Friday, October 11, 2019
Links - 11th October 2019 (2) (Democrats in the US)
An0maly on Twitter - "Has there ever been a country that has an entire major political party prioritizing foreign non-citizens who break the law? You really have to ask yourself:
1. Are they banking on illegals to vote?
2. Are they demons?
3. Are they criminals?
4. Are they just really dumb?"
Educating Liberals on Twitter - "Did you know?
2,700,000 kids have a parent in prison.
400,000 kids are in foster care.
And 765,000 kids are separated from their military parents not knowing if they’ll see them again.
But the media focuses on 2,000 kids who are temporarily separated from illegal immigrants."
The Hypocrisy of the Establishment’s Democracy Crusaders - "This brings us to two divergent concepts of democracy, both of which now have their partisans but only one of which is acceptable to globalist leaders. One concept assumes that governments should be controlled by influential elites who make sure Western populations believe what they’re instructed to believe. These elites are connected to a global corporate economy that treats national borders as an archaic hindrance to “trade.” Also favored are the unencumbered movements of populations and goods—and any Western countries that don’t conform to their wishes are pushed around. This ruling class views elections not as a means to determine the popular will but as a ritual for confirming democratic centralist instructions. The Deep State in the United States backs this form of government in Europe because, as in the telling case of Merkel’s Germany, it usually causes foreign leaders to go along with our elites. Our media, meanwhile, fear the possibility that those who deviate from their preferred governmental model might tumble into right-wing authoritarianism.Allow me to criticize two aspects of this elitist model of democracy. One, it is meddlesome and imperialistic and treats the national sovereignty of countries that don’t fall into line as totally insignificant. It also attempts to impose what until recently were radical social projects advanced by the feminist and LGBT lobbies on those who cling to more traditional moral values... one should be appalled by how self-righteous these democracy crusaders have become... One enthusiastically acclaimed speaker at the Democracy Summit, Tony Blair, inflicted on Britain reckless Third World immigration in what he later admitted was a social experiment. Blair also made sure to criminalize hate speech in a country that had once properly been viewed as a cradle of freedom. One might have also asked Stephen Harper and other Canadian attendees at the Summit when Western Trinity Law School will have its license restored, after that Christian institution was stripped of this operational requirement because it didn’t go far enough in accommodating gays and the transgendered. And when will Canadian courts stop bringing criminal charges against Christian ministers who dare to quote the Bible on sexually improper conduct? A recent amusing example of the hypocrisy of our “democratic” elites was found in the shrieks of rage from Western media and politicians when the Polish Diet earlier this year passed a law criminalizing Holocaust denial and trivialization... Neither the State Department nor the rest of our “democratic” elite bothers to notice that the criminalization of open discussion about the Holocaust and a variety of other subjects remains the rule across Western Europe. In “democratic” France, there is also criminalization of any explicit or implicit denial of the “Armenian genocide,” besides the usual garden-variety laws against supposed hate speech"
Pandering To Hispanic And Latino Primary Voters In The Democratic Primaries : Code Switch - "Both were accused of "Hispandering": a mashup of "Hispanic" and "pandering" that means faking interest in Hispanic issues and culture for self-serving reasons.So what counts as Hispandering, and what doesn't? Who decides? Since Latinos are the largest minority group in the U.S., and, as you may have heard, Hispanic voters have the numbers to move the needle in next year's election, we're digging into the history and evolution of a term we'll probably be hearing again."
Beto O'Rourke, Bernie Sanders Complaining About Media Bias - "As president, Donald Trump has had to face a media demonstrating unprecedented hostility toward him. A study released earlier this year showed that media coverage of Trump was 90 percent negative in 2018. Naturally, the liberal media has fawned over the Democrats seeking to replace him in the White House... Yet, apparently, they aren't happy with how they're being covered...
'Top media personalities are firing back at Sanders and accusing him of taking a page from Trump, who routinely attacks major outlets such as The New York Times and CNN as "fake news."'
But Sanders is not alone. According to The Hill, "A top surrogate for former Vice President Joe Biden’s campaign lashed out at reporters this week for giving outsized coverage to the former vice president’s recent verbal gaffes."... Perhaps the most amusing thing about this, aside from the fact the media is actively trying to ensure Trump's defeat in 2020, is the fact that when Donald Trump attacks the media for negative coverage, it's a threat to freedom of the press. But when Democrats do it because their fawning coverage isn't enough to satisfy them, it's totally okay"
Why Democrats Don't Agree on Policy in 2020 - "If time travelers from a distant era—say, the 1992 presidential campaign—had dropped in on this summer’s Democratic debates, they’d be entitled to wonder just whose political party they’d stumbled upon. The same could be said for a visitor from 2008 or 2012.Medicare for All? Decriminalization of illegal border crossings? Free health care for undocumented immigrants? Free college and forgiveness of existing student-loan debt? Once-radical notions like these are now at the heart of the major party’s dialogue... “Hillary Clinton’s loss had an exponential effect,” says Robert Boorstin, who was a Clinton White House speechwriter and a pollster for Al Gore in 2000... "it’s also changed what’s ideologically acceptable.”... The party’s leftward drift, Rhodes said, “is both an emotional and intellectual response to Trump.”That phenomenon was on full display during the first two debates, in which the most liberal candidates—such as Cory Booker, Bill de Blasio, Bernie Sanders, and to a lesser degree, Kamala Harris—portrayed both Clinton and Obama policies in a shockingly negative light... “Today’s progressives are more angry at Clinton and Obama than they are at Bush 43... they don’t love those two presidents—which I’d remind everybody are the only two Democrats to get reelected since Franklin Roosevelt.”... for anyone with a memory that extends beyond the advent of the internet, the distance that the 50-yard line has moved left can still seem stunning... Clintonism itself was born of a long-simmering fight for the soul of the party following Walter Mondale’s 1984 shellacking by Reagan... It’s a historiographic axiom that revolutions happen in times of rising expectations, and the Democrats’ leftward drift is no exception. “Obama accomplished a lot of progressive goals, but the nature of the progressive movement is that if Obama advanced the ball this far down the field, we want to advance it further,” Rhodes told me. “You wouldn’t be having a Medicare for All conversation if we didn’t have the Affordable Care Act. Legalization of gay marriage opened up the conversation about trans rights. I do think the strength of Bernie’s 2016 campaign mainstreamed ideas that previously had been on the far left.”... the shift can be unsettling. “It totally does seem like an entirely different party,” he told me, recalling how the longtime John F. Kennedy speechwriter Ted Sorensen used to tell him that he found it amusing on Robert Kennedy’s 1968 campaign that he was considered an elder. “Veterans of the Kerry and Obama campaigns are now sort of seen as these more moderate, old-guardy kind of Democrats,” Frankel said, “and I’m thinking, We’re still in our 30s here! What are you talking about?”"
More evidence for the slippery slope
Think Republicans are disconnected from reality? It's even worse among liberals | Arlie Hochschild - "the wilder a person’s guess as to what the other party is thinking, the more likely they are to also personally disparage members of the opposite party as mean, selfish or bad. Not only do the two parties diverge on a great many issues, they also disagree on what they disagree on. This much we might guess. But what’s startling is the further finding that higher education does not improve a person’s perceptions – and sometimes even hurts it. In their survey answers, highly educated Republicans were no more accurate in their ideas about Democratic opinion than poorly educated Republicans. For Democrats, the education effect was even worse: the more educated a Democrat is, according to the study, the less he or she understands the Republican worldview. “This effect,” the report says, “is so strong that Democrats without a high school diploma are three times more accurate than those with a postgraduate degree.” And the more politically engaged a person is, the greater the distortion. What could be going on? Bubble-ism, the report suggests. Even more than their Republican counterparts, highly educated Democrats tend to live in exclusively Democratic enclaves. The more they report “almost all my friends hold the same political views”, the worse their guesses on what Republicans think. So do they believe in sticking with their own? No. When asked in a Pew survey whether it’s important to live in a place “where most people share my political views”, half of conservatives and only a third of liberals agreed. Although in principle more tolerant of political diversity, highly educated – and mostly urban – Democrats live, ironically, with less of it... In the face of loss or personal crisis – whether a pink slip, a medical issue or political defeat – most of us turn inward toward what feels self-confirming, comforting and safe... Being home surely restores one’s spirits. But in the long run, staying home leads to trouble. It keeps the left from knowing what it needs to know, good news and bad. It further marginalizes it. After all, in the heat of battle, the most brilliant generals are not those who insult the enemy from inside their own tent. It is those who most astutely gauge the troop count, the terrain and quirks of the opposing general."
Opinion | The Democratic Party Is Actually Three Parties - The New York Times - "Democratic Party voters are split. Its most progressive wing, which is supportive of contentious policies on immigration, health care and other issues, is, in the context of the party’s electorate, disproportionately white. So is the party’s middle group of “somewhat liberal” voters. Its more moderate wing, which is pressing bread-and-butter concerns like jobs, taxes and a less totalizing vision of health care reform, is majority nonwhite, with almost half of its support coming from African-American and Hispanic voters... very liberal Democrats are the most engaged and play a disproportionate role in setting the political agenda. The three ideological groups favor different sets of policies. On the left, the very liberal voters stress “the environment, protecting immigrants, abortion, and race/gender,” Khanna emailed me, while the moderate to conservative Democrats are “more concerned with job creation and lowering taxes.”... the group containing the largest proportion of minority voters is the most skeptical of some of the most progressive policies embraced by Democratic candidates like Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders and Kamala Harris... [This is] Particularly significant — because it weakens the case that mobilization of minorities requires advocacy of very liberal policies across the board... half of the Democratic presidential candidates support the decriminalization of border crossing, making unauthorized border crossing a civil rather than a criminal offense.There is an abundance of evidence that the more liberal Democratic presidential candidates may be pushing into dangerous terrain, taking stands that could prove difficult to defend in the general election... all voters oppose decriminalization by better than two to one, 66-27... It is not as if Democrats are lacking powerful immigration issues on which to run. An April University of Maryland “Study of American Attitudes on Immigration and Refugees” found that the Trump administration’s family separation policies are opposed 64-25, including by independent swing voters (67-18) and even by Republicans whose partisan allegiance is not strong (51-34). Only strong Republicans support the policies, 55-26... Paul Begala, a Democratic strategist, argued that two factors — fund-raising demands and the effect of the social media on candidates and their staff — are turning the nomination contest into “some kind of purity game to see who can be the most leftist.”...
