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Sunday, March 21, 2021

Links - 21st March 2021 (Amy Coney Barrett)

Gad Saad on Twitter - "Kamala Harris failed the bar 1st time. Amy Coney Barrett 1st in her class. I rest"
"Sure but this only proves that the bar exam is a form of white supremacy, am I right Smilin’ @KamalaHarris?"

BOSS LADY: Amy Coney Barrett Breaks Secret Agreement With Man Who Hired Her - "Rushing to confirm Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett before the election was supposed to be a sinister Republican plot to steal a second term for President Donald J. Trump. Obamacare would be overturned, Roe v. Wade struck down, while women and journalists were rounded up and forced to wear silly costumes. The Pope would be installed as king. At least that's what Barrett agreed to when she accepted the nomination, according to the pundits, who are often right. But the Lady Justice had other, more feminist ideas, and a sinister plot of her own. The Supreme Court on Tuesday shot down a lawsuit seeking to nullify President-elect Joe Biden's victory in Pennsylvania, after the case was similarly rejected at the state level. The results of the election are not going to be overturned, and neither is Obamacare. Journalists may yet be spared the gulag."

Liberal Supreme Court justices vote together more than conservatives - "Justice Kavanaugh was supposed to have single-handedly overturned Roe v. Wade, but a funny thing happened on the road to apocalypse. Particularly in petition rejections and other procedural votes, Kavanaugh has demonstrated a pragmatic approach. And a term with few big controversies showed the liberals voting together much more than the conservatives... That dynamic isn’t something that sprang up in the Trump era or with the court’s newest personnel. In the 2014-15 term, with Kennedy at the height of his “swing vote” power —the last full term before Justice Antonin Scalia’s death and resulting year-long vacancy — the four liberals stuck together in 55 of 66 cases, while the four conservatives (not counting Kennedy) voted as a unit in 39... when conservative justices vote together at the same rate as their liberal counterparts, it’s because the entire court is united. Speaking of politically fraught cases that end up 5-4, it’s notable that there's never a question of how the liberal justices will vote. Speculation runs rampant over whether one of the conservatives will go wobbly — whether out of unpredictable moderation, minimalistic pragmatism or idiosyncratic theory — but the liberals are guaranteed to please their constituency... Such intramural fractures often reveal lively intellectual debates that one rarely sees on the left. For example, Justice Neil Gorsuch has joined the liberals five times in 5-4 decisions, four of them this past term alone — with Gorsuch typically writing for the majority or concurring separately without adopting the liberal reasoning. These have mainly been criminal law cases, where Gorsuch’s originalism shines through to the benefit of criminal defendants in the same way Scalia’s often did — to the surprise of those who weren’t paying attention... The Trump appointees voted the same less often in their first term together than any other two justices appointed by the same president, going back at least to President John F. Kennedy. Meanwhile, Obama appointees Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor were together in all the 5-4 cases this term."
Clear proof that the liberal cause is glorious and right. Not proof of liberal groupthink, of course not!
More proof of liberal judicial activism
Also headlined: "Liberal Supreme Court justices vote in lockstep, not the conservative justices"

Bill Maher Slams Amy Coney Barrett as a Really Catholic Nut - "After Ginsburg’s death, some on the Left have rushed to demonize Barrett. Washington Post book critic Ray Charles suggested that there was something nefarious to Barrett’s statement that she intends to pursue “the kingdom of God.” On the contrary, the “kingdom of God” is a common Christian phrase that has more to do with loving your neighbor as yourself than bringing about some kind of theocracy.Similarly, Newsweek ran a story claiming that Barrett belonged to a secret cult-like organization that inspired Margaret Atwood’s book The Handmaid’s Tale. In truth, the pentecostal group to which Barrett belonged, People of Praise, had no connection with People of Hope, the group Atwood seized upon. Newsweek corrected the story but did not retract it. Last year at an event with Hillsdale College, Barrett’s student Stephanie Maloney asked the judge “What role, if any, should faith of a nominee have in the confirmation process?”Barrett said, “None.”“I mean, we have a long tradition of religious tolerance in this country. And in fact, the religious test clause in the Constitution makes it unconstitutional to impose a religious test on anyone who holds public office”... “All people, of course– well, we hope, most people– have deeply held moral convictions, whether or not they come from faith. People who have no faith, people who are not religious, have deeply held moral convictions,” Barrett noted. “And it’s just as important for those people to be sure– I just spent time talking about the job of a judge being to set aside moral convictions, personal moral convictions, and personal preferences, and follow the law. That’s a challenge for those of faith and for those who have no faith.”... "I think it’s a dangerous road to go down to say that only religious people would not be able to separate out moral convictions from their duty""

