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Friday, June 28, 2019

Links - 28th June 2019 (1)

SAT will assign a new score that factors in where you live and the crime level in your neighborhood
The value of the SAT is going down

The Independent says Star Wars: The Phantom Menace is racist, but 88% of African-Americans viewers liked it
Maybe the explanation is that they were too stupid to realise it was racist

This economics journal only publishes results that are no big deal - "Series of Unsurprising Results in Economics (SURE). The journal publishes papers with findings that are, well, really boring — so boring that other journals rejected them just for being boring. Its first paper, published Tuesday, is about an education intervention that was found to have no effects at all on anything.But before you close this tab, hear me out. SURE is actually far from boring, even if the papers it publishes are guaranteed to be, as the name implies, unsurprising. In fact, it’s a pretty big deal, and a significant step toward fixing a major problem with scientific research.SURE exists to fight “publication bias”... Publication bias is often cited as a major factor in the so-called replication crisis in research."

600 pupils reportedly withdrawn from Birmingham school as protestors announce ‘God created women for men’s pleasure’ » Humanists UK - "A Birmingham school facing protests around the teaching of LGBT issues has reportedly seen 600 pupils withdrawn from the school today in an alarming escalation which is placing children’s safety and education at risk... 600 pupils have been taken out of Anderton Park Primary in Birmingham by their parents due to increasing pressure from Muslim demonstrators outside the school who claim teaching about LGBT rights is against their religion. The school has 749 pupils on its roll."

Mob gathers outside Parkfield school to protest gay teacher Mr Moffat - "Mr Moffat was subjected to chants of ‘say no to Moffat’ outside the school’s gates after a crowd of aorund 100 protesters turned up. Parents claimed the teacher is pushing his ‘personal beliefs’ on the children shouted that they must be ‘protected at this tender age’.Some carried signs that read ‘my child my choice’, ‘no Islamophobia’ and ‘preserve innocence and purity of our children’... The petition accuses Mr Moffat of ‘betraying our trust’ and argues that he is discriminating against them based on their religion by ‘enforcing his sexual orientation and opinion’."

Birmingham LGBT lessons 'not age appropriate' says MP - "Roger Godsiff, Birmingham Hall Green MP, said he did not feel four or five-year-olds "could comfortably handle" discussions about sexuality.The protests' leader said the lessons amounted to "social engineering"... Labour MP Mr Godsiff said: "As a parent pointed out, some of these children are only just out of nappies."Is it age appropriate for them to have to engage with their own sexuality and also learn about other sexualities at that age? That is the issue."... In England, relationships education will be compulsory for all primary pupils from September 2020... The complaints, mainly from Muslim protesters, focus on lessons for which pupils have been given books featuring cross-dressing children and gay families."

Ammar Anwer - Left's opportunism:- A Birmingham primary school... - "Left's opportunism:-
A Birmingham primary school that taught pupils about LGBT rights as part of a program to challenge homophobia decided to suspend the lessons indefinitely until a resolution was reached with protestors. Who were these protestors?
They were not overwhelmingly Christians or Jews, but largely parents of Muslim students in that school. In March,600 Muslim children, aged between four and 11, were withdrawn from the school by their parents. Had the parents been predominantly Christians or Jewish, the same level of silence would not have been maintained by the left-wing circles in the country. Jeremy Corbyn, who otherwise pretends to be the bastion of sexual diversity and social equality, might have even brought the issue to the Parliament. But let's not to do that, because the fuss has been made mostly by Muslims and therefore it would be "Islamophobic" to condemn them for being "homophobic" and ‘'intolerant"."

When Protected Characteristics Collide - "parents crossing picket lines were subjected to the refrain: “If you take your kids to school today, you’re not a Muslim and will burn in hell.” LGBT campaigners were pelted with eggs for tying rainbow ribbons and messages of love and tolerance to the school gates... This has chilling echoes of the campaign against Headteacher Neena Lall at St Stephen’s School, which was ranked the UK’s best state primary school by the Sunday Times in 2017. In September 2017, Lall held a meeting with parents to inform them of a restriction on headscarves for girls under the age of eight. The petition which sought to overturn the ban attracted signatures from all over the UK, not just the school’s catchment area in Newham, and Whatsapp groups were used to drum up additional support."

Alejandra Pablos Still Seeks Pardon to Prevent Deportation - "Alejandra Pablos, a feminist immigration activist facing deportation to Mexico and who frequently speaks out against systemic racism in the United States, is now actively seeking a pardon from Arizona Governor Doug Ducey, which would allow her to remain in the country she has repeatedly characterized as “Amerikkka.”... The 33-year-old anti-capitalist reproductive rights activist and community organizer has variously critiqued the “white women wave of fake resistance,” the “loser” men who deny the patriarchy exists and “racist ass cops.” She has expressed a belief that women should be paid more than men, that police officers are murderers and proudly touted the multiple abortions she has obtained in four different circumstances with four different partners."
It's curious how those who keep bashing Western countries for being racist want to stay there so much. I'm sure it has nothing to do with how non-Western countries don't put up with this kind of bullshit, and how it's easy to guilt white people into supporting you by claiming you're offended

