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Friday, December 27, 2019

Why are male to female transsexuals about three times more common than female to male transsexuals?

Posted on 22 October on Quora and surprisingly still there (no, this is not by me):

Answer to Why are male to female transsexuals about three times more common than female to male transsexuals? - Quora

Autogynephilia is defined as a male's propensity to be sexually aroused by the thought of himself as a female. It is the paraphilia that is theorized to underlie transvestism and some forms of male-to-female (MtF) transsexualism.

Autogynephilia encompasses sexual arousal with cross-dressing and cross-gender expression that does not involve women's clothing per se. The concept of autogynephilia defines a typology of MtF transsexualism and offers a theory of motivation for one type of MtF transsexualism.

Autogynephilia resembles a sexual orientation in that it involves elements of idealization and attachment as well as erotic desire. Nearly 3% of men in Western countries may experience autogynephilia.

Of note, men with it, view women as fetishes, with a fixation on sex, genitlia, sexuality rather than whole beings.

It can manifest itself in partial fetishes, fixation with periods, buying tampons and pads, wearing them to mimick being a female, wearing female clothing, using make up and looking female with no want to have sugery, take hormone replacement or puberty blockers, have top not bottom surgery.

Or it can be fantasing about the female form or dreaming of being female. It is limited by what turns them on which varies.

They have no desire to understand womanhood if it’s not sex related, they sometimss become porn stars or prostitutes, no because they need the money or have no options, they like the fantasy of someone fetishnising them as well.

Their motivations go far beyond a man hungry for sex, they often cross boundaries far beyond sending dick pics and intruding on female only spaces, part of the fetish is having women acknowledge they’re women, especially telling them they’re gorgeous or beautiful, it is part of the fetish, they get a sense of euphoria from it. Insistence of this acknowledgement makes them go as far as suing people who disagree or misgender, it is an obsession that grows larger and normal sex isn’t enough, they will go into other kinks, often mixing with pedophiles and fetishers who support this obsession as normal, forgetting it escalates, resulting in marital rape or rape.

The far left reframing this as a gender identity despite ethical moderate leftists speaking up has made those who speak up targets for their harassment and abuse, including LGBTs themselves, especially targetting LB women. They protest to fire psychologists in this field, who have a wait and see approach, using therapy first to minimise the influence in their lives, instead of pushing puberty blockers on kids knowing it can result in permanent sterilisation or hormone replacement that can affect overall health or irreversible sex reassignment surgery.

Trans women and trans men (mostly trans women since it’s TW that is affected by this), who have the refusal to acknowledge this as legitimate are mass victimising young transgenders, deterring them to seek help, because they don’t want to be associated with this. This is because they themselves have done something irreversible and now have to insist it’s being born in the wrong body, demanding people agree this is so.

Noticeably absent is research on trans men, feminists who research female oppression keep saying trans men are females so oppressed, they feel forced to take extreme measures to become like men so they get closer to equal treatment of the sexes, noticeably missing is trans men’s obsession with genitilia, sex, constant talks of SRS, posting hyper sexualised pictures of them online or participation in fetish clubs or groups.

Autogynephilia: an underappreciated paraphilia. - PubMed - NCBI
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