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Thursday, June 18, 2020

Links - 18th June 2020 (1) (Trans Mania)

Judge gives grandparents custody of Ohio transgender teen - "A Hamilton County, Ohio, judge on Friday gave custody of a transgender teen to his grandparents rather than his parents, allowing them to make medical decisions regarding his transition.The parents didn't want the teen, a 17-year-old who identifies as male, to undergo hormone treatment and refused to call him by his chosen name, triggering suicidal feelings, according to court testimony. The parents wanted custody in order to make medical decisions for the teen and prohibit the treatment that his medical team had recommended.Judge Sylvia Sieve Hendon had instructed that the family's names not be released."
According to some liberals, this would never happen

Activists Teach Judges To Yank Kids From Parents Who Won't Trans Them - "the Health and Human Services committee of the South Dakota House killed a bill that would have protected the right of parents to refuse to consent to medical or psychological treatment for a child suffering from gender dysphoria if the treatment “would induce, confirm, or promote the child’s belief that the child’s sex or gender identity is different from the child’s sex presented at birth.” Proposed House Bill 1205 also provided that “no public authority or official of this state may take any adverse action against a parent for exercising this right.”That such a simple affirmation of parental rights could not clear a committee in this solidly red state should terrify parents, as it lays bare transgender activists’ plan: use the government to force parents to affirm a false sex for their child, agree to hormone blockers, and accept a transition to their son or daughter’s preferred gender. If parents refuse? Removal of the child from the family, due to alleged medical neglect... “I first began hearing from distraught parents in this situation in 2016 and in 2017, I heard from seven families in as many different states in this situation. In all but one case the child was a 15 year-old girl who never had any sexual identity confusion prior to her parent’s divorce,” Cretella said. “The other case involved 4-year-old triplet boys whose mother desperately wanted a girl. The mother was a psychologist herself and had cross-dressed one of the boys for two years, insisting that it was his idea. In each of the seven cases the guardian ad litems and judges removed the right to medical consent and/or custody from the parent who objected to transition with puberty blockers and hormones.”... “The second wave is going on now, with emergency room staff, therapists, or doctors reporting parents to Child Protective Services who refuse to affirm their child’s false gender.”More recently, Cretella explains, she has heard from two sets of parents who were accused of being “abusive parents” for refusing to consent to hormone treatments for their teen children. In one case, the parents sought treatment for their son’s suicidal depression. Their son was adopted out of an abusive family, had a long history of depression and anxiety, had been in therapy in the past, was on medications, and never had any sign of gender dysphoria. Nevertheless, the emergency room physician at the children’s hospital, after interviewing him alone, diagnosed him as “definitely transgender because he insists that he is and that [the parents’] lack of acceptance is causing his suicidal depression. He should be started on puberty blockers and estrogen to transition.”This was the first time the 14-year-old boy had ever said such a thing, Cretella noted, yet from this one ER visit, his parents had to fight with the children’s hospital for months against allegations of being “abusive and unsupportive” parents. The family finally found a therapist who helped them set boundaries with their son, and his complaints of feeling trapped in the wrong body have stopped. Even with this outcome, attorneys told the parents they could not sue because experts would side with the ER physician, who was following the “standard of care” guidelines.The third wave will be here soon, according to Cretella, when schools trigger investigations into parents of children suffering from gender dysphoria, by reporting children “afraid to come out to their parents as their authentic selves.” We can see this wave forming from the multitude of school protocols in the news, such as allowing students from K-12 to choose their gender identity.The end goal is the same, Cretella said: “removal of a child based on accusations of medical neglect.”"

Colin Wright on Twitter - "I'm frequently asked why I focus so much on the nature of biological sex. It's because in my view this may be reality's last stand. If this undeniable fact can be denied en masse, then we become hostages to chaos. We simply cannot afford to lose our collective tether to reality."

Daily Mail Online on Twitter - "The baby born to a man who was a woman who got pregnant by a woman who was a man"
"That's just cis straight with extra steps"

Court rules people cannot be gender neutral on their passports - "'the passport issue cannot reasonably be considered in isolation, given that the driver for change is the notion of respect for gender identity across the board.‘The court finds that there was no positive obligation on the state to provide an ‘X’ marker in order to ensure the right of the Appellant to respect for private life.'"

