Wednesday, July 03, 2019
Links - 3rd July 2019 ('Whiteness')
'Whiteness' Forum Denounces The Christian Cartoon 'VeggieTales' As Racist - "Cal State San Marcos held a so-called "Whiteness Forum" last Thursday where a variety of topics pertaining to America's systemic racism was discussed. The two-hour event featured more than a dozen poster board projects critiquing various aspects of society. On top of lambasting the NFL and white women for perpetuating racism, the cartoon where talking vegetables perform biblical stories for children somehow found its way into the discussion, with speakers alleging it portrays racial stereotypes."The Christian cartoon 'VeggieTales' is racist because the villains are vegetables of color"... The "Whiteness Forum" began as an extension of Professor Dreama Moon’s Communications 454 class titled "The Communication of Whiteness." The annual event serves a showcase for her student's projects. Some students who attend are offered extra credit from their professors. One student who attended told The College Fix the event essentially teaches people to feel guilty about being white."
Yale women’s studies professor: Gay white men are symbols of heterosexuality - "Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg and his husband Chasten offer a “vision of heterosexuality without straight people,” according to commentary by a Yale University assistant professor in Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies responding to the politician’s recent image on the cover of TIME magazine... Professor Greta LaFleur argues the photo is a symbol of heteronormativity... LaFleur goes on to suggest that Pete and Chasten may not actually be gay... This has riled some who see Buttigieg’s ascendance as major progress in the quest for LGBT rights. Republican political consultant Tim Miller, writing in The Bulwark, noted that just a few years ago, the Buttigieg marriage would have been illegal. As a sign of progress, even President Donald Trump last week said Buttigieg’s same-sex marriage was no big deal.Perhaps it is Trump’s acceptance that riles academics like LaFleur, who writes Buttigieg’s palatable brand of gayness isn’t sufficiently confrontational... LaFleur finishes the post by complaining that Buttigieg, a white male, is getting more press coverage than women like Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren, and Stacy Abrams (who has yet to join the race.)"
Time to abolish gay marriage!
Richard Carranza held training on 'white-supremacy culture' - "City Department of Education brass are targeting a “white-supremacy culture” among school administrators — by disparaging ideas like “individualism,” “objectivity” and “worship of the written word,” The Post has learned.A presentation slide obtained by The Post offers a bullet-point description of the systemic, supposedly pro-white favoritism that Schools Chancellor Richard Carranza claims must be eradicated from the DOE, and provides just one insight into his anti-bias training efforts.The list — derived from “Dismantling Racism: A Workbook for Social Change Groups” by Kenneth Jones and Tema Okun — names more than a dozen hallmarks of “white-supremacy culture” that school administrators are expected to steer clear of.“They include such dynamics as “paternalism,” a “sense of urgency” and “power hoarding,” according to the slide, which an insider said was part of mandatory training sponsored and funded by the department’s Office of Equity and Access and recently administered to principals, central office supervisors and superintendent teams. The seminar is concurrent with Carranza’s larger push to root out “implicit bias” in the school system... “Having to talk about someone’s own whiteness is a requirement for them to become liberated.”... Several recent attendees of the DOE’s overarching implicit-bias training sessions — mandatory for all, including teachers — have bristled at the program’s emphasis on the inherent insidiousness of “white” culture.White employees who object when accused of harboring deep-seated bias are branded “fragile” and “defensive”... Carranza said on Monday that such skeptics often don’t realize their own biases until they are forced to confront them and that they are likely the ones who need the training the most"
When you hate "whiteness", you basically hate success
We all knew it wouldn't stop at elite colleges
If you say you're not in denial, that's proof that you're in denial
Richard Carranza has made whiteness 'toxic', DOE insiders claim - "At least four top Department of Education executives who have been demoted or stripped of duties under Carranza’s sweeping reorganization are poised to sue the city, claiming he has created “an environment which is hostile toward whites”... The women — all white, veteran administrators — contend they were pushed aside for less qualified persons of color... Under Carranza’s leadership, sources said, whites, in some cases, are being told they must give up power or lose responsibilities no matter how well they have performed.More than a dozen high-ranking superintendents and deputies who had served under ex-Chancellor Carmen Fariña have been demoted — some with large pay cuts — or pushed into retirement, sources said. Others have lesser duties and new bosses... the DOE has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on consultants to coach supervisors on how to “disrupt the power structure and dismantle institutional racism,” a supervisor said... “White supremacy is characterized by perfectionism, a belief in meritocracy, and the Protestant work ethic,” the exec said, adding that whites who object when accused of deep-rooted bias are called “fragile” and “defensive.”“Can you imagine if we scrutinized blackness or brownness? We’re being trained in anti-bias not to stereotype blacks, but they’re fostering a stereotyping of whites.”"
