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Thursday, March 18, 2021

Links - 18th March 2021 (1)

Singapore man divorces wife over bizarre cat obsession - "A woman's sudden obsession with cats, which attracted complaints from neighbours and ended up driving her husband out of their home, has become grounds for divorce at a family court here... The husband said that his wife developed an obsession with cats at the time after her late mother appeared in her dreams, telling her to be kind to them.The wife began believing that looking after them was her only way to "cross into Paradise". She started going around feeding stray cats and adopted some of them, taking them into their home. Their youngest son also took a kitten home.The judge noted: "This feline collection created quite a nuisance. The cats roamed around the home freely. They were not toilet-trained and would urinate and defecate indiscriminately."There was a stench of cat faeces and urine emanating from the matrimonial home, which led to numerous complaints by neighbours. The police and other authorities turned up and warned the wife. Nevertheless, she did not cease her feline collection."No longer able to sleep in their bed which was "constantly defiled", the husband began sleeping on a mat on the floor instead... His wife was made bankrupt after being ordered to pay costs for legal proceedings over a lawsuit she filed against the domestic worker's employment agency. She had alleged that the helper had killed 40 of the cats."

In Pursuit of the Perfect Photo, Tourist Accidentally Breaks Sculpture's Toes - "a tourist visiting the Museo Antonio Canova in northern Italy staged a photoshoot with unexpected consequences. Posing next to a 216-year-old plaster sculpture of a reclining woman, he sat down near the statue’s feet and leaned in, inadvertently snapping off several of its toes, according to a statement.Italian officials say that the tourist left the museum in a hurry without notifying the guards. But in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the museum has started requiring international visitors to sign in as a safety measure. That evidence, coupled with several incriminating minutes of security footage, led police to identify the vandal as a 50-year-old Austrian man who had stopped by the museum with a tour group as part of a birthday celebration trip... Under newly proposed legislation, the tourist could face a maximum sentence of up to eight years in prison and a fine of €100,000... Celebrated Neoclassical sculptor Antonio Canova (1757–1822) created the plaster cast model in 1804. The work depicts Pauline Borghese Bonaparte—sister to Napoleon—as Venus, the Roman goddess of love, according to artnet News. A marble version of the sculpture resides in the Galleria Borghese in Rome... In recent years, numerous gallery and museumgoers have unintentionally damaged precious artworks—often in pursuit of the perfect photo. In February 2017, for instance, a visitor tripped and smashed a Yayoi Kusama pumpkin at the Smithsonian’s Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden. That same year, an art lover posing for a snapshot at the 14th Factory in Los Angeles lost her balance and fell over, sending a row of pedestals toppling like dominos."

Shinto Priests Bless Japan's Life-Size Gundam Head In Completion Ceremony - "The life-size Gundam also now has a name, RX-78F00 GUNDAM. The life-size Gundam will be able to do 2 main poses for now with plans for more coming up in the near future."

A taste of democracy: South Korea’s 16-year fight for a green onion breakfast cereal - "After 16 years in exile, a president this week triumphantly returned to claim his rightful place - on the front of a box of green onion-flavoured cereal. The limited edition of the Chex cereal sold out within two days when it hit online stores, following years of almost ceaseless campaigning by enthusiasts.The long road to the cereal aisle began in 2004 when Kellogg’s Korea launched a light-hearted marketing campaign for Chex, a five-grain cereal, asking South Koreans to vote on a new flavour.A TV commercial offered two cartoon candidates in the presidential election for the Chex Choco Empire - chocolate-flavoured Cheki and green onion-flavoured Chaka.The PR stunt was meant to end in an easy victory for sweet Cheki. But the people did not agree. Votes for Chaka surged past those for Cheki, catching Kellogg’s unawares. Citing multiple votes by individuals, the company halted online voting, threw out duplicate votes and declared Cheki the winner.Chaka fans cried foul, and decried Cheki’s subsequent 16-year rule as that of an illegitimate tyrant. Chaka remained in the public consciousness via regular hashtags like #PrayForChex, and memes depicting the onion character as a freedom fighter."

Instagrammer Says Learning About WWII is Bad for Millennials’ Mental Health
"Mental health" is so broad nowadays that it's meaningless So obsessing over identity politics is bad for mental health too, right?

Come on, please lah - Photos - "DORAVMON"
Adult Doraemon story

Is antifa the greatest movement against free speech in America? - "its structure and tactics avoid easy detection, which is why so many people claim the group is an apparition. It is true that whenever such spontaneous and concentrated violence erupts, many people tend to believe it is antifa.Antifa is often the culprit on university campuses. In the film “The Usual Suspects,” the character Virgil described the invisible villain Keyser Soze. He is “the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he did not exist.” Antifa does exist and the last few weeks demonstrate how skilled it is as the Keyser Soze of social unrest in America... Antifa has found allies while the movement has grown. It primarily targets conservatives and the free speech community, so it has not been a major concern of liberals. Former Democratic National Committee deputy chair Keith Ellison, now the Minnesota attorney general, once said antifa would “strike fear in the heart” of Trump. This was after antifa had been involved in numerous acts of violence and its website was banned in Germany. His own son, Minneapolis City Council member Jeremiah Ellison, declared his allegiance to antifa in the heat of the protests this summer. That fact is that antifa works to strike fear not in the heart of Trump but in the heart of anyone who will oppose the movement. The antifa handbook states how the group has rejected the idea of free speech and has spent years organizing protests to prevent opposing views from getting heard. That practice has been adopted by other groups as well. Antifa violence can give colleges or politicians cover for barring conservative speakers. Nancy Pelosi has called for the revocation of a permit for a conservative prayer group viewed as a security matter in San Francisco. George Washington University student Jason Charter has been charged as the alleged “ringleader” of efforts to take down statues across the capital. Charter has been an active antifa member on campus for years. Following his arrest, he claimed the “movement is winning.” It is winning partly since local officials order police to stand down or drop criminal charges to avoid conflict. But it is winning mostly since people remain silent. Silence hurts free speech. Antifa knows that. It is the silence of professors who watch as their colleagues are harassed, investigated, or threatened. It is the silence of students who watch as others are attacked for dissenting ideas. It is the silence of reporters who watch as other journalists are fired or forcibly retired for challenging orthodox views. Finally, it is the silence of those politicians who dismiss the destruction of property as a case, in the words of Pelosi, that “people will do what people will do.”"
Strange how feminists will obsess over "boys will be boys" as an imaginary justification of rape, but “people will do what people will do" is fine

