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Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Links - 17th March 2021 (1)

British stores remove coconut products after reports of Thai monkey labour - "Four British retailers have removed coconut products alleged to involve monkey labour in their production, after reports emerged the animals were used by some farms in Thailand to pick the fruit."
Monkeys are the new children?

Costco removes coconut milk from its shelves over allegations of forced monkey labor and I need 2020 to end right now. - "The company, Theppadungporn Coconut Co., Ltd., stands accused of using monkeys as "coconut picking machines" to produce their Chaokoh brand of coconut milk. If the allegations are true then this is a disgusting practice.Costco had been an important customer but of course does not want to have anything to do with monkey slaves. (Human slaves are another matter, but monkey slaves are just a bridge too far.)"
The "myth" of the slippery slope strikes again

Target pulling products allegedly made with forced monkey labor - "Target will no longer sell coconut milk made by the Thai company Chaokoh after an investigation alleged the drink is tied to forced monkey labor"

Subtle White People Traits | Facebook - "If SWPT acted like subtle asian traits"
"CocaCola is life!"
"Who else just HAS to eat potatoes with everything??"
"A racist old man spoke to me in French today!"
"Rice Burgers? Thats cultural appropriation!"
"Why cant these racists with white fever see that i'm more than just a symbol of colonial power??"
"Whats your favorite place to buy mayo?"

I lost it... :( : asiantwoX - "I lost it, and feel extremely bad about it.Background: 23 year-old junior student, 50% Chinese, 25% Taiwanese, 25% Hong Kongese, from NoCal... I went to Vienna, because it's cold in Berlin, and I've never been to Austria, and I don't have classes this Monday (midterm exams). I stayed in a hostel with a big common room, like most hostels. On the first night (Friday) I met those three girls from China. One could speak decent English (and a little bit of German too), the others couldn't speak much. We still had a connection, exchanged a few laugh's, and I told her the Mandarin and Cantonese words I know. I asked if they wanted to go sight-seeing with me on Saturday, but they had already been to all the places I wanted to see lol. So I went by myself.Saturday afternoon, I came back to the hostel, and two of the Chinese girls were there, on the U-shaped couches. One waved at me, so I went to sit with them. They were with some white guy, and I'm pretty sure you know the type: glasses, looks like a total loser, nothing going for him except that he's tall and has blond hair. They were all speaking Mandarin together, and I could tell that he had a shit accent like all those yellow fever creeps who "learn Chinese". I hated him immediately, him and his smug face whenever he made a joke and the two girls laughed (probably at him, not with him).And I was getting more and more pissed off too, because I felt completely left out. It took me everything not to jump up and yell "Stop showing off!!!" Then, they started talking about me, still in Mandarin, as if I wasn't even fucking there. The Chinese girl must have told her that I don't understand, because then he said "Hi, I'm Matt. Where you from?"And thats when I lost it.I just said "Fuck off loser" and immediately regretted it. It's as if I had no control what so ever on my mouth, it just went straight from my brain. I mean, the look on his stupid face was priceless, but I just got down to his level instead of being in control. Now I was the racist... I jumped face first on my bed and started crying. All those micro-aggressions, catcalls, insults, and bullshit I had to put up with, and that's how I finally lose it. I went on Facebook, thank god my best friend was awake (it was afternoon in Austria, so around 8 AM in SF), I told her everything, and she told me I did the right thing"
Identity politics messes you up badly. Imagine being so self-loathing that you get upset over white people learning other languages (of course, she's the sort who'd mock him if he could only speak English too) and then blame "micro-aggressions" for your being a psycho bitch
Comment: "I swear, judging from your past posts ("racism against AA is worse than against blacks" "Fuck off, loser. You'll never be Chinese." etc), you are either a terrible troll trying to make Asian girls look bad or just ridiculously immature... You are a FOREIGN EXCHANGE STUDENT. It is perfectly normal for someone to ask you "Where are you from?" etc. in this situation! This is called small talk, and you have the right to ask that question back to any other exchange students... You are also immediately judgemental which shows poor quality of character on your part."

What's On - Gambia - "Are you a white woman married or in a relationship with a Gambian. Here are a few DON'Ts if you want your love to last for many, many years:
1. Don't ask too many questions about his "female cousin". That's not your business.
2. Don't force him to accept homosexuality. Respect and support his personal freedoms.
3. Don't get too close to his friends. He may get jealous over it because Gambian men are quick at snatching each other's white partner.
4. Don't force him to buy you gifts when he has projects in The Gambia to complete.
5. Don't show him that you are way more intelligent - even if you're an Oxford degree holder. It could seriously bruise his ego.
6. Don't force him to give you oral sex. It's haram, according to some of them.
7. Don't get extremely drunk in front of him. This could scare him off and he might consider getting a secret wife in The Gambia.
8. Don't dominate during sex. Allow him to decide the positions and duration.
Good luck and have a nice weekend!"
This is not a troll page

