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Thursday, May 07, 2020

Links - 7th May 2020 (1) (Trans Mania)

X-rated drag queen called 'Flowjob' visits primary school sparking backlash - "A drag queen called 'Flowjob' who shares sexually explicit images of herself on Twitter has sparked a furious backlash after she visited a primary school to educate children as part of LGBT history month.The drag queen’s social media feeds show pictures of her simulating a sex act with a dildo, laying spread eagle in a bath tub with a ball in her mouth and simulating oral sex. In another post she shared 'Flowjob', who refers to themself as 'she/her', tweeted a picture of EastEnders star Ian Beale being throttled by Max Branning with the caption 'I need a Daddy like this'.During the visit 'Flowjob' read a story to Primary 1 children aged between four to five.Glencoates Primary School in Paisley has come under fire for allowing 'Flowjob' to visit the kids with many saying it was ''inappropriate'', ''outrageous'' and ''disgusting''... One parent with a seven-year-old child at the school blasted the headteacher and claimed parents had not been told about Flowjob's visit... "I’m not opposed to learning about lgbt, but my 7 year old doesn’t need to know what a drag queen is and certainly not the one they had in. The headteacher is more concerned about furthering her career than tackling issuing that our school has.'''Flowjob' visited the school alongside SNP MP and LGBTQ+ campaigner Mhairi Black and was introduced to the children as 'Flow'... Women and children's rights group forwomen.scot were among dozens who launched criticism at the choice of LGBTQ+ role model and questioned why checks were not made beforehand.They wrote: “Sending abusive messages to a school is not OK, but questions about this are legitimate. A male who dresses as a sexualised parody of a women, goes by the name "flowjob" is hardly a role model for primary aged children. Did no one check this?”... ''Adult entertainment is for adults. ''And actually, a number of us would probably enjoy Flow's act but schools and groups for young people have a responsibility to safeguard those people and consider what is and isn't age appropriate. They are the ones who failed the children and, frankly, exposed Flow.''We understand why children might think Drag Queens are sparkly and exotic, but they are hardly the norm. Surely it would be more representative of the LGBT community to hear from same-sex parents?"Boring, ordinary parents..."Taking to Twitter another outraged woman added: “Thanks Flow” full name @flowjobqueen. Why would anyone think this is suitable for pre teens.""
Addendum: The left keep insisting it's a myth that drag queens are sexual

Barry Humphries slammed for transphobic comments - "Barry Humphries is facing heavy criticism after making hostile comments about the transgender community... The comments drew an immediate rebuke online, with activists calling Humphries an "ignorant bigot" and urging him to "shut up and retire". In a viral tweet, comedian Hannah Gadsby called Humphries an "irrelevant, inhumane dick biscuit of the highest order.""
Even drag queens aren't safe

When a Drag Queen Has to Lecture Woke Parents on Morality - "You know that American culture has hit an all-time low when it takes a drag queen to tell “woke” parents to keep their kids out of drag bars. Who would have thought?... “A popular drag queen known as ‘Kitty Demure’ has issued a stark warning to parents who are seeking to involve their children in the crossdressing scene.” In the video, which is going viral, “Kitty” asks pointedly, “What in the h*** has a drag queen ever done to make you have so much respect for them, and admire them so much, other than put on makeup and jump on the floor and writhe around and do sexual things on stage?”... What on earth happened to our society that the American Library Association could actually support Drag Queen Story Hours for our toddlers?... In the words of “Kitty,” “I have absolutely no idea why you would want that to influence your child. Would you want a stripper or a porn star to influence your child?”... “I understand that you might want to look like you’re with it, that you’re cool and woke … but you can raise your child to be just a normal everyday child without including them in gay sexual things.”... “There is a lot of filth that goes on, a lot of sexual stuff that goes on, and backstage there’s a lot of nudity, sex, and drugs. To actually get them involved in drag is extremely, extremely irresponsible.”This was seconded by a commenter who tweeted, “The drag scene is a dirty, rough & tumble lifestyle, rife with promiscuity, prostitution, drugs & crime. Exposing kids to people who live their lives wallowing in such an environment, as if it’s just peachy keen, is child abuse.”... gay men have had to combat the pedophile accusation for years. Why, then, implicate them again by bringing little children to their performances? On the flip side, why would other drag queens accept invitations to read to little children if they were so concerned with pedophile accusations?"
So many drag queens who are "transphobic"

Paul Joseph Watson on Twitter - "Why does the western media/dominant culture always celebrate pregnancy when the parents are transgender while simultaneously telling women that having kids is bad for the planet & makes them worthless and unhappy? "

Satiria - Posts - "#Alok #NewGoths #Pronouns Nar / cis / sist."