Ironically there is a high chance that they welcomed 'diversity' when it was first introduced
DOE-sponsored group said Asians benefit from white privilege - "A city DOE-sponsored panel designed to combat racism told parents that Asian American students “benefit from white supremacy” and “proximity to white privilege,” an outraged mom told The Post.The comments drew backlash from some parents and Asian activists, but not the Department of Education, which neither denied nor denounced them.The panel was helmed by the Center for Racial Justice in Education, a group being paid about $400,000 by the DOE, led by Schools Chancellor Richard Carranza, to conduct near-weekly training sessions throughout the city to address what it believes is rampant racism infecting schools."
Since anti racism is about hating success...
NYC teachers allegedly told to favor black students in 'racial equity' training - "In controversial “implicit bias” training, New York City’s public-school educators have been told to focus on black children over white ones — and one Jewish superintendent who described her family’s Holocaust tragedies was scolded and humiliated, according to firsthand accounts... “If I had a poor white male student and I had a middle-class black boy, I would actually put my equitable strategies and interventions into that middle class black boy because over the course of his lifetime he will have less access and less opportunities than that poor white boy,” the consultant, Darnisa Amante, is quoted as saying by those in the room.“That’s what racial equity is,” Amante explained.Mona Davids, president of the NYC Parents Union, was appalled.“It’s completely absurd — they want to treat black students as victims and punish white students. That defeats the purpose of what bias awareness training should be,” said Davids, who is black... One Jewish superintendent shared stories about her grandmother Malka who told of bombs falling in Lodz, Poland, and running from the Nazis in the wee hours by packing up her four children and hiding in the forest, and her grandfather Naftali, who spent nearly six years in a labor and concentration camp, where he witnessed the brutal execution of his mother and sister.“My grandparents taught me to understand the dangers of ‘targeted racism’ or the exclusion of any group, and the importance of equity for all people. This is my core value as an educator,” the superintendent told colleagues.“At the break, I stood up and, to my surprise, I was verbally attacked by a black superintendent in front of my colleagues. She said ‘This is not about being Jewish! It’s about black and brown boys of color only. You better check yourself.’”“I was traumatized,” the Jewish educator said. “ It was like 1939 all over again. I couldn’t believe this could happen to me in NYC!”... In Manhattan, a middle-school teacher with her own kids in public schools, said the DOE training “is a catalyst for hate and division.”“I have colleagues who won’t participate during ‘Courageous Conversations’ (the DOE protocol for implicit-bias workshops) because they don’t feel safe.”She cringes at training phrases like “replacement thinking” and the disdain for “whiteness.”"
DOE job ad sought ‘teachers of color’ for NYC schools - "An online job posting for a Manhattan school district specifically sought “teachers of color” amid an alleged push by Schools Chancellor Richard Carranza to combat “toxic whiteness” in Big Apple public schools"
Racial discrimination in hiring is only bad when it privileges those with 'whiteness'
Copyranter: The go-to ad joke is - still - the white male moron - "In advertising, humor sells. Brands like to know that, at the very least, they’re making consumers laugh. Agencies like to make clients laugh because if they’re laughing, there’s a better chance that they’ll be buying... After seeing this new TurboTax commercial featuring a white male dullard and his pool a few times, I went deep ad archive diving, watching most of the national major brand spots released in the Western world over the last year. Hundreds of ads. I found over 50 White Man Moron ads.And as I glanced at the credits on all these spots, I noticed an obvious if inexplicable thing: Most of the creatives who created these dumb white man ads — as in like 80 percent of them — were … white males.Self-loathing, much? Maybe they’re making fun of certain male acquaintances who look and act like these dimwits? Or maybe it’s just hyper-laziness — they can write these characters in their sleep, because they are these characters?"
