Thursday, May 07, 2020
Links - 7th May 2020 (2) (Trans Mania)
Jana ☭🇵🇸جانا on Twitter - "I just punched my brother because he called me his "brother" and now he's crying. Trans rights... This moment also happened after i had a panic attack over not being able to go out and my father insulting & misgendering me heavily. Anyways, donate to my paypal so i can escape out of this hellhole, every dollar helps "
"Congrats on being a horrible man."
"Resorting to violence because someone said something that offended you a bit is not something to be proud of"
"And now whenever any person says "trans rights" some people will think of YOU and YOUR idea of trans rights. Because you obviously think it's a special right of trans people to punch those who misgender them.Bravo, you're proving the conservatives correct."
""My Dad made me cry so I took out my frustrations on my brother."Pretty masculine story, Brother."
"There's no way this is legit with that Paypal link. But hey fair play to you. I respect a man that knows how to hussle."
"So instead of being a rational adult you decided to be violent. Congrats, your brother will hate you for that. You coulda told him in a civil manner but- oh, hammer and sickle. That explains everything"
"I feel like this is a 'and everyone clapped' like they know they couldnt make up a convincing public lie, so instead they said they assaulted family and thats 100 percrnt believable"
UK Gender Identity Service at Crunch Point as Pressure Mounts - "More adolescents than ever are being referred for treatment at gender identity centres in the UK, leaving under-resourced services that facilitate transition to the opposite sex struggling to cope with demand.One consequence of this is complaints surfacing from some staff and patients that the decision to start the process of gender transition is, at times, hasty and misguided... A previous article by Medscape referred to concerns about bone health as a result of puberty blocking, with experts noting that data demonstrate a fall in bone mineral density (BMD) Z scores during treatment with puberty blockers. One 2015 study that followed BMD development during puberty blocking - which involves use of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) analogue therapy - in patients with gender dysphoria, through to the age of 22, found a decrease in BMD Z scores in both natal sexes, but it was more marked in natal girls... "Another area of uncertainty relating to blocking puberty - which I am aware of through the media - suggests that blocking puberty might reinforce or amplify a patient's own uncertainty about their gender by preventing the natural process of puberty," he observes, adding that - for this reason, among others - it is recommended that these puberty blockers are only used after specialist assessment at one of the UK's gender identity clinics... When Evans joined the GIDS team in 2004, all children under 18 years were treated, but only those aged 16 years or older received hormones. "I expected that young people would be assessed in depth and given support and psychological treatment over several years, but the alarm bells began ringing for me when, at a team meeting, I heard that a child who was 16-years-old had only been seen four times and was then referred to the endocrinology department for hormone therapy"... Given the often complex histories and co-morbid factors that patients present with, Evans believes that the three to six assessment sessions that are standard at GIDS is completely inadequate."... "Patients presenting with gender dysphoria will definitely experience distress, but in the same way an anorexic persists in being thinner, you would not say to an anorexic 'you're so stressed that I'll let you starve yourself'." Like Evans, around 30 other psychologists have also resigned from GIDS over the past 3 years. Staff are under enormous pressure there, Evans says. Most psychotherapists not at GIDS generally have a maximum of 35-40 patients at one time, but those at GIDS often have caseloads of up to 130 children.She explained that those who feel uncomfortable leave the service and therefore the expertise in the team reduces: "Now they have to employ psychotherapists straight out of college, and overall, the team has insufficient experience to manage the young people presenting there." Evans also says that to the best of her knowledge, GIDS does not have an autism expert on the team, despite up to one-third of patients presenting with gender dysphoria also having some form of autism spectrum disorder.She adds that the whistleblowing staff, and also some parents, claim that a child's autism is often treated as separate or irrelevant to the gender dysphoria... In 2012, the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) drew up guidelines for the treatment of gender dysphoria."They removed the requirement for counselling prior to treatment from the guidelines … due to transgender activists believing that they were being discriminated against by medical professionals," explains Caspian.Effectively, WPATH decided that by requiring clinicians to look broadly across a range of possible mental health issues, it would stigmatise patients asking for treatment... Caspian sat on the Board of the UK Council for Psychotherapy and advised a committee that drew up a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to formulate policy aimed at preventing so-called 'conversion therapy' in transgender people. "I warned them that the wording was dangerous because it appeared to promote affirmation, implying that a therapist was required to affirm a patient's self-diagnosis of varying gender identity"... "This MoU became national policy in 2018.""
