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Tuesday, October 08, 2019

Links - 8th October 2019 (2)

Hilarious scientific studies go viral with 'Fantastic yeasts and where to find them' tweet - "'Fantastic yeasts and where to find them: the hidden diversity of dimorphic fungal pathogens'... Notable other tweets include a study titled: 'An In-Depth Analysis of a Piece of S***: Distribution of Schistosoma mansoni and Hookworm Eggs in human Stool'."

Voter ID laws don't seem to suppress minority votes – despite what many claim - "a growing body of evidence — which includes a study we published earlier this year — finds that strict voter ID laws do not appear to disproportionately suppress voter turnout among African Americans, Asian Americans or people of mixed races"

Dan Broadbent - #AlwaysRemember - "Genders are like the Twin Towers. There used to be two of them and now it's a really sensitive subject"

Segments of Random Thoughts - Posts - ""Right wing" has become a slur. "Right wing evil" is like a mantra, akin to "orange man bad." I'll never forget the look of horror on my ex-housemate's face when I told him I'm right wing. And he isn't even a looney progressive or far left. The indoctrination goes deep, down to regular folks with cursory interest in politics."
"Tim Pool: "I love how digital media is calling me right wing over my invite to the summit. Can't accept that Trump invited someone pro choice, pro public healthcare, pro progessive tax who also has routinely disparaged him? "Uh oh, the narrative is breaking, quick call him right wing""

Dear Canadian PM @JustinTrudeau as much as I... - Muhammad Salman Khan - "Dear Canadian PM @JustinTrudeau as much as I adore you for being an unapologetic ally of the LGBTQ+ community, it pains me to see you endorsing religious leadership of @Jalsa_Canada & @ahmadiyyacanada who support gay conversion therapies & call us LGBTQ+ a "psychological disorder". https://t.co/PJ15I6yCSdI stand by rights of the Ahmadiyya Muslim community & their religious freedom but as a gay activist from Pakistan I'm appalled to see politicians such as @JustinTrudeau supporting anti LGBTQ religious clerics"

Meme - "*Fat man, tattooed man, bearded lady*
I'm sorry I have to let you all go but you're just not freaks anymore"

Jeni’s! : Columbus - "She spent $7 on an ice cream cone for an Instagram picture then threw it away."

Children learn best during real-time interaction, new study finds - "The findings suggest that it’s the responsiveness of the interactions that’s key: When we respond to children in timely and meaningful ways, they learn—even when that response comes from a screen... three dozen two-year-olds were randomly assigned to learn new verbs in one of three ways: training with a live person, training through video chat technology such as Skype, and watching a DVD of the same person instructing a different child who was off screen and thus out of sync with the child in the study.The researchers found that children learned new words only when either conversing with a person or when interacting via live video chat technology, both of which involved responsive, back-and-forth social interactions. They were not able to learn the new words through the prerecorded video instruction on DVD."
Why human instruction is still needed, despite libertarian fantasies

Students learn better in person, so who are online courses for? - "Susan Dynarski, a professor of public policy, education and economics at the University of Michigan wrote that “for advanced learners, online classes are a terrific option, but academically challenged students need a classroom with a teacher’s support.”Dynarski cited a study published last September in the American Economic Review, which found “taking a course online, instead of in-person, reduces student success and progress in college.” The study looked at the performance of hundreds of thousands of students at DeVry University, a for-profit American college with sites across the country. The students who did most poorly in online courses were those with low grades going in, and in the case of online credit-recovery classes, which Ryerson does not offer, Dynarski wrote that pass rates in these classes may be high, but retention rates are lower, leading to poor results on future testing."
Why online classes can't replace in-person instruction, despite libertarian fantasies

SUNY professor says seeing white homeless people 'feels like justice’ - "Nicholas Powers, an associate professor of literature at the taxpayer-funded public college on Long Island, penned an article titled, “Seeing poor white people makes me happy,” that was posted to the website RaceBaitr on June 11.“White people begging us for food feels like justice . . . It feels like a Black Nationalist wet dream,” Powers wrote as he recounted seeing a “white homeless boy” panhandling in a black neighborhood.“Should I kick him in the face? Hard?” writes Powers, 44, who identifies as Puerto Rican and part of the “black nationalist tradition.” Describing his reaction to seeing the homeless man again, Powers wrote: “Today I own my anger. I want to snatch his food and say, ‘Go beg in a white neighborhood!’ And eat it. And rub my belly. And laugh.”“Here is a descendant of murderers who killed our ancestors now begging us to save their life,” he wrote... Powers blasts people who voted for President Trump as “racist a- -holes.”“F- -k your whiteness with my dirty Rick James boots,” he wrote in the piece.In a 2018 piece, Powers admits popping ecstasy and roaming the East Village in a drug-induced stupor to celebrate the election of Barack Obama in 2008."