Muslim Inmate Objects to Strip Search with Transgender Female-to-Male Guard Watching - "In West v. Kind, Muslim convert Rufus West objected to being seen by prison guard Isaac Buhle when being strip-searched. "Although Buhle was assigned female at birth, he identifies as a man," but "[West] asserts that Islamic law prohibits the plaintiff from exposing his nakedness to anybody, but especially to females, as defined by genitalia at birth.""
Interestingly it failed, but not just due to non-discrimination

Ellie and Nele: From she to he - and back to she again - ""When I arrived, I was like, 'Yeah, I think I might be trans.' And he directly used male pronouns for me. He said it was so clear I'm transgender - that he's never been as sure with anyone else."... being so young, she needed parental approval for any medical intervention. The first doctor she visited with her parents said Ellie should wait - she thought that was transphobic and found another medic who was positive about her desire to transition."He told my parents that all the effects were reversible - which is the biggest lie. I had done my research, and I knew that this doctor could not be trusted. But I was just so happy that he said that, because then my parents were OK with it."Ellie's dad, Eric, was worried about the impact testosterone would have on his child's health, but the doctor reassured him... Eric and Ellie's mum felt all at sea in this new world of changing genders."I would've liked to have met someone to give me the words and find arguments to make her wait and think about it longer, but there was no-one"... Transitioning to male had not ended Nele's feelings of despair. She was still suicidal, and her eating disorder was manifesting itself in extreme calorie-counting, and an obsession with her diet. Nele began to think testosterone was the only good thing in her life - and she still wanted a mastectomy. But she did not feel she could be totally honest with her gender therapist."I was very ashamed of my eating disorder. I mentioned it in the beginning, but I didn't dare talk about it more because of the shame - I think that's normal with eating disorders."Nele was worried her transgender treatment might be halted if there was any doubt about her mental health."It's a very tricky situation in Germany, because the therapist is the one who gives you the prescriptions for hormones and for surgery."There are few studies exploring the link between eating disorders and gender dysphoria. One review of the UK's Gender Identity Development Service in 2012 showed that 16% of all adolescent referrals in that year had some kind of "eating difficulty"... Some clinicians have suggested that eating disorders develop as a response to gender dysphoria, says Anastassis Spiliadis, a UK-based psychotherapist who treats patients with eating disorders and gender identity issues.The theory is that if you treat the gender distress, the eating disorder will diminish. This can happen, but it is not what Spiliadis has seen among many of his clients - natal females in their 20s who, like Nele, are detransitioning... He believes someone who is suffering from anorexia or bulimia may not be equipped to make irreversible health decisions."We know that eating disorders affect people at a bio-psychosocial level. Those who are medically and physically, but also cognitively compromised might have a distorted view of themselves or their bodies."...
Ellie and Nele approve of the use of female pronouns to refer to them throughout their lives, including when they were living as trans men."
So would it be transphobic to say that they weren't really men when they were living as trans men, even though now want female pronouns used on them during that period?

Joshua Ip - " i took a shot at turbo-translating this groundbreaking article in Zaobao Weekly - I don't know if I'm correct to say if it's the first, or at least the most detailed feature on trans women in a Singaporean newspaper, so i think it needs to be read by people who don't do Chinese."
The fact that this appeared in Zaobao suggests that those who think Singapore won't follow the same path as the West are wrong (notwithstanding Taiwan's being further down the path)

Transgender Surgeries Are Being Delayed as Hospitals Prepare for COVID-19 - "Joshua Safer, Executive Director at Mount Sinai’s Center for Transgender Medicine and Surgery, told VICE that all gender-related surgeries are postponed for at least the next two weeks at the New York City hospital where he works. “In light of the difficult circumstances due to COVID-19, the Mount Sinai Center for Transgender Medicine and Surgery has taken the extraordinary but necessary steps of postponing all non-emergent gender-affirming surgeries," Safer said. "This will protect our transgender and non-binary patients from the risk of transmission of COVID-19 while at the hospital, and will allow the hospital the capacity to care for critically ill COVID-19 patients.”"
The social media headline was even more ridiculous: "As Hospitals Prepare for COVID-19, Life-Saving Trans Surgeries Are Delayed"
If the surgeries were not postponed, Vice would write some article fulminating over how trans people were not being protected from covid
Imagine being Vice and wanting elective surgery that doesn't improve long term outcomes prioritised over something that can lead to people dying (not killing themselves - which would've happened regardless)

