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Thursday, June 18, 2020

Anti-antifa as "Racism"

A: Post by B that wasn't approved to be posted in the group:

"Andy Ngo details Seattle 'autonomous zone' set up by protesters | Fox News Video

Some called it Soyviet Union of veganzuela. And nicknamed it communist hate America zones. I call those that occupied and took over state land and declare in autonomous to have committed an act of treason and are rebels and traitors. They are domestic terrorists. Why ? Because there are local residents and businesses there that did not agree to this and have their lives disrupted. It's delusional to say it’s a love fest. Residents were unable to access ambulances and police and they pay taxes for these services. these illegal occupiers do not have the right to take that away from them. As with media we all know there is biases but I see what I see to know what anarchy is. I judge a social movement by the fruit it produced. So far it looked pretty rotten to me. So for the apologists maybe take a boat to Cuba or Venezuela if you really want to experience communism. No right of you to deny taxpayers their rights to essential services. I know of people whose elder parent lived in fear because they demanded food and money from local businesses."

Hi, just using this as an example of what is both racist and misinformed. I did not approve the post for this reason but see it as something to display that represents irresponsible propaganda. Take it from an admin who walked around today what is now called the Chop, Capitol Hill Occupied Protest. Furthermore Fox News has intentionally used digitally altered photos to show broken windows and looting and photos of intense fires from Minneapolis. This is actual propaganda. I am someone’s who lived 5 minutes walk from these blocks until recently and stay updated daily with multiple first hand accounts including organizers. Some things are simply not truthful and not a matter of a differing opinion.

B: Always be open to alternative opinion not just yours. Also since when did I bring up race? I brought up ideology . And you deliberately did not allow it because the video was from fox and it did not gel with your narrative.So applying censorship to an alternative view and preventing others to form their own judgement based on different viewpoints was what you learned from your time in the US? How is your view not considered propergander and mine is?

C: Just checking if you are aware the Fox News has falsely doctored photos of Seattle during this situation? Do you consider Fox News to be a reliable news source?

B: I encouraged you to watch that video and determine for yourself. I personally know people who live there and they are livid! I have also lived in Seattle for 4 years. Also can you honestly say CNN is reliable? So no media is reliable.

Andy Ngo details Seattle 'autonomous zone' set up by protesters | Fox News Video

this is the video I was referring to.

C: I personally have friends who have gone to CHAZ and livestreamed their visits. I've also read many firsthand accounts of people who live and work in the area. This is a good one to refer to - https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10157373605456313&id=501361312

You are right in saying no one person's opinion is the opinion of all. Just as no media is right for everyone. However I currently live in Seattle and have been watching the situation closely.

My personal observation through various livestreams from actual people I know is that CHAZ or CHOP is not homogeneous. There are many different people with different agendas there. However, the majority are there in peace and with hopes that the occupy protest will open positive dialogue between the city and the people.

Also, after reading many one sided and biased news from FOX, I no longer consider the a reliable news source. You have the right to continue believing it as reliable news, but unfortunately I do not. There are many more balanced, factual and reliable news sources out there.

B: no the general Seattle public is not livid

there are opinions and there are lies.

Me: I guess BBC should be banned too

BBC criticised for cropping out weapon in Black Lives Matter protest photo - LBC

New York Times as well

Patriots say viral New York Times White House photo was misleading | Sporting News

A: I disagree with all misinformation and the Fox level of propaganda is truly mind boggling

B: A, did I say general ? So the other few doesn’t count?

A: they do, but when the news ignores all the footage that’s been captured of police brutality and demonizes protesters pushing to end such paramilitary tactics, shows fake pictures, and writes to Chop as being a separate nation, that is propaganda. Do your research properly sister, and I do say sister as I’m a descendant of the [B's surname] clan and part of our human family.

B: did not declared it autonomous?

A: it was actually labeled as such by some organizers without consulting leadership and making a decision. The name stuck but was used to refer to the area being autonomous from a violent police force, not another country.

B: why do you put a blanket statement that the police force Is violent?

A: go use your eyes

maybe can also consult the residents of Capitol Hill who were tear gassed so hard over a 9 day police uprising that children in surrounding apartments choked

B: I did I also see people setting fires outside the police station and throwing Molotovs

A: in Seattle? Protestors and not intentional rioters who were nearly all White? Setting fire to police cars downtown and no one died? Not condoning it but staying factual. Show me where a precinct set fire in Seattle. You can’t

B: seem to forget these occupiers place the residents and businesses which did not agree to the situation in the middle of it.

A: go talk lor

B: go look at other videos that people submit online too.

