting, and calls to defund the police, a Harvard economist has found that proactive policing saves black lives... The youngest African-American professor to receive tenure in Harvard history, Fryer uses a data-driven approach on fraught social issues.He made waves four years ago with his research on use-of-force incidents by race. It found that black suspects were less likely to be shot by police than white suspects... He encountered an “absolute refusal to grapple with the data” from the media and “insistence” that he should not publicize it... His “rigorous” use of data aims to increase opportunity within “historically disadvantaged” groups, he said in the interview. It is now a matter of “whether we have courage to do something real about it.”... “Pattern-or-Practice” investigations are used by federal and state governments to mitigate unconstitutional police activity including, but not limited to, excessive force and racial bias.According to the Harvard scholars’ working paper on the impact of these investigations into police activity on homicide and crime rates, published in early June, the investigations resulted in “almost 900 excess homicides and almost 34,000 excess felonies.”This spike in the crime rate occurred over the course of two years in the five cities where those deaths and viral incidents occurred: Freddie Gray in Baltimore, Laquan McDonald in Chicago, Timothy Thomas in Cincinnati, Tyisha Miller in Riverside, California, and Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri.While the underlying cause of this dramatic spike is unknown, Fryer and Devi hypothesize that it is caused by a substantial decrease in proactive police activity... the drop in police activity is the “proactive” type of policing where police look out for suspicious behavior... The new study also looked at 22 cities where investigations into police did not pertain to viral incidents, “mostly conducted after complaints from civilians or lawsuits from organizations like the American Civil Liberties Union.” With crime rates that were already trending downward, the cities experienced “benign” or “marginally” reduced crime rates following these investigations.Examining viral incidents that did not garner pattern-or-practice investigations, the study found that they did not affect crime rates... the combination of virality and a pattern-or-practice investigation caused significant jumps in homicides and crime rates... Fryer notes evidence that police have motivation to avoid viral infamy: video of a female police officer in Chicago refusing to fire as she is beaten. Officers have told him “‘I’m not going to be the next YouTube sensation,’” Fryer told Riley.“If the price of policing increases, officers are rational to retreat,” the research paper concludes. “And, retreating disproportionately costs black lives.” Fryer does not claim to have a solution to this issue, but he shared five suggestions with The Fix which he thinks would be a helpful start.Federal funds for police departments should be tied to their collection of data on lower-level uses of force. Community policing should increase because officers can make more accurate distinctions between people when they have more frequent, non-confrontational interactions with the same population over time, he says.To ensure the appropriate amount of force is used in every interaction, police departments should focus on culture, training and correct incentives. Investments should be made “in new technologies for police officers that allow them to do their jobs, safely, without lethal force against anyone,” Fryer says.Finally, departments need to discern how to identify ineffective police officers without altering the behavior of effective ones."

Lucas Lynch - “'I think we need more police. We need police with better standards,' Fulton said, adding that she wants to 'bridge the gap' between law enforcement and their communities.'" appears a formidable and warranted backlash to Defund has begun"
"So are white progressives going to accuse Trayvon Martin's mother of not caring about black lives?She does *not* want to defund the police. She wants better police. Please spare us all a lecture that this is what 'defund the police' somehow 'always meant'.She knows better that when you rely on 'community policing', you get George Zimmerman."

Mob Torches Home Rumored To Be Linked To Missing Girls, Attack Police Who Respond - The Police Tribune - "Chaos erupted outside a Milwaukee home on Tuesday as anti-police protesters hurled bricks at officers who were trying to investigate the disappearance of two teenage girls.At one point, the unruly mob tried to handle the matter themselves by barging into residences to search for the teens... Hundreds of people had converged in the area by the time the group set a nearby home and vehicle ablaze. As firefighters battled the flames, two 14-year-olds were shot in altercations that didn’t involve police... the mob took it upon themselves to break into the home to look for evidence to support rumors that the missing girls were possibly victims of a sex trafficking ring... Meanwhile, other members of the group fanned out to search for the teens in nearby homes... The mob ultimately torched a home, a couch, and a vehicle"
"Responding to rumors, a mob of hundreds of people broke into a home, burned it down, shot 2 teens and 1 adult, wounded 7 cops and a firefighter, and now we have our first look at "community solutions" to crime"

