Friday, July 05, 2019
Links - 5th July 2019 (1)
Punjab Candidate Cries After Getting Only 5 Votes, Says There Are 9 Members In His Own Family - "Neetu Shuttern Wala, who hails from Jalandhar, stood independently in the recently held polls and claims to have gotten only 5 votes. When he was being interviewed, he broke down before the camera and started crying. Well, he is crying not because of the alleged 5 votes. He is crying because he got 5 votes despite having 9 people in his own family. Yes, his own family members betrayed him and didn't vote for him."
How Google Photos Became a Perfect Jukebox for Our Memories - The New York Times - "Photos would lean on Google’s famed A.I. to address what it saw as the key problem of the smartphone era — the fact that we all take photos but rarely look at them... I worry, given all this, about how A.I.-curated memories are shaping our narratives about ourselves. I think of Samara and children like her: how she will one day watch videos like the one Google produced of her, and she will come to certain conclusions about her childhood only because a for-profit, ad-supported tech company’s machines made choices about what sort of scenes to show and what to hide."
Alternatively his daughter could never see the photos and not remember her childhood
Misunderstanding Dunning-Kruger - "the DK effect does not apply only to “incompetent people” but to everyone, with respect to any area of knowledge... The best way to summarize the data is to say that the difference between self-assessment and performance increases with lower performance below about the 80th percentile, with slight underestimation of performance for those above the 80th percentile (or a test score of about 70%). So almost everyone overestimates their performance, not just those who are “incompetent.” Even if you scored 60% correct and were in the 75% percentile, you overestimated your ability a little.Further I need to emphasize that the data does not apply to “people” who are generally in the low percentiles of competence, but to everyone with respect to where they are with each individual area of knowledge. So the same person may be in the 80th percentile in one knowledge area, and the 20th percentile in another, and the graph above applies to them in both cases. Having said that I want to point out that these are average scores. Individuals will vary in terms of how humble or boastful they are, depending on basic personality, training, insight, and experience. That, in fact, is my primary point in discussing the DK effect and making sure it is properly understood. The goal is to provide critical thinking insight, so that people will generally be more self-aware and humble in assessing their own knowledge and abilities, to offset the general tendency toward overconfidence... those at the lower end of performance did not rank themselves as highly as experts, but rather ranked themselves as being a little above average (but still lower than people who performed better). This is consistent with other research, which shows that people generally think they are above average pretty much in everything... The vast majority of people who bring it up seem to think that it applies only to dumb people and that it says dumb people think they are smarter than smart people. Neither of these things are true. Further – if you think it only applies to other people (which itself, ironically, is part of the DK effect) then you miss the core lesson and opportunity for self-improvement and critical thinking."
Ironically, those who keep going on about Dunning-Kruger to mock stupid people are themselves victims of the effect
Alligator Spotted on Alligator Pool Float at Miami Airbnb - "Jacobs' wife called the Airbnb's owner, who contacted someone from wildlife management. Eventually, the gator wrangler was able to fish the reptile out of the pool. He told Jacobs he's been busy lately because it's mating season for alligators."
A crocodile in Florida was spotted using a pool noodle to swim
Gator with knife in head spotted swimming in Texas lake - "Brazos Bend State Park Attendant Chris Bishop told KRTK the gator isn't in pain and could live with the knife in its head for some time."
Yes, This Photo from Everest Is Real - "American climber Don Cash died on Everest hours after he had reached the summit. As Alan Arnette reported for Outside, Cash was one of about 200 people who went to the top of the world that day, and he encountered a traffic jam on his way down. “When Cash and his Sherpa guides got to the Hillary Step they were forced to wait their turn for at least two hours”"
MGTOW is becoming more popular (Google Search Trends) : MGTOW
More and more searches for MGTOW, fewer and fewer for how to get a girlfriend. Though each line is not comparable
German Crossbow Victims Were Part of Medieval Sex Cult - "Weiss was found dead with crossbow bolts protruding from his neck and skull on a double bed on the second floor of a quaint B&B in the picturesque Bavarian town of Passau. By his side was 33-year-old Kerstin Enders, who had succumbed to similar fatal injuries.On the floor in front of them in a pool of blood was 30-year-old Farina Caspari, suspected of honoring Weiss’s dominator command to first kill him and Enders and then take her own life, which she clearly did, according to investigators.Weiss and Enders left wills at their sides, presumably to ensure that the motives were clear. "Investigators suspect they were all members of a kind of sex circle with a focus on the Middle Ages,” according to RTL news quoting local investigators on the scene. “[Weiss] may have been the guru of the group.”