If there's only one demographic you can make fun of...
The myth of white exceptionalism | Coffee House - "The notion that whites are a fallen category who can only redeem their sordid group history by denigrating or ignoring it, and that they must be judged against a different standard than other groups, is preventing a measured discussion of questions of immigration and ethnic change. This opens space for less reasonable voices who are willing to provide answers to questions many are asking... is it racist for a white person to vote for reduced immigration? Is it racist for whites to identify with a caucasian racial image as a group symbol? Save your answers. Now let’s change the questions. Is it racist for a Chinese-American person to favour increased Chinese immigration to grow the size of their community? What about for Hawaiians to identify with a Polynesian racial image as a symbol of their group? Now recall your answers. Even if you answered these questions consistently, if you are white, you probably cringed when completing the first set... Our cultural cringe can’t be a logical response based on a consistent definition of racism. Indeed, if we bracket critical race theory, which is ideologically-motivated and anti-science, there is no basis for [this response]... One assumption is that the attachment of powerful whites to their own group will spell disaster for vulnerable minorities. But that is not the case. Social psychologist Marilynn Brewer shows that in-group attachment is not correlated with out-group hostility except in cases of violent conflict. A white American’s warmth towards their own group is, for instance, associated with warmer feelings toward African-Americans... Ethnic majorities are not malign forces: 80 percent of countries have an ethnic majority and the vast majority (think Akan, Tswana, Persian) are peaceful. The systematic study of political violence since 1945 doesn’t find that a moderate attachment to ethnic majority identity predicts genocide. Rather, as political scientist Barbara Harff pointed out, the combination of war, autocracy and an exclusivist ideology which brooks no dissent (whether socialist, civic nationalist, ethnic nationalist or Islamist) is what heightens the risk of genocide. For instance, civic nationalist Indonesia has suffered far worse violence against its Chinese minority than ethnocratic Malaysia, despite the latter’s ‘sons of the soil’ policy which economically favours Malays. Indeed it is domination by an ethnic or religious minority (i.e. Sunnis in Iraq, Alawi in Syria) that increases the risk of civil war. A larger ethnic majority doesn’t lead to a greater oppression of minorities: as I show in my book, the numerical preponderance of whites in US states or Latin American countries bears no relationship to the local white-black income gap. Ethnic identity isn’t principally about using group affiliation to acquire money and power, but, as psychologists note, consists of affective attachment to myths, symbols, traditions and memories – regardless of whether the group is in the majority or the minority. The key is to keep this moderate... The fact white group identity makes us feel uncomfortable suggests that what African-American academic John McWhorter terms the ‘religion of antiracism’ is not the preserve of campus radicals. They may be its fundamentalists, but in moderate form, the religion permeates the deep tissue of western high culture, pervading its liberal institutions... The collapsing of the complexity of the real world into a simplistic binary of racism/openness is why western cultural elites are unable to defuse the cultural grievances driving populist right politics"
Mum's fury at men who left her to get attacked on London Tube - "A fashion chief executive attacked by an unwell 6ft man on a busy Tube carriage has slammed two men who moved seats and left her to defend herself.Tamara Cincik was kicked and threatened while travelling to a business meeting in central London yesterday... 'He was screaming and shouting at me and saying things like 'I am going to f****** kick you' then he did actually kick me. It was intimidating, he was a big guy and I am only size eight.' The fashion CEO is keen to stress she does not blame this man, who she desribes as being 6ft tall and of Southeast Asian descent... 'I remain more angry with those white middle class men who left me to it. As fathers, husbands and sons they should be ashamed of themselves.'... 'You are cowards with less empathy and strength than two size 8 women and a Greek female pensioner. Shame on you."