White privilege lecture tells students white people ‘dangerous’ if they don’t see race - "University of Washington Professor Robin DiAngelo told the audience a “dangerous white person” sees people as individuals rather than by skin color.DiAngelo, whose main field of work is “whiteness studies,” added that those who say they were taught to treat everyone the same deny black people of their reality, she said.In making the claim, DiAngelo said she was lifting the terminology from her frequent co-facilitator at speaking engagements, black scholar Erin Trent Johnson... DiAngelo’s sentiments stand in stark contrast to a famous alumnus of school, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., who earned his PhD in theology from Boston University and famously pronounced that he had a dream that his four children “will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.”... One slide of her presentation demonstrated that the majority of politicians, directors, and police officers are male, and that it is sexist for one to suggest that maybe men “just happen to be” more inclined to go into these fields of work.“We live in a patriarchy,” she affirmed, and even asserted her own husband is a product of the patriarchy.She encouraged the audience to think in terms of race, and not the character of individual people, because all white people are racist to some degree, no matter what."

Dr. Debra Soh on Twitter - Elizabeth Warren: "For every dollar white men made in 2017:
Black women made 61 cents
Native women made 58 cents
Latinas made 53 cents
On day one of a Warren administration, I will take executive action to boost wages for women of color."
Christina Sommers: "Why omit Asian men and women, Senator?" *graph showing Asian men and women earn the most*
"Asians disprove the claim that only white men can be successful. Woke people have to either pretend we don't exist or categorize us as "white.""

Welcome to the real world! Berlin’s oldest boys’ choir sued by 9yo girl for gender discrimination - "A five-century-old boys’ choir has been accused of gender discrimination for not accepting a nine-year-old girl. Her woke mother is suing Berlin’s oldest musical institution for not embracing modern world realities.The State and Cathedral Choir Berlin’s gender-based admissions criteria violate Germany’s constitution, the girl’s mother has declared, hauling the boys-only choir into court on charges that it violates her daughter’s right to equal opportunities in state support. The internationally famous choir has never admitted any females in its 554-year history, although it has a girls-only partner choir that her daughter is welcome to join. However, the mother insists that this group is not of the same caliber as the historic boys’ institution, which was made famous by Romantic composer Felix Mendelssohn, and she says the state must step in to make things right. The family’s names have not been made public.The choir’s directors claim the decision to reject the girl was “not predominantly” about her gender, adding that she would have been accepted had she displayed “extraordinary talent and motivation.” In a statement to the court, they explained that girls’ and boys’ choirs sound different for anatomical reasons, and maintained they were permitted to reject whom they wished on grounds of artistic freedom."

Woman is slammed for saying she felt 'VIOLATED' after a man used a gender-neutral bathroom with her | Daily Mail Online - "Twitter user @MaryBear__ shared her story last week, explaining that she was washing her hands when two men walked in. She admitted their presence made her feel uncomfortable, even though she was in a gender-neutral bathroom.
'Man#1, didn't care and used the bathroom in front of me. Man#2 waited outside the bathroom till I left after seeing me inside. I thanked man#2 for respecting my privacy. I felt so violated,' she tweeted...
'Man #1 treated you as an equal in a gender neutral bathroom. Man#2 treated you like a woman. I don’t know which one you want as treatment, but both treated you with respect and neither violated you,' Twitter user @WinnersWontLose wrote.
Other Twitter users were quick to point out that she was the one chose to use a gender-neutral bathroom, stressing that the two guys did nothing wrong... Someone else commented: 'Then just use a female bathroom if you want your privacy respected?? What are you doing in a gender neutral bathroom if you want men to wait outside?'...
'Give us gender neutral bathrooms, but men shouldn't use them if women are present? Micro-aggression against my bladder! Feeling violated here."
OP is wearing a hijab, so

Victorian councils consider children’s book ban amid gender test - "VICTORIAN councils could ban books and toys from kindergartens, schools and libraries if they don’t meet strict gender guidelines, according to reports.The Herald Sun on Monday revealed Manningham and Melbourne City Councils are among those auditing children’s books and urging a ban on the terms “boy” and “girl”."

What does it mean to be unequally yoked? - "Attempting to live a Christian life with a non-Christian for our close friend and ally will only cause us to go around in circles.The “unequal yoke” is often applied to business relationships. For a Christian to enter into a partnership with an unbeliever is to court disaster. Unbelievers have opposite worldviews and morals, and business decisions made daily will reflect the worldview of one partner or the other. For the relationship to work, one or the other must abandon his moral center and move toward that of the other. More often than not, it is the believer who finds himself pressured to leave his Christian principles behind for the sake of profit and the growth of the business."
This is amazing - so Christians aren't even supposed to be friends with non-Christians

Winner, winner chicken dinner? Not for PETA - "PETA sent out a news release this week alerting Idaho media that it has written a letter to Caldwell Mayor Garret Nancolas to ask for a change to the street name Chicken Dinner Road"
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