'Democratic Twitter is dominated by overeducated, over-caffeinated, over-opinionated pain-in-the-ass white liberals. Every candidate, and every staffer, checks Twitter and other social media scores of times a day.'
The second and more significant factor is what Begala described as the unintended consequences of “the obsession with small donors.” Democrats legitimately “want to break the stranglehold of big money,” Begala wrote, but
'when the D.N.C. made accumulating small donors a centerpiece to debate eligibility among two dozen potential candidates, that’s when the unintended consequence kicked in. Small donors are often more motivated, more activist, more engaged, more ideological. In short, more leftist'...
Last year’s Democratic governorship and congressional victories, he wrote, “came almost entirely because of gains by center-left candidates. A Gallup poll last December indicated Democrats favored a more moderate rather than a more liberal party.”"
BBC Radio 4 - Best of Today, President Trump's tweets - "I've been a Democrat. I've been a Republican, and I was part of the Democratic Party for a very long time. And we had a particular talent of bringing racial issues to to political campaigns. We did it during Clinton, I mean, that was our talent of, of race baiting. And so I went through that experience. I didn't like that experience. I didn't like, you know, sort of seeing anything through a coloured lens. And now I'm a Republican, and I sort of, you know, there are times where, where I'm uncomfortable as well, where it's more insensitivity than anything else. It's not premeditated as it was in the Democratic Party to, to push some of these racial divides. I think the Republican Party's sort of more, you know, their insensitivity is just lack of, lack of information and lack of knowledge and lack of understanding"
Prejudice has declined among White Americans since Trump’s Election, Study Shows - "There's been a great deal of hysteria, innocent of actual data, about a purported massive rise of racism and prejudice under, and because of, Donald Trump. Trump's divisive rhetoric is deeply regrettable, and may have helped inspire particular violent racist incidents related to immigration, even if the perpetrators weren't Trump fans. Regardless, the overall rate of prejudice among white Americans has fortunately continued it's long-term decline"
This directly contradicts the normalization hypothesis (alternatively, this demonstrates that Trump's rhetoric isn't really racist)
Womp Womp - Posts - "President Trump accomplished something President Obama never did: Legitimize a murderous dictator by visiting him on his home turf."
"Historic meeting between the US and NK that might well lead to a lasting peace, liberalization of NK, increased quality of life, and reduce suffering for millions. These cunts still found a way to bitch about it. Fuck them all."
Escape The Echo Chamber - Posts - "Trump has trolled his critics again. Numerous articles have been written about the horrors of letting two tanks and two Bradley fighting vehicles be exhibited on the National Mall during Independence Day. Joy Reid called it a threat to Americans. Trump has already spun this reaction as people hating the military - one of the most respected institutions in America...
Blue checked journalist Saira Rao called gay Asian-American Andy Ngo a fascist like Hitler. Once you permit violence against a class of people then the definition is expanded to allow violence against others"
Imam Tawhidi - Posts - "President Trump is the one promoting violence?
1. Cory Booker says he wants to punch the president.
2. Joe Biden says he wants to beat up the president.
3. Maxine Waters says to get in Republicans' faces out in public.
4. Jimmy Kimmel and other late night hosts joke about assassinating the president.
5. Snoop Dog makes a video of a fake assassination of the president.
6. Kathy Griffin poses with a severed bloody head of the president.
7. Johnny Depp jokes about assassinating the President.
8. Madonna says she wants to blow up the White House.
9. Black Lives Matter chants they want dead cops and fry 'em like bacon.
10. Antifa routinely assaults conservatives.
11. AOC calls border agents Nazis and refuses to condemn violence against them.
12. The so-called "Squad" supports terrorists of Palestine and Hamas and routinely spews anti semitic rhetoric.
13. Congress refuses to call out Ilhan Omar for making anti semitic remarks.
14. Rashida Tlaib calls the president a motherf**ker
15. A Broadway play depicting the assassination of the President
16. 3 years of making half of the country believe that the President is a traitor and colluded with Russia knowing that it wasn't true. Calls for his public hanging.
17. 24hrs a day of the MSM calling him every name in the book
18. Leftists giving out addresses of Trump supporters
19. A MSNBC Anchor starts the hashtag massacre McConnell and leftists are now in his yard screaming wanting to stab him and break his neck.
Liberals, Get lost."
Will Chamberlain on Twitter - "Just in the last three days:
- @rezaaslan called to “eradicate” Kellyanne Conway
- @JoaquinCastrotx doxxed his retired constituents for donating to Trump
- @NicolleDWallace falsely stated that Trump wanted to exterminate Latinos
Who needs to tone down their rhetoric, exactly?"
Escape The Echo Chamber - Posts - "I’ve avoided the story about Ilhan Omar perhaps having married her brother to give him legal residency into the United States. The speculation was missing too much data to be convincing.Now I’m paying closer attention to the story. Omar has deleted this tweet from 2013 where she says Happy Father’s Day to a man with the same family name as her possible brother/ex-husband.This still could be a bogus story but this tidbit of information doesn’t help her case."
Ilhan Omar Complains That Americans Say ‘Al Qaeda’ Like It’s Bad - "Rep. Ilhan Omar has been called out for a 2013 interview in which she complained that Americans say “Al Qaeda” as though it’s something negative."
Fact Check: Ilhan Omar Did Not Praise Al-Qaeda, But Minimized It, Laughed, Compared to U.S. Army - "the most shocking claim Omar made in the interview with a local Minnesota television program was that U.S. foreign policy was responsible for acts of terrorism such as the Westgate shopping mall terror attack in Nairobi, Kenya, by the Somali terror group Al-Shabaab, who killed 71 people, mostly civilians.Omar also drew a moral equivalence between radical Islamic terror and “the violence that is done [by] the West,” which she said that the U.S. and other countries had “legitimized.” However, Omar did not actually endorse acts of radical Islamic terror, or praise Al Qaeda or other organizations.Instead, she complained that American Muslims were expected to denounce those acts of terror, and that the Arabic names of terror groups were emphasized.In the course of that complaint, she described a class on terrorism that she took at college. Laughing, she described the posture of her professor when he would say the Arabic names of terror groups, saying that “every time the professor said, ‘Al Qaeda,’ he, sort of, like, his shoulders went up.” He did not do the same when describing “the Army,” she said, suggesting the professor was prejudiced."
Imam Mohamad Tawhidi on Twitter - "Dear @realDonaldTrump,
Now, @IlhanMN and @RashidaTlaib are promoting Carlos Latuff; a cartoonist who drew a terrorist raising the flag of Saddam Hussein’s Ba’athist government, while stepping on a murdered US soldier.
A moderate Muslim wouldn’t do this. They’re both extremists."
Why Can't Ilhan Omar Condemn Al-Qaeda? - "Why hasn’t she put out a statement condemning the Al-Shabaab attack last week that killed TWO Americans? As a reminder, she did put out a statement back in 2013 about the Kenyan Mall attack by Al-Shabaab but it wasn’t condemning Al-Shabaab. Instead her statement was fueled with deep-seated hate for the United States of America claiming it was OUR nation’s fault the attack happened!... Omar was asked to condemn both Al-Qaeda and ANTIFA, two terrorist organizations. She refused to condemn both terror orgs"
Being Classically Liberal - Posts - "When Ilhan Omar was asked about the American public's fear of jihadist terrorism and how it relates to "islamophobia." She responded by saying,"...our country should be more fearful of white men. Because they are actually causing most of the deaths within this country."So instead of tackling the question head on, she engage's in shameless and racist 'whataboutism' in a pathetic attempt to flip the tables on conservatives.This is the type of person Democrats have decided to stand behind.Note: Black Americans commit more homicide than White Americans, so even her claims about white violence are incorrect. (See the FBI data table referenced below.)"
Whataboutism is good when employed by liberals
Eddie Donovan, Ph.D. 🇺🇸 on Twitter - "New face of the Democratic Party @AyannaPressley asked if she would tell Americans to “stop violently attacking ICE facilities.” She remains *silent* She then *refuses* to condemn Antifa terrorists & threatens the reporter asking her questions"
Rep. Ayanna Pressley: "We Don't Need Any More Brown Faces That Don't Want To Be A Brown Voice" - "
I thought it was racist to expect minorities to speak for their whole community
Liberals Clarify They Only Want Black Voices To Be Heard When They're Saying Liberal Things | The Babylon Bee - "After some confusion was expressed by casual observers of apparent hypocrisy in their denunciation of Dave Chappelle's most recent comedy special, liberals from around the country clarified that they only want black voices to be heard when those voices are saying liberal-approved things... Mollison then offered to send Chappelle a list of the things that are OK for black people to say, such as that white people are evil, that everyone should be canceled for literally anything they tweeted a decade ago, and that Donald Trump is Hitler. "When black people agree with me, I very much want their voices to be heard," said Helga Bannerman, 28, Portland, she/they/her/xen. "When they don't agree with me, they're pretty much just not black anymore. They're basically an evil white person like me at that point. And the last thing we need on this planet is more white people like Dave Chappelle.""