Zaid Jilani on Twitter - abolish police: "l was just assaulted by this man on sunrise and gold centre. He tried to break my car window, grabbed me out of the car, hit me, and spit on me. He followed me to my work and threatened to kill me. Pls help me identify him so I can press charges and file a restraining order."
"Who's going to enforce the restraining order?"

Black Woman Destroys BLM Mural. Here's What Her Motivation Was. - "Bevelyn Beatty, a black pro-life woman from At The Well Ministries, on Saturday defaced the Black Lives Matter mural in front of the Trump Tower in New York City. According to Beatty, the Black Lives Matter movement doesn't care about African Americans."They do it for black people, right? Black Lives Matter. Black Lives Matter but you want to defund the police for black people," she said as she dumped a bucket of black paint on the street. "No. They're lying. We're not standing with Black Lives Matter. We want our police. Refund our police! Refund our police!""

'They're Liars!' Screams a Woman as She defaces BLM Mural - "A black man and two companions defaced the same mural with blue paint earlier in the day... technically the city painted the mural and paid for it, so defacing it is vandalism. But as an act of civil disobedience, it’s far more peaceful and intelligent than the screaming, incoherent, frothing protesters pushing at police hoping to provoke a violent response. Morgan and the “Jesus matters” lady will not have their story told on any national news broadcast. It’s too jarring and interrupts the flow of the narrative. It does not play well into liberal storytelling that all blacks are united in their efforts to defund and defang the police."

Finally: Vandalism de Blasio actually cares about - "Just four days after Mayor Bill de Blasio had a Black Lives Matter mural painted on the street in front of Trump Tower, someone defaced it with their own bit of graffiti... Why’d he do it? Not clear.Maybe he got caught up in the fervor of the moment, in which anything goes: destroying statues, taking over public property like City Hall Park, looting, whatever... Perhaps the vandal opposed the BLM group itself, which calls its members “comrades,” seeks to “disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure,” has links to anti-Semitic movements like Boycott, Divest and Sanction and pushes to “defund the police.” Not everyone’s on board with that agenda, even those eager to fight racism.Clearly de Blasio thought nothing of how divisive the sign might be. After workers repaired it, Hizzoner taunted the culprit: “To whoever vandalized our mural . . . nice try. @NYC_DOT has already fixed it.”One thing is certain: The NYPD is mobilized, de Blasio is truly concerned and he’ll do whatever it takes to find the person who did it. There’s only one kind of vandalism he cares about."

Joe Concha on Twitter - "64 people were shot in New York City this weekend, most of whom are or were minorities. And this is what the mayor chooses to do with his time..."

Minneapolis police say to obey criminals and 'be prepared' to be robbed - "The Minneapolis Police Department (MPD) told residents they should “be prepared” to hand over their phones, wallets, and purses to robbers.The MPD has reported a 46 percent increase in carjackings and a 36 percent increase in robberies compared to this same time last year... Officials are now telling residents to be ready and willing to comply with the demands of criminals in an email sent to Third Precinct residents.“Be prepared to give up your cell phone and purse/wallet,” the police said in their email, a copy of which was obtained by Alpha News. The email said citizens should listen to criminals and “do as they say.”The message warned that “some victims have been maced, dragged, assaulted, and some threatened with a gun.”"
Presumably it's victim blaming and silencing the unheard to blame the oppressed from robbing the rich(er)

