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Thursday, August 20, 2020

Links - 20th August 2020 (2)

Vegan Hit Girlfriend Because She Came Home Smelling of Bacon - "Mr Ellam then became a fanatical vegan — eschewing all animal products — with Miss Smith telling the court her then-boyfriend pressured her into becoming a vegan, as well... Mr Ellam cut up his then-girlfriend’s clothes, and harshly criticised her for eating one cheese and onion crisp, with cheese being forbidden in veganism... Veganism is on the rise in the UK, with activists calling for more extreme protections of what they claim is a belief system akin to a religion. In February, the Vegan Society called on employers to shield vegans from jokes about their dietary choices and that vegans should be given the top shelf of workplace kitchens’ refrigerators to keep their food. The guidance note coming out after an employment tribunal judge declared the month before that ethical veganism is a “philosophical belief”."

REPORT: Vegans Walking 'Cabbages' Instead of Dogs in Trend to Cure Depression - "Spanish Dog Lover website Lomunidad found the practice rather amusing, but signaled, according to psychiatrist Wen Chao, that the trend may carry health benefits for those involved.Chao said, “It’s a wonderful anti-stress therapy, given that walking cabbages over dogs is a win-win.”He continued, “The idea is simple: you feel as lonely and as simple as a cabbage, so you begin to act like one and befriend one. And in that acceptance comes change.”"
I'm sure this will help improve the image of vegans

The Kynd Butcher - Concrete Playground - "In an unlikely twist, meat is off the menu at this neighbourhood Ascot Vale butchery. In fact, you won't find any animal products at all. Rather, Union Road newcomer The Kynd Butcher embraces a cruelty-free stance — it's Melbourne's first-ever all-vegan butcher shop."
Can they be sued for false advertising?

Choose your fighter
"THE CLASSES BROKEN DOWM Penis = Soldier, Rapes U = Enforcer, Anal Services = Engineer, Sucks = Support, Jerking Authority =Lawman, Ass Doctor = Medic."

Pewdiepie Submissions - Posts - "POOR PUSSY The Children Are Seated in a Circle. One Child Who Is Chosen to Be "Poor Pussy" Stands in the Center. Poor Pussy Kneels Before Some Child and Meows Three Times Every Time He Meows the Child Whom He Is Facing Must Say Poor Pussy Without Laughing if He Laughs He Becomes Poor Pussy if He Doesn't Laugh the Pussy Must Try Someone Else"
From a 1956 textbook apparently

Razorblade Snowflake (Keffy R.M. Kehrli) on Twitter - "The 120 Days of Sodom... Parents might wish to discuss with their children how views on race have changed before allowing them to read this classic work."
"I feel like there are other things you may also wish to discuss with your children before allowing them to read this classic work."

Blackburn Asian women councillors deselected by local Labour party - "Blackburn's first two Asian women councillors have been deselected for speaking out against old-fashioned attitudes, it has been claimed.Saima Afzal and Maryam Batan are understood to have alleged the selection process on 7 February was unfair and broke Labour party rules.Sources say they were replaced with Asian women who would be less independent minded and toe the line."
Minorities are only good when they do what they're told

Why Cats Show You Their Butt, According to Science - "cats aren’t trying to gross you out — in fact, they’re trying to be nice.“For cats, it’s normal for them to sniff each other’s butts as a way to say hello or confirm another cat’s identity,” Delgado tells Inverse. “It’s hard for us to relate to, but for them, smell is much more important to cats and how they recognize each other than vision is. So cats may be ‘inviting’ us to check them out, or just giving us a friendly hello.”"

How Dogs Went From Wolves to Man’s Best Friend, According to Scientists - "wolves became good boys behavior-wise before they started looking more like domesticated dogs than wolves... behavioral traits changed before anything else. Behaviors like a reduced fear of humans and overall tameness were among the first changes, and changes in physical appearance — like smaller jaws and floppy ears — came after."