A: I watch all types of footage 🙂 more than you ever know.

B: so you actually think setting fire to police cars which is actually public property and paid for by local tax payers are ok?

A: and once again this is quite literally my community and not yours so pay some respect and listen and plug into Twitter and IG for direct and live ground reports

I just said I do not condone and keep in mind those who’ve started these have had no affiliations to organizers. I am repeating myself. Goodbye 👋🏼

B: it’s the moral responsibility of the organizer to make sure their actions do not cause harm to others

and since it’s your community you have the right to dictate whose opinion is right or wrong and which information is propaganda and which is not. Ok I rest my case. No point discussing when someone is knee deep in it .

16 years ago when I first came to the US, someone wise told me everything here in politics is not what it seems. Now after having witnessed 5 election cycles I can honestly say I truely understand what he meant. I came to see with disgust the media’s role in inflaming situations for ratings and profits. The outright biases on both sides to pander to their selective audiences. The “ canceling culture” that has taken hold on social media that suppresses different perspectives, ideas and beliefs. A culture that seeks not to encourage discussion and acceptance of differences but seek with vindictiveness to cancel businesses and people via damaging their reputation and livelihood. I have seen a member of the tango community try to “out” someone whom he thinks is a racist. It is disappointing especially that at the age of being in his forties he really was still being supported by his parents and living his unfulfilled dream in the industry with no responsibility other than himself.
The word “racist” is often diluted and thrown in directions of others who disagree with the so called “woke” ideology of the day. These social justice warriors will put it upon themselves to become the thought and idea police brigade to apply censorship and suppression via peer pressure and insinuations. Having lived in a social democratic country, I was really not allowed or encouraged this mindset of challenging ideas using critical analysis and decernment skills. Having lived as a minority in Australia and the US I learned to take myself out of the box to question my perception of people, racism and bigotry. Till date I encountered generous white Australians and Americans than what the world were told otherwise. It pains me to see my white friends having to apologize for things they did not do to pay for the sins of their forefathers. I try to understand both sides and I align my internal moral compass with my own conclusions. I don’t come to this land of the free, where my speech, thoughts and beliefs are not respected suppressed and not given platform. People here have lost sight of that. I will call a spade a spade, I will continue to highlight hypocrisy as I see it. The fakeness of the “woke” group. I will speak my truth and am not afraid nor apologetic.No ideology is my master only God . I will speak up for inequalities for all races not just one and I value all lives. I will continue to judge a person by the content of his character and work. I will judge the fruit of a social movement and look at their affiliations closely . Again I believe in No violence physical or verbal,no colors, just acceptance, respect and love. #walkaway from cancel culture.

D: I read your original post, and I could not detect anything in there that is racist or misinformed. Andy Ngo is a honest journalist who reports accurately and truthfully. He happens to be a gay Asian-American, which opens him to attack from the Left because he does not "fit" their narrative.

E: Thanks for taking the time to share. I spent most of my life in the U.S. and made tremendous effort to assimilate into the society. I have many white friends, they are like my family, they helped me to establish myself in this country, my former white boss paid for my tuition at UCLA, it was not in the employment agreement, he wanted to see me to succeed in this country. It irks me when my family and friends back home think that all the white people are white supremacists. I was a victim of black crimes so I no longer live in the black neighborhood, nevertheless, U have close black friends. There are good and black people in each race, this is the healing time for the U.S. , we can't solve all the problems but can do our part not to add fuel into fire and threat each other with respect.

B: I totally agree. You judge a person by content of their character.

E: Racism does exist in the U.S. , by adding fuel into the fire now is not helping with the problem. I didn't know why an American woman looked at me angrily a few months ago, I thought it was a mental case and later realized that it could be because I am a Chinese and was blamed bringing the virus here. The interesting part was I looked at her as someone ignorant instead of racist. I don't draw a conclusion that race is the issue when people were rude to me, that can be why I really don't recall any racist experience. I do want to be more open to listening to those who had those bad experiences as my part to contribute to healing.

B: I am not insensitive to racism but I strongly object to BLM way of strong arming their ideology unto others. There are many things I find not right the the organization.

E: I have questions about that group and will certainly hope that they use the donations to improve the lives of the black communities instead of pushing other agendas. Racism seems to become a political rather than issue now.

B: Check their online website it state money goes to act blue to support the democratic nominees.

F: OP needs to go back to school. How was that racist at all?

