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Friday, June 28, 2019

Links - 28th June 2019 (2) (Abortion)

Meme - "Isn't it funny how women can demand Child support from a man who has no say in whether or not the child is murdered while in her womb? It’s her baby when she wants to kill it but his when she wants his money. How convenient."

Stefan Molyneux on Twitter - "It’s interesting that if you don’t have a uterus, you can’t have an opinion on women’s issues, but you can compete in women’s sports."

Opinion: You Can't Oppose Killing Puppies Unless You Adopt Every Dog On The Planet | The Babylon Bee - "they want to defend puppies from being killed when they’re very young, but do you see them offering to adopt every dog on the entire planet?I didn’t think so. These pro-puppy activists are only in support of dogs when people are killing them, but once they grow up, they’re all on their own. What are we supposed to do with all these dogs if not heinously kill them? I don’t see you pro-puppy people offering to take on more than one or two of them!I’ll state it very clearly: you are not allowed to call yourself “pro-puppy” unless you agree to adopt every dog on the planet.It’s just that simple."

New York Eliminates Religious Exemptions For Vaccines
Strange how suddenly bodily autonomy isn't paramount

Abortion outrage: Mums should be allowed to terminate newborns, say Australian academics
From 2012 on "After-birth abortion: why should the baby live?"
Yet in 2019 if you don't support late term abortion many people are outraged

Abortion gender gap: men and women have similar views - "This is particularly striking because gender-based opinion gaps are a widespread feature of politics both worldwide and in the US specifically. American women are far more likely to approve of the expansion of government programs than men, for example. Abortion just doesn’t happen to be one of the issues that display a notably large gender gap... men and women are equally likely to describe themselves as pro-choice, while women are slightly more likely than men to describe themselves as pro-life"
Maybe women are waging a war on each other

So much for the myth that there're people who are pro-abortion

State Rep. Brian Sims confronts abortion protesters, calls them 'scum' - "A Democratic Pennsylvania state representative remains defiant amid criticism for videos he posted of himself confronting anti-abortion activists who were protesting outside a Philadelphia Planned Parenthood.In response to the videos, the chairman of the Pennsylvania Republican Party called on Brian Sims to apologize and U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, called him a "hateful, angry" Democrat.But Sims has dug his heels in further and answered his critics with a tweet declaring, "Bring it, Bible Bullies!"... A female adult approached Sims and explained that they "are actually just here praying for the babies" before he offered $100 to anyone who can identify the girls within the group... "Hateful, angry Dem state rep videoed himself offering a $100 bounty for the identities of three teenage girls praying outside Planned Parenthood," Cruz said. "Will Dem Party condemns this abuse?" ... "An elected Dem state rep, a 'College Football Captain,' videos himself (presumably he’s proud of this behavior) harassing, insulting & haranguing an elderly lady who quietly prays for him. In what universe are elected officials supposed to treat their constituents like this?" "State Rep. Brian Sims’ harassment of a woman’s peaceful and religious exercise of her First Amendment rights is yet another example of a troubling trend of growing extremism and hypocrisy among Democrats""
Doxxing and harassment are good if it's for liberal causes

Netflix Continues Production In Egypt, Where Abortion Is Illegal, While Considering Georgia Boycott Over ‘Heartbeat’ Bill - "Netflix plans to step up production in the Middle East, notably Jordan and Egypt, where abortion is illegal, after mulling a company boycott in Georgia on account of the “heartbeat” abortion bill."
The soft bigotry of low expectations

About Half of U.S. Abortion Patients Report Using Contraception in the Month They Became Pregnant
i.e. half weren't using it