Why We Should Think Twice About Colonizing Space - "in a colonized universe the probability of the annihilation of the human race could actually rise rather than fall. Consider what is likely to happen as humanity hops from Earth to Mars, and from Mars to relatively nearby, potentially habitable exoplanets like Epsilon Eridani b, Gliese 674 b, and Gliese 581 d. Each of these planets has its own unique environments that will drive Darwinian evolution, resulting in the emergence of novel species over time... expanding across space will also result in ideological diversification... different species will find it increasingly difficult over time to understand each other’s motivations, intentions, behaviors, decisions, and so on. It could even make communication between species with alien languages almost impossible. Furthermore, some species might begin to wonder whether the proverbial “Other” is conscious. This matters because if a species Y cannot consciously experience pain, then another species X might not feel morally obligated to care about Y... how can actors extricate themselves from the security dilemma if they can’t fully trust each other? On the level of individuals, one solution has involved what Thomas Hobbes’ calls the “Leviathan.” The key idea is that people get together and say, “Look, since we can’t fully trust each other, let’s establish an independent governing system—a referee of sorts—that has a monopoly on the legitimate use of force... If conflict were to break out in some region of the universe, could the relevant governing authorities respond soon enough for it to matter, for it to make a difference?Probably not, because of the immense vastness of space... if species A cannot convince species B that if B strikes it, A will launch an effective and devastating counter strike, then B may take a chance at attacking A. In fact, B does not need to be malicious to do this: it only needs to worry that A might, at some point in the near- or long-term future, attack B, thus making it rational for B to launch a preemptive strike (to eliminate the potential danger). Thinking about this predicament in the radically multi-polar conditions of space, it seems fairly obvious that conflict will be extremely difficult to avoid."

Dating in America is so casual. In France, men tend to commit instantly. But do they really mean it? - The Washington Post - "For the first six months of our relationship, David and I had several fights over the phone about exactly this. I didn’t necessarily want to sleep with anyone else, but he was in France and I was in Spain, so it seemed impractical to have an exclusive long-distance relationship with someone I’d only spent four days with. Plus, my history of trysts or one-night stands in America was much like Clark’s — they never led to anything serious. David just couldn’t comprehend why being exclusive was such a big deal, or why this American girl he loved was obsessed with the notion of freedom. It took me six months to finally agree to be exclusive, and that’s only because another woman was trying to move in on him... Cathline Fermet-Quinet, a French psychologist and sexologist in Lyon, confirmed that, yes, dating in France is different. “We don’t have this causal dating period when it’s okay to date several people at the same time and keep your options open,” she said. “Things end up going faster because we’re all in. It’s pretty common to go on three or four dates a week with someone you just met.”Meeting friends usually happens after a few dates, she said, and meeting the parents within one to three months. Caroline Conner, an American who runs wine tastings in Lyon, has had similar experiences. “American men will do anything to avoid calling you their girlfriend. For some reason that’s terrifying to them,” she joked. “But French men seem to want girlfriends. If you have sex once or even just make out — Bam! You’re together!” The only exception, she said, seems to be if you meet on a dating app and discuss being “sex friends.”This all-in approach isn’t always smart, Fermet-Quinet said. “Signing a contract too early and under the influence of love hormones is a little risky.” She said she believes couples who dive right in don’t stop and ask themselves whether they share the same vision of love or whether they are even compatible... one-night stands aren’t as common in France, or they don’t seem like one-night stands because people are too polite to cut off contact without a discussion. Unless you’ve discussed being “sex friends,” not calling or texting someone back after a night together is disrespectful, even if you don’t want to go any further... “They treat you with too much respect for someone who just wants to shag”... Although we both enjoy the romantic gestures and being treated like cherished human beings, it stings much more when they disappear. Neither of us has a clue who wants to date and who is just grooming us for a sexual friendship because they act the same regardless... Dating in the country known for love may be exciting and romantic, but it can also make you even more cynical and cautious about dating than back home. Because in the United States, when someone finally does say “I love you” and goes “full boyfriend,” you actually believe them."

