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Friday, August 14, 2020

Links - 14th August 2020 (2)

IATA - About IATA Travel Centre - "The IATA Travel Centre delivers accurate passport, visa and health requirement information at a glance You can count on the IATA Travel Centre as your trusted, centralised source for the latest international travel requirements - as it is powered by Timatic. The IATA Travel Centre is the most accurate source available because we draw on a comprehensive database used by virtually every airline, and information gathered from over 1,600 official sources worldwide, such as immigration and police authorities. What’s more, our user-friendly system is constantly updated, so when you search for destination-specific details, you can rest assured the information returned is both current and complete."

MEDIA RELEASE: Anti-Asian Racism Rife Amid COVID-19 in Canada’s Largest Cities – Chinese Canadian National Council for Social Justice - "as many as 1 in 5 respondents do not think it's safe to sit next to an Asian or Chinese person on a bus, if they have no mask (21%)"
Not reported:
- How many respondents do not think it's safe to sit next to an Asian or Chinese person on a bus if he has a mask
- How many respondents do not think it's safe to sit next to a white (or whatever) person on a bus if he has no mask
I have a feeling if you survey Chinese people, given their mask fetish, more than 21% would not think it's safe to sit next to anyone on a bus if he had no mask
SJWs gonna SJW. Even by the standards of trash studies this is awful. No wonder. It comes from the "Chinese Canadian National Council for Social Justice"

One in 5 Canadians think it’s not safe to sit beside an Asian person on the bus, according to recent poll - "Toronto police have repeatedly said they are not experiencing any “notable increase” in hate crimes since the pandemic started. But spokesperson Meaghan Gray acknowledged hate-related incidents often go unreported.“I’m not sure our numbers would accurately reflect the possible lived experiences for some members of the community,” said Gray."
There goes the narrative
"Lived experience" aka flights of fantasy mean that there has been an astronomical increase in hate crimes but the reporting rate has plummeted because something something white supremacy, resulting in no net significant increase in reported hate crimes in Toronto

When You Eat Can Be Just as Important as What You Eat - "In our busy and highly stimulating world, our circadian rhythm could use some assistance. “The two biggest cues you can give your body to tell it the time of day [are] light and food,” says Manoogian. “Evolutionarily, those were very reliable cues to know the time of day. But in modern society, light and food are available around the clock. This can lead to circadian disruption.”Such disruption is associated with an increased risk of heart disease and diabetes... One way to help our bodies is by practicing “time-restricted eating.” What that means is this: Eat within the same 10-hour window every day. That’s it. So if the first thing that you consume is at 8 AM, your last meal should be at 6 PM.The end of your 10-hour eating window should not coincide with your bedtime. (Water is fine, however.)... “Time-restricted eating … can improve glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity, can lead to about a 5 percent weight loss, improves endurance and decreases blood pressure”"
"Intermittent" does not appear in here and "fasting" only once?!

How Much Do the Ingredients Cost in Your Favorite Foods? - "The restaurant business is notoriously tough, and owners have a myriad of costs ranging from health permits to commercial rent.On average, 30% of a restaurants revenues go to labor costs, 30% goes to general overhead, and 30-33% is spent on ingredients. Making a decent profit in the restaurant industry is a high hurdle... In order to cover all of these costs and still make a slim profit (generally 3-5%), restaurants need to mark up ingredients on average 300%. But some items offer dramatically different margins than others... The markup you pay for a given item ranges anywhere from 155% to 636% — and generally, the higher-end meal you purchase, the better the deal you’re getting... Despite being priced $6 more than the standard Cobb salad, the farm to table version has a much lower markup. This is because it contains so many high-cost items: artichokes ($1.15 per salad), organic chicken ($1.13), frisee ($1.08), and bougy touches like a quail egg ($0.66) and prosciutto speck ($0.44)... We looked at two variations of the omelette: a standard spinach option, and the Denver omelette, which contains ham and cheese. Both had much higher markups than the other items we’ve looked at so far... But the true king of marked up dishes? The pizza... Add-ons generally tack on an additional $1 to $3 to the price you pay. For the restaurant, these add-ons typically don’t cost them very much to purchase.Let’s say you add cheese ($1.50) to your standard hamburger. That slice of cheese probably costs the restaurant around 10 cents — but it raises what you pay from $9 to $10.50. That one small addition raises the markup from 384% to 436%... For the first time in recorded history, Americans are spending more at restaurants ($54 billion) than they are on groceries ($52 billion)"

Gender differences in mate selection criteria: Sociobiological or socioeconomic explanation? - "Consistent with past research, men placed more emphasis on the item Good Looks, whereas women placed more importance on the item Good Financial Prospect. Contrary to the structural powerless model, women's expected income was positively related to ratings of the importance of a potential mate's earning capacity in the college sample"
Women look for richer men. Rich women look for even richer men