Kermit Gosnell and late-term abortions: An answer to pro-choicers. - "If late-term abortions are outlawed, only outlaws will do late-term abortions. That’s the quip headline (almost) on Amanda Hess’ blog post at TBD. It’s true that abortion laws make back-alley butchers like Gosnell more likely. But the same argument has been made about female genital mutilation: If you don’t let parents obtain it legally, they’ll go to unlicensed underground practitioners. Is there some point at which a decent society must simply forbid a practice? If killing a viable fetus—a baby that no longer needs a womb to survive—isn’t such a practice, what is?...
We don’t have solid data on elective abortions late in the second trimester, much less the third, but we do have well-informed estimates concerning so-called “partial-birth” abortions. I’m one of many journalists who bought the initial pro-choice claim that these abortions were mostly for medical reasons. Investigative reports subsequently debunked this claim and corroborated the confession of Ron Fitzsimmons, executive director of the National Coalition of Abortion Providers, that “in the vast majority of cases” the patient was “a healthy mother with a healthy fetus that is 20 weeks or more along.”...
The most common reason cited by second-trimester patients for the lateness of their abortions was that “it took me a while to make my mind up and ask for one.” The next most common reasons cited in the English study were 2) “I didn’t realize I was pregnant earlier because my periods are irregular,” 3) “I thought the pregnancy was much less advanced than it was,” 4) “I wasn’t sure what I would do if I were pregnant,” 5) “I didn’t realize I was pregnant earlier because I was using contraception,” and 6) “I suspected I was pregnant but I didn’t do anything about it until the weeks had gone by.” The most commonly logistical factor—”I had to wait more than 5 days before I could get a consultation appointment”—was eighth on the list. Abortion Review, a news update service produced by the British Pregnancy Advisory Service (whose executive director, Ann Furedi, is one of the pro-choice writers I challenged in last week’s article), concluded: “Perhaps the most striking finding of this study is the extent to [which] the delay in obtaining an abortion arose, not from factors within the abortion service such as lack of appointments, but from women’s delay in seeking an abortion in the first place.”"
From 2011, before the Overton Window shifted, when supporting late term abortions was more controversial than today

Rethinking Abortion Advocacy - "The line dividing a “cluster of cells” from a “person” is similar in this respect. Science can discover many important facts, such as the point at which a fetus can feel pain, or the point at which it can survive outside the womb. But science cannot tell us when a “cluster of cells” becomes what we understand to be a “person.” It’s up to us to answer that question... we could lower the speed limit on every road in America to 10 miles per hour and save the 40,000 or so lives we lose each year to car accidents. But we don’t, because doing so would impose costs that probably outweigh 40,000 lost human lives. Suppose that somebody who favored lowering the speed limit made the following argument: a driver’s safety (or a driver’s “right to life/bodily autonomy”) is sacred and therefore cannot be traded off against any competing ethical concern. Not only will such a person fail to be persuaded by a list of ethical costs associated with slowing all traffic to a crawl, but they will also refuse to engage with opponents’ arguments. After all, their ethical imperative is so compelling that it’s impervious to consequentialist objections.That is how both sides of the abortion debate are behaving at the moment. It’s a cop-out to dub some principle sacred—whether it’s a fetus’s right to life or a woman’s bodily autonomy—and then use the sanctification of that principle to ignore all of the ethical costs that position entails... As for the inevitable question: where would I draw the line? Germany, Denmark, Finland, and Russia draw it at 12 weeks"
Do liberals think that Germany, Denmark, Finland, and Russia are waging a War on Women?

Science Is Giving the Pro-Life Movement a Boost - "In many ways, this represents a dramatic reversal; pro-choice activists have long claimed science for their own side... When Colleen Malloy, a neonatologist and faculty member at Northwestern University, discusses abortion with her colleagues, she says, “it’s kind of like the emperor is not wearing any clothes.” Medical teams spend enormous effort, time, and money to deliver babies safely and nurse premature infants back to health. Yet physicians often support abortion, even late into fetal development. As medical techniques have become increasingly sophisticated, Malloy said, she has felt this tension acutely: A handful of medical centers in major cities can now perform surgeries on genetically abnormal fetuses while they’re still in the womb. Many are the same age as the small number of fetuses aborted in the second or third trimesters of a mother’s pregnancy. “The more I advanced in my field of neonatology, the more it just became the logical choice to recognize the developing fetus for what it is: a fetus, instead of some sort of sub-human form,” Malloy said. “It just became so obvious that these were just developing humans.”... Since support for legal abortion rights is commonly seen as a neutral position in the academy, said Sulmasy, openly pro-life scholars may have a harder time getting their colleagues to take their work seriously... “Prevailing prejudices within academia and media” determine “what gets considered to be advocacy and what is considered to be scientifically valid.”... A deliberative democracy where even basic facts aren’t shared isn’t much of a democracy at all. It’s more of an exhausting tug-of-war, where the side with the most money and the best credentials is declared the winner"