The Ranks of Gender Detransitioners Are Growing. We Need to Understand Why - "“in a 2015 survey of nearly 28,000 people conducted by the U.S.-based National Center for Transgender Equality (NCTE), only 8 percent of respondents reported detransitioning, and 62 percent of those people said they only detransitioned temporarily.” Even if this 8 percent figure were accurate, that would certainly merit attention and concern, given the rising numbers of minors who now present as transgender. But the actual figure is likely much higher than 8 percent, because the referenced study is based exclusively on survey respondents who identify as transgender. Many of the detransitioners I have spoken with, by contrast, have cut ties completely with the transgender community, and certainly don’t identify as trans... The population transitioning in recent years is also qualitatively different from predecessor cohorts. For one thing, many of those now transitioning are much younger... protocols aimed at fast-tracking treatment for trans individuals would increase the rate of false positives... The detransitioners I see in my practice are all female, and they are all in their early twenties. At the time they became trans-identified, many were suffering from complex social and mental health issues. Transition often not only failed to address these issues, but at times exacerbated them or added new issues. These young women often became derailed from educational or vocational goals during their period of trans identification.Since detransitioning, they have lost the support of the trans community, often both online and in person. Some report that they are vilified if they speak about their experience as a detransitioner. And so, in addition to suffering from their pre-existing conditions, they also now suffer social isolation and a lack of peer support... Sexual assault and sexual harassment were common precursors. A majority had an eating disorder at the time they became trans identified. Since detransitioning, most now understand themselves to be butch lesbians. In our work together, they traced complex histories of coming to terms with their homosexuality. Some faced vicious homophobic bullying before they announced their trans identification. All of these young women report that their experience of gender dysphoria had been sincerely felt. According to their recollections, they were as “truly trans” as anyone. In some cases, they received a formal diagnosis of gender dysphoria from mental-health clinicians. Others attended informed-consent clinics, through which they were able to access testosterone after only a brief discussion with a health provider. For most of these young women, identifying as trans worsened their mental health. Although some report that starting on hormones initially brought an increase in confidence and well-being, these drugs eventually seemed to make some of them more emotionally labile, and intensified depression and suicidality. Some of the women who underwent surgeries such as mastectomies or hysterectomies found that these procedures brought no relief from their suffering and instead resulted in nerve damage, regret and, in some cases, life-long dependence on synthetic hormones... most of them are still likely counted by their transition doctors as examples of “successful” transition stories, since they have simply stopped reporting for treatment."

Thread by @LaraAdamsMille1 - "Homosexuals won recognition of their rights because, ultimately, the rest of society changes very little in allowing gays to marry, hold jobs, & be free from harassment/violence... The gender movement is an inverted movement. Rather than basic protections common to all people, members of the mvmt are demanding that all of society make radical changes to policy, personal habits, language, parenting, professional (inc. medical & scientific) practice, & more.Homosexuals asked that we be allowed what everyone is allowed — That we can marry the (adult, consenting, unrelated) person of our choosing, that we can raise our children, keep our jobs. We asked for inaction in the form of not seeking to punish us for our personal lives.The gender movement is demanding that we convert to their ideology and practice their beliefs. You can employ a gay person without voicing moral agreement with them. But current non-discrimination practices for trans employees demand you live as though you share their beliefs. This is an unstable movement because it will never not require brute social and political force to maintain. There’s nothing organic about using pronouns that conflict with natural speech. There’s nothing sustainable about asking every person you meet how they “identify.”& the gender movement is demanding far more than any true human rights movement in history has. We’re meant to enact scientific & medical practices that aren’t evidence-based. We’re being told to compromise our privacy, our sexual practices, our religious beliefs. It’s distressing in the short term and unsustainable in the long term. People won’t accept this indefinitely. It will be torn down, along with every movement that’s being falsely associated with it. This will hurt gay rights, and disability rights, and women’s rights.The modern era of social justice thrives on upheaval... history shows us that not all societal shift is positive.Never in history has forcing a population to practice a belief system against their will been a positive change.Violating freedom of thought, speech, association, assembly — that has never indicated progress toward justice. I never believed in gender — this idea that “man” and “woman” are internal feelings separate from chromosomal and reproductive sex. But I supported trans people anyway, because I didn’t feel required to agree with them. I didn’t feel required to submit to their doctrine.I used the pronouns to be polite, and because those pronouns weren’t the loaded prospects they’ve become... I feel betrayed by this movement. As a lesbian, I advocated for trans rights along with my own. Now trans “lesbians” march in opposition to me and my sisters. They demand our resources, our spaces, our platforms, our emotional energy. They demand access to our bodies.But I said “she,” & that’s supposed to make the rest of it okay.So I don’t do the pronouns anymore.For me, individually, the demands of the movement were unsustainable, and I had to withdraw my support. And other people will do. Every day, more people are... The gender mvmt isn’t limiting itself to protection of human rights. It’s demanding society assist the transgender person in feeling secure about themselves by transitioning our own speech, beliefs, & personal practices.Freedom from emotional insecurity isn’t a human right... No one, aside from the most fervent believers in gender, is impressed by the turn this situation has taken. We look like proof that allowing us our rights was a bad idea.We’re endangering basic liberties like medical decision-making & parental rights for the sake of pronouns. The protections we ask for must allow for belief systems other than our own. They must consider the rights of groups we don’t belong to.We do not have the right to punish people for disagreeing with us, or for saying so.We do not have the right to compel or stop speech"