Blessyth Zoë Minerva Lily-Jade Foxx on Twitter - "The local Women's Center made vagina cupcakes; in doing so, they continue to marginalize bepenised women, so I'm queering pastry by bringing them girldick cupcakes. 🧁 #QueerArt #LGBTQProud #LGBTQof2020"

ᴇᴠɪʟ ᴅᴏɢ on Twitter - "It’s been observed having gender dysphoria can be the result of a mental disorder. When I transitioned, and the novelty diminished, I was still depressed and unstable. My dysphoria alleviated once I treated my mental health - not by becoming the opposite gender."

Transgender Rebekah Brewis Steals $10,000 From Women’s March - "An organizer of the 2017 Portland Women’s March was sentenced to 23 months on Thursday for stealing more than $10,000 from the event.Rebekah Brewis, 39, a transgender activist, pleaded guilty to one count of first-degree aggravated theft... PDX Trans Pride, which she claimed had only one member, Brewis, was holding $22,000 in money raised from T-shirt sales... PDX Trans Pride responded to the allegations on Facebook, accusing march organizers of “transphobia” a spreading a “false narrative about our organization and it’s [sic] leaders.”... Brewis was indicted by a grand jury this past May on three counts of aggravated theft.In 2000, Brewis, then known as Jorey Brewis, received a 70-month sentence for robbery... Just after the accusations erupted in February 2017, Brewis posted on Facebook that she was at the Canada-U.S. border and was claiming “refugee status.”"

Validation Station: New service for trans people at home during lockdown - "Radio host Jacob Edward, who made history last Christmas as the first non-binary presenter on BBC Radio 1, has launched a service for trans people stuck at home during coronavirus lockdown.Many trans people will be isolated in homes where their names and pronouns aren’t respected.The Validation Station is “a daily feel good message” for the trans community"

Zeru on Twitter - "Every single scientist I know: sex can’t be called a binary because we know it exists on a broad spectrum controlled by gene expression. Transphobes: excuse me, but when I was 8 someone told me about X and Y chromosomes."
Replies: "Every single scientist I know: species that reproduce via anisogamy produce a small and a large gamete, the fusion of which creates a new life. There are no in-betweens; there exist sperms and there exist eggs. Trans activists: You're a hateful asshole for recognizing that!"
"Um. You know some odd biologists. There are no peer reviewed biology papers that characterise sex as a spectrum. That is because it is ideological batshit nonsense."
Amusingly some people cited papers by sociologists and psychologists to claim that there were peer reviewed biology papers claiming sex was a spectrum
OP says he is a geneticist/neurologist. He must not know many biologists
Comment: "I am confused because gene types such as XXY or XYY are genetic disorders…sooo is this person suggesting that various genders are simply genetic disorders …"

Adrienne V. on Twitter - "Ever since coronavirus, I’ve heard zip about:
-preferred pronouns
-which bathroom everyone gets to use
-who gets to go to a gynecologist, get waxed, join girls’ sports
It’s almost as if these are MADE UP issues resulting from a society not having anything real to worry about."

Vulvamort on Twitter - "You can't identify as a different ethnicity age height why do people choose biological sex as the exception? It's no less real or observable. It's still immutable. How strong must stereotypes attached to sex be, that people believe they can be used as a proxy for sex itself." "

I,Hypocrite - Posts - "So I've had another bit of a breast surge (yay, injections!) , and I find it so distracting. I'm constantly touching them, checking my profile, experimenting with different underclothes, etc. Today I have a bra on at work for the first time, and it is overwhelming. I think I'm losing (enjoying?) 2 hours a day to this. Do cis teen girls have similar distractions as they go through puberty? My first puberty as boy was nothing like this.
Hug, Daisy"
This got deleted from reddit
Of course, if you mention auto-erotic gynephilia, you're transphobic

rachel on Twitter - "The amount of cute I am today should be fucking illegal"

rachel on Twitter - "I’m a non-op trans lesbian. I don’t have genital dysphoria. I really enjoy piv sex. But that doesn’t mean I fuck like a man.
Also being sexually active as a lesbian means having sex with women, not having sex with vaginas. If y’all don’t get that you might wanna reexamine what womanhood and lesbianism mean to you."