Unbiased America - Posts - "JUNE SAW THE MOST GUN SALE BACKGROUND CHECKS IN HISTORY, AS RECORD NUMBERS OF PEOPLE BECOME NEW GUN OWNERS...  The “just call 911” argument against buying guns for self defense has been silenced by recordings of people barricaded in their businesses and homes frantically calling 911 to beg unresponsive police departments for help.And the old media narrative that says firearms are largely the tool of white conservatives “clinging to guns and religion” is being supplanted by a new reality, seen in front page photos of Blacks and Hispanics guarding their homes and businesses during the riots with long rifles, and viral videos of wealthy Democrats brandishing their personal firearms in the face of hundreds of protesters breaking into their gated community... 40% of sales through April came from first-time gun buyers, far more than normal. That equates to about 2.5 million new gun owners in just four months. And that’s before the record surge in June.And 40% of those first-time gun buyers were women, also much higher than normal.What’s more, a rise in first-time gun buyers in left-leaning states like California is helping to drive the surge... a shift is occurring in the country, as the desire for self defense has begun to outweigh politics in the debate over firearm ownership in America. And with demands to remove police from the streets growing, we are even starting to see firearms being portrayed in the media as a tool of self-empowerment.When all is said and done, it may very well be that one of the legacies of 2020 will be a marked expansion of the gun rights movement outside of the traditional left/right paradigm."

Woman Shot Dead After Following Community Leader’s Advice To Settle Disputes With Rioters Without Police - "A Brooklyn woman was killed after attempting to reason with several people illegally setting off fireworks in the neighborhood of East New York.The victim, 33-year-old Shatavia Walls, was just following the advice of Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams to try resolving non-violent disputes through “community policing,” which does not involve calling actual police officers... Adams did not back off his advice when addressing Walls’ death in a statement, instead calling for more action to be taken against “illegal guns.”"

Trucking company not going to cities pushing to defund police: 'We have to keep drivers safe' - "Kucharski said that defunding the police is a bad idea because drivers carry valuable cargo on the road for weeks.“Everybody wants to steal this”... A soon-to-be-released survey of 258 police departments nationwide shows almost half have had their budgets cut amid calls for police to be defunded despite increases in gun violence and otherwise violent crime in some parts of the country... Kucharski said that his company is also avoiding states pushing to defund the police because his insurance coverage is prone to dissolve."
When these cities run out of food, liberal can blame "racism"

81 Percent of Black Americans Want the Same Level, or More, of Police Presence: Gallup - "Ironically, the new survey on feelings toward law enforcement presence, part of the Gallup Center on Black Voices, suggests that if Black Lives Matters and other police abolitionists get their way, they will be thwarting the views of very group in whose name they are acting."

Bill Melugin on Twitter - "A public records request reveals that LA city councilman Mike Bonin, who voted to defund LAPD by $150 million, has called LAPD to his home 8 times since 4/4/20, including to provide extra patrols and protection from peaceful protesters at his house."

Lucas Lynch - "It could almost be an article by Steven Pinker, until it gets to a question I too did not pay enough attention to until recently. If crime is going down, why do black Americans tend to overwhelmingly support either maintaining or expanding the police presence in their areas?... The statement about "internalized negative stereotypes" lead to a link to a paper by Hakeen Jefferson. What we see is the gaslighting of black opinion on crime... black voters, who he does acknowledge are most likely to actually experience crime and live in the highest crime neighborhoods, are simply giving in to respectability politics. They aren't scared for their own lives or fed up with how crime affects their own neighborhoods, and they aren't thinking for themselves on these issues - they are simply playing into the hands of their white masters, and maintaining their system of social control.He then goes on to criticize people like Barack Obama, who dared speak of individual actions people should take to make their community better, and how such speeches were met with thundrous applause...  The game is really laid bare here. A handful of elite academics and activists try so desperately to take advantage of real grievances of African Americans to press forward a political agenda that the vast majority of African Americans don't even want. They keep trying to mobilize these grievances most especially in the cause of anti-capitalism, which is an overwhelmingly all white club. Meanwhile, black voters on the ground keep voting for Joe Biden.Don't be fooled by this tiny elite cadre of intellectuals and activists that overwhelmingly are white, and if not are overwhelmingly performing for an overwhelmingly white audience. These are not the opinions or desires of black America."
"Lived experience" is only valid when it isn't "false conciousness"