White Women and Support for Restrictive Abortion Laws - "It’s common for critics of the new wave of state laws severely limiting access to abortion to say the measures are part of a Republican “war on women.”... just over three-fifths of white women in Alabama and Mississippi said that abortion should be illegal in most or all circumstances, almost exactly the same percentage as white men in those states. About three-fifths of white women in Kentucky and a narrow majority in Georgia said that abortion should be mostly illegal; in both cases, that was a higher share than among the state’s white men... Penny Young Nance, the president and CEO of the socially conservative Concerned Women for America, dismissed the idea that women living in states that have passed new limits on abortion will rebel against them. Instead, she said, the laws represent a backlash to measures liberalizing abortion access in more Democratic-leaning states."
Maybe these women are too stupid to realise they are conducting a war on themselves

Megan McArdle: Did Roe v. Wade backfire on liberals? - "Supporters of abortion rights are fond of saying that Roe v. Wade is “settled law.” The phrase is supposed to convey a certain irrevocability. But, of course, what the Supreme Court gives, the Supreme Court can take away... No legal case has done more than Roe to define how the left sees the Supreme Court: not as a somewhat boring final arbiter of words recorded in law books but as the oracle that tells us what rights the Constitution ought to guarantee. Consequential cases such as Brown v. Board of Education (1954) and Miranda v. Arizona (1966), concerning racial segregation and the rights of police suspects, respectively, dealt with matters that clearly involved the Constitution. There was no question that resolving just such ambiguity is the Supreme Court’s job.But by the 1970s, the court seemed a little drunk on the moral and legal triumph of those earlier cases. The justices started going well beyond the words in the law books and into the unwritten law of “enlightened opinion.” In 1972, they abolished the death penalty in all 50 states, even though the Constitution clearly contemplates government-administered capital punishment. The following year, the justices gave the country a new right to abortion. It is nowhere mentioned in the Constitution, but apparently had been lurking there undetected for the better part of two centuries before the justices coaxed it into the open.This view of evolving constitutional interpretation works precisely as long as you happen to agree with the judicial interpreters. When the other side of the political spectrum gets wise and starts stocking the courts with judges who share its opinions — Catastrophe! Ruination! Citizens United! Which makes this a good time for the left to step back and ask whether it was ever a good idea to urge such sweeping powers on unelected judges. The benefit of going the judicial route is that you can occasionally achieve outcomes you could never obtain through legislatures; that is how America, a center-right nation, got one of the most liberal abortion regimes in the world"

(((TuttleSinger))) سارا تاتل سينجر שרה טאטל-סינגר on Twitter - "Dear Pro-Life friends: what have you *personally* done to support lower income single mothers?
I’ll wait:"
"I've thrown a baby shower for 2 teen moms. I've donated clothing and direct financial support. Do you really think this isn't happening?"
"I had a single mother friend who I took into my home, we helped get her daughter into a decent school, introduced her into a caring, Christian community, then all of us helped her establish a home, furnish it, stock the kitchen, and find dignified work. Any other questions? She also confided that she had a previous abortion, it haunted her."
"I volunteer at crisis pregnancy centers and spend time educating women about the options and free help available in the area (help includes prenatal and after birth care, as well as parenting and healthy relationship classes)"
Also: Secular Pro-Life - Posts
Addendum: OP went private, probably after beingpowned too many times. Screenshots

Did the “War on Women” Work? Women, Men, and the Birth Control Mandate in the 2012 Presidential Election - Melissa Deckman, John McTague, 2015 - "Using a nationally representative data set (N = 3,000), the Public Religion Research Institute’s American Values Survey, we conduct multivariate regression analysis to determine the empirical impact of attitudes regarding the birth control mandate and abortion on presidential vote choice. We also conduct factor analysis to determine whether voters conceptualized the birth control mandate and abortion similarly. We find that support for the Obama administration’s birth control mandate was significantly related to voting for Obama for both women and men voters, although the impact was stronger for women. However, the impact of the “War on Women” rhetoric on voters’ choices was limited to the issue of insurance coverage for birth control rather than extending to the issue of abortion. Unlike attitudes about abortion, we find that voters conceptualized the birth control mandate less as a “culture war” issue and more as a “role of government” issue. Given this conceptualization of the mandate by voters, our findings reaffirm previous research that suggests that the gender gap in voting is largely driven by attitudinal differences regarding the role of government in providing social welfare benefits and equal opportunity for women."
When paying for your own birth control is considered a war on women, when abortion is banned you have no words left to describe it. Just as if every Republican candidate is Hitler then when Hitler comes no one will listen to the boy who cried wolf anymore

