Tuesday, July 02, 2019
Links - 2nd July 2019 (2)
Grooming gang victim: "I was raped by more than 100 men but police arrested me not them" - "As a vulnerable, lost teenager, Cassie Pike was raped by more than 100 men.Yet it was Cassie – not her string of vile attackers – who police repeatedly arrested.The nightmare that began when she was a troubled 11-year-old eventually drove her to attempt suicide.But for five hellish years, the authorities turned a blind eye.Officers in Halifax, West Yorks, knew Cassie was being trafficked around the country to be abused by multiple men.When her rapists plied her with drugs to make it easier to force her into sex, police issued the teenager with a warning for possessing them. Incredibly, they even arrested her on suspicion of facilitating a child sex offence after she and another underage girl got into an abuser’s car... She still gets death threats from the families of the men jailed for raping her, and has been placed in police protection hundreds of miles from her Halifax home"
Charlithians 3:16 on Twitter - "normal views:
-pump your kids full of hormones
-kill your babies
-ship in violent 70 IQs by the millions
extremist views:
-don’t teach my kids about sucking dick in 2nd grade
-don’t have gay (or any) sex on the sidewalk
-I don’t want my kids to grow up in Somalia 2.0"
Elekta - Indians for Hire Only by Indian Management | Glassdoor - "Everyone considered this company as Little India since managers from every department only hires Indians colleagues or friends. The product quality has deteriorated, you have people left and right coming out of India out of no where. They have no clue to what they are doing. Their resumes looks really polished but when it comes to the real work they are useless, all talk no action. Indian managers expects to have them trained by experience employees or else. HR is aware of this practice by hiring only Indians but they are powerless since they are scared of losing their jobs. There are way better talented local applicants than what Indian managers hires but it is a common practice for Indian managers to only bring in Indians from their own kind. This is a common practice for all companies but Elekta have also been infected and company is going down everyday."
Is there any bias among Indians of hiring other Indian workers in the IT industry? - Quora - "I started working for an International IT company in Adelaide. And it would change my view forever.On my first day of work, I noticed over 25% of the staff in the company are of Indian descent... middle and senior management roles are reserve for first – staff of Indian descent, second – staff of Anglo Australian descent.There are Vietnamese and Chinese Australians who have been with the company for many years, highly qualified, work long hours for years and they would be overlooked for promotions. A less qualified person of Indian descent would be employed externally to take the role as their manager... I noticed he was actively hiring staff from the Indian office. Indian staff from his region in India are made team leaders while non Indian staff with useful skills were hired but were never put in position of important. Staff turnover were high because of the long hours and often mistreatment, but he would just replace them with Indian staff... I tried to talk, discuss and complain about the racism and bullying with the senior vegetarian Indian managers (the Brahmin caste) and they would often greeted me with a friendly smile and a promise of things would change. They even acknowledged the bullying and the mistreatment of staff by the manager of Sikh religion. And I wasn’t the only one. Lots of people complained about it. But the discrimination would continue. The Brahmin priest castes would be in charge, they would put other castes and Sikhs as middle managers. The middle managers would do the bullying and discrimination. The Brahmin priest castes would do the smiling and avoiding meat."
"I’m currently interviewing as a software engineer at companies and having this exact problem. I’ve seen this a lot, not just in Silicon Valley, but every tech hub. I’ve been in tech for a long time so I naturally have a lot of Indian friends, and they always verify this practice."
"I worked for a great US company in Singapore. And saw this as well."
"Many Indians in IT firms don’t just discriminate at the national level, many of them discriminate on a religion, race or caste-level"
"I have friends from all ethnic groups (Latino, Chinese, Japanese, White) and they all say the same thing: once an Indian is hired in a position of relative power (say middle management) a constant stream of resumes from his family or friends will come and, after that, most of the group will be Indian. I, like other people who answered, also have very good Indian friends and they themselves say the same thing: Indians have a long running tradition of nepotism and cronyism and they do the same here in Silicon Valley."
It is notable that only towards the end do you get someone claiming this isn't true - on Quora too
Watch Arnold Schwarzenegger Get Drop Kicked And Barely Flinch - "At the Arnold Classic Africa sports festival, the actor barely flinched when drop kicked by a local idiot... this rando goes fully airborne and launches himself at Arnold, and the actor and fitness icon barely flinches upon impact-- only taking a couple of steps forward"
Uber and Lyft drivers at a DC airport trigger surge pricing by turning off apps at the same time - "Drivers for Uber and Lyft admit to manipulating the ride sharing apps so that customers will have to pay for a price surge.A group of up to 150 drivers routinely use the trick while waiting in the parking lot for passengers at Reagan National Airport in Arlington, Virginia.The drivers artificially inflate the fare by simultaneously turning off their apps for a couple of minutes.This tricks the app into thinking that there are no drivers available, which leads to a ‘price surge.’... The drivers say that the insufficient pay they receive from the companies are forcing them to pass on higher costs to the consumer... The drivers interviewed by WJLA-TV say that they have had to take pay cuts for three straight years."