Nurse launches legal test case with claim children cannot consent to transgender treatment - "Children cannot consent to transgender treatment, a nurse bringing a landmark legal case has said, claiming that many are autistic, homosexual or just confused.Susan Evans, 62, a former psychiatric nurse at the Tavistock and Portman NHS foundation trust, said that “experimental” and “invasive medical treatment” should be prevented in order to protect children... Their legal team will argue that the provision of puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones at the Tavistock for those under 18 is illegal because children cannot give valid consent to the treatment. However transgender children’s charities have criticised the case, saying that children should not be denied the right to make decisions about their own bodies, simply because they are trans... children as young as nine or ten are being asked to give informed consent “to a completely experimental treatment for which the long term consequences are not known”."
Strange how children are denied the right to have sex or drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes
WATCH: Jessica Yaniv assaults journalist outside of court - The Post Millennial - "Jessica Yaniv is no stranger to violating other people’s rights, but the scene outside of the Surrey Law Courts was shocking as Yaniv was caught on camera violently assaulting Rebel Media reporter Keean Bexte... Bexte had been banned from reporting from inside the courtroom today where Yaniv had been appearing, with courthouse police capitulating to Yaniv’s demands to have him barred. Previously, Yaniv had also successfully demanded citizen journalist Donald Smith be prevented from entering the courthouse. Earlier this evening, Yaniv confronted The Post Millennial’s Amy Eileen Hamm, falsely accusing her of taking photographs of Yaniv in the women’s washroom. The police searched Hamm’s phone at Yaniv’s request, finding none of the claimed photos."
Jessica Yaniv sues more women salon owners for wax job refusal - The Post Millennial - "The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms has announced it is representing another esthetic salon against Jessica Yaniv at the British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal.The She Point Beauty Salon, owned and operated by women of the Sikh religion, has become the newest target for Yaniv’s litigation after declining Yaniv a Brazilian wax. Yaniv then demanded a leg wax, but was also refused on the same grounds. In their Tuesday morning Press Release, the Justice Centre notes that leg waxes are performed in private with the client undressed or nude from the waist down. Citing religious and safety reasons, the salon refused Yaniv service... The Tribunals found that Yaniv’s gaggle of discrimination claims against the esthetic salons were “vexatious, calculated” and, in part, motivated by racial animus against persons from South Asia and the Sikh, Hindu, and Muslim faiths. The complaints, which varied in cost-demands of up to $500,000, were dropped to fanfare and global praise of the BCHRT. Yaniv was subsequently ordered to pay $2,000 each to three of four clients represented by the JCCF for improper conduct... “Women have a constitutional right not to be compelled to touch biological males in an intimate or highly personal manner if they are not comfortable doing so,” says Jay Cameron in the JCCF Press Release, the lawyer who represented five other aestheticians in Yaniv’s 2019 claims. “Like male genital waxing, our client does not offer male leg waxing services to the public, and we intend to vigorously defend against this targeted harassment on behalf of our client.”"
Sex offender who identifies as young girl reveals just how dangerous self-ID is - The Post Millennial - "An eight-year-old girl trapped in a grown man’s body claims her collection of child pornography is a first amendment right. This is the logical result of self-identification. If people are what they say they are they can get away with anything. Joseph Gobrick is a 45-year-old male sex offender in Grand Rapids, Michigan, who claims that he has “always been an 8-year-old girl.”... Gender self-ID has made a mockery of a criminal justice system, as police report crimes by self-ID’d gender as opposed to reality. Such was the case of Tanner Young, who was referred to as a “Lowell woman” when she was arrested and charged with masturbating in front of a 15-year-old girl. Young’s mugshot clearly shows a man, and the crime of exposing one’s self to young girls then masturbating is typically not a female crime. In Toronto, law enforcement will no longer list biological sex in the descriptors for suspects. This trend will likely show an increase in crimes committed by women, when in fact, these are male crimes performed by men who have self-ID’d out of their sex."