transsexual terroist on Twitter - "i don’t know if anyone else is having this issue but a big part of being trans is performing my identity in public in a sense, and since isolation i have no idea who i am
this also has a big part to do with me identifying as fat. that plays a big part into my gender for some reason."
Replies: "If you feel you have to perform your identity for others, maybe it’s time to re-evaluate if your identity is the issue, or your need for attention?"
""Performing" is the key word here. It's a performance of that which you actually aren't (and can't be). You know exactly who you are, you just wish you weren't, and hence the conflict. In isolation, no one gives you the validation you crave."
This suggests that many trans people just want attention. This would explain their obsession with their sexual identity

Morocco: Gay men terrified after trans influencer urged women to out them - "Gay men in Morocco are living in terror after a beauty influencer instructed her hundreds of thousands of followers to use gay dating apps to identify them, in a country where homosexuality is illegal and violent homophobia is rife. Naofal Moussa, also known as Sofia Talouni, is a trans woman based in Turkey who – before her verified account was deleted on Friday – had more than 627,000 Instagram followers... "because of Sofia [Moussa] now, there’s hundreds of Facebook groups run by Moroccans just to find gay people and expose them… Moroccans hate gays with all their hearts.”... Makhchoune says he knows of a gay youth who is being “tortured” by his family, who are also beating him up and spitting on him, after he was outed in one of the Facebook groups... Details about the number of the gay men who have killed themselves this week as a result of being outed remain unclear, but almost every gay man PinkNews spoke to was aware of at least one person who had died by suicide."

UK launches unprecedented attack on trans rights, will ban transition before 18 - "Britain’s new Equality Minister Liz Truss has announced a major government policy change on trans rights, banning transition before the age of 18... 'making sure that the under 18s are protected from decisions that they could make, that are irreversible in the future. I believe strongly that adults should have the freedom to lead their lives as they see fit, but I think it’s very important that while people are still developing their decision-making capabilities that we protect them from making those irreversible decisions.’"
I like how until recently trans activists were claiming that children transitioning was a transphobic myth, but now they're calling a ban on children transitioning transphobic. This should be the epitome of gaslighting from a movement built on gaslighting

Assigned Male Comics - Posts - ""Don't pretend you have logical reasons to be against letting trans kids transition. No one is too young to transition. You're just against the existence of trans people."
[Image description: A drawing of Stephie, who is wearing a black dress and jacket with pink headband and bracelet and gesturing with her hands out against a light blue-green background. She has a skeptical/WTF I'm going to explain this to you kind of look on her face. She says, "Don't pretend you have logical reasons to be against letting trans kids transition. No one is 'too young' to transition. You're just against the existence of trans people." Bottom right text reads, Assigned Male Comics By Sophie Labelle. (Colors By Marie-Ortie)]"
Maybe Assigned Male Comics is a false flag operation designed to make trans people and trans activists look bad, specifically here by making it look like they want children to transition at any age

Trans Activists Protest Bi-Partisan Bill to Protect Girls From Barbaric Practice of Female Genital Mutilation - "Transgender activists are protesting a bill that would criminalize the performance of female genital mutilation on a minor in Wyoming as an act of aggravated assault and battery... HBO 127 specifies that “sex reassignment surgery” is not prohibited “if the person on whom it is performed is over eighteen (18) years of age and requests and consents to the procedure.” Although both Democrats and Republicans acknowledged that it is already “rare” for a doctor to allow a person under 18 to undergo gender-affirming surgeries, transgender activists are crying foul... Men who identify as transgender have routinely expressed hostility toward anti-FGM activists who have themselves been victimized by the practice. Tweeters said Ms Bergstrom’s use of the phrase “female genital mutilation” is transgender-exclusionary language, as not all people with vaginas are women, and not all women have vaginas. Jana Cornel, a black woman, was similarly told by Canadian politician Morgane Oger that the practice of FGM does not target females, as “nobody knows your sex except how you express it as gender.”"
In the meantime, male genital mutilation is still celebrated
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