Thread by @jaketapper - "House Democrats appeared unified in their votes this week but I've spent the day talking to a bunch of them and many are extremely frustrated... "The president won this one," said House Dem 1 of the Trump v Squad (AOC, Tlaib, Omar & Pressley) showdown. "What the president has done is politically brilliant. Pelosi was trying to marginalize these folks and the president has now identified the entire party with them."
Another issue: what are Dems focused on? Is it what will help the class of 2018 (largely more moderate than the Squad) get reelected?...
Other House Democrats are conflicted about having to defend the Squad given things they've said and done. House Dems cited: talk of supporting challengers to incumbent Dems in primaries, AOC's use of the term "concentration camps," anti-Semitic comments by Tlaib & Omar... Others noted that this week the House Democratic Caucus stood by a group that is not perceived as standing by them. "I can't tell you the number of Members who are angry and annoyed about them criticizing us," said House Dem 3."
TJ Waggoner on Twitter - "Opinion: No politician in living memory has been treated as badly as Ilhan Omar"
"Rand Paul literally had to have part of a lung removed last week from a beating. Steve Scalise was shot and nearly died."
Not to mention JFK and Ronald Reagan getting shot. And if you're just talking about criticism, Trump holds the record for being savaged
Escape The Echo Chamber - Posts - "The 8-year-old girl who was parodying AOC has quit. The girl was doxxed on social media and her family has been receiving death threats.The words that go with the picture below:"Every time I plan a visit to the park it’s closed. Can everyone see how sad this makes me?""
Doxxing is good when it helps liberals
AOC sued over blocking Twitter users, following appeals court ruling on Trump - "Former Democratic New York Assemblyman Dov Hikind filed a lawsuit against Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y. in federal court on Tuesday for blocking users on Twitter based on their personal viewpoints, following a federal appeals court ruling earlier in the day barring President Trump from doing the same... "Just today the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed a ruling that elected officials cannot block individuals from their Twitter accounts, thereby setting a precedent that Ocasio-Cortez must follow," he added. "Twitter is a public space, and all should have access to the government officials on it."... Hikind, speaking to Fox News, added that in addition to himself, “several others, including journalists" have been blocked entirely from viewing or interacting with Ocasio-Cortez's tweets. (Twitter also permits Ocasio-Cortez to "mute" users so that she cannot see their responses, without blocking them from viewing her tweets entirely -- a middle-ground option U.S. District Judge Naomi Reice Buchwald had suggested to Trump.)The Daily Caller said Ocasio-Cortez blocked the site in May after it contradicted her claims on the Green New Deal rollout. Additionally, OANN's Liz Wheeler tweeted on July 5 that Ocasio-Cortez had blocked her, even though she was "respectful & civil."... "Ocasio-Cortez speaks in an accent that she never uses while telling a room of predominately black people that there is nothing wrong with them folding clothes, cooking, and driving other people around on a bus for a living," Saavedra wrote.Ocasio-Cortez responded that those "talking about [her] voice can step right off" and claimed she used a similar manner of speech when discussing Brett Kavanaugh and talking at the Women's March. Saavedra reportedly was blocked after finding and posting videos of those speeches that he said contradicted Ocasio-Cortez's claims."
I saw AOC supporters come up with very novel justifications for why she can block people but not Trump, including her not using her account for official purposes and her only not being able to block constituents
'4 horsewomen' of Dem 'squad' poll low amid Trump tweetfest, but their party is doing even worse - "The four Democratic congresswomen feuding with US President Donald Trump are not polling well nationwide, suggesting the president is right that “a lot of people love” his criticism of the women as anti-American “whack jobs.”Only Ayana Pressley (D-Massachusetts) had a positive public perception in an Economist/YouGov poll conducted in the two days following Trump’s Twitter attacks, with a net favorability rating of +4. Fully three-fifths of the 1,500 people YouGov polled online weren’t sure how they felt about her, however... centrists are reportedly not too happy about defending what they consider the radical fringe... Trump, on the other hand, is riding high among both members of his party and the general public, with some polls placing his nationwide approval rating as high as 50 percent"
New poll shows ICE much more liked than any single member of the radical ‘freshmen four’ - "U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement boasts a higher favorability rating than any member of the infamous Democrat “squad.”And this despite ICE being maligned nonstop by the media — and, conversely, the four members of the “squad” constantly being propped up by the media as “heroes” and “queens.”"
Poll: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez defining Democrats among crucial 2020 swing voters - "Top Democrats are circulating a poll showing that one of the House's most progressive members — Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez — has become a definitional face for the party with a crucial group of swing voters... These Democrats are sounding the alarm that swing voters know and dislike socialism, warning it could cost them the House and the presidency. The poll is making the rounds of some of the most influential Democrats in America."
Surge in voters who say race card used against Trump 'for political gain' - “The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 47% of all ‘Likely U.S. Voters’ think Trump is a racist, down slightly from 50% in January 2018. Slightly more (49%) disagree and say his opponents are accusing him of racism only for political gain, up from 43% in the earlier survey”
A Third of Dems Believe That Any White Politician Who Criticizes a Politician of Color is Racist - "If you’re a white politician and oppose raising taxes, you can debate higher taxes with another white politician, but if you have the same debate with a minority politician, you’re racist.Is it starting to make sense yet? This is why Democrats nominated Barack Obama in 2008, Hillary Clinton in 2016, and why you can bet anything there will be a minority on the Democratic ticket in 2020. Minority and women are human shields to the Democratic Party. Jon Del Arroz, a conservative science-fiction author who is Hispanic, summed up this attitude perfectly:
'Racist (n.): A white person.'"
Progressives Refuse To Define "White Supremacy" and "White Supremacist" - "All but a few Americans despise the Charlottesville tiki torch marchers and reject their thinking entirely, meaning that white supremacy’s not rampant in the United States, although it’s still a problem. AOC’s aim is to redefine white supremacy using vague terminology. Unable to provide concrete examples, she speaks mysteriously about viruses and sins that lurk within us simply because we’re Americans. Under her broadened re-definition, all political opponents, or even fellow Democrats who don’t fall in line, can be slimed with the “white supremacy” label. It’s a handy political weapon. We’re now seeing “white supremacy” applied even to those who want to see national borders controlled, a group not limited to Republicans. That’s fine with AOC, who’s already suggested that Nancy Pelosi’s criticisms of The Squad were racially-oriented, without offering a shred of evidence... By suggesting that all Trump voters support a white supremacist—essentially calling them racists—those six Democratic candidates are ditching their prospects of wooing a sizeable number of disaffected Trump voters. The second mistake they’re making is providing a portal through which the alt-right can enter the mainstream. If all Trump supporters at least tolerate a white supremacist, then why can’t the alt-right enter the public square too?"
Ocasio-Cortez Suggests Pelosi Is Targeting Her Because Pelosi Is Racist - "Ocasio-Cortez suggested to The Washington Post on Wednesday that Pelosi was a racist: "When these comments first started, I kind of thought that she was keeping the progressive flank at more of an arm's distance in order to protect more moderate members, which I understood. But the persistent singling out . . . it got to a point where it was just outright disrespectful . . . the explicit singling out of newly elected women of color."... "You have these wings — AOC, and her group on one side —" Lesley responded."That's like five people," Pelosi fired back."
Women Who Don't Believe Israel Has Right To Exist Not Sure Why They Got Banned From Israel | The Babylon Bee
Trump: ‘Only real winner here is Tlaib's grandmother. She doesn’t have to see her now!' - "Rep. Tlaib wrote a letter to Israeli officials desperately wanting to visit her grandmother. Permission was quickly granted, whereupon Tlaib obnoxiously turned the approval down, a complete setup. The only real winner here is Tlaib’s grandmother. She doesn’t have to see her now!"...
Both Tlaib and fellow anti-Semitic Muslim Rep. Ilhan Omar had been planning to visit Israel in the coming days as part of a trip funded by an anti-Semitic group whose members “have expressed support for terrorism against Israel.”When Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu learned of the trip, he promptly issued a ban on their visit, citing both the trip’s shady funding source and the Muslim congresswomen’s history of activism on behalf of the anti-Semitic Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement."
Jack Martens, Greenland Expedition Commander on Twitter - "@RashidaTlaib: "I need to visit my grandma, I love her"
"Okay, but no meeting with terrorists while you're here"
"Well I don't love her *that* much""
Josh Johnson - "Originally, I took the most issue in the way that Trump involved himself on Twitter calling for barring Omar and Tlaib from visiting their terrorist friends in the West Bank. That’s now the second worst part of this entire charade. The worst part is the organization Omar and Tlaib teamed up with to fund their propaganda campaign: Miftah. An anti Semitic NGO that cavorts with terrorist organizations, publishes praise of suicide bombers, including Dalal Mughrabi who murdered 38 Israeli civilians, 13 of them children in a single terror attack, has criticized Barack Obama for hosting a Passover at the White House, and has published papers accusing J*ws of murdering non-J*wish children to use their blood for Passover rituals. This is who Omar and Tlaib attach their reputations to in the name of “social justice”. Two US congresswoman no less. That this isn’t a scandal, *IS*, itself, a scandal. A horrifying one."
Unofficial Artist formally known as Diversity and Comics Yaboiposting - Posts - "In the social justice system, crimes against political correctness are considered especially heinous. In D.C., the dedicated NPCs who investigate these vicious hate crimes are members of an elite unit known as the Reeee Squad. These are their stories."
Hergitpa - Posts - "Things that didn't age well...
"Says Beto O’Rourke wants "open borders and wants to take our guns."