Gender equality means women are still entitled to protection by men who they don't know
Anti-racism means "minorities" who attack you are innocent, and white men who don't defend you are guilty. But if the white men protected you they'd probably be racist for 'punching down' anyway
Yale women’s studies professor: Gay white men are symbols of heterosexuality - "Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg and his husband Chasten offer a “vision of heterosexuality without straight people,” according to commentary by a Yale University assistant professor in Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies responding to the politician’s recent image on the cover of TIME magazine... Professor Greta LaFleur argues the photo is a symbol of heteronormativity... LaFleur goes on to suggest that Pete and Chasten may not actually be gay... This has riled some who see Buttigieg’s ascendance as major progress in the quest for LGBT rights. Republican political consultant Tim Miller, writing in The Bulwark, noted that just a few years ago, the Buttigieg marriage would have been illegal. As a sign of progress, even President Donald Trump last week said Buttigieg’s same-sex marriage was no big deal.Perhaps it is Trump’s acceptance that riles academics like LaFleur, who writes Buttigieg’s palatable brand of gayness isn’t sufficiently confrontational... LaFleur finishes the post by complaining that Buttigieg, a white male, is getting more press coverage than women like Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren, and Stacy Abrams (who has yet to join the race.)"
Time to abolish gay marriage!
Richard Carranza held training on 'white-supremacy culture' - "City Department of Education brass are targeting a “white-supremacy culture” among school administrators — by disparaging ideas like “individualism,” “objectivity” and “worship of the written word,” The Post has learned.A presentation slide obtained by The Post offers a bullet-point description of the systemic, supposedly pro-white favoritism that Schools Chancellor Richard Carranza claims must be eradicated from the DOE, and provides just one insight into his anti-bias training efforts.The list — derived from “Dismantling Racism: A Workbook for Social Change Groups” by Kenneth Jones and Tema Okun — names more than a dozen hallmarks of “white-supremacy culture” that school administrators are expected to steer clear of.“They include such dynamics as “paternalism,” a “sense of urgency” and “power hoarding,” according to the slide, which an insider said was part of mandatory training sponsored and funded by the department’s Office of Equity and Access and recently administered to principals, central office supervisors and superintendent teams. The seminar is concurrent with Carranza’s larger push to root out “implicit bias” in the school system... “Having to talk about someone’s own whiteness is a requirement for them to become liberated.”... Several recent attendees of the DOE’s overarching implicit-bias training sessions — mandatory for all, including teachers — have bristled at the program’s emphasis on the inherent insidiousness of “white” culture.White employees who object when accused of harboring deep-seated bias are branded “fragile” and “defensive”... Carranza said on Monday that such skeptics often don’t realize their own biases until they are forced to confront them and that they are likely the ones who need the training the most"
When you hate "whiteness", you basically hate success
We all knew it wouldn't stop at elite colleges
If you say you're not in denial, that's proof that you're in denial
Richard Carranza has made whiteness 'toxic', DOE insiders claim - "At least four top Department of Education executives who have been demoted or stripped of duties under Carranza’s sweeping reorganization are poised to sue the city, claiming he has created “an environment which is hostile toward whites”... The women — all white, veteran administrators — contend they were pushed aside for less qualified persons of color... Under Carranza’s leadership, sources said, whites, in some cases, are being told they must give up power or lose responsibilities no matter how well they have performed.More than a dozen high-ranking superintendents and deputies who had served under ex-Chancellor Carmen Fariña have been demoted — some with large pay cuts — or pushed into retirement, sources said. Others have lesser duties and new bosses... the DOE has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on consultants to coach supervisors on how to “disrupt the power structure and dismantle institutional racism,” a supervisor said... “White supremacy is characterized by perfectionism, a belief in meritocracy, and the Protestant work ethic,” the exec said, adding that whites who object when accused of deep-rooted bias are called “fragile” and “defensive.”“Can you imagine if we scrutinized blackness or brownness? We’re being trained in anti-bias not to stereotype blacks, but they’re fostering a stereotyping of whites.”"
