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Monday, December 23, 2019

Links - 23rd December 2019 (3)

A conservative blog - "why the fuck are you and that other white chic wearing kimonos you white people need to stop taking japanese culture also you two look horrible in the kimonos it doesnt even match"
"1) it’s a yukata not a kimono
2) *flashes Japanese passport*"
Once again "anti-racism" and excoriating people for "cultural appropriation" is just a way for ignorant people to hate on others - especially white people

Cristiano Ronaldo makes more money from Instagram than Juventus - "Ronaldo has taken home $47.8 million from paid Instagram posts alone over the past year, according to a Hopper HQ study published on Buzz Bingo, which lists the 34-year-old as the platform's highest earner.His annual wage packet at Juventus, for whom he signed for in 2018, is $34 million according to Goal.com — $14.7 million less than he receives for his posts on Instagram."

Cristiano Ronaldo: Best ever goal not as a good as sex with girlfriend - "according to the man himself, the goal still doesn't compare to sex with his model girlfriend, Georgina Rodriguez."

Escape The Echo Chamber - Posts - "In the news yesterday was the presidents decision to hold next years G7 summit at Trump National Doral. This continues a long string of decisions that break with expected presidential behavior... And while the usual suspects howl in objection, remember that the Trump organization is donating all foreign government profits to the U.S. Treasury and Trump’s estimated net worth has dropped more than a billion dollars since he was elected."

Trump Org donates nearly $200k to cover foreign profits - "President Donald Trump’s company said on Monday that it donated nearly $200,000 to the U.S. Treasury to make good on its promise two years ago to hand over profits from foreign governments using its properties. The Trump Organization said a check for $191,538 sent to Treasury represents profits from embassy parties, hotel stays and other foreign government spending at its Washington hotel and other properties last year. The voluntary donation is up from $151,470 sent a year ago to cover the president’s first calendar year in office. Trump announced the donation plan before his inauguration two years ago in response to criticism that in refusing to sell off his business, people would suspect his decisions in office would be influenced by spending at his properties and not necessarily reflect the public interest... The president’s adult sons running the business have bristled at the charge they are profiting off the presidency.“Unlike any other luxury hospitality company, we do not market to or solicit foreign government business,” said Eric Trump, an executive vice president of the Trump Organization. “In fact, we go to great lengths to discourage foreign government patronage at our properties.”... Eric Trump and his brother, Donald Jr., announced they were scrapping plans to roll out two new hotels chains in the U.S. due to intense media scrutiny and what it called a hostile political environment.  Donald Trump Jr. on Monday told Fox News that Manhattan federal prosecutors investigating the president’s inaugural committee and family business were engaging in “Stalinist” tactics, where if they “massage things enough,” a crime can be found."

What’s the difference between Swiss and Belgian chocolate? - "Swiss chocolate
Signature style: Smooth milk chocolate bars with little bitterness made using Swiss milk...
Belgian chocolate
Signature style: High-cocoa dark chocolate, particularly chocolate truffles and pralines."

What are the stories behind the erotic sculptures of Khajuraho ? - "there is an intrigue around the erotic sculptures of Khajuraho that adorn the walls of these temples. We wonder why the Chandelas, who ruled over 1000 years ago built these monuments which represent love and lust in various forms. And it is not just the Chandelas. Lets revisit India during the 9th- 12th centuries – from North to South, there are many temples with erotic sculptures. The Chalukyas and the Hoysala temples have carved them on their walls, even if they are not as explicit as those in Khajuraho or Konark. Was it some kind of a manual that these sculptors had or was it a belief that led them to the carving these erotic sculptures of Khajuraho?... there are several intepretations that speak of varying beliefs in Hinduism that seem to be in the fore. One of them speaks about leaving your lust and desires behind before entering the temple – which is probably why there are no carvings of sex inside the temples. The Mithunas or the couples in love are only portrayed on the outside walls of the shrines. My guide, Gopalji tells me that it is a  depiction of the Hindu philosophy of Dharma, Artha, Kama , Moksha . Perhaps you can attain nirvana, once you are done with all your wordly pleasures. However , another guide, Mamaji who I had met earlier mentioned that it is more of a depiction of Tantric cult and beliefs"

The Zach and Matt Show 🧢 on Twitter - "Washington Post fact checked the [Democratic candidate] debate and Andrew Yang was the only candidate with zero false statements."

Fake doctor saved thousands of infants and changed medical history - "When Marion Conlin gave birth to twins earlier than expected in a Brooklyn hospital in May 1920, one of her babies was already dead. Her doctor bluntly told the woman and her husband, Woolsey, “Don’t rush to bury that one, because you will need to bury the other one too . . . She’s not going to live the day.”But Woolsey was not giving up on the other so easily.The couple had honeymooned the previous year in Atlantic City, and Woolsey recalled a sideshow exhibit featuring prematurely born babies whose lives were saved right there on the Boardwalk. Resting in new machines called incubators, the babies made medical history while serving as a prime attraction for gawking tourists.Woolsey also remembered hearing that the same doctor had set up a similar exhibit in Coney Island. So while their own doctor tried to convince them that all was lost, Woolsey grabbed his 2-pound daughter, ran from the hospital and hailed a cab, hoping the Coney Island sideshow could save her life. A new book, “The Strange Case of Dr. Couney: How a Mysterious European Showman Saved Thousands of American Babies,” by Dawn Raffel (Blue Rider Press), tells the story of Martin Couney, a self-appointed “doctor” — his credentials turned out to be nonexistent — who nonetheless saved thousands of infants, and introduced incubators to the modern world... he spent 40 years as the only medical hope for parents of babies born too early in New York City and beyond. Raffel estimates he saved between 6,500 and 7,000 lives... Visitors were charged a quarter to view the babies, and the money went to their care."
How "commodification" and "exploitation" save lives