— Ted Cruz on Tuesday, March 6th, 2018 in an audio ad distributed to news organizations"
Beto O'Rourke: 'Hell, yes, we're going to take your AR-15, your AK-47' - "Presidential candidate Beto O'Rourke reiterated his support for a mandatory gun-buyback program of assault-style rifles on Thursday and said, "Hell, yes, we're going to take your AR-15, your AK-47.""
Beto Answers Dan Crenshaw’s Question: Would You Take Down The Border Wall? - "“Yes, absolutely. I’d take the wall down,” O’Rourke responded to MSNBC’s Chris Hayes when presented with Crenshaw’s question. O’Rourke said since a barrier was constructed on the border through the Secure Fence Act, Americans have not “in any demonstrative way” been made safer. However, Crenshaw’s tweet provided data from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), which showed illegal border crossings reduced significantly since the wall was in place. He also provided data showing a similar pattern in other border cities... Crenshaw immediately responded that “at least Beto is honest about his open border policy” since “most [Democrats] claim to support a secure border while simultaneously undermining it at every turn.”... Interestingly, O’Rourke has long argued against a border wall, despite still claiming to be against open borders"
Democrats may now actually believe in open borders. Big mistake - "The implication of their assorted positions and assertions is: Let them all in.While decrying conditions in existing detention facilities, they oppose adding any detention beds or building new facilities. If existing conditions are intolerable, but no additional capacity is to be added, then the only other alternative is to let everyone who shows up at the border into the country. The only concrete proposal Democrats have offered to staunch the flow of immigrants from these Central American countries is to restore and increase foreign aid to them. Democrats’ belief in the ameliorative powers of American foreign aid is, to borrow a Samuel Johnson phrase from an entirely different context, a triumph of hope over experience. In the meantime, the Democratic position seems to be: Let them all in... [Trump] announced immigration raids for those with deportation orders, which never materialized. Democrats denounced them. But if we aren’t going to deport those who have had their day in court and have been ordered out of the country, who are we going to deport? And without deportation, what are the consequences for violating American immigration laws? If there are no consequences for violating American immigration laws, how is that different from having an open border? At this point, what immigration laws would Democrats be willing to enforce? Democrats support amnesty for most of those currently in the country illegally. I agree with them. But should our immigration laws be ignored until Congress so acts? In the past, in exchange for amnesty, Democrats have been willing to support tougher enforcement of immigration laws in the future. As well as changing legal immigration from an emphasis on family unification to merit admissions based upon education and skills. At this point, it is no longer clear that Democrats would be willing to make that bargain."
July 2019
If every amnesty is followed by a new amnesty...
Democrats' Open Borders Immigration Policy - "Although Democrats routinely deny that they’re for open borders — dismissing the very suggestion as an outrageous slur — their reaction to Sunday’s violence by some of the Central American illegal aliens in Tijuana suggests otherwise.If Democrats criticize DHS for trying to prevent storming of the border, and for responding to attacks on its agents with non-lethal crowd-control measures like tear gas, then what border-control measures can they possibly be for? The border clash was the culmination of a series of policy choices by Democrats over the past several years, asymptotically approaching open borders. Although things are lousy in Central America, it was the Obama administration’s reaction to illegal immigration from there that created this flow. By releasing into the U.S. Central Americans bringing children with them, as well as releasing “unaccompanied” “minors” from Central America who were brought here by smugglers hired by their relatives in the U.S., the prior administration created a powerful incentive to head north. As a Salvadoran illegal alien who was released by the Border Patrol after crossing into Texas told my colleague Jerry Kammer in 2014: “We were watching CNN, and they were saying that the United States was giving opportunities to women with children. And since some neighbors of ours had come, we decided to try it.” The ruse these illegal immigrants have been using to get released is an asylum claim. Even though the vast majority of the claims are clearly without merit (and half of those released in order to pursue their applications never bother to follow through), the Left, both in and out of government, has encouraged their filing, and the prolongation of cases. Having incentivized the flow of Central American asylum seekers, the Democrats then opposed all the steps needed to prevent asylum from being used as a strategy for illegal immigration — such as amending the Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act, overturning the Flores Settlement, raising the bar for a “credible fear” claim (the first hurdle in the asylum process), and funding more detention beds. And the incentives for bogus asylum claims come within the larger context of the Democrats challenging the very idea of enforcing immigration laws. Long before #AbolishICE became a rallying cry for the party’s socialist wing, Democratic bigwigs have been saying that no illegal alien should ever be sent home merely because he snuck into the country or overstayed a visa. Nancy Pelosi in 2013 put it very clearly: “If somebody is here without sufficient documentation, that is not reason for deportation.” Hillary Clinton said much the same during one of the 2016 primary debates: “Of the people, the undocumented people living in our country, I do not want to see them deported.” Likewise with Bernie Sanders, at the same debate; in response to Jorge Ramos’s question, “And can you promise not to deport immigrants who don’t have a criminal record?” Sanders answered, “I can make that promise.”"
Joe Biden says that 'poor kids' are just as bright as 'white kids' - "Gaffe-prone presidential hopeful Joe Biden put his foot in his mouth during an Iowa campaign stop on Thursday when he told a group of predominately Asian and Hispanic voters that “poor kids are just as bright, just as talented, as white kids.”... Biden walked out of the Democratic primary debates last week red-faced after he accidentally told donors to “go to Joe 30330” when he meant to tell them to “text JOE to 30330″ to donate.On Monday, the befuddled 76-year-old bungled the locations of the El Paso and Dayton mass shootings when he expressed sympathy for the “tragic events in Houston today and also in Michigan the day before.”"
Biden tells Iowans: 'We choose truth over facts' - "Biden has a long record of stumbling over his words. Last week, he invented the term "expodentially" when speaking to reporters.During his second presidential primary debate, he made a number of slip-ups over statistics, phrases, and titles. He incorrectly warned that “ eight more years of Trump,” would “change America” fundamentally, though Trump is constitutionally limited to four more years after his term expires."
Democratic debate: Joe Biden accidentally refers to Bernie Sanders as 'the president' in heated exchange
Biden sparks outrage after suggesting black people don't know how to raise children: 'Put the record player on at night' - "They don’t know quite what to do. Play the radio. Make sure the television – excuse me, make sure you have the record player on at night.”
Pelosi’s House Discipline - WSJ - "Having spent so long defaming conservatives as racists, progressives can’t stop turning the accusation on each other. Two weeks ago Democratic presidential contenders all but called Joe Biden a segregationist. This week Nancy Pelosi got a taste of her party’s poison... The four—in addition to trumpeting socialist measures, flirting with anti-Semitism and using Twitter to criticize moderates in their own party—voted against last month’s emergency spending bill for the southern border. They did so even though three of them have compared what’s happening at the border to the Holocaust. Mrs. Pelosi told the New York Times that these Members “have their public whatever and their Twitter world. But they didn’t have any following. They’re four people and that’s how many votes they got.”... “You got a complaint?” she reportedly said to Democratic colleagues in a closed-door meeting on Wednesday. “You come and talk to me about it. But do not tweet about our members and expect us to think that that is just OK.”With that, Ms. Ocasio-Cortez decided to resort to her default defense. This “persistent singling out,” she told the Washington Post, has reached “a point where it was just outright disrespectful . . . the explicit singling out of newly elected women of color.”And there it is—the old accusation of racial animosity. We should have seen it coming. We’re no fans of Mrs. Pelosi’s politics, but the suggestion that her criticisms had anything remotely to do with the color of these four women’s skin is preposterous.Not that Mrs. Pelosi is above playing the color card herself. Last year the Speaker explicitly called Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell a racist. “When the Republicans took power when President Obama was President of the United States,” she said on MSNBC, “what Mitch McConnell said is, ‘The most important thing we can do is to make sure he does not succeed.’ If that wasn’t a racist statement. That is unthinkable.”... Mrs. Pelosi is exercising much-needed adult supervision over her caucus, as she also has in ducking impeachment. Perhaps she, and others, will also be less inclined to use race as a political weapon now that it has been used against her."
Americans Turned to Trump to Roll Back the Progressive Tide - WSJ - "As one looks upon the people who attend Mr. Trump’s rallies, one sees the faces not of Hillary Clinton ’s “deplorables” but of the proletariat out of which Karl Marx ’s dictatorship was supposed to derive. Yet these people, despite the progressives’ promises to them of free Medicare, free college tuition, and the rest, want nothing to do with Sens. Warren, Sanders, Booker & Co. Quite the reverse: They loathe them. The man who attends a Trump rally turns on his television set and that night’s news leads off with a Black Lives Matter protest in his city. If that city is Chicago, he might recall that this year some 2,619 people have been shot, 475 shot and killed, the preponderance of these being black people shot by black youth gangs. If it is another city, there is a distinct possibility, as fairly often in the past, that the protest will lead to looting of nearby shops. Al Sharpton, nattily turned out, is likely to have flown in for the festivities to remind everyone about the world’s injustice.Our man changes channels and is greeted by a story of a long and happy lesbian marriage. He reads in the papers that people are fired from jobs for remarks that, under the reign of political correctness, are interpreted as racist, sexist, you name it; that students feel unsafe at Yale; that a year’s tuition, room and board at Dartmouth is $74,000. Doubtless before long he will read a story about an 11-year-old who is suing his parents for not allowing him to transgender himself.Oh God, he thinks, make America great again, make America straight again, make America anything but what it is becoming... Trump was chosen as a rebuke to the progressivism that has made life in America seem chaotic, if not a touch mad, and that now threatens to take over the Democratic Party... The pull to the left of the Democratic Party is Donald Trump’s greatest hope for re-election, while Mr. Trump’s behavior is the greatest force pulling Democrats still further to the left. Tariffs, trade agreements, even immigration policy seem slightly beside the point when, as now, not two different parties but two radically different views of the good life dominate public discourse. And so things go, two ends without a middle. The shame is that most Americans find themselves in that missing middle, helpless without a party, hopeless without a leader. Politics has rarely seemed so dismal."