Ironically there is a high chance that they welcomed 'diversity' when it was first introduced
DOE-sponsored group said Asians benefit from white privilege - "A city DOE-sponsored panel designed to combat racism told parents that Asian American students “benefit from white supremacy” and “proximity to white privilege,” an outraged mom told The Post.The comments drew backlash from some parents and Asian activists, but not the Department of Education, which neither denied nor denounced them.The panel was helmed by the Center for Racial Justice in Education, a group being paid about $400,000 by the DOE, led by Schools Chancellor Richard Carranza, to conduct near-weekly training sessions throughout the city to address what it believes is rampant racism infecting schools."
Since anti racism is about hating success...
NYC teachers allegedly told to favor black students in 'racial equity' training - "In controversial “implicit bias” training, New York City’s public-school educators have been told to focus on black children over white ones — and one Jewish superintendent who described her family’s Holocaust tragedies was scolded and humiliated, according to firsthand accounts... “If I had a poor white male student and I had a middle-class black boy, I would actually put my equitable strategies and interventions into that middle class black boy because over the course of his lifetime he will have less access and less opportunities than that poor white boy,” the consultant, Darnisa Amante, is quoted as saying by those in the room.“That’s what racial equity is,” Amante explained.Mona Davids, president of the NYC Parents Union, was appalled.“It’s completely absurd — they want to treat black students as victims and punish white students. That defeats the purpose of what bias awareness training should be,” said Davids, who is black... One Jewish superintendent shared stories about her grandmother Malka who told of bombs falling in Lodz, Poland, and running from the Nazis in the wee hours by packing up her four children and hiding in the forest, and her grandfather Naftali, who spent nearly six years in a labor and concentration camp, where he witnessed the brutal execution of his mother and sister.“My grandparents taught me to understand the dangers of ‘targeted racism’ or the exclusion of any group, and the importance of equity for all people. This is my core value as an educator,” the superintendent told colleagues.“At the break, I stood up and, to my surprise, I was verbally attacked by a black superintendent in front of my colleagues. She said ‘This is not about being Jewish! It’s about black and brown boys of color only. You better check yourself.’”“I was traumatized,” the Jewish educator said. “ It was like 1939 all over again. I couldn’t believe this could happen to me in NYC!”... In Manhattan, a middle-school teacher with her own kids in public schools, said the DOE training “is a catalyst for hate and division.”“I have colleagues who won’t participate during ‘Courageous Conversations’ (the DOE protocol for implicit-bias workshops) because they don’t feel safe.”She cringes at training phrases like “replacement thinking” and the disdain for “whiteness.”"
DOE job ad sought ‘teachers of color’ for NYC schools - "An online job posting for a Manhattan school district specifically sought “teachers of color” amid an alleged push by Schools Chancellor Richard Carranza to combat “toxic whiteness” in Big Apple public schools"
Racial discrimination in hiring is only bad when it privileges those with 'whiteness'
Copyranter: The go-to ad joke is - still - the white male moron - "In advertising, humor sells. Brands like to know that, at the very least, they’re making consumers laugh. Agencies like to make clients laugh because if they’re laughing, there’s a better chance that they’ll be buying... After seeing this new TurboTax commercial featuring a white male dullard and his pool a few times, I went deep ad archive diving, watching most of the national major brand spots released in the Western world over the last year. Hundreds of ads. I found over 50 White Man Moron ads.And as I glanced at the credits on all these spots, I noticed an obvious if inexplicable thing: Most of the creatives who created these dumb white man ads — as in like 80 percent of them — were … white males.Self-loathing, much? Maybe they’re making fun of certain male acquaintances who look and act like these dimwits? Or maybe it’s just hyper-laziness — they can write these characters in their sleep, because they are these characters?"