A: waging a misinformation campaign is a lie and racist insofar that’s this is a campaign to defend Black lives

G: Agree with F I dun see how the post is racist or misinformed

Pity the residents n businesses in that area , most nvr wanted to be in that situation ... it’s wrong to siege upon businesses n resident area n hold the area “hostage” ... go seize a govt building n occupy it ... go seize the state house in Olympia .. n area around

A: it is literally a misinformation war to slander a movement to defend a Black lives. It’s horribly racist by actions

G: 2 sides to a story .. and what you are doing ..calling others opinions who dun gel with yours a lie.. says enough about where you stand ...

go see the twitter comments of folks who posted what happen last night at the free zone ... overdose on drugs. .and they had to bring the poor guy out to the ER waiting outside the zone(wheres the doctors or emts that were in that free zone?? NARCAN should be on hand to treat) .. that workshop being robbed.. and cops called.. no cops will enter the area.. and end up that business was robbed with no recourse of followup by anyone ... i for one wouldnt want to be in that situation .. be it a business owner or resident... i hope no one has a medical situation in the 6 block zone ... and i hope those doctors and EMTs in th zone does what they do best ... save ppl ... but then again .. they will loose their license to practice outside the free zone .. i guess.

like i said , go siege the Capitol building in Olympia .. no business or residents are put in harms way

ELIJAH SCHAFFER on Twitter: "Man in #CHAZ overdosed & is rushed out by Seattle Fire After passing out on a field His eyes were rolled back and was unresponsive Antifa medics did not want people filming the incident More info on @JackPosobiec as his source was on the scene too https://t.co/wq5TPBsL1E" / Twitter

ShawnGui - Twitch

Anyone got more context to what happened tonight in Chaz (robbery, fire, assault, guns drawn, etc)? : Seattle

A: I personally spend 18 hours a day to this movement and have gotten 20+ first hand accounts, visited twice, a, friends with organizers on the ground, and watch national narratives which have intentionally misreported the situation. Lies are not tolerated

Me: I guess all first hand accounts you disagree with must be lies

A: give me those real first hand accounts from people you know and we can talk

because buddy this is literally my community and neighborhood

Me: why must they be from people I know?

In Singapore a lot of people don't know what happens in their community and neighbourhood, eg rental flats, homeless people. So if Al jazeera does a feature on the poor in Singapore it must be lies

There're people in Singapore who have lived there for 5 decades who don't know prostitution is legal and regulated

H: Everyone is entitled to their opinions. Sure, it is your community and area....but do u literally know everybody in town? Do u 100% know none of them are inconveniented or threatened? Lets just agree to disagree. No need to publicly disagree with anyone in this forum. She has her points, you have yours. No one is right or wrong. It is really just subjective at this point.

A: there are opinions and there are misreported lies and to give them equal
weight is to support lying.

H: the same could be said to everything else. There's always two sides to everything. Yours is one side and hers is another.

A: an opinion and a lie is not the same

H: so your opinion is an opinion and hers is a lie? Alright, i am done. Have a nice day.

A: correct. It is a lie 🙂

I: Should everyone now reposting friends posts with different opinions and believes than ours? 🤔

A: no. It’s quite simple. You just educate yourself and don’t lie 🙂

I: everyone could keep saying the same to each other.. She could simply say that to you too! The point is not everyone have the same opinions, believes and points, and that shd be respected! Don't go around trying to shame others just because you feel your opinions and believes are correct.

A: disagree with me on how to set up barricades. Disagree with me on protest tactics. Disagree with me on how funding should be re allocated into communities. Disagree with me on food. Disagree with me on how to study anti racism. Do not disagree that the police are intensely violent, the prison pipeline destroys Black communities and the fabric of the USA, and that media propaganda is valid. That is evil.

I: some police are violent but don't paint all police are the same, that's being unfair! And why don't pull out every prisoners records be it blacks whites and browns to justify your claims on the prison pipelines.

A: go watch the 13th 🙂 got Netflix Ah?

I: 🤣😂 please lah..

A: you don’t want to educate? Wah so sad. Maybe can talk to the 3 month old baby who convulsed and spewed mucus from so much bloody tear gas. Or the woman who lost her pulse 3 times because the flash bomb hit her chest, unarmed and just standing there. Go talk to them before you dare speak lies

I: hello.. As you can see I am a Malay Muslim Singaporean, 1st hand 2 out of my 5 kids been targeted in high sch by their own peers, cheered not only by white kids but also black kids! The worse was when my son was falsely accused of having a bomb in his backpack, he was escorted by the vice principal and 2 cops to the office.. Lucky for us that the school staffs knows our family and that was handled rather appropriately, tho search and questioning were done without us knowing nor present. Did we go around telling our kids that all people are bad and love to target us because we are Muslims!? Nope.. Did we even teach our kids to say all police are bad for targeting and profiling Muslims after 911 and worse during Obama Hillary era? Nope.. So please don't tell me to educate myself when I know first hand what it's like to be victims..