Douglas Todd: Why are Vancouver and Toronto so unhappy? - "Vancouver and Toronto feature the four factors most correlated with Canadian unhappiness, according to a groundbreaking study out of UBC’s Vancouver School of Economics and McGill University.Metro Vancouver and Toronto are known for the qualities that characterize the country’s least happy regions: Long traffic commutes, stratospheric housing prices, high population densities and large proportions of foreign-born residents.Even though scholars have not proved these factors are the direct causes of Vancouver and Toronto residents exhibiting the least life satisfaction of 98 communities in Canada, the researchers found they are strongly correlated to residents’ lack of a sense of well-being and belonging.In a new study titled How Happy are Your Neighbours?, John Helliwell, Hugh Shiplett and Christopher Barrington-Leigh discovered Canadians are happier in smaller towns. “We found life to indeed be less happy in the cities,” they write. “This was despite higher incomes, lower unemployment rates and higher education in the urban areas.”... the Royal Bank of Canada reports Metro Vancouver housing costs are an “astounding 85 per cent of a typical household’s income.” That compares to 78 per cent in Toronto, 22 per cent in average Canadian urban centres and six per cent in the hinterlands... Even though neighbours aren’t physically close in small towns, they have more social networks than people in crowded urban centres"
Freakonomics Radio Live: “Would You Eat a Piece of Chocolate Shaped Like Dog Poop?” (Ep. 372) - Freakonomics Freakonomics - "we have set up a team called the SPEED Team. It stands for Subway Performance Evaluation and Education Development, because we love acronyms, right? We subscribe to the PUMA initiative at New York City Transit Authority. You know what PUMA stands for?... Please Use More Acronyms...
MOSER: So, Napoleon started his Italian campaign at the end of the 18th century. And he won Lombardy and Venetia, which are two states in Italy. These states, by 1801 were under French control, and they got all the French laws, including copyright. But Italy did not have copyrights. So now in Italy, you have two sets of states. They have the same language, they have similar culture. They both get flooded with Napoleon, with the soldiers, with everything, with the gambling, all of that. But only two states have copyrights for the next 20 years.So now we can actually look what that does to music. Because now we have these two states where composers own what they produce, what they create, and what we wanted to see is whether, once you give an artist an intellectual property right, whether that actually makes them produce more and whether it makes them produce better stuff... Having basic copyright protection is important for two reasons. The first one is that it gives people an incentive to produce better work, but then the other one is if you actually make art something that people can make money off, you also change the type of person who can become an artist.So we see this actually with 19th-century novelists. Before copyrights were really a thing, the only people who would write were people who, when we matched them with their parents’ wealth records, they were actually just wealthy — there’d be men and women, but they would both be wealthy. Once you have stronger copyrights in England, then, when you look again at the parents of the people who would become writers and become novelists, now all of a sudden we have people from humbler backgrounds."
Unplanned Movie Banned In Canada By Social Justice Distributors - "Chuck Konzelman, the producer, writer, and director, told Grandin Media that the “politically progressive” and “left leaning” nature of the Canadian distribution industry is what affected the release of the film"
Signals that baffled astronomers for 17 years traced to observatory's microwave oven - "For 17 years, astronomers at a well-known Australian radio telescope known as "The Dish" had not been able to figure out the source of a strange, vexing interference."