Toronto cat cafe closes following wheelchair dispute - "A popular, family-run cat café in midtown Toronto has closed its doors to the public following several high-profile incidents in which people with disabilities say they were denied entry.Meow Cat Café, a Korean pet supply store and coffee shop on Mount Pleasant, first came under fire on Friday when Global News published the story of 16-year-old Jacob Trossman's failed attempt to visit their nine friendly cats... Co-owner Erica Yun, who opened Meow with her mother, Helen, in 2016, later told Global that one of her cats had been injured by a wheelchair in the past... People on Twitter and Facebook started decrying the cafe's owners as ableist almost as soon as Global's story came out... The two-page-long letter says that, because of Global's news report, "people with wheelchairs came in obstinately" on Friday and injured "many cats" who went to the hospital... "As a result, the cats are in a state of too much stress and anxiety," it continues. "We don't know these cats will ever come back in this danger." In their letter, the women also accuse Global News reporter Matthew Bingley of circulating false facts, failing to tell the truth, and disregarding them because "we are weak women and Asians who don't speak English well.""
I gues the disabled lobby is more powerful than the cat, anti-Asian racism and anti-female sexism lobby combined

Toronto cat cafe to reopen but doubles-down on anti-wheelchair position - "The cafe props up the owner’s own wheelchair-bound grandmother as proof that discrimination doesn’t exist, before once again appealing for sympathy by showcasing the plight of one of the cafe’s furry residents.According to the post, one white, deaf, nearly blind cat “used the be hit by people’s feet, be pushed hard against the opening door, get her feet stuck by the closing door, be hit by the toys, and get shocked seriously a lot when people touch her at [sic] the back.”It’s almost enough to make you think that using cats for the entertainment of humans isn’t a good idea. The cafe owner’s note suggests they agree but it is still the foundation of their business."

Chad Felix Greene on Twitter - "Why the left is winning:
- They are relentless and passionately driven by religious fanaticism.
- They bully and intimidate so effectively people just comply to make them stop. (They never do.)
- They have absolutely no opposition.
- They cannot be shamed."

Mike Harlow - "Rant....This is the most horrifyingly and devastatingly accurate thing I have read in a while (from Chad Greene). I have been saying this for a year: It is time to stop laughing at the left and start LEARNING from the left. They are kicking everyone’s ass right now. They are winning. That is an objective fact. If you don’t like that fact, then step up and let’s change it. Because as of now, there is NO serious opposition.I am in AWE of the left. Their will and their commitment is awe-inspiring. When they want something, they damn well get it.They take to the streets. They mobilize. They all get on the same page. They get people fired from their jobs. They burn shit to the ground! It took them 3 DAYS to get everyone on board with abolishing the police. They bend reality to their will. I would be THRILLED if we had 1/10 of their energy and dedication! Okay, not the groupthink and burning shit, but definitely the rest!What does the opposition do....? No, seriously. I’ll wait.... Where are the marches for free speech and for not judging people by their race? I’ll wait....In Kentucky, the governor wants laws determined by race. Free health care — but only for black people. Did Republicans say “This is America. We don’t do that. And the VAST majority of people are tired with your manipulative identitarian snake oil so go back to the 1950’s!”? Nope! The Republican leader in Kentucky responded by saying “Well I’d be concerned about the cost... Not because it isn’t worth it!!!” They are USELESS!!! Why do we even bother having two parties?! We might as well just skip the formality and live in a one-party state, because that’s what we have right now. We are living under total cultural communism, and that is heading towards total and full communism.The right doesn’t fund anything. They don’t invest in anything or anyone! They complain that the left dominates culture, but where are they doing anything to change that? The deep pocket “conservatives” only care about continuing illegal immigration so they can get their cheap labor, and that their taxes remain 2% lower than they would’ve been otherwise.While the right was sitting on their hands worrying about tax rates and gay marriage, the left — not just the left, but the radical left — was tacitly taking over professorships, administrations, media, and corporate boards — pushing Marxism on the masses.When I was banned from Twitter both times, I had VERY little support from any influential people. Same for every other wrongthinker who’s been purged and censored — each time, the “opposition” thinking oh, it’s just one person, better to not make a fuss. Well soon there will be no one left beyond blue checkmarks and their submissives.In my city, my congresswoman runs unopposed. Republicans certainly don’t show up.Leftists spend millions of dollars to bail leftist radicals out of jail... meanwhile, the right can’t be bothered to write a tweet or try to win elections!And I’m telling y’all right now... you’re not gonna want to hear this, but I have a VERY bad feeling about this election. Just my instinct. The same gut feeling I had last time which said “Trump is going to win”. Given the complacency I’ve seen... if this doesn’t change, we might as well just hand the entire globe over to communists and burn the constitution. This election isn’t about Trump. You don’t have to like Trump. It’s not about Trump. It’s about not giving the most radical and toxic ideology we’ve ever seen, the power of the federal government — when they already have the power of every powerful entity in this country (culture, corporations, media, academia, big tech, etc) behind them. Can you IMAGINE if that was then in alignment with government?I was talking about this on Twitter yesterday. Multiple people said “it’s not worth the fight”, “they’re too powerful”, “people have families and can’t be bothered”... and that mentality is EXACTLY the problem. That is why half the people you know pretend they want to abolish the police and pretend that there are 97 genders. That is why the left is winning.And half of you posting the same far left garbage don’t even actually believe it! I know because you told me so. You know who you are. You’re just that afraid of not being in the in-group. Stop being afraid!! Stop cowering!! You have thousands of people right here who support you and will have your back, and there are MILLIONS more just like us!16% of people support defunding the police. 16%!!!! We are the majority!! YOU are the majority!!!! Start fucking acting like it!! The racial left is NOT most people!!! They are a paper tiger. They would be powerless if nobody would capitulate to them and kiss their ass. What would happen if every single person who wasn’t a radical leftist, would stand up and speak their mind? This would be over and done with in a day. The media and corporations have convinced everyone that the radical left is 99% of the country and we’re just being inconvenienced by this crazy little fringe 1% of nazis and grandma killers. And we ALLOW them to!!!We are the majority. We need to start acting like it."