Who Opposes Defunding the N.Y.P.D.? These Black Lawmakers - The New York Times - "Laurie Cumbo, a Black councilwoman from Brooklyn who is majority leader, compared calls to defund the police to “colonization” pushed by white progressives. Robert Cornegy Jr., a Black councilman also from Brooklyn, called the movement “political gentrification.”... Mayor Ras Baraka of Newark, N.J., called defunding the police a “bourgeois liberal” solution for addressing systemic racism."
Listen to minorities - when they support the liberal agenda du jour

Seattle police chief to resign following department cuts - "Seattle’s police chief says she is stepping down, a move made public the same day the city council approved reducing the department by as many as 100 officers through layoffs and attrition.Carmen Best, the city’s first black police chief, said in a letter to the department that her retirement will be effective Sept. 2... 'the vast majority of people in Seattle support you and appreciate you. … I look forward to seeing how this department moves forward through the process of re-envisioning public safety'"
BLM: putting black people out of their jobs (to say nothing of the rioting and destruction which ruin even more people's jobs)

Black community blaming ‘racism’ for police chief’s departure - "Some members of the African American community say racism prompted Seattle's first Black female police chief to retire."
This is some top level gaslighting

Record wave of deadly shootings hits US cities. More police aren't the answer, activists say - "Gamaldi, 37, argues that "activist" prosecutors and judges are being too lenient on people caught committing violent crimes. These aren't children making a first mistake, he says, but repeat offenders who know some cities or counties will go easy on them despite what the community actually wants.Compounding the problem, he says: Many police officers who know they'll be second-guessed for every split-second decision they make are dialing back their efforts so they won't get in trouble. "You have politicians and police chiefs telling them to back off," he adds. "This increase in crime that we are seeing, you know who are most impacted by this? Black and brown communities. These numbers are people. These are murders. There are thousands and thousands more people who have been killed. And we need to be talking about that. People at some point are going to have to decide what kind of police officers and policing they want." In an acknowledgment of the racial disparities in policing and prosecution, the Trump administration had taken steps to reduce harsh punishments for federal convicts, and in July 2019released 2,200 inmates under the First Step Act, a 2018 law aimed at softening the longstanding punishments for mostly Black non-violent drug offenders swept up in aggressive prosecutions during the crack epidemic of the 1980s and early 1990s."
Living in activistland means not having to grapple with the consequences of your bullshit
What a white supremacist administration

Errol Webber For Congress (CA-37) on Twitter - "The same people who want to #DefundThePolice, just a few years ago, told you that you don’t need guns, because you have the police."

Bob Dugan on Twitter - "Democrats are so insulated in their DC bubbles that they really believe #BlackLivesMatter destruction and savagery resonates with normal hardworking Americans."
"Austin City Council voted to defund police by 34%, while crime rates are climbing. More than 80% of taxpayers disagree. They did it anyway."

Are U.S. Cities Underpoliced? Theory and Evidence - "We document the extent of measurement errors in the basic data set on police used in the literature on the effect of police on crime. Analyzing medium to large U.S. cities over 1960 to 2010, we obtain measurement error-corrected estimates of the police elasticity. The magnitudes of our estimates are similar to those obtained in the quasi-experimental literature, but our approach yields much greater parameter certainty for the most costly crimes, the key parameters for welfare analysis. Our analysis suggests that U.S. cities are substantially underpoliced."
"for each additional dollar spent on police produces $1.63 in benefits (in the form of reductions in violent crime and property crime.)"

Dank Detective Memes - Posts - "Cop threatens that if qualified immunity goes away they'll stop bothering people who aren't in any danger"
"Don't try to threaten me with exactly what I wanted."