Quebec: The most corrupt province - "Under the Quiet Revolution, Quebec underwent an unprecedented modernization, both in mindset and of the bricks and-mortar variety. The latter occurred at a dizzying speed; over 3,000 km of major highway were built in the 1960s alone. But modernization came at the price of proper oversight: in 1968, referring to widespread government corruption, historian Samuel Huntington singled out the province as “perhaps the most corrupt area [in] Australia, Great Britain, United States and Canada.”... There are some who posit that government corruption is inevitable in part because government is so omnipresent in the province’s economic life. According to Statistics Canada, Quebec’s provincial and municipal government spending is equivalent to 32 per cent of its GDP, seven percentage points higher than the national average... the factor most important to this history of corrupton may be Quebec’s nagging existential question of whether to remain part of the country. That 40-year threat of separation has been a boon for provincial coffers"
Lost Your Passport? For Americans in Austria, Any McDonald’s Can Help - The New York Times - "For American tourists who find themselves in a bind in Austria and don’t know the German words for police (“polizei”), “help!” (“hilfe!”) or the European equivalent of 911 (112), any McDonald’s will do.Under a new partnership announced by the United States Embassy in Vienna, beginning on Wednesday, American citizens need only locate the golden arches of the fast-food chain restaurant to seek help to contact a consular office... In 2017, a McDonald’s restaurant in Italy worked with archaeologists to uncover an ancient ruin underneath its building, allowing visitors to walk along a 147-foot stretch of a Roman road.And in September last year, workers at a McDonald’s in Marseille, France, won a court battle to keep the franchise open, saying it had played a vital role as a social integrator in a troubled neighborhood"
Does Paying for Expensive Dates Entitle Men to Sex? - "According to study published in 2011 titled "You Owe Me," women feel less obligated than men feel they should be to have sex following an expensive date.* However, women feel even less obligated if the date was inexpensive and the bill was split between the man and the woman."
American University Students and Staff Call for Minority-Only 'Spaces' on Campus to Promote Inclusion - "AU students are criticizing the university’s Hub for Organizing Multiculturalism and Equity (HOME) for being “marketed to students of all backgrounds rather than to students of color.”"
Here’s The Salary You Need To Earn To Afford These Homes In Singapore - "It is a dangerous game to overextend yourself to afford a pricier home. The government has done its part by introducing the MSR and TDSR. On your part, you should not take on the maximum amount of debt you can just because you are allowed to do it.Further, by locking your money in your home, you may be unable to invest your money for your future or enjoy life – going on holidays, splurging on indulgences or buying new gadgets. Instead you will likely be living a stressful lifestyle where going out of work or getting sick may spell financial disaster for your family.This is how many Singaporean families veer into ending up asset rich but cash poor."
The Work in Sex Work - "Legally, trafficking describes the recruiting, harboring, transporting, provisioning, obtaining, patronizing, or soliciting of a person for the purpose of a commercial sex act. Driving a sex worker, doing a sex worker’s taxes, seeing a sex worker, working with a sex worker — all can get you arrested on trafficking charges. In fact, when two prostitutes work together, each one can be charged for trafficking the other. This definition, capacious to the point of absurdity, muddies discussions about trafficking while stripping consenting sex workers of any autonomy... I started working in the sex industry when I was seventeen because I owed a debt: not to a pimp, but to my college... Sex trafficking is not a human rights issue. It is a labor issue. Elites refuse to see this because they refuse to recognize transactional sex as real work."
Charlithians 3:16 on Twitter - "normal views:
-pump your kids full of hormones
-kill your babies
-ship in violent 70 IQs by the millions
extremist views:
-don’t teach my kids about sucking dick in 2nd grade
-don’t have gay (or any) sex on the sidewalk
-I don’t want my kids to grow up in Somalia 2.0"
Elekta - Indians for Hire Only by Indian Management | Glassdoor - "Everyone considered this company as Little India since managers from every department only hires Indians colleagues or friends. The product quality has deteriorated, you have people left and right coming out of India out of no where. They have no clue to what they are doing. Their resumes looks really polished but when it comes to the real work they are useless, all talk no action. Indian managers expects to have them trained by experience employees or else. HR is aware of this practice by hiring only Indians but they are powerless since they are scared of losing their jobs. There are way better talented local applicants than what Indian managers hires but it is a common practice for Indian managers to only bring in Indians from their own kind. This is a common practice for all companies but Elekta have also been infected and company is going down everyday."
Is there any bias among Indians of hiring other Indian workers in the IT industry? - Quora - "I started working for an International IT company in Adelaide. And it would change my view forever.On my first day of work, I noticed over 25% of the staff in the company are of Indian descent... middle and senior management roles are reserve for first – staff of Indian descent, second – staff of Anglo Australian descent.There are Vietnamese and Chinese Australians who have been with the company for many years, highly qualified, work long hours for years and they would be overlooked for promotions. A less qualified person of Indian descent would be employed externally to take the role as their manager... I noticed he was actively hiring staff from the Indian office. Indian staff from his region in India are made team leaders while non Indian staff with useful skills were hired but were never put in position of important. Staff turnover were high because of the long hours and often mistreatment, but he would just replace them with Indian staff... I tried to talk, discuss and complain about the racism and bullying with the senior vegetarian Indian managers (the Brahmin caste) and they would often greeted me with a friendly smile and a promise of things would change. They even acknowledged the bullying and the mistreatment of staff by the manager of Sikh religion. And I wasn’t the only one. Lots of people complained about it. But the discrimination would continue. The Brahmin priest castes would be in charge, they would put other castes and Sikhs as middle managers. The middle managers would do the bullying and discrimination. The Brahmin priest castes would do the smiling and avoiding meat."