The World's First Vaginal Beauty Pageant [INSIGHTS] - YouTube - "Surely, working in the sex toy industry doesn’t automatically designate a person an asshole. But then, not every sex toy manufacturer uses a contest to design their products. More specifically, an online vaginal beauty contest that prompted “everyday women” to upload pictures of their vulvas to be rated on a scale of 1-10. It’s a concept that -- critics would argue -- quite literally objectifies women. Brian sees it differently, "They didn’t call it sexist when dildos were made from men’s penises.""
This is the autoblow guy
Thomas Chatterton Williams on Twitter - Celeste Ng: "It must be fucking incredible to be a rich white man. It’s like the world passes through noise-cancelling headphones that make even direct insults and criticism sound like praise to your ears."
"Something in this tweet keeps nagging at me: If this is how even our major novelists—whose job is to probe the depths of human psychology, to empathize with the “other”—are now incentivized by social media to gloss over all complexity, then literature and art won’t save us"
Playboy who ‘slept with 6,000 women’ dies while having sex - "A legendary Italian playboy has died at age 63 while having sex with a 23-year-old tourist.Maurizio Zanfanti, dubbed the Romeo of Rimini, claimed to have slept with more than 6,000 women after becoming famous as a nightclub promoter in the beach-side city in the 1970s.He was entertaining a tourist from Romania in the back of a car Tuesday night when he suffered a fatal heart attack... Local media said it was the way the man once called “Italy’s most successful lover” would have wanted to go.“Zanza died after doing what he did best — loving women”... Zanfanti started his illustrious career at age 17 in 1972 while working for a nightclub called Blow Up. His job was to chat up mainly German and Scandinavian tourists in the street and persuade them to come inside.With olive skin, long, flowing locks and a hairy chest, he had little difficulty.He boasted that in a successful summer in his prime, he could sleep with around 200 women... His exploits became so famous that some of his lovers erected a wax statue of him in a Swedish town... He claimed to have once seduced a French journalist who was interviewing him.Two years ago, he was a guest of honor at a Rimini nightclub when a group of Swedish women who had visited in the 1980s flew in for a reunion.In his final interview with German newspaper Bild in 2014, he announced his retirement and said: “At 59, I’m getting too old for it.”"
YouTube star lets best friend ‘try out her boyfriend’s penis’ - "YouTuber Lena Nersesian, who calls herself Lena The Plug, told her 900,000 subscribers she wanted her friend Emily to have sex with Adam so she can “try his penis.”In an odd twist of logic, she reasoned that as Emily knew everything about her sex life, she should join in."
Since they'd been in a MFF threesome and serviced each other...
Protected industries: Why more than a third of the Canadian economy is walled from competitiont - "the lack of foreign competition in Canada largely comes down to governmental factors. “When governments in Canada protect industries, Canadian consumers pay higher prices, have less choice and/or less innovations compared to consumers in other countries”... the low-bound estimate of restriction is around 22 per cent.However, the report goes beyond the regular definition of protection to include both interprovincial barriers and the potential impact of occupational licensing, which is how the study arrives at its 35 per cent figure... The Fraser study also cites the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development’s (OECD) foreign direct-investment restrictiveness index, where Canada ranks 48th out of 62 countries — behind Ukraine and Korea and slightly ahead of Russia, Mexico and India.In specific industries such as air transportation, Canada ranks 54th out of 62. In both telecommunications and media, the country is 59th out of 62."