1. Are they banking on illegals to vote?
2. Are they demons?
3. Are they criminals?
4. Are they just really dumb?"
Educating Liberals on Twitter - "Did you know?
2,700,000 kids have a parent in prison.
400,000 kids are in foster care.
And 765,000 kids are separated from their military parents not knowing if they’ll see them again.
But the media focuses on 2,000 kids who are temporarily separated from illegal immigrants."
The Hypocrisy of the Establishment’s Democracy Crusaders - "This brings us to two divergent concepts of democracy, both of which now have their partisans but only one of which is acceptable to globalist leaders. One concept assumes that governments should be controlled by influential elites who make sure Western populations believe what they’re instructed to believe. These elites are connected to a global corporate economy that treats national borders as an archaic hindrance to “trade.” Also favored are the unencumbered movements of populations and goods—and any Western countries that don’t conform to their wishes are pushed around. This ruling class views elections not as a means to determine the popular will but as a ritual for confirming democratic centralist instructions. The Deep State in the United States backs this form of government in Europe because, as in the telling case of Merkel’s Germany, it usually causes foreign leaders to go along with our elites. Our media, meanwhile, fear the possibility that those who deviate from their preferred governmental model might tumble into right-wing authoritarianism.Allow me to criticize two aspects of this elitist model of democracy. One, it is meddlesome and imperialistic and treats the national sovereignty of countries that don’t fall into line as totally insignificant. It also attempts to impose what until recently were radical social projects advanced by the feminist and LGBT lobbies on those who cling to more traditional moral values... one should be appalled by how self-righteous these democracy crusaders have become... One enthusiastically acclaimed speaker at the Democracy Summit, Tony Blair, inflicted on Britain reckless Third World immigration in what he later admitted was a social experiment. Blair also made sure to criminalize hate speech in a country that had once properly been viewed as a cradle of freedom. One might have also asked Stephen Harper and other Canadian attendees at the Summit when Western Trinity Law School will have its license restored, after that Christian institution was stripped of this operational requirement because it didn’t go far enough in accommodating gays and the transgendered. And when will Canadian courts stop bringing criminal charges against Christian ministers who dare to quote the Bible on sexually improper conduct? A recent amusing example of the hypocrisy of our “democratic” elites was found in the shrieks of rage from Western media and politicians when the Polish Diet earlier this year passed a law criminalizing Holocaust denial and trivialization... Neither the State Department nor the rest of our “democratic” elite bothers to notice that the criminalization of open discussion about the Holocaust and a variety of other subjects remains the rule across Western Europe. In “democratic” France, there is also criminalization of any explicit or implicit denial of the “Armenian genocide,” besides the usual garden-variety laws against supposed hate speech"
Pandering To Hispanic And Latino Primary Voters In The Democratic Primaries : Code Switch - "Both were accused of "Hispandering": a mashup of "Hispanic" and "pandering" that means faking interest in Hispanic issues and culture for self-serving reasons.So what counts as Hispandering, and what doesn't? Who decides? Since Latinos are the largest minority group in the U.S., and, as you may have heard, Hispanic voters have the numbers to move the needle in next year's election, we're digging into the history and evolution of a term we'll probably be hearing again."
Beto O'Rourke, Bernie Sanders Complaining About Media Bias - "As president, Donald Trump has had to face a media demonstrating unprecedented hostility toward him. A study released earlier this year showed that media coverage of Trump was 90 percent negative in 2018. Naturally, the liberal media has fawned over the Democrats seeking to replace him in the White House... Yet, apparently, they aren't happy with how they're being covered...
'Top media personalities are firing back at Sanders and accusing him of taking a page from Trump, who routinely attacks major outlets such as The New York Times and CNN as "fake news."'
But Sanders is not alone. According to The Hill, "A top surrogate for former Vice President Joe Biden’s campaign lashed out at reporters this week for giving outsized coverage to the former vice president’s recent verbal gaffes."... Perhaps the most amusing thing about this, aside from the fact the media is actively trying to ensure Trump's defeat in 2020, is the fact that when Donald Trump attacks the media for negative coverage, it's a threat to freedom of the press. But when Democrats do it because their fawning coverage isn't enough to satisfy them, it's totally okay"
Why Democrats Don't Agree on Policy in 2020 - "If time travelers from a distant era—say, the 1992 presidential campaign—had dropped in on this summer’s Democratic debates, they’d be entitled to wonder just whose political party they’d stumbled upon. The same could be said for a visitor from 2008 or 2012.Medicare for All? Decriminalization of illegal border crossings? Free health care for undocumented immigrants? Free college and forgiveness of existing student-loan debt? Once-radical notions like these are now at the heart of the major party’s dialogue... “Hillary Clinton’s loss had an exponential effect,” says Robert Boorstin, who was a Clinton White House speechwriter and a pollster for Al Gore in 2000... "it’s also changed what’s ideologically acceptable.”... The party’s leftward drift, Rhodes said, “is both an emotional and intellectual response to Trump.”That phenomenon was on full display during the first two debates, in which the most liberal candidates—such as Cory Booker, Bill de Blasio, Bernie Sanders, and to a lesser degree, Kamala Harris—portrayed both Clinton and Obama policies in a shockingly negative light... “Today’s progressives are more angry at Clinton and Obama than they are at Bush 43... they don’t love those two presidents—which I’d remind everybody are the only two Democrats to get reelected since Franklin Roosevelt.”... for anyone with a memory that extends beyond the advent of the internet, the distance that the 50-yard line has moved left can still seem stunning... Clintonism itself was born of a long-simmering fight for the soul of the party following Walter Mondale’s 1984 shellacking by Reagan... It’s a historiographic axiom that revolutions happen in times of rising expectations, and the Democrats’ leftward drift is no exception. “Obama accomplished a lot of progressive goals, but the nature of the progressive movement is that if Obama advanced the ball this far down the field, we want to advance it further,” Rhodes told me. “You wouldn’t be having a Medicare for All conversation if we didn’t have the Affordable Care Act. Legalization of gay marriage opened up the conversation about trans rights. I do think the strength of Bernie’s 2016 campaign mainstreamed ideas that previously had been on the far left.”... the shift can be unsettling. “It totally does seem like an entirely different party,” he told me, recalling how the longtime John F. Kennedy speechwriter Ted Sorensen used to tell him that he found it amusing on Robert Kennedy’s 1968 campaign that he was considered an elder. “Veterans of the Kerry and Obama campaigns are now sort of seen as these more moderate, old-guardy kind of Democrats,” Frankel said, “and I’m thinking, We’re still in our 30s here! What are you talking about?”"
More evidence for the slippery slope
Think Republicans are disconnected from reality? It's even worse among liberals | Arlie Hochschild - "the wilder a person’s guess as to what the other party is thinking, the more likely they are to also personally disparage members of the opposite party as mean, selfish or bad. Not only do the two parties diverge on a great many issues, they also disagree on what they disagree on. This much we might guess. But what’s startling is the further finding that higher education does not improve a person’s perceptions – and sometimes even hurts it. In their survey answers, highly educated Republicans were no more accurate in their ideas about Democratic opinion than poorly educated Republicans. For Democrats, the education effect was even worse: the more educated a Democrat is, according to the study, the less he or she understands the Republican worldview. “This effect,” the report says, “is so strong that Democrats without a high school diploma are three times more accurate than those with a postgraduate degree.” And the more politically engaged a person is, the greater the distortion. What could be going on? Bubble-ism, the report suggests. Even more than their Republican counterparts, highly educated Democrats tend to live in exclusively Democratic enclaves. The more they report “almost all my friends hold the same political views”, the worse their guesses on what Republicans think. So do they believe in sticking with their own? No. When asked in a Pew survey whether it’s important to live in a place “where most people share my political views”, half of conservatives and only a third of liberals agreed. Although in principle more tolerant of political diversity, highly educated – and mostly urban – Democrats live, ironically, with less of it... In the face of loss or personal crisis – whether a pink slip, a medical issue or political defeat – most of us turn inward toward what feels self-confirming, comforting and safe... Being home surely restores one’s spirits. But in the long run, staying home leads to trouble. It keeps the left from knowing what it needs to know, good news and bad. It further marginalizes it. After all, in the heat of battle, the most brilliant generals are not those who insult the enemy from inside their own tent. It is those who most astutely gauge the troop count, the terrain and quirks of the opposing general."
Opinion | The Democratic Party Is Actually Three Parties - The New York Times - "Democratic Party voters are split. Its most progressive wing, which is supportive of contentious policies on immigration, health care and other issues, is, in the context of the party’s electorate, disproportionately white. So is the party’s middle group of “somewhat liberal” voters. Its more moderate wing, which is pressing bread-and-butter concerns like jobs, taxes and a less totalizing vision of health care reform, is majority nonwhite, with almost half of its support coming from African-American and Hispanic voters... very liberal Democrats are the most engaged and play a disproportionate role in setting the political agenda. The three ideological groups favor different sets of policies. On the left, the very liberal voters stress “the environment, protecting immigrants, abortion, and race/gender,” Khanna emailed me, while the moderate to conservative Democrats are “more concerned with job creation and lowering taxes.”... the group containing the largest proportion of minority voters is the most skeptical of some of the most progressive policies embraced by Democratic candidates like Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders and Kamala Harris... [This is] Particularly significant — because it weakens the case that mobilization of minorities requires advocacy of very liberal policies across the board... half of the Democratic presidential candidates support the decriminalization of border crossing, making unauthorized border crossing a civil rather than a criminal offense.There is an abundance of evidence that the more liberal Democratic presidential candidates may be pushing into dangerous terrain, taking stands that could prove difficult to defend in the general election... all voters oppose decriminalization by better than two to one, 66-27... It is not as if Democrats are lacking powerful immigration issues on which to run. An April University of Maryland “Study of American Attitudes on Immigration and Refugees” found that the Trump administration’s family separation policies are opposed 64-25, including by independent swing voters (67-18) and even by Republicans whose partisan allegiance is not strong (51-34). Only strong Republicans support the policies, 55-26... Paul Begala, a Democratic strategist, argued that two factors — fund-raising demands and the effect of the social media on candidates and their staff — are turning the nomination contest into “some kind of purity game to see who can be the most leftist.”...