Amy Coney Barrett's debut shows she will be a tough adversary for Democrats - "[She] could become the first mother of school-aged children to serve on the high court -- she showed how challenging it will be for Democrats to vilify her as a frightening figure who would join the court's conservative majority in rolling back abortion rights and stripping Americans of their health care protections... At a ceremony that the White House choreographed as a near replica of the 1993 event where then-President Bill Clinton nominated Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the 48-year-old judge spoke in reverent terms of the liberal icon she would replace, stating that she would be "mindful of who came before me." Barrett noted that Ginsburg began her career "at a time when women were not welcome in the legal profession," yet "she not only broke glass ceilings, she smashed them."... only about half of Americans (49%) hold a favorable opinion of the Affordable Care Act"

Will Democrats Fail the Amy Coney Barrett Test? - The Atlantic - "I came across a Newsweek story illustrated with a photograph of women wearing the now-familiar red capes with white-trimmed hoods—the universal symbol for female oppression of the most hideous kind. The headline read, “How Amy Coney Barrett’s People of Praise Group Inspired ‘The Handmaid’s Tale.’” That can’t possibly be true, I said to myself, and of course it’s not true. By the next morning, the newsmagazine had appended a correction... In journalism, there’s a name for this kind of correction. It’s called a bullshit correction... The whole thing was a cupcake-size version of the Covington disaster, in which liberal journalists were so willfully blind to their own deep biases that they smeared an adolescent who was guilty only of smiling in an enigmatic and uncomfortable way. Times are hard and talent is expensive, but the mistakes in this piece were so obvious that we may only ascribe them to rank incompetence. That such a calumny should have been based on one reporter’s misreading of a New Yorker profile in which the subject “mentions” a “newspaper clipping” about an entirely different religious group being “a part”—and not the whole—of her “research” means you’re in uncharted territory. I myself have traveled this unmapped region, because I used to teach seventh-grade English; that is, I am familiar with the challenge of supporting a strongly held claim with weakly grasped nonfacts. It was a useless story in so many other ways. There wasn’t a single word on Barrett’s position on the Devil’s Triangle. And couldn’t the writer have placed a call to judicial expert Alyssa Milano? The incident fed into the “fake news” narrative and the suspicion that liberals disdain Christians—by being news that was fake and by betraying an obvious animus toward Christians... What’s got everyone’s hair on fire is that, according to The New York Times, “the group teaches that husbands are the heads of their wives and should take authority over the family.” But the dastardly nature of this expectation is undermined by Barrett’s being shortlisted for a nomination to the Supreme Court. If her faith has put limits on her talent and ambition, there are few signs of it; you don’t get a seat on the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals (where she is currently a judge) so that you can keep your hand in and earn a little pin money. During the confirmation hearings for that appointment, Dianne Feinstein informed Barrett that “the dogma lives loudly within you,” which was a personal best for the senator because in just six words she managed to insult Barrett’s faith and accuse her of a thought crime. All Americans, no matter their job or position in society, are allowed to have their “dogma” live loudly within them, as the senator well knows... the confirmation hearings are likely to provide Democratic senators with an opportunity to demonstrate their assumptions of moral rectitude and preening intellectual superiority. They will eagerly display the purifying anger that feeds their insulted and enraged party. In short, they will reify certain conservative assumptions about the left such that once again, Donald Trump may claim both the low road and the upper hand"

Amy Coney Barrett Deserves to Be on the Supreme Court - "Regardless of what you or I may think of the circumstances of this nomination, Barrett is highly qualified to serve on the Supreme Court... Barrett is a sincere, lovely person. I never heard her utter a word that wasn’t thoughtful and kind — including in the heat of real disagreement about important subjects. She will be an ideal colleague. I don’t really believe in “judicial temperament,” because some of the greatest justices were irascible, difficult and mercurial. But if you do believe in an ideal judicial temperament of calm and decorum, rest assured that Barrett has it.This combination of smart and nice will be scary for liberals"
A woman being qualified for a post only works if she is thought to advance liberal ends