Where R All The Good Men? - Posts - "Let's be honest I'm on Tinder and my first picture is of me in a bikini, I'm not looking for a relationship or a friend."
JKF 紅燈區2.0 - Posts - "訓練
Gym workouts for men to improve their bedroom skills
How Google Photos Became a Perfect Jukebox for Our Memories - The New York Times - "Photos would lean on Google’s famed A.I. to address what it saw as the key problem of the smartphone era — the fact that we all take photos but rarely look at them... I worry, given all this, about how A.I.-curated memories are shaping our narratives about ourselves. I think of Samara and children like her: how she will one day watch videos like the one Google produced of her, and she will come to certain conclusions about her childhood only because a for-profit, ad-supported tech company’s machines made choices about what sort of scenes to show and what to hide."
Alternatively his daughter could never see the photos and not remember her childhood
Misunderstanding Dunning-Kruger - "the DK effect does not apply only to “incompetent people” but to everyone, with respect to any area of knowledge... The best way to summarize the data is to say that the difference between self-assessment and performance increases with lower performance below about the 80th percentile, with slight underestimation of performance for those above the 80th percentile (or a test score of about 70%). So almost everyone overestimates their performance, not just those who are “incompetent.” Even if you scored 60% correct and were in the 75% percentile, you overestimated your ability a little.Further I need to emphasize that the data does not apply to “people” who are generally in the low percentiles of competence, but to everyone with respect to where they are with each individual area of knowledge. So the same person may be in the 80th percentile in one knowledge area, and the 20th percentile in another, and the graph above applies to them in both cases. Having said that I want to point out that these are average scores. Individuals will vary in terms of how humble or boastful they are, depending on basic personality, training, insight, and experience. That, in fact, is my primary point in discussing the DK effect and making sure it is properly understood. The goal is to provide critical thinking insight, so that people will generally be more self-aware and humble in assessing their own knowledge and abilities, to offset the general tendency toward overconfidence... those at the lower end of performance did not rank themselves as highly as experts, but rather ranked themselves as being a little above average (but still lower than people who performed better). This is consistent with other research, which shows that people generally think they are above average pretty much in everything... The vast majority of people who bring it up seem to think that it applies only to dumb people and that it says dumb people think they are smarter than smart people. Neither of these things are true. Further – if you think it only applies to other people (which itself, ironically, is part of the DK effect) then you miss the core lesson and opportunity for self-improvement and critical thinking."
Ironically, those who keep going on about Dunning-Kruger to mock stupid people are themselves victims of the effect
Alligator Spotted on Alligator Pool Float at Miami Airbnb - "Jacobs' wife called the Airbnb's owner, who contacted someone from wildlife management. Eventually, the gator wrangler was able to fish the reptile out of the pool. He told Jacobs he's been busy lately because it's mating season for alligators."
A crocodile in Florida was spotted using a pool noodle to swim
Gator with knife in head spotted swimming in Texas lake - "Brazos Bend State Park Attendant Chris Bishop told KRTK the gator isn't in pain and could live with the knife in its head for some time."
Yes, This Photo from Everest Is Real - "American climber Don Cash died on Everest hours after he had reached the summit. As Alan Arnette reported for Outside, Cash was one of about 200 people who went to the top of the world that day, and he encountered a traffic jam on his way down. “When Cash and his Sherpa guides got to the Hillary Step they were forced to wait their turn for at least two hours”"
MGTOW is becoming more popular (Google Search Trends) : MGTOW
More and more searches for MGTOW, fewer and fewer for how to get a girlfriend. Though each line is not comparable
German Crossbow Victims Were Part of Medieval Sex Cult - "Weiss was found dead with crossbow bolts protruding from his neck and skull on a double bed on the second floor of a quaint B&B in the picturesque Bavarian town of Passau. By his side was 33-year-old Kerstin Enders, who had succumbed to similar fatal injuries.On the floor in front of them in a pool of blood was 30-year-old Farina Caspari, suspected of honoring Weiss’s dominator command to first kill him and Enders and then take her own life, which she clearly did, according to investigators.Weiss and Enders left wills at their sides, presumably to ensure that the motives were clear. "Investigators suspect they were all members of a kind of sex circle with a focus on the Middle Ages,” according to RTL news quoting local investigators on the scene. “[Weiss] may have been the guru of the group.”
