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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Conversations - 31st March 2010 (mostly on why you should date White Girls, not Asian Girls)

"Liberty means responsibility. That is why most men dread it." - George Bernard Shaw


Someone: gabriel, having started dating a caucasian girl, i now realise how ridiculously unfair, unreasonable, and unrealistic asian girls are..

well, it's just everything

i've started dating this English girl
and everything is just easier and more fun

so much less expectation, so much more reasonable

yeah, asian girls definitely have it way too good
no idea why the market and expectations are tilted this way.

Me: they have it good cos everyone panders to them?

Someone: i'm truly amazed by the difference in expectations

as i was saying
i'm so much happier!

well, as i said, there's much more equality
like on dates, it's more likely to receive an offer to go dutch
no petty tantrums over little things

Me: haha

less drama
less nonsense

Someone: precisely!
less worrying, more optimism

how do you think expectations in singapore came to favour girls?

Me: incomplete female liberation?

but not responsibilities

Someone (2): i can help in the spread of the gospel of white girls ;P

just a lot of fun to be with, i guess. ironically asian guys have one advantage here in that many white college guys are generally slobs, so i guess the higher standards we have to stick to appeal in that sense.

they're used to not wincing when they're in a room with a white guy, we're rehearsing for a play, and the white guy scratches his crotch, i guess.

and they like it when you use good english, which is how i talked up that girl on the train from Montreal to NYC over a seven hour long delay.

Someone (3): dating an ang mo girl quite liberating i think
almost given up on sg gals

Someone else on the above: i think yah, incomplete feminism

but not just that. most of the time i think it's a total lack of understanding what feminism is probably haha

sometimes it sounds more like 'this is the excuse to get what i want everytime'

i think it's silly
i think it's the clash of "i want a prince charming (to rescue me)" vs "i am woman hear me roar"
and asian society hasn't figured out the dichotomy yet

cos i've got friends like that. they always say they want to be an independent woman, but their actions are all "where's my prince charming"
i am full of scorn for such people haha

for the record, i HATE men who carry their gf/wive's handbags. for extended periods of time, for no reason at all, other than the fact that he has to walk with her

when i'm feeling nasty, i will walk past such couples, and make some nasty comment about the guy holding his woman's handbag

as in
i will in the future

Me: so mean
what if he's being nice :P

maybe he holds her handbag because she peels his prawns

"From each according to his ability, to each according to his need"

Someone else: my point just is, it looks dumb

and i dont understand why it happens in singapore, but apparently not anywhere else in the world
it's the most warped action of 'gentlemanliness' i've ever seen

i deduced in japan that it is very easy to identify a korean girl anywhere in the world
there is a standard scowl they have

and if you see a man holding a dainty woman's handbag overseas, it is most likely a singaporean man

i love the korean girl scowl though

it comes very naturally
i suspect from k-drama

they will think or look around

and then i presume they say something condescending in korean

especially the pretty ones! it's a sulky girl thing hahaha

Me: What's the best way of dealing with jokers?
Engaging them? Ignoring them? Mocking them?

*example of one*

Frigid Girl: that's not a joker lah!
that's a moron

Someone: hmmm
i m wondernig
is it possible for fb frds to not see status updates but only like...who add me as friends or sth like dat?

cos right now, if i restrict settings, it seems that htey can't even see my wall

Me: *instructions*

why do most women need help in tech

Someone: well...i ve learnt that gals need to appear helpless occasionally :P

Me: ...

Someone: i think it's because we look at different things
just like why gals are more observant than guys

Me: like whether the mp3 player is pink?

Someone: yesh

Me: hurr hurr

Someone else: sth i learn..gals should never do the chasing
otherwise, no way can earn back the rights

Me: pfft this is why you should date white girls
they aren't as screwed up as asians
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