"Gun-owners no longer prevented from using lethal force by the police"

Adam Carolla on Twitter - "We're now saying teachers are heroes while cops are villains. We live in a world where the people who are actually brave enough to go do their job are the bad guys."
"The people who talk about how evil police unions are, but simultaneously praise teacher unions are a special type of confused.... #DefundEverything #AllUnionsAreTrash"

Abolishing the police: a cruel denial of justice - "what exactly the policy will be replaced with is less than clear. Minneapolis City Council president Lisa Bender appeared on CNN to explain, but could only offer word salad. Alarmingly, when she was asked who would respond to a call about a burglary, Bender insisted that such fears ‘come from a place of privilege’. It is impossible to overlook just how insane this response is. It is, of course, Bender’s and her supporters’ privilege which has allowed them to take leave of their senses in this way... In the real world, crime blights the lives of the poorest and most marginalised far more than it does the privileged... police do not patrol certain areas for no reason at all. It is high levels of crime that create demand for a greater police presence... Last year, police in the US shot nine unarmed black men – nine too many. But this is just half of the people who were fatally shot in a single city on a single day by mob violence. As Heather Mac Donald has pointed out, police shootings represented just 0.01 per cent of all African-Americans who were killed last year. In fact, a police officer is 18.5 times more likely to be killed by a black male than an unarmed black male is to be killed by a police officer. The calls to abolish the police neglect these dangers. They come from the identitarian middle classes who generally don’t have to deal with much crime at all. There is a reason why many black communities were historically in favour of ‘law and order’ policies, including the notorious crime bills that led to mass incarceration. The lawyer Randall Kennedy made the now controversial point in Race, Crime and the Law that black people were suffering enormous harm from police failure to protect them from crime – that is, underenforcement of the law rather than overenforcement was the greater denial of justice"
The author doesn't make the point that unarmed doesn't mean harmless

Facebook - "If you think the state monopoly on violence isn’t one of the best institutions civilization has come up with, I don’t think you’ve been paying attention to Portland, Seattle, or Kenosha Wisconsin recently.This is the future under “defund the police“... If Biden loses this election, this will be on the bourgeoisie, overwhelmingly white “Defund the police” faction, the rioters, and their supporters."

Google Employees Demand Company 'Defang and Defund' Law Enforcement Agencies - "Employees at tech giant Google are reportedly demanding that the company stop selling software to law enforcement agencies. Employees believe the company should be ” joining the millions who want to defang and defund these institutions.”Recode reports that more than 1,600 Google employees have signed an internal petition calling for the firm to stop selling its software to police"
The perils of hiring the woke

Virginia Democrats Propose Reducing Charge For Assaulting Police Officers

The Tragedy of Baltimore - The New York Times - "In Baltimore, you can tell a lot about the politics of the person you’re talking with by the word he or she uses to describe the events of April 27, 2015. Some people, and most media outlets, call them the “riots”; some the “unrest.” Guy was among those who always referred to them as the “uprising,” a word that connoted something justifiable and positive: the first step, however tumultuous, toward a freer and fairer city. Policing in Baltimore, Guy and many other residents believed, was broken, with officers serving as an occupying army in enemy territory — harassing African-American residents without cause, breeding distrust and hostility. In 2016, the United States Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Division concurred, releasing a report accusing the city’s Police Department of racial discrimination and excessive force. The city agreed to a “consent decree” with the federal government, a set of policing reforms that would be enforced by a federal judge. When an independent monitoring team was selected to oversee the decree, Guy was hired as its community liaison. This was where she wanted to be: at the forefront of the effort to make her city a better place. But in the years that followed, Baltimore, by most standards, became a worse place. In 2017, it recorded 342 murders — its highest per-capita rate ever, more than double Chicago’s, far higher than any other city of 500,000 or more residents and, astonishingly, a larger absolute number of killings than in New York, a city 14 times as populous. Other elected officials, from the governor to the mayor to the state’s attorney, struggled to respond to the rise in disorder, leaving residents with the unsettling feeling that there was no one in charge. With every passing year, it was getting harder to see what gains, exactly, were delivered by the uprising... The violence and disorder have fed broader setbacks. Gov. Larry Hogan canceled a $2.9 billion rail transit line for West Baltimore, defending the disinvestment in the troubled neighborhood partly by noting that the state had spent $14 million responding to the riots. Target closed its store in West Baltimore, a blow to a part of town short of retail options. The civic compact has so frayed that one acquaintance admitted to me recently that he had stopped waiting at red lights when driving late at night. Why should he, he argued, when he saw young men on dirt bikes flying through intersections while police officers sat in cruisers doing nothing?... On the left... Baltimore’s recent woes have been largely overlooked, partly because they present a challenge to those who start from the assumption that policing is inherently suspect. The national progressive story of Baltimore during this era of criminal-justice reform has been the story of the police excesses that led to Gray’s death and the uprising, not the surge of violence that has overtaken the city ever since. As a result, Baltimore has been left mostly on its own to contend with what has been happening, which has amounted to nothing less than a failure of order and governance the likes of which few American cities have seen in years."

