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Saturday, October 12, 2019

Links - 12th October 2019 (2) (Migrants in Europe)

‘Don’t go out alone’: Swedish police warn women after four rapes in four days - "Police in the Swedish city of Uppsala have warned women to walk in groups and to “think how to behave,” after four women were raped in as many days... Sweden’s rape count has been rising since 2005, and jumped ten percent in 2017 alone."

Volvo CEO laments Sweden’s high crime rate, says company might move its HQ abroad - "The head of the Swedish car manufacturer Volvo has created quite a stir at home, saying that his company struggles to attract foreign specialists due to the lack of public security and may be considering moving elsewhere."

UPS stops delivering to Swedish neighborhood as drivers get attacked in ‘no-go zone’ – report - "Rosengard, a troubled, immigrant-dominated neighborhood, has gained notoriety due to a spike in violent crime recorded in recent years. Gun violence, armed robberies, and other offenses seem to have become commonplace there, according to media reports. The district, plagued by unemployment and poverty, has previously appeared on a list of Sweden’s ‘vulnerable areas’, which some media and local politicians refer to as ‘no-go zones’.The Swedish government has consistently rejected using the term, admitting that while there are difficulties in certain neighborhoods, they are not places in which police and other agencies cannot effectively work. But in 2017, several police chiefs said in a widely quoted article that there were “parallel societies” in Malmo and other cities whose members reject the “basic institutions of [Swedish] society.” They also complained that it was “hard for police to fulfil [their] mission” in these neighborhoods due to heavy gang presence... For some local service providers at least, the words ‘no-go zones’ are taken quite literally. In 2017, the Swedish ambulance union said first responders need military-grade protective gear to withstand the dangers of such areas. Later that year, the government-run postal service, PostNord, halted mail delivery to some addresses near the troubled Stockholm suburb of Rinkeby, where large-scale riots were taking place."

Fewer than 500 of 163,000 asylum seekers found jobs - "Of almost 163,000 people who applied for asylum in Sweden last year, less than 500 landed a job... figures suggest that the gap between Swedes and foreign-born is likely to grow. In April, the unemployment rate among people born in Sweden was at its lowest since before the global financial crisis in 2008, falling to 4.7 percent. The equivalent among residents born abroad was 14.9 percent."
So much for using asylum seekers to solve labour market shortages

Rampant Migrant Unemployment Threatens to Further Raise Swedish Taxes - Forecast - "Sweden, which already has some of the world's highest taxes, may well see them rise further, should unemployment among the "new Swedes" remain at an equally problematic level, national economists have warned. Currently, a staggering half of all newcomers remain unemployed after eight years in Sweden... half of Sweden's foreign-born residents remain unemployed after eight years in the country. For those who only have upper secondary education, it takes even longer: it took an average of 10 years for half of immigrants who arrived in Sweden in 2006 to find a job. At the same time, the general level of unemployment remains comparatively low (7.2 percent) amid a promising labor market, with only 4 percent of ethnic Swedes being unemployed... Unless more immigrants enter the Swedish labor market, the Nordic nation will have to raise taxes, Hedén Westerdahl assured. She also pointed out that in Sweden's rights-based welfare system, which she called "generous," people have the right to healthcare and education. However, it is also required for people to contribute, she stressed; otherwise the laborers will have an even greater tax burden to cope with."

Unemployment Is Haunting Sweden Years After the Immigration Boom - Bloomberg - "The jobless rate is hovering at more than 6 percent, far above the level in its Scandinavian neighbors and in global economic powerhouses such as Germany and the U.S.“Sweden stands out,” said Robert Bergqvist, chief economist at lender SEB AB. “If you look at unemployment, the curve in Sweden has actually pointed upward, while in many other comparable countries it is falling to levels we haven’t seen in maybe 40 or 50 years.”... According to economists the big mismatch between the needs of employers and the skills of job seekers has increased the risk of unemployment turning structural.Reality for the foreign born, which now make up about 20 percent of the working age population, may also be worse than the official statistics suggest.“The newly arrived are required to register at the employment service in order to get their welfare benefits,” said Roger Josefsson, chief economist at Macrobond. “After registering they are considered to be part of the labor force.”"

Sweden wrestles with legality of underage sex - "According to Swedish law, the age of consent is 15 and anyone who has sex with someone younger than 15-years-old can be charged with sexual exploitation of a child, or, in more serious cases, child rape.As a result, even consensual sex between two young teenagers can result in one of the youngsters facing criminal chargesIn late July, a 15-year-old boy was convicted for having sex with his 13-year-old girlfriend.While the boy was acquitted by the district court, an appeals court convicted him of sexually exploiting a child... According to a review carried out by the TT news agency of similar cases involving young teens who have been taken to court for engaging in underage sex, the gender of the alleged offender seems to play a role in how courts treat such cases.“The propensity to think that an attack has taken place is probably greater when it's the guy that is older,” Petter Asp, a professor of criminal law at Stockholm University, told TT.“One explanation can be that it conforms more closely to our image of men's and women's sexuality and our expectations of how a sex crime should look.”In another case, a 15-year-old girl who had sex with two 13-year-old boys was aquitted of all charges after the court ruled that the younger boys actually used the girl to lose their virginity.In another instance, a girl who was charged with rape for having sex with a boy who was under 15 and several years younger than the girl, was acquitted despite reports that she had coerced the boy to have sex with her."

