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Thursday, June 27, 2019

Links - 27th June 2019 (2) (Milkshakes)

Ukip candidate Carl Benjamin doused in milkshake for fourth time in a week

Logic, Empathy, Honesty - Posts - ""You can't say that, because it might incite someone toward violence"
"Lol he thew a milkshake at a politician that's so funny""
Throwing milkshakes at politicians is good when they're representing the "far right"

Post Tumblr Stress Disorder III - Posts - "Remember everyone, dumping milkshakes on people totally isn't violence.
*Picture of milkshakes being dumped on a black person and 2 white people, presumably during Jim Crow*"

Army veteran 'attacked' with milkshake outside polling station for wearing a Brexit rosette - "Don MacNaughton, 81, who served with the Paras for 22-years was covered in the strawberry drink by a "yob" who spotted his Brexit Party rosette."

Good Ideas Vs Bad: Discussion Group - "Heh heh, what's wrong Nazis? Can't handle a little milkshake? Its perfectly legal nonviolence you Nazi babies"

One in five Brits think throwing milkshakes is an acceptable protest - "one in five Britons (18%) consider throwing milkshakes to be an acceptable form of protest. By contrast, the vast majority (72%) think it is unacceptable, with the remaining 10% unsure. The results are almost certainly partisan. Those who have found themselves bombarded by beverages are all on the political right, and the results show that supporters of left wing parties like Labour and the Lib Dems are more likely to think it is acceptable (27%) than those on the right (6% of Conservative voters). Were the situation reversed and left wing politicians were finding themselves assailed, we expect the same question would find the opposite results"

Would it be okay to throw a milkshake at Anna Soubry? - "Would it be okay for someone to throw a milkshake at Anna Soubry? After all, she has devoted herself to overthrowing the largest act of democracy in UK history. She also voted for the bombing of Libya in 2011, which destabilised entire swathes of northern Africa and caused untold suffering. Does such anti-democracy and imperialism deserve a milkshake? What about Emily Thornberry? Another anti-democrat and cheerleader for the destruction in Libya. Can she be ‘milkshaked’? Ed Miliband, perhaps? After all, he once stood for office on an anti-immigration platform and even produced a mug calling for restrictions on immigration. And from Tommy Robinson a couple of weeks ago to Nigel Farage today, isn’t it people who are supposedly iffy about immigrants who get milkshaked?... If you want to grasp the extraordinary double standards in the great (and mad) milkshake debate, try to imagine what the response would be if Emily Thornberry had been milkshaked. Do you think memes would be made? Do you think Burger King would hint that milkshaking politicians is a good idea, as it did a couple of days ago in relation to the milkshaking of Robinson and UKIP’s Carl Benjamin? Do you think Guardian journalists and Momentum’s army of middle-class tweeters would be making jokes about it? Of course not. It would be denounced as violence against women. It would be held up as proof of the febrile, violent climate whipped up by the anti-Corbyn media. There would be a clamour for the arrest and imprisonment of the milkshake-thrower.We know this for a fact because earlier this year a man was jailed for a month for throwing an egg at Jeremy Corbyn. That man was denounced by the people who make up today’s pro-milkshaking lobby as a fascist, a danger, a scumbag who deserved to face the full force of the law. That we live in a country in which someone who eggs Corbyn can be jailed for a month, while someone who milkshakes Nigel Farage can become a meme hero, deserves an explanation. What it speaks to is a chattering class that is now so cut off, confused and panicked about its inability to connect with ordinary people that it is effectively green-lighting assaults on politicians it dislikes."

Happiness charity leader leaves after tweet promoting acid attack on Nigel Farage - "Ruth Townsley, head of measurement and policy at Happy City, appeared to put a post on her Twitter account advocating violence against the Brexit Party leader... A tweet from her account read: "Bravo to Paul Crowther, good on you mate. Great that milkshakes have become a thing when it comes to the racists in our midst. I'd prefer acid but milkshakes will do for now I guess. Another tweet on her account in 2017 said: "I've decided that violence against the rich is entirely justified and it's time to start killing them. That fella in the US got it right.""
I'm sure this was just "satire"
Given that milkshakes are already violence (since eggs are too...