"I’m currently interviewing as a software engineer at companies and having this exact problem. I’ve seen this a lot, not just in Silicon Valley, but every tech hub. I’ve been in tech for a long time so I naturally have a lot of Indian friends, and they always verify this practice."
"I worked for a great US company in Singapore. And saw this as well."
"Many Indians in IT firms don’t just discriminate at the national level, many of them discriminate on a religion, race or caste-level"
"I have friends from all ethnic groups (Latino, Chinese, Japanese, White) and they all say the same thing: once an Indian is hired in a position of relative power (say middle management) a constant stream of resumes from his family or friends will come and, after that, most of the group will be Indian. I, like other people who answered, also have very good Indian friends and they themselves say the same thing: Indians have a long running tradition of nepotism and cronyism and they do the same here in Silicon Valley."
It is notable that only towards the end do you get someone claiming this isn't true - on Quora too
Watch Arnold Schwarzenegger Get Drop Kicked And Barely Flinch - "At the Arnold Classic Africa sports festival, the actor barely flinched when drop kicked by a local idiot... this rando goes fully airborne and launches himself at Arnold, and the actor and fitness icon barely flinches upon impact-- only taking a couple of steps forward"
Uber and Lyft drivers at a DC airport trigger surge pricing by turning off apps at the same time - "Drivers for Uber and Lyft admit to manipulating the ride sharing apps so that customers will have to pay for a price surge.A group of up to 150 drivers routinely use the trick while waiting in the parking lot for passengers at Reagan National Airport in Arlington, Virginia.The drivers artificially inflate the fare by simultaneously turning off their apps for a couple of minutes.This tricks the app into thinking that there are no drivers available, which leads to a ‘price surge.’... The drivers say that the insufficient pay they receive from the companies are forcing them to pass on higher costs to the consumer... The drivers interviewed by WJLA-TV say that they have had to take pay cuts for three straight years."
Douglas Todd: Why are Vancouver and Toronto so unhappy? - "Vancouver and Toronto feature the four factors most correlated with Canadian unhappiness, according to a groundbreaking study out of UBC’s Vancouver School of Economics and McGill University.Metro Vancouver and Toronto are known for the qualities that characterize the country’s least happy regions: Long traffic commutes, stratospheric housing prices, high population densities and large proportions of foreign-born residents.Even though scholars have not proved these factors are the direct causes of Vancouver and Toronto residents exhibiting the least life satisfaction of 98 communities in Canada, the researchers found they are strongly correlated to residents’ lack of a sense of well-being and belonging.In a new study titled How Happy are Your Neighbours?, John Helliwell, Hugh Shiplett and Christopher Barrington-Leigh discovered Canadians are happier in smaller towns. “We found life to indeed be less happy in the cities,” they write. “This was despite higher incomes, lower unemployment rates and higher education in the urban areas.”... the Royal Bank of Canada reports Metro Vancouver housing costs are an “astounding 85 per cent of a typical household’s income.” That compares to 78 per cent in Toronto, 22 per cent in average Canadian urban centres and six per cent in the hinterlands... Even though neighbours aren’t physically close in small towns, they have more social networks than people in crowded urban centres"
Freakonomics Radio Live: “Would You Eat a Piece of Chocolate Shaped Like Dog Poop?” (Ep. 372) - Freakonomics Freakonomics - "we have set up a team called the SPEED Team. It stands for Subway Performance Evaluation and Education Development, because we love acronyms, right? We subscribe to the PUMA initiative at New York City Transit Authority. You know what PUMA stands for?... Please Use More Acronyms...