Rachel Campos Duffy: Feminists have an Amy Coney Barrett problem - "Barrett is unquestionably qualified.  She graduated number one in her Notre Dame Law School class, eventually winding up as a clerk on the Supreme Court for Judge Antonin Scalia. Students, colleagues and former professors all agree that she is as brilliant as she is kind, generous, and humble... Since Barrett cannot be attacked on merit, Democrats are in a pickle. How to undermine an indisputably qualified woman in such a way that satisfies your left flank without looking like jerks?... The first round of mom-shaming has already been outsourced to social media trolls who are dutifully testing lines of attack before Democratic senators, still stinging from the electoral rebuke of their Kavanaugh spectacle, consider whether or not to use them in nationally televised hearings in October... For the old guard feminist establishment, the stakes could not be higher.As America gets a front-row seat to the life and times of Judge Amy Coney Barrett, a lot of fair-minded women will conclude that her journey looks a lot like feminism to them!... But wait, how could a pro-life, Catholic mom of seven become the new face of feminism?How dare she get married and start a family in her 20s? And how provincial to refuse to abide by a socially and environmentally acceptable number of children?It wasn’t supposed to be this way. The feminist icon torch was supposed to be passed to Hillary Clinton, but she fell short in 2016.Regardless, her brand of feminism – the icky tradeoffs, the anger, and the man-hating – never sat well with younger, sunnier women... Barrett’s life challenges the feminist notion that fertility and children are a drain on a woman’s ambition. In her case, children and family gave her professional ambition purpose and perspective.For the Barrett family, the generosity that faith and family life cultivate gave them the courage to open their hearts and homes to not one, but two Haitian children in need of adoption... Amy Coney Barrett is operating at a higher intellectual and professional level than the vast majority of women.Nonetheless, her life serves as a model to those of us seeking an alternative to the constraints of feminism.Barrett broke all the rules in the feminist playbook. Fully aware of her exceptional academic and legal talents, she didn’t take the predictable, high-powered law firm route.She went back to South Bend, to the Catholic community she knew and loved, to teach and raise babies. She followed her heart, investing early in the things that last – marriage, family, and a deep and active spiritual life.It takes courage and faith to build a full personal life when the world is telling you that you are squandering your talents by dividing your time and energy on diapers, carpools and the quotidian work of family life."

'What Is Thy Bidding, My Master?' Asks Amy Coney Barrett To Cloaked, Holographic Pope | The Babylon Bee - ""What is thy bidding, my master?" Barrett asked after taking off her COVID mask, which made her breathing sound funny. "Shall I jail all the feminists?""Do it," the Pope replied. "Wipe them out -- all of them -- and together, you and I shall rule America as Pope and... soccer mom judge lady."... Barrett and the Pope are also reportedly working on a social justice initiative called "Order 66," where any woman who doesn't have at least seven babies will be shot with a laser rifle"

Senator asks Barrett to hold up the notes she's using to answer questions ... she holds up a blank pad of paper - "Sen. John Cornyn asked Supreme Court nominee Judge Amy Coney Barrett to hold up the notes she was referring to when answering questions during her confirmation hearing... If ACB were a liberal the sheer number of YAS SLAY KWEEEEENs flying around the internet right now would melt every server on the planet."

Opinion | The Barrett hearings show how far the Senate has fallen - The Washington Post - "Senator after senator showed they were incapable of taking the moment seriously and acting like, well, senators... Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) was one of the most conspicuously vacuous. Instead of using his time to question Barrett on her jurisprudence, Whitehouse used his initial time to allege a conservative conspiracy to control the courts using “dark money.” His low-rent PowerPoint presentation, using printed cards rather than digital slides to make his points, reeked of preening for the cameras. His “questioning” did not even pose a real question: Barrett did not say a single word during his entire 30-minute presentation.Sen. Mazie Hirono (D-Hawaii) went beyond the absurd and into the macabre. She asked a devout Catholic mother of seven if she had ever sexually assaulted someone... Sen. John Neely Kennedy (R-La.) asked Barrett, “Who does the laundry in your house?”... The Senate likes to call itself “the world’s greatest deliberative body.” That honor was once deserved, as members from all backgrounds and political parties actively discussed issues seriously. Today’s senators, however, seem uninterested in doing that; instead, they use the body’s committee rooms or the Senate floor as a platform from which to read talking points prepared by their staff for regurgitation in friendly social media. That is the political equivalent of a sugar high, producing a short burst of recognition but damaging the institution’s ability to do what it is supposed to do: discuss and pass legislation that affects people’s lives. It’s no wonder that serious and ambitious women and men are increasingly attracted to the law or the bureaucracy, institutions where they can do actual work. The fact that such people wield their power behind closed doors and without public discussion or consent, though, simply shows how our democracy is slowly dying before our eyes."