'Democratic Twitter is dominated by overeducated, over-caffeinated, over-opinionated pain-in-the-ass white liberals. Every candidate, and every staffer, checks Twitter and other social media scores of times a day.'
The second and more significant factor is what Begala described as the unintended consequences of “the obsession with small donors.” Democrats legitimately “want to break the stranglehold of big money,” Begala wrote, but
'when the D.N.C. made accumulating small donors a centerpiece to debate eligibility among two dozen potential candidates, that’s when the unintended consequence kicked in. Small donors are often more motivated, more activist, more engaged, more ideological. In short, more leftist'...
Last year’s Democratic governorship and congressional victories, he wrote, “came almost entirely because of gains by center-left candidates. A Gallup poll last December indicated Democrats favored a more moderate rather than a more liberal party.”"
BBC Radio 4 - Best of Today, President Trump's tweets - "I've been a Democrat. I've been a Republican, and I was part of the Democratic Party for a very long time. And we had a particular talent of bringing racial issues to to political campaigns. We did it during Clinton, I mean, that was our talent of, of race baiting. And so I went through that experience. I didn't like that experience. I didn't like, you know, sort of seeing anything through a coloured lens. And now I'm a Republican, and I sort of, you know, there are times where, where I'm uncomfortable as well, where it's more insensitivity than anything else. It's not premeditated as it was in the Democratic Party to, to push some of these racial divides. I think the Republican Party's sort of more, you know, their insensitivity is just lack of, lack of information and lack of knowledge and lack of understanding"
Prejudice has declined among White Americans since Trump’s Election, Study Shows - "There's been a great deal of hysteria, innocent of actual data, about a purported massive rise of racism and prejudice under, and because of, Donald Trump. Trump's divisive rhetoric is deeply regrettable, and may have helped inspire particular violent racist incidents related to immigration, even if the perpetrators weren't Trump fans. Regardless, the overall rate of prejudice among white Americans has fortunately continued it's long-term decline"
This directly contradicts the normalization hypothesis (alternatively, this demonstrates that Trump's rhetoric isn't really racist)
Womp Womp - Posts - "President Trump accomplished something President Obama never did: Legitimize a murderous dictator by visiting him on his home turf."
"Historic meeting between the US and NK that might well lead to a lasting peace, liberalization of NK, increased quality of life, and reduce suffering for millions. These cunts still found a way to bitch about it. Fuck them all."
Escape The Echo Chamber - Posts - "Trump has trolled his critics again. Numerous articles have been written about the horrors of letting two tanks and two Bradley fighting vehicles be exhibited on the National Mall during Independence Day. Joy Reid called it a threat to Americans. Trump has already spun this reaction as people hating the military - one of the most respected institutions in America...
Blue checked journalist Saira Rao called gay Asian-American Andy Ngo a fascist like Hitler. Once you permit violence against a class of people then the definition is expanded to allow violence against others"
Imam Tawhidi - Posts - "President Trump is the one promoting violence?
1. Cory Booker says he wants to punch the president.
2. Joe Biden says he wants to beat up the president.
3. Maxine Waters says to get in Republicans' faces out in public.
4. Jimmy Kimmel and other late night hosts joke about assassinating the president.
5. Snoop Dog makes a video of a fake assassination of the president.
6. Kathy Griffin poses with a severed bloody head of the president.
7. Johnny Depp jokes about assassinating the President.
8. Madonna says she wants to blow up the White House.
9. Black Lives Matter chants they want dead cops and fry 'em like bacon.
10. Antifa routinely assaults conservatives.
11. AOC calls border agents Nazis and refuses to condemn violence against them.
12. The so-called "Squad" supports terrorists of Palestine and Hamas and routinely spews anti semitic rhetoric.
13. Congress refuses to call out Ilhan Omar for making anti semitic remarks.
14. Rashida Tlaib calls the president a motherf**ker
15. A Broadway play depicting the assassination of the President
16. 3 years of making half of the country believe that the President is a traitor and colluded with Russia knowing that it wasn't true. Calls for his public hanging.
17. 24hrs a day of the MSM calling him every name in the book
18. Leftists giving out addresses of Trump supporters
19. A MSNBC Anchor starts the hashtag massacre McConnell and leftists are now in his yard screaming wanting to stab him and break his neck.
Liberals, Get lost."
Will Chamberlain on Twitter - "Just in the last three days:
- @rezaaslan called to “eradicate” Kellyanne Conway
- @JoaquinCastrotx doxxed his retired constituents for donating to Trump
- @NicolleDWallace falsely stated that Trump wanted to exterminate Latinos
Who needs to tone down their rhetoric, exactly?"
Escape The Echo Chamber - Posts - "I’ve avoided the story about Ilhan Omar perhaps having married her brother to give him legal residency into the United States. The speculation was missing too much data to be convincing.Now I’m paying closer attention to the story. Omar has deleted this tweet from 2013 where she says Happy Father’s Day to a man with the same family name as her possible brother/ex-husband.This still could be a bogus story but this tidbit of information doesn’t help her case."
Ilhan Omar Complains That Americans Say ‘Al Qaeda’ Like It’s Bad - "Rep. Ilhan Omar has been called out for a 2013 interview in which she complained that Americans say “Al Qaeda” as though it’s something negative."
Fact Check: Ilhan Omar Did Not Praise Al-Qaeda, But Minimized It, Laughed, Compared to U.S. Army - "the most shocking claim Omar made in the interview with a local Minnesota television program was that U.S. foreign policy was responsible for acts of terrorism such as the Westgate shopping mall terror attack in Nairobi, Kenya, by the Somali terror group Al-Shabaab, who killed 71 people, mostly civilians.Omar also drew a moral equivalence between radical Islamic terror and “the violence that is done [by] the West,” which she said that the U.S. and other countries had “legitimized.” However, Omar did not actually endorse acts of radical Islamic terror, or praise Al Qaeda or other organizations.Instead, she complained that American Muslims were expected to denounce those acts of terror, and that the Arabic names of terror groups were emphasized.In the course of that complaint, she described a class on terrorism that she took at college. Laughing, she described the posture of her professor when he would say the Arabic names of terror groups, saying that “every time the professor said, ‘Al Qaeda,’ he, sort of, like, his shoulders went up.” He did not do the same when describing “the Army,” she said, suggesting the professor was prejudiced."
Imam Mohamad Tawhidi on Twitter - "Dear @realDonaldTrump,
Now, @IlhanMN and @RashidaTlaib are promoting Carlos Latuff; a cartoonist who drew a terrorist raising the flag of Saddam Hussein’s Ba’athist government, while stepping on a murdered US soldier.
A moderate Muslim wouldn’t do this. They’re both extremists."
Why Can't Ilhan Omar Condemn Al-Qaeda? - "Why hasn’t she put out a statement condemning the Al-Shabaab attack last week that killed TWO Americans? As a reminder, she did put out a statement back in 2013 about the Kenyan Mall attack by Al-Shabaab but it wasn’t condemning Al-Shabaab. Instead her statement was fueled with deep-seated hate for the United States of America claiming it was OUR nation’s fault the attack happened!... Omar was asked to condemn both Al-Qaeda and ANTIFA, two terrorist organizations. She refused to condemn both terror orgs"
Being Classically Liberal - Posts - "When Ilhan Omar was asked about the American public's fear of jihadist terrorism and how it relates to "islamophobia." She responded by saying,"...our country should be more fearful of white men. Because they are actually causing most of the deaths within this country."So instead of tackling the question head on, she engage's in shameless and racist 'whataboutism' in a pathetic attempt to flip the tables on conservatives.This is the type of person Democrats have decided to stand behind.Note: Black Americans commit more homicide than White Americans, so even her claims about white violence are incorrect. (See the FBI data table referenced below.)"
Whataboutism is good when employed by liberals
Eddie Donovan, Ph.D. 🇺🇸 on Twitter - "New face of the Democratic Party @AyannaPressley asked if she would tell Americans to “stop violently attacking ICE facilities.” She remains *silent* She then *refuses* to condemn Antifa terrorists & threatens the reporter asking her questions"
Rep. Ayanna Pressley: "We Don't Need Any More Brown Faces That Don't Want To Be A Brown Voice" - "
I thought it was racist to expect minorities to speak for their whole community
Liberals Clarify They Only Want Black Voices To Be Heard When They're Saying Liberal Things | The Babylon Bee - "After some confusion was expressed by casual observers of apparent hypocrisy in their denunciation of Dave Chappelle's most recent comedy special, liberals from around the country clarified that they only want black voices to be heard when those voices are saying liberal-approved things... Mollison then offered to send Chappelle a list of the things that are OK for black people to say, such as that white people are evil, that everyone should be canceled for literally anything they tweeted a decade ago, and that Donald Trump is Hitler. "When black people agree with me, I very much want their voices to be heard," said Helga Bannerman, 28, Portland, she/they/her/xen. "When they don't agree with me, they're pretty much just not black anymore. They're basically an evil white person like me at that point. And the last thing we need on this planet is more white people like Dave Chappelle.""