MOSER: So, Napoleon started his Italian campaign at the end of the 18th century. And he won Lombardy and Venetia, which are two states in Italy. These states, by 1801 were under French control, and they got all the French laws, including copyright. But Italy did not have copyrights. So now in Italy, you have two sets of states. They have the same language, they have similar culture. They both get flooded with Napoleon, with the soldiers, with everything, with the gambling, all of that. But only two states have copyrights for the next 20 years.So now we can actually look what that does to music. Because now we have these two states where composers own what they produce, what they create, and what we wanted to see is whether, once you give an artist an intellectual property right, whether that actually makes them produce more and whether it makes them produce better stuff... Having basic copyright protection is important for two reasons. The first one is that it gives people an incentive to produce better work, but then the other one is if you actually make art something that people can make money off, you also change the type of person who can become an artist.So we see this actually with 19th-century novelists. Before copyrights were really a thing, the only people who would write were people who, when we matched them with their parents’ wealth records, they were actually just wealthy — there’d be men and women, but they would both be wealthy. Once you have stronger copyrights in England, then, when you look again at the parents of the people who would become writers and become novelists, now all of a sudden we have people from humbler backgrounds."
Unplanned Movie Banned In Canada By Social Justice Distributors - "Chuck Konzelman, the producer, writer, and director, told Grandin Media that the “politically progressive” and “left leaning” nature of the Canadian distribution industry is what affected the release of the film"
Signals that baffled astronomers for 17 years traced to observatory's microwave oven - "For 17 years, astronomers at a well-known Australian radio telescope known as "The Dish" had not been able to figure out the source of a strange, vexing interference."
Quebec: The most corrupt province - "Under the Quiet Revolution, Quebec underwent an unprecedented modernization, both in mindset and of the bricks and-mortar variety. The latter occurred at a dizzying speed; over 3,000 km of major highway were built in the 1960s alone. But modernization came at the price of proper oversight: in 1968, referring to widespread government corruption, historian Samuel Huntington singled out the province as “perhaps the most corrupt area [in] Australia, Great Britain, United States and Canada.”... There are some who posit that government corruption is inevitable in part because government is so omnipresent in the province’s economic life. According to Statistics Canada, Quebec’s provincial and municipal government spending is equivalent to 32 per cent of its GDP, seven percentage points higher than the national average... the factor most important to this history of corrupton may be Quebec’s nagging existential question of whether to remain part of the country. That 40-year threat of separation has been a boon for provincial coffers"
Lost Your Passport? For Americans in Austria, Any McDonald’s Can Help - The New York Times - "For American tourists who find themselves in a bind in Austria and don’t know the German words for police (“polizei”), “help!” (“hilfe!”) or the European equivalent of 911 (112), any McDonald’s will do.Under a new partnership announced by the United States Embassy in Vienna, beginning on Wednesday, American citizens need only locate the golden arches of the fast-food chain restaurant to seek help to contact a consular office... In 2017, a McDonald’s restaurant in Italy worked with archaeologists to uncover an ancient ruin underneath its building, allowing visitors to walk along a 147-foot stretch of a Roman road.And in September last year, workers at a McDonald’s in Marseille, France, won a court battle to keep the franchise open, saying it had played a vital role as a social integrator in a troubled neighborhood"
Does Paying for Expensive Dates Entitle Men to Sex? - "According to study published in 2011 titled "You Owe Me," women feel less obligated than men feel they should be to have sex following an expensive date.* However, women feel even less obligated if the date was inexpensive and the bill was split between the man and the woman."
American University Students and Staff Call for Minority-Only 'Spaces' on Campus to Promote Inclusion - "AU students are criticizing the university’s Hub for Organizing Multiculturalism and Equity (HOME) for being “marketed to students of all backgrounds rather than to students of color.”"
Here’s The Salary You Need To Earn To Afford These Homes In Singapore - "It is a dangerous game to overextend yourself to afford a pricier home. The government has done its part by introducing the MSR and TDSR. On your part, you should not take on the maximum amount of debt you can just because you are allowed to do it.Further, by locking your money in your home, you may be unable to invest your money for your future or enjoy life – going on holidays, splurging on indulgences or buying new gadgets. Instead you will likely be living a stressful lifestyle where going out of work or getting sick may spell financial disaster for your family.This is how many Singaporean families veer into ending up asset rich but cash poor."
The Work in Sex Work - "Legally, trafficking describes the recruiting, harboring, transporting, provisioning, obtaining, patronizing, or soliciting of a person for the purpose of a commercial sex act. Driving a sex worker, doing a sex worker’s taxes, seeing a sex worker, working with a sex worker — all can get you arrested on trafficking charges. In fact, when two prostitutes work together, each one can be charged for trafficking the other. This definition, capacious to the point of absurdity, muddies discussions about trafficking while stripping consenting sex workers of any autonomy... I started working in the sex industry when I was seventeen because I owed a debt: not to a pimp, but to my college... Sex trafficking is not a human rights issue. It is a labor issue. Elites refuse to see this because they refuse to recognize transactional sex as real work."
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