sofie halili 🛒 on Twitter - "cis people getting mad at trans girls for showing up late or cancelling plans last minute is like peak micro aggression that they'll probably never understand"
If you are trans you can do no wrong and anyone who criticises you is transphobic
Meme - "Isn't Trans Sex Inherently Queer? If I Were Having Sex With a Transwoman That Had a Penis and I Stimulated That Penis With My Mouth and Anus It Would Fall Under Q"
"Nope. if You're a Cishet Man Having Sex With a Woman You Are Having Straight Sex"
"Something About Sucking a Dick Just Feels Queer to Me Though"
"Well It's Not. It's a Woman's Penis. It Would Only Define as Gay if You Were a Woman as Well"
All gender restroom in Taiwan : lgbt
From 2018. Meanwhile some people claim Asia won't follow in the Anglo world's footsteps
Hongkie: "I used to make that claim too"
ZeroHavens Deux - Posts - "Angelina Jolie: 'My blonde-haired natural daughter Shiloh is the outcast in our family'"
"Shiloh, transgender child of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, will soon begin hormone treatment"
"If you want to know how to give your children mental illnesses."
Selina Todd and the rise of academic mobs - "A female professor is invited to a university to speak about social class. This is bound to go down well with left-leaning academics who measure gender equality down to the nearest penny, right? Apparently not. Next month, Selina Todd is due to speak at the University of Kent as part of a series of public lectures organised by the School of English. In response, an open letter is now circulating, signed by academics and students from Kent and around the world, demanding Todd’s invitation be withdrawn. Todd is a historian who specialises in the lives of women and the working class. She has dared to suggest that ‘women who posed as men in the past were often lesbians seeking to protect themselves, or because they wanted to do jobs that were only available to men’. Unless we are to assume that every woman who donned a pair of trousers back in the Victorian era was actually a transgender man, over a century before the notion of being transgender had even been invented, this is hardly a controversial view... Todd, having received death threats, now has bodyguards accompany her to lectures... ‘The English Keynote Lecture series is designed to represent and reflect the attitude, politics and image of the School of English and, by extension, the university.’ But universities, as institutions, are not supposed to have a political position on any issue. Doing so would be antithetical to education; it would suggest that research and teaching must lead to certain pre-determined and incontestable conclusions... To substantiate the melodrama of people being forced to defend their existence, they turn to the High Priestess of Academic Wokeness, Sara Ahmed, and her claim that ‘there cannot be a dialogue when some at the table are, in effect or intent, arguing for the elimination of others at the table’. This is truly bonkers. Do the signatories really think that Todd is arguing for the ‘elimination’ of people who describe themselves as transgender? Do they assume that those listening to a lecture on social class will rise up, grab pitchforks and go on a violent rampage against transgender people?"
Academic rigour (considering possible explanations) and freedom of thought are "transphobic"
Transgender man loses court battle to be registered as father - "A transgender man from Kent who gave birth with the help of fertility treatment cannot be registered as his child’s father, the most senior family judge in England and Wales has ruled.In the first legal definition of a mother in English common law, Sir Andrew McFarlane, the president of the high court’s family division, ruled on Wednesday that motherhood was about being pregnant and giving birth regardless of whether the person who does so was considered a man or a woman in law.Freddy McConnell, 32, who has lived as a man for several years but retained his female reproductive system and gave birth in 2018, went to court after a registrar insisted he was recorded as the baby’s mother on the birth certificate despite holding a gender recognition certificate that made it clear the law considered him male... McConnell, a Guardian multimedia journalist who had experienced gender dysphoria since childhood and realised he was trans in 2010, aged 23, said he was “saddened” by the decision in favour of the government and the registrar, which resisted McConnell’s claim to be recognised as his child’s father. He is considering an appeal. “If it is upholding the status quo then I am really worried about what that this means not just for me but other trans people who are parents or who want to become parents,” he said.“It has serious implications for non-traditional family structures. It upholds the view that only the most traditional forms of family are properly recognised or treated equally. It’s just not fair.”... Stonewall, the LGBT charity, said the ruling was “deeply disappointing” and failed to recognise trans parents for who they were. “It’s another example of how current legislation contradicts the fragile equality trans people currently have”"
It seems trans activists think trans people are super fragile and even if they're legally male and referred to as male, if they're deemed a "mother" their lives will be ruined
Is it transphobic to think so lowly of trans people?
