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Sunday, August 16, 2020

Links - 16th August 2020 (1)

The Trump Administration Escalates the War on White Supremacist Terrorism - "The Trump administration on Monday applied an international terrorist designation to an ethno-nationalist group known as the Russian Imperialist Movement, marking the first time the U.S. has applied such a designation to a white supremacist organization... While the level of coordination between R.I.M. and the Kremlin remains unclear, the proximity of its training camps to a major Russian metropolis — and their continued operation despite the media attention they received in the wake of the Gothenberg bombings — suggest the group operate with at least the tacit approval of Vladimir Putin... the designation gone largely unremarked upon by the political media’s opinion makers, and most news articles reporting the development have included wary statements from extremism researchers casting the move as a public relations stunt. But, coupled with the FBI’s recent aggressive pursuit of domestic white supremacists — and provided the State Department continues to monitor these foreign groups and designate them accordingly under the new expanded guidance — Trump’s September executive order may prove to be a substantial blow against a white supremacist threat that began to emerge in earnest in Europe during the refugee crisis of 2014 and 2015, and has since metastasized in the U.S."
Literally Hitler and clear proof Drumpf is Putin's lapdog
This is some 4D chess from a "known" white supremacist

Hate crime in Canada: do our laws allow a white nationalist rally? - "Although acts of violence are not protected under the First Amendment in the United States (freedom of speech), white nationalist groups are legally allowed to protest as long as there is no “imminent threat”, according to Richard Moon, a law professor at the University of Waterloo.Even the most hateful and offensive speech is constitutionally protected... Unlike the U.S., you can be jailed for promoting hate speech that targets a group, such as handing out a pamphlet with Neo-Nazi literature. But there are several conditions that must be met. For example, the hate speech must be the most severe of the genre; must be targeted to an identifiable group (such as a religion, race or sexual orientation); and has to be public."

How ‘White Fragility’ Theory Turns Classrooms Into Power Struggles - "“White fragility” is a phrase DiAngelo invented to delegitimize any disagreement with her views on what causes racial inequality.DiAngelo is attempting to address one of the most important issues of our time. But she does so with an air of piety that presumes she knows all the answers. One of the main challenges in the analysis of Whiteness and white privilege is the deeply ambiguous nature of these terms (see here, here, and here). As historian Eric Arsenen wrote, “whiteness has become a blank screen onto which those who claim to analyze it can project their own meanings.” The inherent ambiguity in a term like Whiteness is likely one of the main reasons DiAngelo has encountered resistance over the years. In response, she has doubled down, defining “one aspect of Whiteness and its effects, White Fragility,” as “a state in which even a minimum amount of racial stress becomes intolerable, triggering a range of defensive moves,” which “include the outward display of emotions such as anger, fear, and guilt, and behaviors such as argumentation, silence, and leaving the stress-inducing situation,” all of which allegedly “function to reinstate white racial equilibrium.” In other words, disagreement is bad. In effect, DiAngelo has pulled off a master stroke of rhetorical legerdemain. “White fragility” is a term that rhetorically delegitimizes in one stroke any “defensiveness” when confronted with DiAngelo’s views about racism and Whiteness. Unfortunately, this approach invariably leads to rampant speculation, rather than careful hypotheses, about what Whiteness is and how it causes racial disparities.The inquisitional nature of this approach is so remarkably transparent that one is at a loss to explain how DiAngelo gets away with asserting incoherently that “[h]uman objectivity is not actually possible” given that such a claim is itself an objective statement that also confuses objectivity with neutrality. Instead, the act of pointing out this incoherence is reflexively treated as an act of heresy which must be “cancelled” or punished for allegedly accommodating white supremacy. One area in which this theory has become increasingly influential is education. Mr. Paslay has spent two decades in Philadelphia classrooms and teacher training workshops. He has found that white fragility—apart from raising awareness about structural inequality—is having some unintended side-effects on schools in America. Above all, the theory fosters intolerance from facilitators leading anti-bias trainings in educational settings, which can provoke resentment among teachers... DiAngelo freely admits to limiting the participation of whites in her workshops in favor of people who look different, and even talks of cutting off whites who try to defend themselves. Indeed, in one of her academic papers, she recommends denying “equal time to all narratives in our classrooms.”... DiAngelo’s “White Fragility” is a focused attack on the behaviors of white people, as opposed to placing the primary focus on particular issues... Incredibly, white people taking offense to being called fragile, racist, or reacting with tears or hurt feelings is racial bullying, according to DiAngelo. But all of DiAngelo’s name calling, personal judgements of character, and attacks are not? This amounts to a rhetorical bullying tactic in itself. It is also a classic example of psychological projection, which is another way scholar-activists like DiAngelo can protect the presumed infallibility of white fragility theory while failing to consider perspectives that run counter to its ideology. Tragically, as research suggests, these workshops are a setback for diversity, and too often leave whites with a feeling of frustration or resentment. In essence, white fragility theory boils down to Power vs. Force, a concept made popular by Dr. David R. Hawkins. It analyzes “the hidden determinants of human behavior.” While true power resides from within, force is applied through projection—an outside force trying to impose its will. Force can only work for so long; once it encounters true power, it immediately unravels.Interestingly, many of the emotions DiAngelo cites as evidence of white fragility—such as anger, shame, guilt, and apathy—are listed by Hawkins as a reaction to force. Nowhere in white fragility theory or whiteness studies can one find positive responses related to true power, such as courage, love, joy, or enlightenment; everything tied to white fragility is zero-sum and is based on dichotomy rather than unity."
Stereotypes are good when they shit on white people

