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Saturday, April 03, 2010

NUS and April Fool's Day

"The public will believe anything, so long as it is not founded on truth." - Edith Sitwell


On 1st April, I got an email from the NUS Alumni Office, attaching a "Letter from the NUS President updating you on recent campus developments".

My reply:

Dear NUS Alumni Office,

Thank you for the letter.

Might I suggest that April Fool's Day is not the best time to send out a circular?

Unless, that is, the circular is about something like the following:

The Johns Hopkins University - We've changed our name to John Hopkins

"The Johns Hopkins University announced today that it is bowing to the inevitable and officially changing its name to "John Hopkins."

"We give up," university President Ronald J. Daniel said. "We're fighting a losing battle here. And we strongly suspect the extra 's' was a typo in the first place.""

Yours etc.
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