France/Spain 2011
Day 4 - 20th March - Paris: Musée Rodin (Part 3)

Paolo and Francesca
There was a whole series

The Kiss

The Age of Bronze

Writeup on The Age of Bronze, with photograph of the model Auguste Neyt posing

The Call to Arms

Pedestal with Titans; Rodin, Carrier-Belleuse

Various Paintings. I didn't know Rodin painted too

Young Girl with Roses on Hat

The Three Shades


Rodin in front of the Gates of Hell, Käsebier

The Sirens

The Despair

Fallen Caryatid Carrying Her Stone
I love Caryatids
I'd seen a few of these items in the Musée D'Orsay. Ahh, the joys of bronzes - reproductions!

Rodin working at his Gates of Hell, Bourdelle

Bust of Balzac, Nude Study C, folded Arms

Apotheosis of Victor Hugo

Vain tenderness

Explanatory writeup on how the Burghers of Calais was not well-received in Calais

Bust of Victor Hugo
Some of the non-Rodin - the non-bronze/sculpture material, at that - was quite nice.

Virgin of the Seven Sorrows. Mid-16th - first quarter of 17th century.

Pere Tanguy, Vincent Van Gogh

Hand emerging from the thombe (sic)

3 excellent Greek vases. I liked them so much I took pictures of all of them. They were in suspiciously good condition, so I suspect they were restored in the era before it was fashionable to make restoration obvious. So apart from gluing the fragments together, they probably touched up the paint to cover the cracks.

Henri Rochefort


Christ and the Magdelene

Pygmalion and Galatea

Evil Spirits

Tower of Labour
The Rodin bronzes were not bad, but they couldn't hold a candle to the Bernini ones. I'm not sure if this was due to skill or to style.