"Congrats on being a horrible man."
"Resorting to violence because someone said something that offended you a bit is not something to be proud of"
"And now whenever any person says "trans rights" some people will think of YOU and YOUR idea of trans rights. Because you obviously think it's a special right of trans people to punch those who misgender them.Bravo, you're proving the conservatives correct."
""My Dad made me cry so I took out my frustrations on my brother."Pretty masculine story, Brother."
"There's no way this is legit with that Paypal link. But hey fair play to you. I respect a man that knows how to hussle."
"So instead of being a rational adult you decided to be violent. Congrats, your brother will hate you for that. You coulda told him in a civil manner but- oh, hammer and sickle. That explains everything"
"I feel like this is a 'and everyone clapped' like they know they couldnt make up a convincing public lie, so instead they said they assaulted family and thats 100 percrnt believable"
UK Gender Identity Service at Crunch Point as Pressure Mounts - "More adolescents than ever are being referred for treatment at gender identity centres in the UK, leaving under-resourced services that facilitate transition to the opposite sex struggling to cope with demand.One consequence of this is complaints surfacing from some staff and patients that the decision to start the process of gender transition is, at times, hasty and misguided... A previous article by Medscape referred to concerns about bone health as a result of puberty blocking, with experts noting that data demonstrate a fall in bone mineral density (BMD) Z scores during treatment with puberty blockers. One 2015 study that followed BMD development during puberty blocking - which involves use of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) analogue therapy - in patients with gender dysphoria, through to the age of 22, found a decrease in BMD Z scores in both natal sexes, but it was more marked in natal girls... "Another area of uncertainty relating to blocking puberty - which I am aware of through the media - suggests that blocking puberty might reinforce or amplify a patient's own uncertainty about their gender by preventing the natural process of puberty," he observes, adding that - for this reason, among others - it is recommended that these puberty blockers are only used after specialist assessment at one of the UK's gender identity clinics... When Evans joined the GIDS team in 2004, all children under 18 years were treated, but only those aged 16 years or older received hormones. "I expected that young people would be assessed in depth and given support and psychological treatment over several years, but the alarm bells began ringing for me when, at a team meeting, I heard that a child who was 16-years-old had only been seen four times and was then referred to the endocrinology department for hormone therapy"... Given the often complex histories and co-morbid factors that patients present with, Evans believes that the three to six assessment sessions that are standard at GIDS is completely inadequate."... "Patients presenting with gender dysphoria will definitely experience distress, but in the same way an anorexic persists in being thinner, you would not say to an anorexic 'you're so stressed that I'll let you starve yourself'." Like Evans, around 30 other psychologists have also resigned from GIDS over the past 3 years. Staff are under enormous pressure there, Evans says. Most psychotherapists not at GIDS generally have a maximum of 35-40 patients at one time, but those at GIDS often have caseloads of up to 130 children.She explained that those who feel uncomfortable leave the service and therefore the expertise in the team reduces: "Now they have to employ psychotherapists straight out of college, and overall, the team has insufficient experience to manage the young people presenting there." Evans also says that to the best of her knowledge, GIDS does not have an autism expert on the team, despite up to one-third of patients presenting with gender dysphoria also having some form of autism spectrum disorder.She adds that the whistleblowing staff, and also some parents, claim that a child's autism is often treated as separate or irrelevant to the gender dysphoria... In 2012, the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) drew up guidelines for the treatment of gender dysphoria."They removed the requirement for counselling prior to treatment from the guidelines … due to transgender activists believing that they were being discriminated against by medical professionals," explains Caspian.Effectively, WPATH decided that by requiring clinicians to look broadly across a range of possible mental health issues, it would stigmatise patients asking for treatment... Caspian sat on the Board of the UK Council for Psychotherapy and advised a committee that drew up a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to formulate policy aimed at preventing so-called 'conversion therapy' in transgender people. "I warned them that the wording was dangerous because it appeared to promote affirmation, implying that a therapist was required to affirm a patient's self-diagnosis of varying gender identity"... "This MoU became national policy in 2018.""