Belgium: First Islamic State in Europe? - "The French acronym of Belgium's ISLAM Party stands for "Integrity, Solidarity, Liberty, Authenticity, Morality". The leaders of the ISLAM Party apparently want to turn Belgium into an Islamic State. They call it "Islamist democracy" and have set a target date: 2030.According to the French magazine Causeur, "the program is confusingly simple: replace all the civil and penal codes with sharia law. Period". Created on the eve of the 2012 municipal ballot, the ISLAM Party immediately received impressive results. Its numbers are alarming.The effect of this new party, according to Michaël Privot, an expert on Islam, and Sebastien Boussois, a political scientist, could be the "implosion of the social body". Some Belgian politicians, such as Richard Miller, are now advocating banning the ISLAM Party... Redouane Ahrouch, one of the party's three founders, also proposed segregating men and women on public transport. Ahrouch belonged in the 1990s to the Belgian Islamic Center, a nest of Islamic fundamentalism where candidates for jihad in Afghanistan and Iraq were recruited.The ISLAM Party knows that demography is on its side. Ahrouch has said, "in 12 years, Brussels will principally be composed of Muslims""

‘France does not belong to the French!’ 100s of ‘Black Vest’ migrants occupy Paris airport (VIDEO) - "“France does not belong to the French! Everyone has a right to be here!” one of the demonstrators shouted into a loudspeaker."

Rapper Sings “I Fuck France, I Burn France” as He Symbolically Strangles a White Woman - "Nick Conrad was previously found guilty of incitement to violence and fined 5,000 euros for releasing a song in which he advocated killing white babies. Conrad appealed the verdict, claiming the track “was a comment on racism”... Conrad raps, “Cock in France’s mouth, I cum like a pig” and “this country has never been sweet” while complaining about racism and referring how the press accused him trying to “stir up violent civil war”... While Facebook claims that it bans “dangerous people” who spread “hate,” the social network giant has taken no action against Conrad, nor has Facebook-owned Instagram or any other platform."

Uncle Chang on Twitter - "Youtube deleted the video where all I did was replace "white" with "jew" in @HuffPost @Salon articles"

Emanuel Kidega Samson sought to kill 10 white churchgoers, prosecutor says - "a black man charged with fatally shooting a woman and wounding seven people at a Nashville church aimed to kill at least 10 white churchgoers and cited a 2015 massacre at a black church in South Carolina."
If it'd been the other way around...

What The Camembert Rind Does For The Cheese Inside - "For lovers of Camembert, the downy white rind is the tart bite that balances out the fat-laden, oozing, pungent layer inside.For a group of Swiss bioengineers, that moldy rind is one of nature's greatest living surfaces, doing double duty as a shield and a cleaner. The rind allows the cheese's deep flavor and aroma to mature, but also defends it against microorganisms that could spoil it. The cheese repays the fungi on the rind by supplying it with nutrients.So amazing is the rind that the scientists, who are interested in designing "smart," functional materials, used it as an inspiration to build their own living material"

New Harvard Study Shows the Dangers of Early School Enrollment - "children who start school as among the youngest in their grade have a much greater likelihood of getting an ADHD diagnosis than older children in their grade... “Our findings suggest the possibility that large numbers of kids are being overdiagnosed and overtreated for ADHD because they happen to be relatively immature compared to their older classmates in the early years of elementary school.”... As universal government preschool programs gain traction, delaying schooling or opting out entirely can be increasingly difficult for parents. Iowa, for example, recently lowered its compulsory schooling age to four-year-olds enrolled in a government preschool program."

So I am confusion on Twitter - "South East Asian countries according to the 7 Deadly Sins:
Myanmar: sloth
Vietnam: gluttony
The Philippines: pride 🏻
Singapore: envy
Brunei: wrath
Thailand: lust
Indonesia: greed
Malaysia: all 7 of them "

Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes requires $4-5k to get to 'tip of the spear' - "Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes may require players to spend between $4,000-5,000 a year to gain access to the highest tier of rewards in the game. The lead producer of the game made the declaration in response to complaints about certain new characters only being accessible to higher spenders in the free-to-play title... The lead producer’s comments received a wide-range of comments across Reddit and Twitter. Some users pointed to industry practices regarding loot boxes and game addiction... Carrie Gouskos also spoke about receiving complaints from the other side of the argument... Star Wars games and microtransactions have been at the forefront of gaming conversation this week. Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order was announced at the weekend, and Respawn head Vince Zampella was quick to point out the game would have “no microtransactions.”"

Satiria - Posts - "Research already amply supports the claim that gender identity is resistant to external attempts to change it. The tables have turned, and further research no longer brings important socio-political benefits. It is now time to cease research into the biological roots of gender identity."
"#WokeBlog: each person’s innate immutable Gender Identity was formed at the creation of the Universe."
Ironically this is erasing the genderfluid

German academics and authors call for end to 'gender nonsense' - "A group of German authors, comedians and academics have added fuel to the flames of an increasingly bad-tempered culture war over language bias by calling for a fightback against “ridiculous linguistic constructions” designed to make German more gender-neutral.In an open letter published by the Dortmund-based German Language Association, signatories including the philosopher Rüdiger Safranski, novelist Peter Schneider, comedian Dieter Hallervorden and the former head of the country’s domestic intelligence Hans-Georg Maassen, hit back against calls for more gender-neutral generic nouns.In German, where nouns have either a male, female or neuter gender, words for mixed groups of people are traditionally based on the masculine form. If you are talking about a group of teachers, for example, you would say die Lehrer, not die Lehrerinnen."
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