Priyamvada Gopal On Resistance In The British Empire | HistoryExtra Podcast - HistoryExtra - "The pointing out of common ground is something we see all the way from anti slavery through to 20th century anti colonialism, talking about the ways in which the ruling classes of Britain are the same people who might be oppressing people in the colonies, but also exploiting the British working classes. So there is, there is a constant laying out of common ground and common cause which we see in anti slavery and anti colonialism. With anti colonial movements you see, for instance, that by the time you get to the 1950s and 1960s, people like Fanna Brockway [sp?] who are involved in anti colonialism starts to become very involved in anti racism. And he and others who were members of the Movement for Colonial Freedom, which was a British organization set up in the 1950s. The movement for colonial freedom transforms itself by the 1970s into an organization called Liberation, which then is very involved in anti apartheid activism in Britain and many of the people involved in liberation also became part of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, which in turn has populated the British anti war movement today. So there is absolutely a genealogy and that's something I was also keen to draw out. That anti slavery doesn't end with abolition. Anti colonialism doesn't end with independence, but these things morph into new dissident movements that take on more contemporary challenges...
I think that too much of the discussion around decolonizing the curriculum has been around diversity. And I think that people are still not very clear about the distinction between diversity and decolonization. My experience of decolonization so far at the level of the curriculum has still been one of a degree of benevolence. So for instance, in my own department, we have agreed to teach our small handful of black and Asian writers or open up the curriculum to the possible study of non mainstream black Asian writers. That to me, it seems to me not the answer. Decolonization, and I tell my students, this is really a question of all of us. And I mean, all of us asking, what is our relationship to the project of empire and how has that shaped how we are today? So this idea that decolonization means throwing white men off the curriculum and replacing them with black women, which is how it has been interpreted in some sections of the British media, I think it's completely wrong... I'm a little concerned that the discussion on decolonization has become one of tolerance and assimilation, rather than a more complicated and challenging engagement with how the British Empire shaped the world for several centuries, and that this is a legacy and an afterlife that we all carry with us... in a very unfortunate way, the story of Empire, rather than a story in which we are all shaped by, in which some of us are complicit, that story has been racialized. And it has been racialized, unfortunately, into a story of white benevolence and black and brown people essentially, as being uplifted by white benevolence. And I think that there is a great deal of racialized investment in that story"
So much for the 'myth' of the slippery slope - if it is celebrated is it still a myth?
Given how much people shit on Empire, it's strange she claims the story is one of white benevolence
Addendum: No surprise at all she made racist remarks later

Victim culture hits the courts: Woman gets paid for career she MIGHT have had but gave up for marriage and kids - "In an unusual divorce case, a woman has been awarded not only half of the assets she and her husband owned, but also a large payout for potential earnings she would have earned had she never given up her career to have children.The judgement in London could have dangerous implications for future marriages ending in years to come, thanks to a court ruling over “relationship-generated disadvantage.”... What makes the decision especially egregious is that the divorcing woman was not only awarded £400,000 for her supposedly stymied career, but also half of the £10 million she and her husband had in assets. The husband is also a solicitor. One would assume the splitting of assets would prove suitable compensation for one person’s career ‘taking precedence’ over their partner’s in a relationship, but now that is not enough... Keir’s celebration of “the principle of compensation” still existing in family law is bizarre, because people going through divorces – especially men – are already responsible for what many would argue is a hefty amount of compensation awarded to their partners through settlements, alimony and the splitting of assets. To now create a new avenue where you need to pay someone for an imaginary, ‘what if’ life they could have had if they never married you is preposterous, and merely one more way for people to take advantage of an already flawed system.Staking a claim to assets or money earned while together is one thing, but to argue a significant other needs to take responsibility for your decisions is victim culture nonsense. And if one is “putting family ahead of ambition and earning power,” but they are also legally allowed to later be compensated for making such a choice, this sounds like they didn’t put family ahead of anything... This ruling is essentially giving legal precedent to a very extreme form of victim culture. If you can get a settlement from a significant other because they are responsible for your past decisions, plenty of other people can make arguments that they are owed compensation from individuals in their past who they see as responsible for their failures. And in a world where people fight tooth and nail to argue about what precise labels hold them back and which groups of ‘privileged’ people keep them down, there are plenty who would surely love to make another person responsible for what they see as their plights in life."
A man is not a financial plan, but a divorce is
Sounds like men should just stay at home instead so they can get half the assets and more in a divorce

"Coronavirus Diaries: I’m a Lesbian. But Since the Lockdown, I’ve Been Sleeping With My Male Roommate." : PinkpillFeminism - "Almost everything that is wrong with liberal feminism has been incidentally covered in this "article... So, in summary, a girl who used to date men but has dated women for a few years is now sleeping with a man and now isn't sure if she can still "identify" as a lesbian. Meanwhile, the fuckboy she lives with is using her for easy access to sex, and even though she felt used and sad when he fucked her and didn't text her or communicate with her (even though they literally live together), she still was happy to be picked by him later that night, because somehow this is going to be empowering sex that will help her "figure out her sexuality?" She is a Deluxe Quarter Pounder Pickmeisha with an extra side of Pickme."
Someone's gonna get #MeToo-ed soon

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