Nurse launches legal test case with claim children cannot consent to transgender treatment - "Children cannot consent to transgender treatment, a nurse bringing a landmark legal case has said, claiming that many are autistic, homosexual or just confused.Susan Evans, 62, a former psychiatric nurse at the Tavistock and Portman NHS foundation trust, said that “experimental” and “invasive medical treatment” should be prevented in order to protect children... Their legal team will argue that the provision of puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones at the Tavistock for those under 18 is illegal because children cannot give valid consent to the treatment. However transgender children’s charities have criticised the case, saying that children should not be denied the right to make decisions about their own bodies, simply because they are trans... children as young as nine or ten are being asked to give informed consent “to a completely experimental treatment for which the long term consequences are not known”."
Strange how children are denied the right to have sex or drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes
WATCH: Jessica Yaniv assaults journalist outside of court - The Post Millennial - "Jessica Yaniv is no stranger to violating other people’s rights, but the scene outside of the Surrey Law Courts was shocking as Yaniv was caught on camera violently assaulting Rebel Media reporter Keean Bexte... Bexte had been banned from reporting from inside the courtroom today where Yaniv had been appearing, with courthouse police capitulating to Yaniv’s demands to have him barred. Previously, Yaniv had also successfully demanded citizen journalist Donald Smith be prevented from entering the courthouse. Earlier this evening, Yaniv confronted The Post Millennial’s Amy Eileen Hamm, falsely accusing her of taking photographs of Yaniv in the women’s washroom. The police searched Hamm’s phone at Yaniv’s request, finding none of the claimed photos."
Jessica Yaniv sues more women salon owners for wax job refusal - The Post Millennial - "The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms has announced it is representing another esthetic salon against Jessica Yaniv at the British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal.The She Point Beauty Salon, owned and operated by women of the Sikh religion, has become the newest target for Yaniv’s litigation after declining Yaniv a Brazilian wax. Yaniv then demanded a leg wax, but was also refused on the same grounds. In their Tuesday morning Press Release, the Justice Centre notes that leg waxes are performed in private with the client undressed or nude from the waist down. Citing religious and safety reasons, the salon refused Yaniv service... The Tribunals found that Yaniv’s gaggle of discrimination claims against the esthetic salons were “vexatious, calculated” and, in part, motivated by racial animus against persons from South Asia and the Sikh, Hindu, and Muslim faiths. The complaints, which varied in cost-demands of up to $500,000, were dropped to fanfare and global praise of the BCHRT. Yaniv was subsequently ordered to pay $2,000 each to three of four clients represented by the JCCF for improper conduct... “Women have a constitutional right not to be compelled to touch biological males in an intimate or highly personal manner if they are not comfortable doing so,” says Jay Cameron in the JCCF Press Release, the lawyer who represented five other aestheticians in Yaniv’s 2019 claims. “Like male genital waxing, our client does not offer male leg waxing services to the public, and we intend to vigorously defend against this targeted harassment on behalf of our client.”"
Sex offender who identifies as young girl reveals just how dangerous self-ID is - The Post Millennial - "An eight-year-old girl trapped in a grown man’s body claims her collection of child pornography is a first amendment right. This is the logical result of self-identification. If people are what they say they are they can get away with anything. Joseph Gobrick is a 45-year-old male sex offender in Grand Rapids, Michigan, who claims that he has “always been an 8-year-old girl.”... Gender self-ID has made a mockery of a criminal justice system, as police report crimes by self-ID’d gender as opposed to reality. Such was the case of Tanner Young, who was referred to as a “Lowell woman” when she was arrested and charged with masturbating in front of a 15-year-old girl. Young’s mugshot clearly shows a man, and the crime of exposing one’s self to young girls then masturbating is typically not a female crime. In Toronto, law enforcement will no longer list biological sex in the descriptors for suspects. This trend will likely show an increase in crimes committed by women, when in fact, these are male crimes performed by men who have self-ID’d out of their sex."