PeterSweden on Twitter - "Sweden. A person has been convicted of raping a 12 year old girl. The attack was so violent that she "tore up" and was bleeding. Guess the sentence... He got 50 hours of youth community service. I want to cry. What is wrong with Sweden??? This is INSANE...
And Sweden calls itself the "worlds first feminist government".Well then. How about throwing rapists in prison and protecting young innocent girls like this 12 year old???...
Just recently a Swedish woman who was being raped, defended herself with a knife.She was arrested for attempted murder.Women get arrested for self defence now."

PeterSweden on Twitter - "A$AP Rocky has been in jail for 20 days after getting in a fight with a man who allegedly assaulted girls while high on drugs. But a foreign citizen who was convicted of raping a 13 year old girl only got 150 hours community service. Sweden is a crazy country.

German public pool closed after HUNDREDS of ‘North-Africans’ harass family - "The Rheinbad public pool was plagued by ugly incidents this weekend, amid a record heat wave in Europe. There was even a large-scale police operation to calm-down rowdy swimmers on Saturday. The explosive situation involved “several hundred” people, primarily young men, the police said.Local media put the number of the rowdy pool-goers at 400, reporting that the crowd primarily consisted of people of North-African origin."

"Everyone Was Afraid to Be Branded as a Racist" - "Mona Walter, age 45, is a Swedish activist from Mogadishu, Somalia. In the early 1990s, she fled as a refugee to Sweden. There, she abandoned Islam and converted to Christianity. The act resulted in criticism and death threats. The mainstream media consider her a person working for religious freedom. Other organizations accuse her of fueling anti-Islamic movements...
When I came from Somalia to Sweden, I experienced a huge clash of cultures, because Islam here is more extreme and fanatical than in my country. What is very important - we were Islamized after 1991, here in Sweden. In these closed areas, immigrant ghettos are deprived of democracy... [Imams] traveled to Saudi Arabia, they studied there and after they return, they became the heads of these areas. They control everything, and above all, women.They preach Sharia in mosques and tell everyone that they must believe in this system and Islamic values. If you do not do it, if you try to integrate into the Western society, in their eyes you become an infidel. They force women to cover their bodies. If you do not, you are regarded as a whore. When I first arrived in Sweden in 1994, we were forbidden to wear our African clothes, traditional Somali dresses. They forced it on us. They said that we were not real Muslims, that we were an infidel country because we had secular law.
Then why did the imams not radicalize Somalia?
In Somalia, extreme imams were put in prison, but here they do what they want. No one controls them, no one checks what they are doing. They build mosques, they take Swedish money. If you live in such a community, then you have no freedoms. This mainly applies to people who rejected Islam. They may even be killed for it -- such things have already happened here. Even I, after rejecting Islam, covered myself with a scarf, because I was so scared. All this is happening in Sweden, in a democratic country where they tell you that you have the right to your body, opinion, free choice of religion... In my community, it happens quite often that girls and boys fall victim to rape from family members or a teacher of the religion. It also happens here in Sweden, and the family and the community are hiding it. These are common cases, but I am not saying that everyone does it. I tried to report it to the social welfare, but no one reacted - everyone was afraid to be branded a racist. The second thing is the teachings they get in mosques, where they are told that they should hate unbelievers. Therefore, they also commit crimes caused by hate. Their parents do not want to integrate and do not allow them to integrate with kafirs (infidels)... children who were born in the 90s are now adults. They went to Islamic schools, were subjected to brainwashing, radicalization, and learned hate for Western society. This teaching begins, when they are three-four years old. For so many years now, I have often talked about it to the Swedish media, but no one was interested in dealing with it, because they were afraid to be called racists...
The Pope is no longer a Christian leader, but a politician and activist of human rights. He is no longer the head of the Church working for the good of Christianity and I do not see him as my guide. What I see when I look at him is a leftist politician. Jesus said we should love our enemies, but not that we should be stupid...
Reformation in Christianity meant returning to the source, relying on the Scriptures. Applying this criterion, Islam has already been "reformed" by Wahhabism and Salafism. It means returning to the original sources and traditions of ancestors -- but this is probably not what we want?"

Undocumented ‘Black Vest’ migrant protesters occupy Pantheon in Paris, demand papers (VIDEOS) - "Undocumented migrants calling themselves the ‘Black Vest’ protesters flooded the Pantheon in Paris and demanded the right to remain in France. The protesters vowed to remain on site until all of the illegals get proper papers... The majority of the protesters, who call themselves ‘Black Vests’ – in an analogy with the Yellow Vests movement – are believed to be migrants of West African origin.“We are paperless, voiceless, faceless for the French Republic. We come to the graves of your great men to denounce your disrespect,” one of the protest organizers said in a statement ahead of the event."

Woman Who Invited Migrants to Camp In Her Garden Wants Them to Leave - "A Belgian woman who invited migrants to set up a makeshift camp in her garden now says she wants them to leave after incidents of aggression and violence.For nearly two and a half years the Simon-Hody family have allowed migrants wanting to travel to Britain to camp out in their garden in the town of Spy, but now, after a series of incidents, they say they no longer want them there... The situation in the makeshift camp is said to have deteriorated so much that the family has stopped all aid to the migrants, saying that alcohol and violence led to the camp becoming more and more dangerous by the day, with one family member stating: “We did not feel safe anymore.”"
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