James Clyburn: ‘defund the police’ slogan may have hurt Democrats at polls - "James Clyburn, the House majority whip and Democratic “kingmaker” who played an outsized role in Joe Biden’s successful presidential run, has said the “sloganeering” of the Black Lives Matter protests and other social justice efforts this summer might have hampered them at the polls... “John Lewis and I were founders of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee. John and I sat on the House floor and talked about that defund the police slogan, and both of us concluded that it had the possibilities of doing to the Black Lives Matter movement and current movements across the country what Burn, Baby, Burn did to us back in the 1960s,” Clyburn said. Burn, Baby, Burn became a street slogan during the Watts civil unrest of 1965 in Los Angeles, at the time the largest and costliest uprising of the civil rights era. “We lost that movement over that slogan”... Clyburn also attacked the Democratic party’s “progressive” left wing, members of which have already broken ranks and fired the first shots in a looming battle for the future political direction of the party.“Sometimes I have real problems trying to figure out what progressive means”"

Al Sharpton says 'latte liberals' want to defund the police

Charles Barkley mocks calls to defund police: 'Who are black people supposed to call? Ghostbusters?' - "Barkley also cautioned not to “lump” Breonna Taylor’s death with other high-profile police killings involving African Americans this year including George Floyd, with Barkley noting Taylor's boyfriend shot at police first... Fellow Hall of Famer Shaquille O’Neal, officially a deputy at a sheriff's office in Florida, agreed with Barkley’s perspective... Protests broke out in Louisville, Ky., following the news earlier in the week that the police involved in the Taylor shooting would not face murder charges.Two Louisville police officers were shot amid the protests on Wednesday night"

Seattle Sees Dozens Of Cops Leave Force As Council ‘Defunds Police’ - "the force hemorrhages officers at a historic rate"

'Defund the Police Hamilton' leaves coffin outside mayor’s home

Defunding police will lead to Republican victory this year - "most Americans do not really want to cut funding for the police. A recent poll on race and justice found less than a fifth of Americans favor a reduction of police departments and more than half of them are opposed. However, a strong majority of Americans support police reform measures to reduce deadly force encounters, including training for police on how to lower conflict and avoid using force, outfitting officers with body cameras, and using an early warning system to identify any problem officers."

Mayor Ted Wheeler seeks $2 million to bring back uniformed police team to address spike in shootings - "Days after Portland recorded its 20th homicide, Mayor Ted Wheeler said Thursday he’ll seek $2 million in one-time funding to allow more proactive policing on city streets with greater civilian oversight to try to stem a growing wave of gun violence. The mayor made the announcement alongside religious and community leaders, who urged city officials to take immediate action to prevent more people from dying in shootings, particularly young Black and brown people who have been disproportionately affected by the violence."

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