British Family Decries Treatment by US after Border Crossing - "The family said they blundered into Washington state while trying to avoid an animal in the road on the Canadian side and have since been “treated like criminals” by their U.S. jailers, forced to bide their time in a series of cold and unsanitary immigration facilities as they await deportation to England... U.S. officials assert the family of Eileen and David Connors crossed the border on purpose, noting their vehicle was observed “slowly and deliberately” driving through a ditch to cross into U.S. territory in Blaine, Washington, on Oct. 2. Four adults and three children were inside. “During processing, record checks revealed two of the adults were previously denied travel authorization to come to the United States”... The agency said that border agents tried returning the family to Canada, but Canada refused to have them back. After making two attempts to contact British consular officials, the border patrol said it turned the family over to U.S. immigration officials for removal proceedings."
On NPR's Facebook, people were either speculating that they weren't white or saying that they were white and the only reason why they were detained was so the US government could pretend it was following the law. Instead of Occam's razor, SJWs follow the principle by which if anything can be blamed on "racism" (or some other "ism"), it will be
The Daily Mail has photos of them so we indeed know that they are white

British family 'traumatized' after US border detainment, but officials say they were trying to enter undetected - ""A vehicle was observed via remote video surveillance system turning west onto Avenue 0 in British Columbia, Canada, at approximately 9 p.m., Oct. 2. The vehicle then turned south and entered the U.S. illegally, by slowly and deliberately driving through a ditch onto Boundary Road in Blaine, Washington. The vehicle traveled west on Boundary Road continuing on the United States' side, and was pulled over by a Border Patrol agent a short time later. The seven occupants of the vehicle, who are citizens of the United Kingdom, were arrested at approximately 9:13 p.m., in accordance with law as established by the Immigration and Nationality Act for illegally entering the United States without inspection."The CBP senior official told CNN that the group had $16,000 in cash on them when they were arrested.

Sargon of Akkad - Posts - "Fuck you to the guy who said I'd end up a lonely guy without a girlfriend, cunt I am the girlfriend now"
"Modern problems require modern solutions"

Guatemala is the Land of Unknown Ancient Food Traditions - "when I mention to Cotuc that I'm here to write about the country's ancestral Maya cuisine, much of which has been prepared the same way for about 2,000 years, he declares that puchon-ik, a chile-spiced dish of small, sun-dried fish, is San Juan's unrivaled favorite... I hide a few half-nibbled fish under a tortilla, offer a polite “gracias” to the waiter, and return to my hotel to do what any hapless foreigner would do—Google puchon-ik. Number of results: zero.When I recount all of this to Cotuc at the market the next day, he laughs. And not only because I'd ingested a bunch of fish heads and fins. (Except for a few hardcore elders, most locals remove them before eating the flesh.) The funniest part to him is that I'd expected to find any information at all online about puchon-ik. "I bet there's nothing on the internet about it, and there never will be," Cotuc says. It turns out that this dish can be found almost nowhere but in the home kitchens of San Juan. In another lakefront village just 2 miles away, San Marcos La Laguna, whose residents speak a different Mayan language than San Juan's, the people I talk to know nothing about puchon-ik. But they have a lot to say about a thick corn-based drink called atol maatz, which is flavored with ashes from the kitchen fire. At a time when even the most obscure culinary cultures have been picked over by herds of eager food bloggers, Guatemala remains one of the Western Hemisphere's last true culinary terrae incognitae."

Keshaun Dangz on Twitter - "@tinybird420 There should be mandatory prison time for uttering that word. Not only that, there should be a large fine just for using the ‘n-word’ euphemism. Just give it time, we’ll get there."
The totalitarianism of liberalism

Woman, 28, killed leaning out of train window 'fitted with warning sign' - "Bethan Roper, 28, was returning home from a Christmas shopping trip on the Great Western Railway train near Twerton, Bath on December 1. The charity worker, from Penarth in south Wales, had stuck her head out of the window of a door and was struck by a tree branch while the train travelled at 85mph.A preliminary report by the Rail Accident Investigation Branch (RAIB) found that a yellow "Caution" label above the door said "Do not lean out of window when train is moving".The door was fitted with an opening window to enable passengers to access the handle, which was on the outside... The RAIB said its full investigation would examine the measures in place to "control the risks from persons leaning out of train windows, including the threat from vegetation"... the RAIB noted that a yellow warning sticker on the door was in a "cluttered environment" among other information signs, and recommended that train companies should do more to stop passengers from putting body parts out of windows.  In November, public sector company Network Rail was asked by rail minister Andrew Jones to set out a plan for how it will do more to protect biodiversity during tree felling.  This followed criticism over the amount of trees being cut down in some areas."
And this just after the £1 million fine for the Simon Brown case. Maybe British people are such idiots because health and safety regulations infantilise them. So it's a vicious circle. Another million pound fine is incoming I guess

Woman killed as she leaned out of train window - "the RAIB said it believed "at least one other friend leant out of the window before [Ms Roper]"... It said a warning sign above the droplight window met industry guidance but "did not adequately convey the level of risk". Investigators claimed the use of the word "caution" suggested that leaning out the window could be done safely if care was taken.They said it was much smaller than other surrounding signs, and red, not yellow, would have been a more appropriate background colour for conveying danger."
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