Identity politics is really for rich white people - "The dinners were set up by Saira Rao and Regina Jackson... There are so many bizarre parts of this story it’s hard to know where to begin. The attendees are literally asked to name a ‘racist thing [they] did recently’. And by ‘racist’, they don’t actually mean racist. One woman says she wants to hire more people of colour, then trails off because she is fearful of looking like a ‘white saviour’. In another exchange, a woman ties herself in knots when trying to talk about her adopted black children... Indeed Rao comes off far worse in this write-up than the white women she is supposed to be schooling. She has become semi-Twitter Famous in recent years for her absurd, un-self-aware musings. (She once said all her white female friends had disowned her because she kept pestering them about their privilege and racism.) In the piece, one of the less-satisfied former attendees says Rao is ‘needlessly provocative and mean-spirited, unaware of her own class privilege’. Which reminds us of an important thing about this kind of identity politics, political correctness, wokeness, or whatever we want to call it: its primary audience is rich people, particularly rich white people. As a landmark survey by More in Common found in 2018, high income and education levels are two top predictors of support for political correctness, and white people are less likely than average to believe that political correctness is bad. It makes sense. Woke politics is ultimately disempowering for minorities, it treats them as children who are forever bound by the invisible chains of language, culture and unconscious bias. Identitarians’ mad theories largely appeal to over-educated rich people with too much time on their hands and a heavy dose of bourgeois guilt. Wokeness doesn’t help minorities, it gives white people an opportunity to feel better about themselves and distinguish themselves from the allegedly (even more) bigoted masses.Wokeness is a rich white person’s game, and these hilarious and expensive dinners attest to this."

Fabricant was WRONG… but his target is thick, bigoted and hysterical - "TORY MP Michael Fabricant was forced to apologise after tweeting that he might punch journalist Yasmin Alibhai-Brown “in the throat”... the awful Alibhai-Brown has been screeching likea deranged banshee, accusing him of racism, refusing to accept the apology —and milking it for every last drop. He made his unfortunate tweet while watching this woman on Channel 4 News —debating with me. It was meant to be a discussion about my new book, Selfish, Whining Monkeys. But it was simply Alibhai-Brown and the (not much brighter) presenter Cathy Newman howling “BIGOT!” at me for six minutes.  This is because in the book I suggest that the massive influx of immigrantswe’ve seen in the past ten years has made life worse for the lowest paid insociety. And rather better for the well-orf.Oh, and also that I’m not mad on every aspect of Islam, y’know? Not hugelyconvinced by the general Islamic view of women and homosexuals and Jewish people and so on. So, I’m a bigot, then. At one point Alibhai-Brown screeched that she loathed me. I wondered if maybe I should call for the men in white coats. Imagine if I’dsaid that about an Asian woman who had a different opinion to me? But it’s not just me she loathes. She loathes white people, and especially white working-class people... she was asked on a TV programme: “What’s wrong with whiteguys?” And she replied: “I don’t like them. I want them to be a lost speciesin a hundred years.”Nice. Can you imagine what would happen if you or I said that about black men,or women? The police would get involved, pronto.She also delivered a screed of hatred against the white working-class in anewspaper article. Stupid, vicious, scum, she called them. It was white working-class people who fought against fascism and racism in the Second World War, and white working-class people who battled fascism and racism onthe streets. And yet we give her an MBE for “services to journalism”, and make her a visiting professor at a bunch of not very good universities.Truth is, she shouldn’t be punched in the throat. Instead she should be exposed as a hysterical racist and bigot and consigned to oblivion"