Houska Castle – Blatce, Czechia - "In the second half of the 13th century, a mysterious Gothic castle was built. It wasn’t near any water, wasn’t strategically important, and didn’t seem to have anyone living in it. So why was this random fortress built? According to local legend, it was meant to trap demons."

Zoe Saldana says she regrets playing Nina Simone: ‘I’m never going to do that again’
Comments (elsewhere): "Black Actress accused of black face by woke crowd for playing black singer."
"Pretty soon we'll have nothing but bio-pic documentaries, because no one will be allowed to play anyone but themselves."

Joanna Yeoh - "This struggle is real for many of us who’ve worked in #consulting or #banking in #singapore.It’s a sad day when citizens face discrimination for jobs in their own country. When you have to hire a Singaporean to promote diversity.While we welcome diversity and foreign investments into Singapore, the scale has been tipped against locals for a while now.In the last decade as a senior HR leader, I’ve had bosses who “strongly recommended” that I look at CVs of foreigners when I had already interviewed qualified locals for an open role.I’ve been called out for insubordination when I insisted on building a Singapore core of PMETs within the company.I’ve sat through Succession Planning panels where expatriate Directors openly say that “No Asian will lead in this place; it’ll be a disaster!”(P/S: I resigned from that job almost immediately leaving a large bonus behind)And walked into meetings where business conversations are carried out in Hindi and I’m the only Singaporean in the room.I have, and will continue, to hire qualified foreigners for roles in #singapore.All I ask is that employers give Singaporeans a fair chance by actively seeking, interviewing and fairly evaluating local candidates too.I hope this call is the start of redressing that imbalance."

millennial dad on Twitter - "“hey, I would like to buy a candy bar with my membership card.”
“sure thing. that will be $345.”
“WTF?! $345?!!!!”
“well, without the card it’s $5,450 dollars.”
“oh...that’s not bad I guess.”
^that’s the American healthcare system"
Meanwhile candy bars everywhere else are a fraction of the price

Sean Ono Lennon slams ‘woke’ usage of ‘my partner' - "“When did it become woke to say ‘my partner?’” Lennon, 44, asked. “I mean it’s the least sexy moniker I can think of.” Those who embrace the term, he said, sound “as if you’re working together at a law firm.” “I’d rather be called ‘my b---h’”"

Japanese schoolgirl held prisoner in older man’s condo is free thanks to video game console - "the girl made her way to Tokyo’s Shinjuku neighborhood, where she met up with Hiroyasu Goto, a 44-year-old man she’d become acquainted with through social media. From there, the two went back to Goto’s condominium in Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture... the girl used a video game console that Goto had in the condo to connect to the Internet and contact the online emergency help desk of the Saitama prefectural police, sending an email saying “I am being restrained and cannot run away.”"

China passes US as world's top researcher, showing its R&D might - Nikkei Asian Review
"' No doubt China's research is an order of magnitude higher calibre than America's. It's hard to do biology research when you have inquisitors shouting "sex is a social construct!" '"

'Boomer remover' is the morbid meme millennials are sharing - "There’s a morbid — and chillingly astute — new slang term for the coronavirus pandemic: boomer remover... the same generation laughing off the coronavirus-induced death of their elders are the same folks swarming the Florida shores on spring break right now." Ageism (to say the least) is a good thing when liberals champion it

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