A: all administrations are complicit including them. So much violence and murder. That’s why we fight against all of it. Please be educated in the extent of systemic racism in the USA and as someone who practices anti racism to my best ability, I push for a Singapore that fully embraces Malay, Indian, and all minority marginalized communities 😊

J: the fact that your kid has been targeted says a lot about racism. They have been targeted for the colour of their skin and their religious belief. That is wrong and eventually, it isn't the people who are happy with status quo that are going to fight for your equality. It is the people who are now fighting for the equality of another downtrodden race that will eventually fight for you.
Most of the people I know who are racists do not take kindly to muslims too, unfortunately. It is good to bear that in mind. Supporting any kind of racism would ultimately be detrimental to any minorities of a country.

I: the very same black kids and white kids (now abt 20/21 years of age) who cheered and passed around sch the false accusations are on the side of the protests and condoning the rioting.. Hhmm.. 🤔

and one of the instructors (she is black) in the same high sch who was very closed to our family, she even called me her twin, did nothing, said nothing, mentioned nothing to us the parents of any of these incidents that happened to 2 of my kids... So please do not tell me they will be fighting for our equality.

J: I'm not talking about the people that you knew. They might just be bad people. There are racists in white, yellow, black, any colours. If you want to base it on the 3 persons that you know, please do as you please. 😉

I: did I mention only 3 people? No I didn't..

J: doesn't matter. How ever many you know wouldn't be the entire population.

I: oh wow, smartest comment, same goes with bad police too, wouldn't be the entire police force.

J: nobody ever said entire police force. Where did you get that from? I have no idea why you are doing what you are doing.

Whoever said all policemen were bad? Is it from the news programmes you've been watching, I?

I: then tell me what's the rioting and chaos happening right now in many states across the country? So pls don't play this twist and turn game with me.

J: please watch your words because I do not want to waste my time. It's better for you to research on your own from a myriad of different medias instead of embroiling me in an argument I do not wish to start.

I: i did not start it until you keep telling me what I shd do, questioning me abt the news prog I have gotten info or watched from.. You are insulting my intelligence and that's ok?

J: nobody can tell you what to do. Nobody is insulting your intelligence. But you are free to think what you want.
But you do not put words in my mouth about what I think about policemen.
Who in the world would think all policemen are bad? It's not a logical assumption.

I: im not putting words in your mouth, i was just stating the fact to the claims many liberala been hyping all day and night about police brutality that every police force has to pay the price of few bad ones, and isnt that is one of the issues now with people rioting and protesting, calling for defunding and dismantling the police force.

Me: J, I'm surprised you don't know about the people who keep chanting "ACAB" (All Cops Are Bastards", and call those who support policing "bootlickers"

K: I do not see racism in B’s censored post. Please understand what the word “racist” means.
We are not in Communistic Antifa controlled USA yet. This censorship sets a dangerous precedence for an admin to be the judge and jury.

A: hello please go educate yourself in systemic racism and media propaganda and lying. Thank you!

K: What are the chances that you are the one holding the misguided view? 50%?

L: I agree with B. The video itself does not state anything biased or opinionated. It's just facts that there are obviously residents and business owners in the area that are affected by this. Her comments on the video refers to specific ideologies. Not race specific.

There are some claims the video or pictures may be doctored. That's a separate argument that should be against FOX news. Not the person who post it.

Racist is NOT the term to be used here. We need to stop throwing that term around carelessly. As Singaporeans we should know better what Racism actually is. This isn't.

H: exactly!! Racism is thrown around too freely these days without 1st fully understanding the definition of it.

G: since you have been there for lots of ur time ... what is happening here.. .. $10???

Kalen From Scriberr on Twitter: "“All white people must pay black people $10” Says a non-black person to all white citizens of #CHAZ ...the newest country in North America https://t.co/ej5Y8PGL9N" / Twitter

A: I cannot speak for each speaker or organizer but I’m aware someone used this as a lesson to understand wealth redistribution 🙂 after all Black people were forced into poverty

G: amazing lesson ... robinhood camp? ... whos robin hood??? and little john ??

I: Forced into poverty?! Seriously..

A: yes it’s horrific. You can go read about it.

L: It is stupid ideas of handouts like that that cause poverty. Singaporeans can just look at the Malays in Malaysia, and compare their economic status relative to Chinese people in Malaysia. And see what the government did different between the 2 races.