GarbageHuman - Posts - "Leftist bios be like “mental illness | mental illness | mental illness | mental illness | more fucking mental illness” Hammer and Sickle)"
"This is unbelievably ableist and white supremacist. I can't even!!!!! Why is there so much hate in this world??"
Bio: "Marx • cPTSD • Bipolar Disorder • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome • Seasonal Affective Disorder • ADHD • PhD candidate • BLM • ACAB • BAN GUNS • End Gender • she/them"

Dear Reviewer 2: Go F’ Yourself - "The objective of this study was to empirically test the wide belief that Reviewer #2 is a uniquely poor reviewer... Reviewer #2 is not the problem. Reviewer #3 is. In fact, he is such a bad actor that he even gets the unwitting Reviewer #2 blamed for his bad behavior."

Battle of Karánsebes - Wikipedia - "Different portions of an Austrian army, which were scouting for forces of the Ottoman Empire, fired on one another by mistake, causing self-inflicted casualties. The battle took place on the night of 21–22 September 1788. The Ottomans took advantage and captured the city of Karánsebes (now Caransebeș, Romania)... The incident escalated to the point where the whole army retreated from the imaginary enemy, and Holy Roman Emperor Joseph II was pushed off his horse into a small creek"

dorkery - "If you ever, and I mean EVER think that you fucked something up royally, remember that the organizers of the 1904 Olympic marathon:
- Had zero stations for water on the 26 mile (42 km) course
- Accidentally gave North American competitor Tom Hicks a cocktail made of egg whites, brandy, and actual fucking rat poison
- Had a guy come into the race late wearing a beret and cutoff slacks, sneak into an apple orchard during the race because no food had been given to him for 40 hours, eat rotten apples, projectile vomit onto the track, fall asleep for hours, and finish in fourth place OVERALL because most of the other runners collapsed of exhaustion or injuries
- Conducted the race on a dusty road, which caused so much dust to be kicked into the air that an American runner somehow inhaled enough to tear his STOMACH LINING open
- Accidentally released feral dogs onto the track
- Fucked the other competitors up SO BADLY that Tom Hicks—the guy who ate RAT POISON and was HALLUCINATING the entire run—came in first place"

Indian Libertarians on Twitter - "I will be introducing legislation tomorrow to tax the obscene wealth gains billionaires have made during the public health crisis."
"@BernieSanders Do you even realize that so-called 'wealth gains' are just changes in stock prices? Apart from the sheer idiocy of the idea, how do you practically intend to do it? will you check stock market valuations every day and tax them? do the world a favor and read an Economics Textbook!"

Thomas Sowell on Twitter - "Since wealth is the only thing that can cure poverty, you might think that the left would be as obsessed with the creation of wealth as they are with the redistribution of wealth. But you would be wrong."
Since the left just wants to make everyone poor... (note that some are now promoting "degrowth", and environmentalism is about choking the economy, and many explicit want a return to pre-modernity)

Uncomfortable truths for each quadrant to accept : PoliticalCompassMemes - "Marx was pro-guns"
"Islam agree with this quadrant"
"Non-whites are more homophobic"
"The happiest countries in the world have free healthcare"

Do Sex Workers Fall in Love With Clients?

An0maly on Twitter - "Massachusetts State Rep. David Nangle has been arrested for allegedly misusing" campaign funds"
"MEDIA TRICK: When it’s a Republican, they plaster Republican everywhere. When it’s a Democrat, they plaster “Rep” or “State Rep” everywhere."

Zach Heltzel on Twitter - "After 90 hours of research and testing of 58 different models, we think the Magic Wand Rechargeable is the best vibrator for most people"
"The New York Times paid someone to just completely go to town on themselves and I respect that."

Meme - "Grandma used to say Dont brag about how good you can cook men will eat 3 day old pizza. Impress him with anal sex."

Business Fish - Posts - "Please save us, we're drowning!!"
"I can't. If I save you you're going to come to my country and steal our job."
*Kick* "No business is worth a single human life"
This is sneaky. Ironically, the moral of the story is that migrants pretend to fear for their lives (they're clearly not drowning since they're in a lifeboat) to gain entry to first world countries (represented by the expensive cruise ship) and that corporate interests (guy in suit) favour flooding the market with migrants to depress wages (and so boost their profits) and so bring in migrants over the objections of the country's inhabitants (the captain of the ship - since in theory The People are sovereign in Their Country)

U.S. has world's highest rate of children living in single-parent households
Ergo the high level of crime for a nominally developed country

You swine! German nudist chases wild boar that stole laptop - "A nudist bather who chased a wild boar near a Berlin lake after it stole his laptop was applauded by onlookers after a successful pursuit."

Shitlords United - Posts - "If men are agreeing with you, you said something stupid"
"You are absolutely right"

bunani Dasani on Twitter - "In the hit song WAP, when Megan Thee Stallion proclaims “when I ride the dick, Imma spell my name”, she is advocating for community-based literacy programs, focusing on 1:1 & small group learning opportunities. In this essay I will"

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