Abortionist says using abortion as birth control 'might be the best method' - "Abortionist Diane Horvath-Cosper comments frequently on Twitter and commits abortions at Whole Woman’s Health in Baltimore, Maryland. A blog post at WWH’s website reveals that Horvath-Cosper has also worked for a dozen other facilities, including Planned Parenthood, according to the website AbortionDocs.org — so when she reveals why women obtain abortions, she holds a level of credibility... “One of the dumbest ‘arguments’ about #abortion: is it or is it not birth control? OF COURSE it’s #birthcontrol, because it prevents a birth. It’s definitionally not #contraception because conception has already occurred,” she wrote. “#ABORTION IS #BIRTHCONTROL, no matter how you personally feel about it. Let’s stop shaming and stigmatizing people for knowing what’s best for their own lives.”... In another tweet, Horvath-Cosper says abortion is actually “the best method of birth control,” writing, “When we stop and listen – *really* listen – to people’s lived experiences, we discover that #abortion might actually be the BEST method of #birthcontrol sometimes.”In another tweet, she added, “If people want to use #abortion as birth control, THAT’S 100% OKAY.”"
Yet we are told no one uses abortion as birth control, or says it is or should be

Abortions used as contraception, claims Lord Steel - "ABORTIONS are being used as a form of contraception, according to Lord Steel, the architect of the current laws on terminations.Lord Steel, who introduced the 1967 Abortion Act as a private members Bill, said there are too many abortions.Woman are turning to the procedure "if things go wrong", he said."

| BPAS - "Ann Furedi, bpas Chief Executive, said: “Abortion is birth control that women need when their regular method lets them down.”"

Abortion used as birth control by teens - "Most South African teenagers use abortion as a form of contraception.The New Age reported today that doctors in the public sector warned after more than 400 000 legal abortions were performed in the country between 2008 and last year."

Alyssa Milano Calls for Feminist #SexStrike to Protest Abortion Laws - "Amid legislative calls to limit abortion in several southern states, two prominent Democrat women have urged their fellow feminists to stop having sex with men, who they claim are stealing the “autonomy” they have over their bodies.“Ladies: STOP having sex w/conservative men TOTAL COMPLETE SEX BOYCOTT. Don’t let them anywhere near you,” former candidate for Florida’s 18th Congressional District Pam Keith said in a Friday tweet. “Give them the hand and keep it moving. Get a B.O.B. But make it a rule to run, not walk, from men who want to steal your agency over yourself & your life.” Later in the day, actress Alyssa Milano expressed a similar sentiment, but widened the proposed sex embargo to all men: “Our reproductive rights are being erased. Until women have legal control over our own bodies we just cannot risk pregnancy.”“JOIN ME by not having sex until we get bodily autonomy back. I’m calling for a #SexStrike. Pass it on,” the progressive activist and “Charmed” star tweeted... Many conservatives applauded Milano’s campaign, saying it aligned with pro-life values such as “abstinence first” teachings... Howe also snarked that Milano and Keith’s tweets showed there are “a whole lotta progressive women having sex with conservative men.”... The actress, who is known for her women’s rights activism, recently called for a boycott of Wendy’s spicy chicken nuggets over concerns the company was “refusing to protect farmworker women from sexual assault & rape in the fields.”"
Apparently women should be sex objects and use their bodies to get what they want when it helps the progressive agenda

Inside the quiet, state-level push to expand abortion rights
From 2015. I haven't seen anyone mention the action-reaction hypothesis in coverage of Alabama's and Georgia's abortion restrictions (much less the mention of New York and Virginia's very salient pushes, seeing as they came only a few months prior to May's attempts in the other direction)

RAMZPAUL on Twitter - "Women who support the #SexStrike see sex as simply something they 'give' to men to gain something in return. They do not see sex as a mutual expression of love. In this case, they wish to exchange sex for abortion laws.
Logically, such women are no different than prostitutes."

Alyssa Milano’s sex strike nonsense plays right into the hands of anti-abortion misogynists - "Almost immediately, she was called out for her suggestion, with women pointing out that actually they enjoyed having sex, and it seemed problematic for them to be expected to give up something they want to do in order to protest against something that is done to them. It’s almost like the puritanical monsters trying to control our vaginas and our wombs would win.Milano seemed deaf to criticism though... The analogy fails to acknowledge the possibility that women derive any standalone pleasure from sex – something feminists have been fighting until very recently to even have acknowledged by the social and medical establishment (the clitoris was essentially erased from female anatomy until 1998).Women still struggle to advocate for their own autonomy, consent and pleasure when it comes to sex with men. They’re still constantly judged on their sexual appeal to men. The idea that all women’s power lies in their sexuality is one of the most pervasive evils of a patriarchal society – and this is exactly what Milano is reinforcing. She also ignores the reality that anti-abortion laws affect us all, including LGBT+ women who don’t have PIV (penis-in-vagina) sex with cis men; including women too young to get pregnant, postmenopausal women, trans women or women medically unable to conceive for any reason. It also ignores sex workers – who cannot go on a sex strike if they want to pay their rent – and women in abusive or sexually coercive relationships for whom saying no could be life-threatening... Perhaps most importantly though, Milano’s sex strike narrative dances perilously close to that of anti-abortionists who argue for abstinence-only education (which we know categorically does not work) and claim that if women could only stop having sex for pleasure, we wouldn’t have any abortions"