G: i nvr believe in wealth distribution ... i work hard for my money .. unless you have nothing then you will agree with wealth distribution ..

Robin Hood Meme

A: go read a book

H: The superintendent of HR of my job (Public school board) is a black man.

A principal of one of our schools is black woman.

A prominent figure in my town is a black man.

They are NOT in poverty. They rise up on their own. They didn't need anyone to help them. They weren't forced into poverty. Please stop making ignorant remarks or ideology.

I: then they should be going after their wealthy community leaders like al sharpton!

A: go read a book on the actual history of the USA, systemic racism, and the 13th. You are only unraveling your own ignorance.

G: recommend books pls... we are bored...

A: go study systemic racism and read a book 🙂 and maybe one day ask them about it

Can google but a great start is “So You Want to Talk about Racism” by Ijeoma Oluo or watching the 13th on Netflix

I: There are a lot of Asians from 3rd world countries here in the US. I have met many of them.. They started with almost nothing but work hard and brought themselves outta poverty.. I even know those of them whose sons and daughters are now nurses, doctors, engineers, etc.. In fact for those eligible for assistance, there are so many grants, financial aids and scholarships made avail for minorities to grab.

A: go study the model minority myth and read a book on Black America. My fingers hurt now. 👋

G: your fingers need to work harder... dun be complacent now ...

hard work gets results... dun be lazy now

H: maybe u should go talk to black men or women who are highly successful and prominent in their community and see what they think. Do not tell me I need to read a book or talk to people i already know. It is just like you, telling us NOT to tell u what is what in your community...no? If u want change, u 1st need to step out of the vicious cycle and break it. Staying in there and continuing the stereotypes is just like waiting for fishes to climb up a tree.

Me: What reading books taught me about black poverty:

*extract from Is Reality Optional? / Thomas Sowell*

A: *Black Lives Matter meme*

I: black lives matter does not represent any others except themselves. Its hard to even understand the importance of black lives matter movement when there's more murders among themselves than getting murdered by a white cop!? Why isn't it news when a white guy was killed by a black cop, or a black cop killed another black guy!? And yes all lives matter, be it black, white, yellow, browns, pink or purple.. Not just blacks.

A: you are so incorrect. Go read. I cannot every time tell you to educate yourself and you laugh only. Such pride in ignorance is it?

so are you going to read a book yet?

I: you keep telling others to educate ourselves as long as we do not share your narratives. Perhaps you are the one who needs it more.

H: why waste anymore time when obviously he is just wanting to preach his own agenda and listening to only himself? I just made my last comment and i am done, because his best shot was to tell someone to read a book.

I: agree but sometimes we need to stand our grounds too before they keep pulling shits calling others out or shaming us just because we don't agree with them.

A: about reading a book.. Depends on who wrote it though 🤣

M: the scary thing is they’re trying to burn the books that don’t validate their talking points.

G: Free zone.... wealth distribution i gguess is ongoing

CHAZ Guy: I just got robbed by the mob I'm mad, injured, and need help.

CHAZ Girl: That's a crazy story man, but I'm just here to steal these 2 Colas from you.

opps.. cause its not a news platform .. we cant believe these... apparently he was drunk and ppl took his keys away ... and took his mix drinks away .. well at least he is not going to be charged with DUI ... he is free to go till the nxt car he finds..

CryptøManiac101 🅐 on Twitter: "HAPPENING NOW IN CHAZ SEATTLE: https://t.co/xYqQbbHCGy" / Twitter

not lies... not fox news.. not news agency ...

I: they won't understand anything until they become their own victims!

K: I have not seen this yet. Too funny! They are going to turn on each other, like crabs in a bucket.

If systemic racism exists, then how did Obama get elected for 2 terms in office for the highest post in US? And if wealth redistribution is your agenda, why don’t you and your Antifa/BLM friends occupy Bill Gates’ compound, Bezos’ compound, or Obamas’ compound? These people have more than 1 home. How selfish of them to not share, right? Don’t harass, inconvenience or extort the regular, working class Joes in that 6 blocks.
And why don’t you guys ask how Oprah, JayZ, Beyoncé, Michael Jordan, Maxine Waters, etc., and all successful Blacks, how they got to their position of wealth and influence, if systemic racism exists?

I: Yup and with 8 yrs in office, com'on why didn't he do anything to help his own black communities out of poverty!? 🤔 Oh wait! He and his administration were so busy manufacturing chaos for the Muslims to create cause to attack 5 if not 6 Muslim countries in the middle east! 😅

N: Obama was raised by white grandparents who knew how to go about the rigged system....