Left-Wing Comedian Fantasizes About Acid Attacking Right-Wing Politicians - "A left-wing comedian in the United Kingdom says she fantasizes about acid-attacking right-wing politicians, asking “why bother with milkshakes?”During an appearance on Radio 4 last night, Jo Brand, who is a lifelong Labour Party supporter, tacitly endorsed political violence.“Certain unpleasant characters are being thrown to the fore, and they’re very, very easy to hate, and I’m kind of thinking, why bother with a milkshake when you could get some battery acid?” asked Brand."
It's only wrong to encourage violence when you're on the right
That was only a prelude. Where they have thrown milkshakes, they will end with throwing milkshakes

Jo Brand: The Unbearable Hypocrisy of The BBC - The Liberalists - "Markus Meechan, aka Count Dankula, was sentenced for a hate crime.He had uploaded a video to YouTube, in which he taught his girlfriends pug to perform a Nazi-like salute to the command “Gas the Jews”.He incited no violence, he targeted no one. He made a joke that some found to be in poor taste.This is an incredibly important event to keep in mind over the coming days, after British Comedian Jo Brand made a joke, live on air, on a tax payer funded network, about throwing acid on British politicians... A pattern we have seen consistently emerge over recent years is one of unidirectional outrage and suppression of speech along political lines. The BBC, with its powerful left-wing bias, immediately jumped to the defense of Brand, saying the joke on the show was “deliberately provocative as the title implies.”... “Hate speech” is just a tool used by left-wing activists in charge of media organizations across the country in order to strip away the rights of people who would oppose them."

Logic, Empathy, Honesty - Posts - "BBC: "I would throw battery acid on you" *cringe*
BBC: *Accusations of hatespeech* "I wouldn't even rape you" *smile*"

Milkshakes and Microaggressions - "What strikes me (in the mental sense, not the milkshake sense) is that the political faction that now lobs eggs and milkshakes at people, committing physical assault by my standards even if it’s unlikely to do permanent damage, is also the faction that believes countless tiny purported wrongs or “microaggressions”—ranging from posting accurate crime statistics or culturally-appropriating yoga to using biology-based rather than politics-based pronouns—are examples of fascistic oppression, acts they routinely liken to “violence.”It‘s always frightening to ask what the left’s end goal is, but is part of the plan to create a world in which throwing objects at people is not considered assault but talking to them is?... Since so much of what the left does has the structure of a stress test—seeing how much the bland bourgeois normals will put up with—I won’t be shocked if and when the eggs and milkshakes are routinely replaced by stones. We’re fighting fascism, they’ll say, and the occasional death among our enemies was really just an unfortunate, accidental side effect of expressing our support for democracy."

This isn’t anti-fascism – this is mental - "One of the tragedies of modern political times is the degradation of the word anti-fascism.This once proud tradition, encompassing the leftists who went to Spain to fight Franco and the activists who chased the National Front out of Asian neighbourhoods in the Seventies and Eighties, is now the butt of jokes.It’s become a byword for hysterical left-wing intolerance, evoking images of scrawny students shouting at Jacob Rees-Mogg or chubby, bearded Corbynistas milkshaking Nigel Farage. And the Trump protests in London yesterday proved this bad rep is now – sadly – thoroughly deserved.In a viral video clip, a group of anti-Trump protesters and anti-fascist activists – all straight out of central casting – surround a Trump supporter and shout ‘Nazi scum’ at him... one of the most striking things about the ‘Trump is Hitler’ argument is how thoroughly mainstream it is on the liberal-left. This is not just about idiots on the streets or flinging tweets. Mayor of London Sadiq Khan essentially made the same accusation... Anti-fascism used to mean risking life and limb to fight and kill actual fascists, dodging blows and bullets to defend minorities and freedom. Now it means screaming in right-wingers’ faces and rugby tackling men old enough to be your grandfather"

Birmingham police launch hate crime probe after LGBT+ campaigners 'pelted with eggs'
You're only allowed to attack the 'far right'

Violence Breaks Out In Anti-Trump Protests As Crowd Confront Trump Supporters - "A supporter of President Trump gets hit in the face by a milkshake as fights break out at anti-Trump protests in central London.In a video filmed by a LBC reporter, one woman can be seen screaming "nazi scum" into the face of one Trump supporter, as anti-Trump chants got louder and louder. But when a milkshake was thrown at the defender, he began to lash out at the protesters.Another man had a 'Make America Great Again' cap stolen in the altercation, and was pushed around by the protesters as he tried to retrieve it."
Liberal logic: self-defence by the "far right" is violence and means they deserve to be jailed

Trump baby blimp stabbed by far-right activist
Liberal logic: throwing a milkshake at someone from the "far right" (i.e. assault) is legitimate political protest. Throwing an egg at a leftist is assault and shows you are violent. Stabbing a blimp is violence. I'm sure someone stabbing the Sadiq blimp would bepraised as brave and stunning for standing up against "racism"
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