BBC Radio 4 - Best of Today, Gender identity and free speech - "‘We're living in an age of mass hysteria. The claim made in a new book called the madness of crowds: gender, race and identity. Its author, the journalist Douglas Murray, argues that the new culture wars being fought in the modern world are threatening freedom of speech through what he describes as a weaponization of identity’...
‘Increasingly we're doubling down. Just at the point at which things like race, sex, sexual orientation, should have been I suppose we hoped to have sort of become relatively irrelevant or as irrelevant as possible, there's been a doubling down on them, a re-emphasizing of them. A problematisizing of them, to use one voguish term. To the extent that they seem to be driving us apart'...
‘And you call it St George in retirement?’
‘Yes, that's one of the things from the late Australian political philosophy Kenneth Minogue. There is an attitude among other things of St George in retirement, that the battles having mainly been won, the dragon having been slain, you know, women's rights, having broadly speaking, not absolutely there, but pretty much there. Gay rights, pretty much there. And so on that you get this thing of the person who's slain the dragon staggering around the land, looking for ever smaller beasts to slay until finally he can be found swishing his sword at thin air. And I worry that that attitude, the sort of revolutionary, the barricades attitude, the fighting attitude has become the normal attitude of our time. And as a result, we're in this very strange phase where we are all pretending to be very certain about a lot of things we don't know very much about. And we're pretending we don't know things that everyone knew till yesterday... Gay, women, race and trans and in a way that last one has become the most revealing because it's the one that demonstrates how bad we are at discussing, thinking or even talking without weaponizing things against each other. We just had a really interesting one this past weekend, the pop singer Sam Smith, came out as non binary. He’d previously come out as gay, came out a bit later as gender queer, now says he's non binary, which means among other things he wants to use, have plural pronouns used of him. Now the BBC, not to want to make a criticism, the BBC immediately on its website said, they said in their statement, and so on. Now, this isn't the biggest thing in the world. But how about this? Why can't we think about what this claim actually is? I don't think there is any such thing as non binary. I don't think there's any such thing. And I think a lot of people know that too. But, because we are so bad at discussing it, everybody, including the BBC immediately starts to say, okay, we will massively distort and maul our language, if somebody's got a claim’...
‘At every point that there has been change, I would characterize it as positive social change, there have been voices like Douglas’s who said, this is madness. Why are we having to use these silly terms and be so politically correct? The same thing was said, about feminism in the 70s. The same thing has been said about not using derogatory words towards people from ethnic minority backgrounds… [your column on Smith] almost verged on bullying. This is somebody who is making an expression of his identity and how he wants to be described. And I don't know why you feel so threatened’
‘Well, I could play this several ways. If I wanted to do the other way that we do it at the moment, I'd say that he's disappearing gay people, but I would just say it this way. He's pretending there's no such thing as sex or gender. There is and I'm not willing to lie about science in order to fit around his feelings.’"
"But the fact that some geniuses were laughed at does not imply that all who are laughed at are geniuses. They laughed at Columbus, they laughed at Fulton, they laughed at the Wright Brothers. But they also laughed at Bozo the Clown."
St George in retirement is basically the "myth" of the slippery slope
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