K: So are you implying that Blacks are inept and incapable of parenting?
That whites are cheaters and scammers who rigged the system? What is the system?
And since when does Obama claim or identify with his white half? Instead, he is constantly using his Black half for the privileges and societal benefits bestowed upon Blacks.
And how do you explain other Black success stories?

And for Blacks or anyone thinking reparations for slavery is justifiable, then shouldn’t the fair and moral solution be to return the descendants of slaves to their motherland (since they feel that slavery cause their ancestors to be taken unwilling to US)?

A: All of these ignorant angry Singaporeans who refuse to acknowledge reality and spread propaganda instead are the same people who wouldn’t speak up during past injustice.

"•Holocaust was legal
-People who hid Jews were criminals

•Slavery was legal
-People who freed slaves were criminals

•Segregation was legal
-People who stood up for equality and justice were criminals

Our government and laws aren’t a guide to human decency and morality."

G: you just grouped us all as similar... what is that called??? .. assumption is the root of all evils..

K: Do you see that you and your Antifa friends are doing the exact things you were once against? You guys are cannabalizing on your own defective ideology.

You guys are trying to punish whites and everyone else for crimes that none of us have personally committed. And you don’t think that likens you to be a Nazi.

You guys destroy historic buildings, deface monuments, etc., like the Nazis, to erase and rewrite history.

Anyone who has an opposing view is vilified, censored and removed. Thus far, I have seen clips of Antifa removing a Hispanic and a white street preacher from CHAZ. So much for the message of tolerance and inclusivity.

By holding the residents and businesses in the 6 blocks hostage, and subjected to extortions, is that not quasi slavery?

And what is the deal with a garden plot for Blacks only? Is that not racist and segregation?

Have you seen your Antifa buddies’ demand list? Black doctors and nurses to care for Blacks? That is outright racist and segregation.

Maybe it is time for you to read some books. Hang around hatred and you will be filled with hate.

B: I don’t see us being angry are we? Are we the one calling racists every one who don’t agree with their ideology? The cognitive dissonance is astounding here.

H: If there's any other admins of this group beside this bigotry loony bin, take a look at how far off this has gotten. This is no longer a friendly debate. This is his OWN proganda that if u don't agree with him, you are EVIL and god forbids you don't read a book of his choosing.

I: It's a shame that this page is allowed to be used by admins or anyone else to shame others for posting what individual believes in his or her own page!

O: Very scary to see Singaporeans so misinformed. I believed our Education system thought us better and being apolitical was kind of our thing. FBI itself has said lack of evidence of Antifa organizing the riots but so many posts here so easily are spewing this disinformation. This is USA, it was built on wars and conflicts so please dont tell the people who have lived here for generations and have struggled, how to live... the struggle is real. Approval for BLM is over 60% with 31% disapproval. So for all those who find themselves in the bottom 31%, maybe its time to introspect...

A: luckily the other post on BLM and racism was well viewed and showed
Where most of our hearts and minds are. The racists and ignorant choose to be so vocal to create an echo chamber of propaganda

O: that is heartening for sure. More shocking to see Singaporeans refusing to believe in facts- simple google search will repudiate most of their claims.

A: they can buy books as well and not scoff at the idea of education 🙂

I: Be it Antifa or not, nobody here is against peaceful protests.. But rioting, looting, occupying/blocking streets and hurting innocent people in the process need to stop. Just because 31% means being unpopular that does not mean they are wrong/ignorant or misinformed, and the 60% are right.. We know where all these chaos are leading to.. Anyway, good for those who believe in equal redistribution, we shall see if that will really happen IF the democratic party wins the election.. we shall see if it only applies to normal people; hard working people with high paying jobs, while the wealthy democrats will remain wealthy, if not wealthier and the standard of living change to the better for the ones living in poverty and just waiting for hands out. Time will tell.

G: lets be clear... what B wanted to be posted.. was about the businesses n residents within that zone ... free zone... i would be upset if i am living in that zone now.. with no access to medical n security of my dwelling ..that is no longer a peaceful protest.. search twitter and see what is happening there... when lives are disrupted , safety compromise.. i only care for my family safety if it comes to that ...

go occupy the gov buildings i said .. dun inconvenience ppl .. its just like the mafias...

O: no its not antifa or not. Antifa was used to scare monger people and its been refuted. Strawman argument about looting, yes there was and its wrong but majority of protests by far have been peaceful. And most lasted 2-3 days. So what is the issue here that you guys are upset about, the protestors or thier message? Wealth distribution topic im not sure where it applies? When even GOP leaders say something must be done about policing, why double down on fringe conspiracies?