Thread by @jaketapper - "House Democrats appeared unified in their votes this week but I've spent the day talking to a bunch of them and many are extremely frustrated... "The president won this one," said House Dem 1 of the Trump v Squad (AOC, Tlaib, Omar & Pressley) showdown. "What the president has done is politically brilliant. Pelosi was trying to marginalize these folks and the president has now identified the entire party with them."
Another issue: what are Dems focused on? Is it what will help the class of 2018 (largely more moderate than the Squad) get reelected?...
Other House Democrats are conflicted about having to defend the Squad given things they've said and done. House Dems cited: talk of supporting challengers to incumbent Dems in primaries, AOC's use of the term "concentration camps," anti-Semitic comments by Tlaib & Omar... Others noted that this week the House Democratic Caucus stood by a group that is not perceived as standing by them. "I can't tell you the number of Members who are angry and annoyed about them criticizing us," said House Dem 3."
TJ Waggoner on Twitter - "Opinion: No politician in living memory has been treated as badly as Ilhan Omar"
"Rand Paul literally had to have part of a lung removed last week from a beating. Steve Scalise was shot and nearly died."
Not to mention JFK and Ronald Reagan getting shot. And if you're just talking about criticism, Trump holds the record for being savaged
Escape The Echo Chamber - Posts - "The 8-year-old girl who was parodying AOC has quit. The girl was doxxed on social media and her family has been receiving death threats.The words that go with the picture below:"Every time I plan a visit to the park it’s closed. Can everyone see how sad this makes me?""
Doxxing is good when it helps liberals
AOC sued over blocking Twitter users, following appeals court ruling on Trump - "Former Democratic New York Assemblyman Dov Hikind filed a lawsuit against Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y. in federal court on Tuesday for blocking users on Twitter based on their personal viewpoints, following a federal appeals court ruling earlier in the day barring President Trump from doing the same... "Just today the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed a ruling that elected officials cannot block individuals from their Twitter accounts, thereby setting a precedent that Ocasio-Cortez must follow," he added. "Twitter is a public space, and all should have access to the government officials on it."... Hikind, speaking to Fox News, added that in addition to himself, “several others, including journalists" have been blocked entirely from viewing or interacting with Ocasio-Cortez's tweets. (Twitter also permits Ocasio-Cortez to "mute" users so that she cannot see their responses, without blocking them from viewing her tweets entirely -- a middle-ground option U.S. District Judge Naomi Reice Buchwald had suggested to Trump.)The Daily Caller said Ocasio-Cortez blocked the site in May after it contradicted her claims on the Green New Deal rollout. Additionally, OANN's Liz Wheeler tweeted on July 5 that Ocasio-Cortez had blocked her, even though she was "respectful & civil."... "Ocasio-Cortez speaks in an accent that she never uses while telling a room of predominately black people that there is nothing wrong with them folding clothes, cooking, and driving other people around on a bus for a living," Saavedra wrote.Ocasio-Cortez responded that those "talking about [her] voice can step right off" and claimed she used a similar manner of speech when discussing Brett Kavanaugh and talking at the Women's March. Saavedra reportedly was blocked after finding and posting videos of those speeches that he said contradicted Ocasio-Cortez's claims."
I saw AOC supporters come up with very novel justifications for why she can block people but not Trump, including her not using her account for official purposes and her only not being able to block constituents
'4 horsewomen' of Dem 'squad' poll low amid Trump tweetfest, but their party is doing even worse - "The four Democratic congresswomen feuding with US President Donald Trump are not polling well nationwide, suggesting the president is right that “a lot of people love” his criticism of the women as anti-American “whack jobs.”Only Ayana Pressley (D-Massachusetts) had a positive public perception in an Economist/YouGov poll conducted in the two days following Trump’s Twitter attacks, with a net favorability rating of +4. Fully three-fifths of the 1,500 people YouGov polled online weren’t sure how they felt about her, however... centrists are reportedly not too happy about defending what they consider the radical fringe... Trump, on the other hand, is riding high among both members of his party and the general public, with some polls placing his nationwide approval rating as high as 50 percent"
New poll shows ICE much more liked than any single member of the radical ‘freshmen four’ - "U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement boasts a higher favorability rating than any member of the infamous Democrat “squad.”And this despite ICE being maligned nonstop by the media — and, conversely, the four members of the “squad” constantly being propped up by the media as “heroes” and “queens.”"
Poll: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez defining Democrats among crucial 2020 swing voters - "Top Democrats are circulating a poll showing that one of the House's most progressive members — Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez — has become a definitional face for the party with a crucial group of swing voters... These Democrats are sounding the alarm that swing voters know and dislike socialism, warning it could cost them the House and the presidency. The poll is making the rounds of some of the most influential Democrats in America."
Surge in voters who say race card used against Trump 'for political gain' - “The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 47% of all ‘Likely U.S. Voters’ think Trump is a racist, down slightly from 50% in January 2018. Slightly more (49%) disagree and say his opponents are accusing him of racism only for political gain, up from 43% in the earlier survey”
A Third of Dems Believe That Any White Politician Who Criticizes a Politician of Color is Racist - "If you’re a white politician and oppose raising taxes, you can debate higher taxes with another white politician, but if you have the same debate with a minority politician, you’re racist.Is it starting to make sense yet? This is why Democrats nominated Barack Obama in 2008, Hillary Clinton in 2016, and why you can bet anything there will be a minority on the Democratic ticket in 2020. Minority and women are human shields to the Democratic Party. Jon Del Arroz, a conservative science-fiction author who is Hispanic, summed up this attitude perfectly:
'Racist (n.): A white person.'"
Progressives Refuse To Define "White Supremacy" and "White Supremacist" - "All but a few Americans despise the Charlottesville tiki torch marchers and reject their thinking entirely, meaning that white supremacy’s not rampant in the United States, although it’s still a problem. AOC’s aim is to redefine white supremacy using vague terminology. Unable to provide concrete examples, she speaks mysteriously about viruses and sins that lurk within us simply because we’re Americans. Under her broadened re-definition, all political opponents, or even fellow Democrats who don’t fall in line, can be slimed with the “white supremacy” label. It’s a handy political weapon. We’re now seeing “white supremacy” applied even to those who want to see national borders controlled, a group not limited to Republicans. That’s fine with AOC, who’s already suggested that Nancy Pelosi’s criticisms of The Squad were racially-oriented, without offering a shred of evidence... By suggesting that all Trump voters support a white supremacist—essentially calling them racists—those six Democratic candidates are ditching their prospects of wooing a sizeable number of disaffected Trump voters. The second mistake they’re making is providing a portal through which the alt-right can enter the mainstream. If all Trump supporters at least tolerate a white supremacist, then why can’t the alt-right enter the public square too?"
Ocasio-Cortez Suggests Pelosi Is Targeting Her Because Pelosi Is Racist - "Ocasio-Cortez suggested to The Washington Post on Wednesday that Pelosi was a racist: "When these comments first started, I kind of thought that she was keeping the progressive flank at more of an arm's distance in order to protect more moderate members, which I understood. But the persistent singling out . . . it got to a point where it was just outright disrespectful . . . the explicit singling out of newly elected women of color."... "You have these wings — AOC, and her group on one side —" Lesley responded."That's like five people," Pelosi fired back."
Women Who Don't Believe Israel Has Right To Exist Not Sure Why They Got Banned From Israel | The Babylon Bee
Trump: ‘Only real winner here is Tlaib's grandmother. She doesn’t have to see her now!' - "Rep. Tlaib wrote a letter to Israeli officials desperately wanting to visit her grandmother. Permission was quickly granted, whereupon Tlaib obnoxiously turned the approval down, a complete setup. The only real winner here is Tlaib’s grandmother. She doesn’t have to see her now!"...
Both Tlaib and fellow anti-Semitic Muslim Rep. Ilhan Omar had been planning to visit Israel in the coming days as part of a trip funded by an anti-Semitic group whose members “have expressed support for terrorism against Israel.”When Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu learned of the trip, he promptly issued a ban on their visit, citing both the trip’s shady funding source and the Muslim congresswomen’s history of activism on behalf of the anti-Semitic Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement."
Jack Martens, Greenland Expedition Commander on Twitter - "@RashidaTlaib: "I need to visit my grandma, I love her"
"Okay, but no meeting with terrorists while you're here"
"Well I don't love her *that* much""
Josh Johnson - "Originally, I took the most issue in the way that Trump involved himself on Twitter calling for barring Omar and Tlaib from visiting their terrorist friends in the West Bank. That’s now the second worst part of this entire charade. The worst part is the organization Omar and Tlaib teamed up with to fund their propaganda campaign: Miftah. An anti Semitic NGO that cavorts with terrorist organizations, publishes praise of suicide bombers, including Dalal Mughrabi who murdered 38 Israeli civilians, 13 of them children in a single terror attack, has criticized Barack Obama for hosting a Passover at the White House, and has published papers accusing J*ws of murdering non-J*wish children to use their blood for Passover rituals. This is who Omar and Tlaib attach their reputations to in the name of “social justice”. Two US congresswoman no less. That this isn’t a scandal, *IS*, itself, a scandal. A horrifying one."
Unofficial Artist formally known as Diversity and Comics Yaboiposting - Posts - "In the social justice system, crimes against political correctness are considered especially heinous. In D.C., the dedicated NPCs who investigate these vicious hate crimes are members of an elite unit known as the Reeee Squad. These are their stories."
Hergitpa - Posts - "Things that didn't age well...
"Says Beto O’Rourke wants "open borders and wants to take our guns."
— Ted Cruz on Tuesday, March 6th, 2018 in an audio ad distributed to news organizations"
Beto O'Rourke: 'Hell, yes, we're going to take your AR-15, your AK-47' - "Presidential candidate Beto O'Rourke reiterated his support for a mandatory gun-buyback program of assault-style rifles on Thursday and said, "Hell, yes, we're going to take your AR-15, your AK-47.""