VIDEO: Yasmin Alibhai-Brown's Awkward anti-White Racism - "She says, during a conversation about jobs in 2008: “Don’t apply. It would be great if you went away. White, middle class men. We’d just walk in, wouldn’t we?”Challenged by the host of the show Richard Bacon, who asked, “Is that not a racist comment?” she replied, “Of course”.In 2013, she referred to the Liberal Democrat party as “disgracefully white”."

Columnist for Independent (UK) Yasmin Alibhai Brown: 'The Media Has to Be Kind of Controlled'

Financial Times reporter accessed private calls at Independent and Evening Standard - "A Financial Times reporter listened in on confidential and sensitive video calls at rival news organisations as staff were told about salary cuts and furloughs by editors and senior managers, an investigation by The Independent has established. Mark Di Stefano, who has been suspended by the FT pending an investigation into the incident, accessed private Zoom meetings held by The Independent and The Evening Standard as journalists learnt how measures introduced because of the coronavirus pandemic would affect them... Di Stefano joined the FT as a media and technology reporter in January from Buzzfeed, where he gained a reputation as a quick source of media news and gossip, breaking stories to his 100,000 followers on Twitter."
What happens when you hire someone from Buzzfeed. Who isn't even smart enough to use a shell account

Room 21 Worldwide ☠ - "Black people always talk about seasoning food. The reason why they have to season their food so much is because they can’t cook for shit anyways. If you can cook right, you can bring out the foods natural flavors without seasoning."

'Indian students preferred': Discriminatory rental ads have people shying away from applying - "Discriminatory language in rental unit advertisements, appealing specifically to students from India, have left a Windsor woman struggling to find a place.Stephanie Kerr, her two children and boyfriend have been staying at her brother's place for almost one year. During that time, she's been scouring through websites such as Kijiji and Facebook Marketplace to find a place to rent. Her problem is not that she can't find any rental property listings. It's that the language many of them include has left her feeling she doesn't fit the criteria some landlords are looking for in a tenant.The most egregious example, she said, includes wording such as "preferred Indians only."... "There are a lot of people advertising like this — that they prefer Indian students as compared to the Canadians," said real estate agent Preetinder Brar... Brar pointed to multiple reasons this is happening. The first is the ability to collect more rent from international students... the desire to stay on their landlord's good side may result in tenants turning a blind eye to necessary fixes and repairs... Another reason international students are given preference by landlords, according to Brar, is a federal government program which requires out-of-country students to ensure they have enough savings to complete their studies in Canada... Landlords are not allowed to deny housing to a tenant because of their race. The Ontario Human Rights Code says it's not okay to show preference in a rental listing either.Other problematic statements include "adult building," "not suitable for children," "no ODSP" and "seeking a mature couple."... Some landlords make statements that may discriminate "even if they don't mean to," according to the Ontario Human Rights Commission, adding this often happens when landlords are trying to appeal to people they think may like the rental unit.Some examples include "ideal for quiet couple," "suitable for single professional," "perfect for female student," "suits mature individual or couple," "great for working folks or students" — and "not soundproof" (which may indicate bias against families with children."
Is this "punching up"?
Too bad if you mind noisy (not soundproof) places
Comment: "hmmm.... not renting from a racist landlord seems like dodging a bullet"

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