G: i suggest u read the response... A has been asking us to read a book ...

I: eerr... Didn't i state it clearly what need to stop? And abt redistribution of wealth that's reference to previous discussions made that was strongly agreed by non other than.. And disagreed by some of us

P: Exactly. I would've expected more. People clearly do not understand the concept of systemic racism, anti-racism, anti-fascism, and abolition of the current police state. At best, it's being intellectually lazy. At worst, they're actually overtly racist and fascist. Either way, it's disappointing.

Me: Somehow the "education" is only supposed to go one way. I find facts and data are unwelcome when they don't support the narrative

90% of blacks want more policing or the same amount of policing Blacks Divided on Whether Police Treat Minorities Fairly

I find it amusing that the anti-racists are being very vague and keep claiming that reading a book or googling facts will convince those they disagree with

If it were really so easy, one wonders why they don't mention these pertinent facts themselves

Well, I've posted quite a lot of facts. I don't expect them to convince anyone, but at least there's something concrete now and I don't keep waving around nebulous claims that are somehow supposed to be convincing

A: *posts comment dissing polls and how they're biased*

Me: presumably polls you disagree with are bad and polls you agree with are good

How are you supposed to know what other people believe?

A: that article doesn’t articulate my point thoroughly so i deleted it, because accountability is important. Go read. It’s not my job to educate you. I’m leaving to redirect my energy 💝😘

Me: it's not my job to educate you but I tried anyway, knowing it wouldn't work. And in return you just asserted you were right and told me to read and educate myself. Apparently people are only supposed to read the right things and can only believe one thing.

J: As an admin, I will also not approve of this post.
First of all, we will actively weed out fake news.
Secondly, Fox News is really not credible in news reporting as we all should know, too many opinions from the hosts themselves. I would have to take time to research it before approving it.
There is also controversy around this situation and I'm more inclined to believe a person on the grounds there than some news media. (But that's me.)
There's much name calling on the post.
We leave the approval of posts to each admin's discretion.

A: hence why showing an example of what we will not tolerate. We love free expression here but not when it’s derogatory racist propaganda.

M: It seems that lately once people disagree on a point of view they get called a racist or accused of spreading propaganda. Or get told to ‘Process’ or ‘read a book’.

I don’t think anyone finds anything wrong with OP’s passion and love for the cause against racial injustice. Many of us feel the same way. What we find distressing is the ignorance and arrogance to call some of us (who could be old enough to be his parents) such derogatory terms and post comments directed at us in condescending tones when challenged to a civil discussion. I never expect anyone’s respect without earning it but at the same time I always give them the benefit of the doubt until they prove me wrong. An admin should be held to a higher standard.

B: So much for being the love fest with no cop zone in the soyviet Chaz! So much for the Kumbayah environment in the no cop zone. Were you there A? Can you explain away this scene?

A Mob Broke Into This Small Business Bordering Seattle's CHAZ No Police Responded, So The Owners Had To

A: things happen and people are held accountable. I cannot speak to this but I can say that the violence was dramatically higher and militarized when the police were attacking the public and tear gassing a 30,000 strong neighborhood. The movement itself is much bigger than this zone as protests continue across the city and country. The goal of divesting the police is resolute

B: omg you really scored an A+ for refusing to hold BLM for this atrocity imposed on the local residents and businesses. Your blatant disclaimer and inability to hold a social movement you championed is what turned people off your preaching.

A: hi I disagree with all violence including this act which was approached and countered by folks on the ground. BLM doesn’t condone this. And once again you ignore all systemic violence when approached when I even acknowledge what I see. You can go read a book now

B: lol seems like your usual response is go read a book when you got no salvo. Anyway blatantly calling people racists should warrant as defamation without proof. And it’s proof not by BLM ideological definition. Be careful, karma can be a bitch.

A: it is quite a bitch and your lack of knowledge to systemic racism in police, the prison pipeline, the 13th amendment, militarization, voter suppression, redlining, implicit bias, corporate racism, and all their intersection with misogyny and queerphobia is a disservice...

go read a book and reflect on your absolute denial to learn. It is inhuman and frankly frightening that you refuse to acknowledge slavery and oppression. You are actively racist and Spew propaganda. I will sleep and you will continue to be a racist in denial and I hope you learn one day. Kisses

J: chill. I know you are upset about the pending post but please get a hold of yourself.

B: excuse me, do I sound angry? I am very reasonable. It’s called a debate. And again while I am speaking about ideology and taxpayers access to cops and essential services, the person you are defending is bringing up issues of race and identity politics again.