The World's First Vaginal Beauty Pageant [INSIGHTS] - YouTube - "Surely, working in the sex toy industry doesn’t automatically designate a person an asshole. But then, not every sex toy manufacturer uses a contest to design their products. More specifically, an online vaginal beauty contest that prompted “everyday women” to upload pictures of their vulvas to be rated on a scale of 1-10. It’s a concept that -- critics would argue -- quite literally objectifies women. Brian sees it differently, "They didn’t call it sexist when dildos were made from men’s penises.""
This is the autoblow guy
Thomas Chatterton Williams on Twitter - Celeste Ng: "It must be fucking incredible to be a rich white man. It’s like the world passes through noise-cancelling headphones that make even direct insults and criticism sound like praise to your ears."
"Something in this tweet keeps nagging at me: If this is how even our major novelists—whose job is to probe the depths of human psychology, to empathize with the “other”—are now incentivized by social media to gloss over all complexity, then literature and art won’t save us"
Playboy who ‘slept with 6,000 women’ dies while having sex - "A legendary Italian playboy has died at age 63 while having sex with a 23-year-old tourist.Maurizio Zanfanti, dubbed the Romeo of Rimini, claimed to have slept with more than 6,000 women after becoming famous as a nightclub promoter in the beach-side city in the 1970s.He was entertaining a tourist from Romania in the back of a car Tuesday night when he suffered a fatal heart attack... Local media said it was the way the man once called “Italy’s most successful lover” would have wanted to go.“Zanza died after doing what he did best — loving women”... Zanfanti started his illustrious career at age 17 in 1972 while working for a nightclub called Blow Up. His job was to chat up mainly German and Scandinavian tourists in the street and persuade them to come inside.With olive skin, long, flowing locks and a hairy chest, he had little difficulty.He boasted that in a successful summer in his prime, he could sleep with around 200 women... His exploits became so famous that some of his lovers erected a wax statue of him in a Swedish town... He claimed to have once seduced a French journalist who was interviewing him.Two years ago, he was a guest of honor at a Rimini nightclub when a group of Swedish women who had visited in the 1980s flew in for a reunion.In his final interview with German newspaper Bild in 2014, he announced his retirement and said: “At 59, I’m getting too old for it.”"
YouTube star lets best friend ‘try out her boyfriend’s penis’ - "YouTuber Lena Nersesian, who calls herself Lena The Plug, told her 900,000 subscribers she wanted her friend Emily to have sex with Adam so she can “try his penis.”In an odd twist of logic, she reasoned that as Emily knew everything about her sex life, she should join in."
Since they'd been in a MFF threesome and serviced each other...
Protected industries: Why more than a third of the Canadian economy is walled from competitiont - "the lack of foreign competition in Canada largely comes down to governmental factors. “When governments in Canada protect industries, Canadian consumers pay higher prices, have less choice and/or less innovations compared to consumers in other countries”... the low-bound estimate of restriction is around 22 per cent.However, the report goes beyond the regular definition of protection to include both interprovincial barriers and the potential impact of occupational licensing, which is how the study arrives at its 35 per cent figure... The Fraser study also cites the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development’s (OECD) foreign direct-investment restrictiveness index, where Canada ranks 48th out of 62 countries — behind Ukraine and Korea and slightly ahead of Russia, Mexico and India.In specific industries such as air transportation, Canada ranks 54th out of 62. In both telecommunications and media, the country is 59th out of 62."
Where R All The Good Men? - Posts - "Let's be honest I'm on Tinder and my first picture is of me in a bikini, I'm not looking for a relationship or a friend."
JKF 紅燈區2.0 - Posts - "訓練
Gym workouts for men to improve their bedroom skills
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