Ghana's dancing pallbearers: life after becoming THE meme of Covid-19 - BBC Africa - YouTube - "In 2017 this troupe of Ghanaian pallbearers went viral following BBC Africa's coverage of their flamboyant coffin-carrying dances, garnering millions of views.Three years later and the group has experienced a second round of internet fame, with social media users adopting the troupe as a dark-humoured symbol of death in the time of Covid-19.BBC Africa's Sulley Lansah met up with the leader of the troupe to get his reaction to his new-found fame, and to see how he's coping during the pandemic."

Five-year-old pulled over in US while driving to California - "A police officer in the western US state of Utah was stunned after stopping what he thought was an impaired driver on a highway only to find a five-year-old behind the wheel.The Utah Highway Patrol said the boy told the trooper who pulled him over on Monday (May 4) that he left home following an argument with his mother who had refused to buy him a Lamborghini. "He decided he'd take the car and go to California to buy one himself," the Highway Patrol said in a tweet. "He might have been short on the purchase amount, as he only had $3."... the boy, who was not identified, had managed to drive about two to three miles (three to five kilometers) from his home before he was stopped and his parents contacted."

Maid who hid $5,002 stolen from employer in her vagina jailed 16 weeks - "A total of $5,002 of the stolen sum was recovered after the maid underwent a body scan while in Changi Women’s Prison. She had hidden the money in a sanitary pad and a plastic bag before placing it inside her vagina.Bajo Nelgielyn Bobita, a 28-year-old Filipino, was jailed 16 weeks after she pleaded guilty to two counts of theft as a servant."

Kim Jong Un may be holed up with his 'Pleasure Squad': report - "If Kim Jong Un is holed up in his luxe seaside hideaway in the port city of Wonsan, he may have plenty of company — a harem of 2,000 sex slaves... The North Korean dictator resurrected his late grandfather’s “Pleasure Squad” of secret sex entertainers in 2015... some reports say he fled to a luxury resort in the port city located along the eastern side of the Korean Peninsula to avoid catching the coronavirus — and the UK paper speculates that he might have his harem with him... "The 2,000-strong harem is said to be made to sing and dance for the nation’s elite — but also take part in bizarre sexual games and orgies.” Kim is widely known for his love of booze and fine food — and the Pleasure Squad provides him with kinky carnal pleasures as well.Some members are said to have been as young as 13 when they were taken out of school and forced into sex work. Defectors from North Korea even say the girls have to undergo invasive medical examinations to prove they’re virgins before they can join... Kim Il-sung especially liked virgins because he believed having sex with them allowed him to absorb the girls’ “ki” or life-force.Authorities would tell the girls’ parents their daughters were on an important mission to serve Kim Il-sung, and they had no say in the matter."

Naked Painter Shows It All Off!! | Croatia's Got Talent | Got Talent Global - YouTube

Divorce among doctors isn’t as common as you think, study finds - The Washington Post - "physicians were less likely to divorce than dentists, health-care executives and nurses.The researchers also found divorce was less common among physicians than lawyers, who are comparable to physicians in income and education. Only pharmacists had lower rates."If you talk to physicians, there seems to be this conception or notion that doctors are more likely to be divorced, not only more than other health-care professionals, but the population at large," said the study's senior author, Anupam Jena, of Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School. Indeed, non-health-care workers and non-lawyers were more likely to have been divorced or become divorced... divorce was more likely for women who worked longer hours, but the reverse was true of male physicians... Physicians had a 24 percent likelihood of divorce; it was 23 percent for pharmacists; 25 percent for dentists; 31 percent for health-care executives; 33 percent among nurses; 27 percent among lawyers; and 35 percent for non-health-care workers."

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