Beto Answers Dan Crenshaw’s Question: Would You Take Down The Border Wall? - "“Yes, absolutely. I’d take the wall down,” O’Rourke responded to MSNBC’s Chris Hayes when presented with Crenshaw’s question. O’Rourke said since a barrier was constructed on the border through the Secure Fence Act, Americans have not “in any demonstrative way” been made safer. However, Crenshaw’s tweet provided data from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), which showed illegal border crossings reduced significantly since the wall was in place. He also provided data showing a similar pattern in other border cities... Crenshaw immediately responded that “at least Beto is honest about his open border policy” since “most [Democrats] claim to support a secure border while simultaneously undermining it at every turn.”... Interestingly, O’Rourke has long argued against a border wall, despite still claiming to be against open borders"
Democrats may now actually believe in open borders. Big mistake - "The implication of their assorted positions and assertions is: Let them all in.While decrying conditions in existing detention facilities, they oppose adding any detention beds or building new facilities. If existing conditions are intolerable, but no additional capacity is to be added, then the only other alternative is to let everyone who shows up at the border into the country. The only concrete proposal Democrats have offered to staunch the flow of immigrants from these Central American countries is to restore and increase foreign aid to them. Democrats’ belief in the ameliorative powers of American foreign aid is, to borrow a Samuel Johnson phrase from an entirely different context, a triumph of hope over experience. In the meantime, the Democratic position seems to be: Let them all in... [Trump] announced immigration raids for those with deportation orders, which never materialized. Democrats denounced them. But if we aren’t going to deport those who have had their day in court and have been ordered out of the country, who are we going to deport? And without deportation, what are the consequences for violating American immigration laws? If there are no consequences for violating American immigration laws, how is that different from having an open border? At this point, what immigration laws would Democrats be willing to enforce? Democrats support amnesty for most of those currently in the country illegally. I agree with them. But should our immigration laws be ignored until Congress so acts? In the past, in exchange for amnesty, Democrats have been willing to support tougher enforcement of immigration laws in the future. As well as changing legal immigration from an emphasis on family unification to merit admissions based upon education and skills. At this point, it is no longer clear that Democrats would be willing to make that bargain."
July 2019
If every amnesty is followed by a new amnesty...
Democrats' Open Borders Immigration Policy - "Although Democrats routinely deny that they’re for open borders — dismissing the very suggestion as an outrageous slur — their reaction to Sunday’s violence by some of the Central American illegal aliens in Tijuana suggests otherwise.If Democrats criticize DHS for trying to prevent storming of the border, and for responding to attacks on its agents with non-lethal crowd-control measures like tear gas, then what border-control measures can they possibly be for? The border clash was the culmination of a series of policy choices by Democrats over the past several years, asymptotically approaching open borders. Although things are lousy in Central America, it was the Obama administration’s reaction to illegal immigration from there that created this flow. By releasing into the U.S. Central Americans bringing children with them, as well as releasing “unaccompanied” “minors” from Central America who were brought here by smugglers hired by their relatives in the U.S., the prior administration created a powerful incentive to head north. As a Salvadoran illegal alien who was released by the Border Patrol after crossing into Texas told my colleague Jerry Kammer in 2014: “We were watching CNN, and they were saying that the United States was giving opportunities to women with children. And since some neighbors of ours had come, we decided to try it.” The ruse these illegal immigrants have been using to get released is an asylum claim. Even though the vast majority of the claims are clearly without merit (and half of those released in order to pursue their applications never bother to follow through), the Left, both in and out of government, has encouraged their filing, and the prolongation of cases. Having incentivized the flow of Central American asylum seekers, the Democrats then opposed all the steps needed to prevent asylum from being used as a strategy for illegal immigration — such as amending the Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act, overturning the Flores Settlement, raising the bar for a “credible fear” claim (the first hurdle in the asylum process), and funding more detention beds. And the incentives for bogus asylum claims come within the larger context of the Democrats challenging the very idea of enforcing immigration laws. Long before #AbolishICE became a rallying cry for the party’s socialist wing, Democratic bigwigs have been saying that no illegal alien should ever be sent home merely because he snuck into the country or overstayed a visa. Nancy Pelosi in 2013 put it very clearly: “If somebody is here without sufficient documentation, that is not reason for deportation.” Hillary Clinton said much the same during one of the 2016 primary debates: “Of the people, the undocumented people living in our country, I do not want to see them deported.” Likewise with Bernie Sanders, at the same debate; in response to Jorge Ramos’s question, “And can you promise not to deport immigrants who don’t have a criminal record?” Sanders answered, “I can make that promise.”"
Joe Biden says that 'poor kids' are just as bright as 'white kids' - "Gaffe-prone presidential hopeful Joe Biden put his foot in his mouth during an Iowa campaign stop on Thursday when he told a group of predominately Asian and Hispanic voters that “poor kids are just as bright, just as talented, as white kids.”... Biden walked out of the Democratic primary debates last week red-faced after he accidentally told donors to “go to Joe 30330” when he meant to tell them to “text JOE to 30330″ to donate.On Monday, the befuddled 76-year-old bungled the locations of the El Paso and Dayton mass shootings when he expressed sympathy for the “tragic events in Houston today and also in Michigan the day before.”"
Biden tells Iowans: 'We choose truth over facts' - "Biden has a long record of stumbling over his words. Last week, he invented the term "expodentially" when speaking to reporters.During his second presidential primary debate, he made a number of slip-ups over statistics, phrases, and titles. He incorrectly warned that “ eight more years of Trump,” would “change America” fundamentally, though Trump is constitutionally limited to four more years after his term expires."
Democratic debate: Joe Biden accidentally refers to Bernie Sanders as 'the president' in heated exchange
Biden sparks outrage after suggesting black people don't know how to raise children: 'Put the record player on at night' - "They don’t know quite what to do. Play the radio. Make sure the television – excuse me, make sure you have the record player on at night.”
Pelosi’s House Discipline - WSJ - "Having spent so long defaming conservatives as racists, progressives can’t stop turning the accusation on each other. Two weeks ago Democratic presidential contenders all but called Joe Biden a segregationist. This week Nancy Pelosi got a taste of her party’s poison... The four—in addition to trumpeting socialist measures, flirting with anti-Semitism and using Twitter to criticize moderates in their own party—voted against last month’s emergency spending bill for the southern border. They did so even though three of them have compared what’s happening at the border to the Holocaust. Mrs. Pelosi told the New York Times that these Members “have their public whatever and their Twitter world. But they didn’t have any following. They’re four people and that’s how many votes they got.”... “You got a complaint?” she reportedly said to Democratic colleagues in a closed-door meeting on Wednesday. “You come and talk to me about it. But do not tweet about our members and expect us to think that that is just OK.”With that, Ms. Ocasio-Cortez decided to resort to her default defense. This “persistent singling out,” she told the Washington Post, has reached “a point where it was just outright disrespectful . . . the explicit singling out of newly elected women of color.”And there it is—the old accusation of racial animosity. We should have seen it coming. We’re no fans of Mrs. Pelosi’s politics, but the suggestion that her criticisms had anything remotely to do with the color of these four women’s skin is preposterous.Not that Mrs. Pelosi is above playing the color card herself. Last year the Speaker explicitly called Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell a racist. “When the Republicans took power when President Obama was President of the United States,” she said on MSNBC, “what Mitch McConnell said is, ‘The most important thing we can do is to make sure he does not succeed.’ If that wasn’t a racist statement. That is unthinkable.”... Mrs. Pelosi is exercising much-needed adult supervision over her caucus, as she also has in ducking impeachment. Perhaps she, and others, will also be less inclined to use race as a political weapon now that it has been used against her."
Americans Turned to Trump to Roll Back the Progressive Tide - WSJ - "As one looks upon the people who attend Mr. Trump’s rallies, one sees the faces not of Hillary Clinton ’s “deplorables” but of the proletariat out of which Karl Marx ’s dictatorship was supposed to derive. Yet these people, despite the progressives’ promises to them of free Medicare, free college tuition, and the rest, want nothing to do with Sens. Warren, Sanders, Booker & Co. Quite the reverse: They loathe them. The man who attends a Trump rally turns on his television set and that night’s news leads off with a Black Lives Matter protest in his city. If that city is Chicago, he might recall that this year some 2,619 people have been shot, 475 shot and killed, the preponderance of these being black people shot by black youth gangs. If it is another city, there is a distinct possibility, as fairly often in the past, that the protest will lead to looting of nearby shops. Al Sharpton, nattily turned out, is likely to have flown in for the festivities to remind everyone about the world’s injustice.Our man changes channels and is greeted by a story of a long and happy lesbian marriage. He reads in the papers that people are fired from jobs for remarks that, under the reign of political correctness, are interpreted as racist, sexist, you name it; that students feel unsafe at Yale; that a year’s tuition, room and board at Dartmouth is $74,000. Doubtless before long he will read a story about an 11-year-old who is suing his parents for not allowing him to transgender himself.Oh God, he thinks, make America great again, make America straight again, make America anything but what it is becoming... Trump was chosen as a rebuke to the progressivism that has made life in America seem chaotic, if not a touch mad, and that now threatens to take over the Democratic Party... The pull to the left of the Democratic Party is Donald Trump’s greatest hope for re-election, while Mr. Trump’s behavior is the greatest force pulling Democrats still further to the left. Tariffs, trade agreements, even immigration policy seem slightly beside the point when, as now, not two different parties but two radically different views of the good life dominate public discourse. And so things go, two ends without a middle. The shame is that most Americans find themselves in that missing middle, helpless without a party, hopeless without a leader. Politics has rarely seemed so dismal."
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