Emily Ratajkowski Poses Nude To Punish ‘Old White Men’ For Alabama Abortion Law - ""The states trying to ban abortion are the states that have the highest proportions of black women living there," noted Ratajkowski, unintentionally highlighting that black babies stand to gain the most from the pro-life legislation"
This is a great way to encourage more restrictions

Being Classically Liberal - Posts - "What’s really going on with the Georgia abortion bill.It seems the left has once again voluntarily adorned their white bonnets and red hooded robes to emphasize that the GOP is literally hitler. The cause of this outrage is the several bills passed in southern states that look to limit abortion to the moment a heartbeat is detected (around 6 weeks). The most “egregious” and recent of these bills is the one in Georgia.Because this is one of the most restrictive abortion bills past in the last half century it’s gotten loads of media attention and with media attention comes myths and outright lies. This post will go through some of the most popular lies I’ve seen on my social media.
1) “There’s no protection for the life of the mother!”
Flat out false...
2) “There’s no protection for rape or incest!”
3) “Women will spend 30 years in jail for a miscarriage!”
This one is massively stretching the bill to fit a clickbait headline... Even Staci Fox, President and CEO of Planned Parenthood, said this was nonsense
4) “It’s illegal to travel out of state to get an abortion!”
This argument, perpetuated by the lefty outlets like Nylon is just nonsense. The “argument” goes, abortion is “illegal” in Georgia, by traveling out of state to get an abortion the individual is engaged in “conspiracy” to commit an abortion. Of course this completely ignores the fact that you have to conspire with someone else to enter a conspiracy, you can’t just conspire with yourself"

In Order To Stop White Men From Legislating Women's Bodies, Democrats Fight To Overturn Roe V. Wade | The Babylon Bee - ""If you don't have a uterus, you don't get a say, so the decision that effectively made abortion a constitutional right is invalid."She then led the protestors gathered in a chant: "No vagina, no ability to declare abortion a human right!"At publishing time, Democrat activists had redoubled their efforts after learning the decision was made by a Republican-appointed majority."

NoOneCaresLOL on Twitter - "Men, your silence on the Alabama abortion ban is deafening."
"But I have no uterus so I was led to understand that I have no opinion on this subject, lol…"

WALSH: Three Reasons Why The ‘Rape And Incest’ Argument For Abortion Is Misleading, Disingenuous, And Wrong - "The bill does not allow exceptions in cases of rape and incest, and this detail in particular has sent the Left into hysterics (though, in fairness, any abortion restriction sends them into hysterics)...
(1) Abortions due to rape are very rare. The vast majority of abortions have nothing at all to do with rape. The pro-abortion Guttmacher Institute surveyed post-abortion women and found that the top six reasons for getting an abortion, accounting for over 85% of all cases, were: "Not ready for a child," "can't afford a baby," "have completed my childbearing," "don't want to be a single mother," "don't feel mature enough," and "would interfere with education or career plans." In other words, most women get abortions for lifestyle reasons. They are getting rid of the baby because the baby would interfere with the kind of lives they want to live. Less than one percent of respondents said they were rape victims. Considering how often rape comes up in abortion discussions, you'd think that something like half of the women who walk into a Planned Parenthood on a given day are rape victims. That is clearly not the case. Instead of half, it's more like half of one percent. So why do we focus disproportionately on these rare and difficult cases? Because pro-aborts would much rather talk about a 15-year-old girl who gets an abortion because she was raped by her father (an extraordinary hypothetical that probably accounts for half of half of one percent, if the number is even that large) than a grown woman who gets an abortion because she doesn't want a baby to mess up her career plans...
(2) No group is more upset about abortion restrictions than rapists. Rapists love abortion because it helps them cover up their crime"
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