sofie halili 🛒 on Twitter - "cis people getting mad at trans girls for showing up late or cancelling plans last minute is like peak micro aggression that they'll probably never understand"
If you are trans you can do no wrong and anyone who criticises you is transphobic
Meme - "Isn't Trans Sex Inherently Queer? If I Were Having Sex With a Transwoman That Had a Penis and I Stimulated That Penis With My Mouth and Anus It Would Fall Under Q"
"Nope. if You're a Cishet Man Having Sex With a Woman You Are Having Straight Sex"
"Something About Sucking a Dick Just Feels Queer to Me Though"
"Well It's Not. It's a Woman's Penis. It Would Only Define as Gay if You Were a Woman as Well"
All gender restroom in Taiwan : lgbt
From 2018. Meanwhile some people claim Asia won't follow in the Anglo world's footsteps
Hongkie: "I used to make that claim too"
ZeroHavens Deux - Posts - "Angelina Jolie: 'My blonde-haired natural daughter Shiloh is the outcast in our family'"
"Shiloh, transgender child of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, will soon begin hormone treatment"
"If you want to know how to give your children mental illnesses."
Selina Todd and the rise of academic mobs - "A female professor is invited to a university to speak about social class. This is bound to go down well with left-leaning academics who measure gender equality down to the nearest penny, right? Apparently not. Next month, Selina Todd is due to speak at the University of Kent as part of a series of public lectures organised by the School of English. In response, an open letter is now circulating, signed by academics and students from Kent and around the world, demanding Todd’s invitation be withdrawn. Todd is a historian who specialises in the lives of women and the working class. She has dared to suggest that ‘women who posed as men in the past were often lesbians seeking to protect themselves, or because they wanted to do jobs that were only available to men’. Unless we are to assume that every woman who donned a pair of trousers back in the Victorian era was actually a transgender man, over a century before the notion of being transgender had even been invented, this is hardly a controversial view... Todd, having received death threats, now has bodyguards accompany her to lectures... ‘The English Keynote Lecture series is designed to represent and reflect the attitude, politics and image of the School of English and, by extension, the university.’ But universities, as institutions, are not supposed to have a political position on any issue. Doing so would be antithetical to education; it would suggest that research and teaching must lead to certain pre-determined and incontestable conclusions... To substantiate the melodrama of people being forced to defend their existence, they turn to the High Priestess of Academic Wokeness, Sara Ahmed, and her claim that ‘there cannot be a dialogue when some at the table are, in effect or intent, arguing for the elimination of others at the table’. This is truly bonkers. Do the signatories really think that Todd is arguing for the ‘elimination’ of people who describe themselves as transgender? Do they assume that those listening to a lecture on social class will rise up, grab pitchforks and go on a violent rampage against transgender people?"
Academic rigour (considering possible explanations) and freedom of thought are "transphobic"
Transgender man loses court battle to be registered as father - "A transgender man from Kent who gave birth with the help of fertility treatment cannot be registered as his child’s father, the most senior family judge in England and Wales has ruled.In the first legal definition of a mother in English common law, Sir Andrew McFarlane, the president of the high court’s family division, ruled on Wednesday that motherhood was about being pregnant and giving birth regardless of whether the person who does so was considered a man or a woman in law.Freddy McConnell, 32, who has lived as a man for several years but retained his female reproductive system and gave birth in 2018, went to court after a registrar insisted he was recorded as the baby’s mother on the birth certificate despite holding a gender recognition certificate that made it clear the law considered him male... McConnell, a Guardian multimedia journalist who had experienced gender dysphoria since childhood and realised he was trans in 2010, aged 23, said he was “saddened” by the decision in favour of the government and the registrar, which resisted McConnell’s claim to be recognised as his child’s father. He is considering an appeal. “If it is upholding the status quo then I am really worried about what that this means not just for me but other trans people who are parents or who want to become parents,” he said.“It has serious implications for non-traditional family structures. It upholds the view that only the most traditional forms of family are properly recognised or treated equally. It’s just not fair.”... Stonewall, the LGBT charity, said the ruling was “deeply disappointing” and failed to recognise trans parents for who they were. “It’s another example of how current legislation contradicts the fragile equality trans people currently have”"
It seems trans activists think trans people are super fragile and even if they're legally male and referred to as male, if they're deemed a "mother" their lives will be ruined
Is it transphobic to think so lowly of trans people?
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