Feminists hate women almost as much as they hate Trump - "isn't feminism about empowering women? The answer to that question is a big fat no. Feminism is about empowering feminists. Sex, as a noun, is surplus to feminist requirements... In her 1963 book, The Feminine Mystique, Friedan had talked about the "problem with no name" a malaise suffered by women who, like men, are profoundly social animals but who had become like provisioned apes in a gilded cage of isolated domesticity. Her goal was to liberate women from this maladaptive environment, not from the family itself. By 1970 however, her liberal feminism was subsumed by radical, class conscious feminists, who came up with a name, and all encompassing just-so story for the problem: patriarchy! This was everything Friedan didn't believe, it was class warfare between men and women, it was a conscious structure invented by women, as being invented by men, to oppress the aforementioned women. Men didn't actually have to invent anything.Friedan began to warn against the rise of "female chauvinism"... Feminists regularly decry Twitter as a hotbed of misogyny, but studies show that just as much abuse aimed at females comes from other females. My own investigations of a UK government report on female harassment found the same thing. Ethnographic studies have found that in 90 percent of cultures, women are the primary target of other women's aggression... Women's gossip has even been found by anthropologists to create a climate in which the honour killing of young women in some cultures is "inevitable."... Feminists sure do seem to save up the worst of their misogyny for non-single mothers who have successfully slept, supped and co-parented with the male enemy. Single mothers, on the other hand, are far more vulnerable and valuable cannon fodder, and so, must be wooed... feminists predictably flouted social distancing protocols during the pandemic and descended on Washington, DC, to protest Coney Barrett's nomination. In an act of inspirational bravery, the Freedom Plaza was awash with woolly pink pudendum hats, each housing a brain belonging to a proud "nasty woman" who genuinely believed she was a serious representative of female empowerment to the watching world. And all this while thinking Trump is the buffoon"

Facebook - "Just witnessed a male US senator interrupt ACB regarding her personal versus her legal views on abortion.Anyone want to put money on the number of articles that might be generated about the centuries of men interrupting women over this? I bet zero.This week of hearings should be called “MLK week” because suddenly people will be able to judge women on the basis of their beliefs and views and not their immutable identity characteristics.At least until next week, when Kamala Harris does something on the campaign trail and then this power will be revoked by the gods as is normally the case.  "

Will Ricciardella - Posts | Facebook - "The only reason SCOTUS nominations have become so toxically bitter is because activists have transformed the Court from a neutral legal institution into a political lawmaking one, completely insulated from any democratic processes."

Dems are no doubt praying that these hot new media scoops on Amy Coney Barrett will be the final nails in her confirmation coffin - "Amy Coney Barrett was a trustee at a South Bend private school that described “homosexual acts” as “at odds with Scripture” & said marriage was between “one man and one woman” years after Obergefell v. Hodges."
"Adam, I have heard a disturbing rumor that the pope is Catholic. Can you confirm?"

Curt (Libertarian) on Twitter - "Me: "Oh, that was smart of Trump to nominate a woman. It'll be a lot harder to pin serial gang rapist accusations on her than Kavanaugh." Dems: "She's abusive to her adopted kids! She stole her kids from Haiti! She's racist for engaging in interracial adoption!""
"In his defense… I never thought the left would stoop so low as to go after her kids."

Federalist Perspectives - Posts | Facebook - "Leftists explaining that the want more women to hold positions of power:"
"Leftists when they hear a pro-life woman was nominated to the Supreme Court:"

Lance for Liberty - Posts | Facebook - "Amy Coney Barrett's catholicism should disqualify her"
"Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden are catholic"

Trump Preemptively Pens Dying Wish Canceling Out RBG's Dying Wish | The Babylon Bee - ""I, Donald Trump, your favorite president, hereby state that my dying wish is for Amy Coney Barrett to be confirmed to the Supreme Court," Trump wrote as friends and family looked on somberly. "She's a great nominee. The best, maybe ever. That Kavanaugh guy was alright, he was pretty good. But Barrett is the real deal." Legal scholars frantically tried to find a loophole so the nation could honor Ginsburg's dying wish but not the president's, but unfortunately for them, the plan was foolproof. "We are forced to honor this as legitimate," they said. "There's no way around it. Since we accepted Ginsburg's dying wishes as constitutional law, now Trump's are also legitimate. Should have thought that one through.""

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