If there's only one demographic you can make fun of...
The myth of white exceptionalism | Coffee House - "The notion that whites are a fallen category who can only redeem their sordid group history by denigrating or ignoring it, and that they must be judged against a different standard than other groups, is preventing a measured discussion of questions of immigration and ethnic change. This opens space for less reasonable voices who are willing to provide answers to questions many are asking... is it racist for a white person to vote for reduced immigration? Is it racist for whites to identify with a caucasian racial image as a group symbol? Save your answers. Now let’s change the questions. Is it racist for a Chinese-American person to favour increased Chinese immigration to grow the size of their community? What about for Hawaiians to identify with a Polynesian racial image as a symbol of their group? Now recall your answers. Even if you answered these questions consistently, if you are white, you probably cringed when completing the first set... Our cultural cringe can’t be a logical response based on a consistent definition of racism. Indeed, if we bracket critical race theory, which is ideologically-motivated and anti-science, there is no basis for [this response]... One assumption is that the attachment of powerful whites to their own group will spell disaster for vulnerable minorities. But that is not the case. Social psychologist Marilynn Brewer shows that in-group attachment is not correlated with out-group hostility except in cases of violent conflict. A white American’s warmth towards their own group is, for instance, associated with warmer feelings toward African-Americans... Ethnic majorities are not malign forces: 80 percent of countries have an ethnic majority and the vast majority (think Akan, Tswana, Persian) are peaceful. The systematic study of political violence since 1945 doesn’t find that a moderate attachment to ethnic majority identity predicts genocide. Rather, as political scientist Barbara Harff pointed out, the combination of war, autocracy and an exclusivist ideology which brooks no dissent (whether socialist, civic nationalist, ethnic nationalist or Islamist) is what heightens the risk of genocide. For instance, civic nationalist Indonesia has suffered far worse violence against its Chinese minority than ethnocratic Malaysia, despite the latter’s ‘sons of the soil’ policy which economically favours Malays. Indeed it is domination by an ethnic or religious minority (i.e. Sunnis in Iraq, Alawi in Syria) that increases the risk of civil war. A larger ethnic majority doesn’t lead to a greater oppression of minorities: as I show in my book, the numerical preponderance of whites in US states or Latin American countries bears no relationship to the local white-black income gap. Ethnic identity isn’t principally about using group affiliation to acquire money and power, but, as psychologists note, consists of affective attachment to myths, symbols, traditions and memories – regardless of whether the group is in the majority or the minority. The key is to keep this moderate... The fact white group identity makes us feel uncomfortable suggests that what African-American academic John McWhorter terms the ‘religion of antiracism’ is not the preserve of campus radicals. They may be its fundamentalists, but in moderate form, the religion permeates the deep tissue of western high culture, pervading its liberal institutions... The collapsing of the complexity of the real world into a simplistic binary of racism/openness is why western cultural elites are unable to defuse the cultural grievances driving populist right politics"
Mum's fury at men who left her to get attacked on London Tube - "A fashion chief executive attacked by an unwell 6ft man on a busy Tube carriage has slammed two men who moved seats and left her to defend herself.Tamara Cincik was kicked and threatened while travelling to a business meeting in central London yesterday... 'He was screaming and shouting at me and saying things like 'I am going to f****** kick you' then he did actually kick me. It was intimidating, he was a big guy and I am only size eight.' The fashion CEO is keen to stress she does not blame this man, who she desribes as being 6ft tall and of Southeast Asian descent... 'I remain more angry with those white middle class men who left me to it. As fathers, husbands and sons they should be ashamed of themselves.'... 'You are cowards with less empathy and strength than two size 8 women and a Greek female pensioner. Shame on you."
Gender equality means women are still entitled to protection by men who they don't know
Anti-racism means "minorities" who attack you are innocent, and white men who don't defend you are guilty. But if the white men protected you they'd probably be racist for 'punching down' anyway
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