A: human rights are not a debate and neither is your refusal to educate yourself. That is hatefully willful ignorance. Goodnight lovey xoxo

J: yes, as a matter of fact, you do. If anyone is reading this exchange, they can surely tell.
Everyone now knows what is your point, you have brought it across. No use flogging a dead horse. You aren't going to change his mind and he's not going to change yours. No need to needle and claw each other's eyes out. I'm sure both of you have important things to do.
And no, you will not harass an administrator because he declined your post.

B: it is quite obvious you are biased but first let’s clarify I did not harass him . He defamed me with no substantial evidence other then basing it on his BLM ideology beliefs system he has. I have every right to proof him otherwise. But hey you are the admin so be it . However public opinion would be otherwise since you are encouraging one of your admin to bully and defame me and others with no good cause and proof . Please keep this group apolitical because really it is starting to look and sound like an indoctrination group.

Me: It is quite ironic that we are told that "human rights are not a debate and neither is your refusal to educate yourself."

Human rights are contested because there are different constitutencies and tradeoffs. For example, there is a right to life but the conflict between this and bodily autonomy results in controversy over abortion rights. Trans rights are also in conflict with women's rights. And in the administration of justice victim's rights and the rights of the accused are in conflict all the time. To pretend that there is and can be no debate is dishonest.

As for the refusal to get educated... Apparently the "anti-racist" position is infallible, which is why only other people need to learn anything. Anti-racists are in possession of the gospel truth and can only educate others, not be educated

G: To be fair to B ... she did mention in her post the business n residents being affected ... protest u can ... but dun affect ppl life’s ... maybe the word domestic terrorism was bad.. maybe domestic kdnappers?? .. still holding business / ppls life on hold is not right.. not ethical .. 😔😔

She was neither racist or against the BLM movement and Andy Ngo was just a guest on Fox News.. maybe cause Andy covers all these protest and he is deemed spreading false news 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️.. ....

when A started responding to folks here trying to see between the right n wrong of this post ... we are all "branded" as misinformed and told to read a book when we started challenging him .... apparently challenging is not welcomed ... Alvin was removed from this group due to another post “clash” with A and J.

Facts dun care about feelings ... remember that ... ..

(Someone else) there should be a poll on this topic.. and see if this post is racist n misinformed like what A is claiming ... u are one of the old admins of this grp ...

And if u think ppl living there are enjoying the “love”

Read on

Residents of apartments that ended up in CHAZ / CHOP need to sleep too. Please stop blasting music and chanting at night. We are really tired and want peace and quiet at least at night. Sleep is a basic human need. : SeattleWA

A: they are not. There are so many unsubstantiated claims coming from SPD directly to local media that organizers investigate throughly. There is a defense and safety group of folks who operate 24/7.

G: i am guessing you are saying you are one of them "enforcing" in this grp ... 🤫🤫🤫 well done... and u are the only truth and one truth

A: I need to prove nothing to you at this point. This is willful acceptance of ignorance, lies, and propaganda. We are currently in a civil war with the police.

do not bring your false sense of morality via a shameful poll to disprove the reality of violence. You have no conception and frankly I wouldn’t give 2 damn’s about a poll. People are dying

read a book

A: *Black Lives Matter meme*

K: Pot calling the kettle black? Or is that a racist saying now?

A: read about racism darling 🙂

K: Oh sweetie! All lives matter. Black, white, yellow, brown, blue.... BLM is itself a racist movement. Have you considered that you need to read more books and be more open minded?

Watch – ‘Black Lives Matter Is a Joke’: Black D.C. Resident Tells Far-Left Group ‘Go to Chicago’ | News Break

Me: Isn't it sexist and condescending for a man to call a woman "darling"?

Isn't a man telling a woman to read a book mansplaining?

Me: Since we're being told to read a book:

*Extract from Gratitude to Fat Cats in Is Reality Optional?: And Other Essays / Thomas Sowell*

*Extract from The Joys and Perils of Victimhood in Theater of Cruelty: Art, Film, and the Shadows of War / Ian Buruma*

*Extract from Dictatorship of virtue : how the battle over multiculturalism is reshaping our schools, our country, and our lives / Richard Bernstein (1995)*

A: people are dying.

Me: Precisely.

We need more policing to save black lives

*Chart on murder of blacks and whites in the US, 2013*

M: at least someone here actually read a book vs just asking others to do so to avoid presenting any meaningful arguments. 😜

I got private messages of support from a few people, including one who says A (an admin) is part of antifa, and the anti-antifa comments get more likes than the pro-antifa ones, so
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