German government to tighten laws against Jews
Posted: 17 January 1936 1618 hrs

Special Commissioner Hans Hinkel (file pic)
BERLIN: Germany's Special Commissioner for "cultural particulars" at the Reich Ministry for the People's Enlightenment and Propaganda said the country, which is hosting the 1936 Summer Olympics this year, may further tighten laws against Jews, according to reports.
Hans Hinkel, who is also Reich Organization Leader of the Fighting Society for German Culture, said the Reich is reviewing the Nuremberg Laws and may pass legislation to deal more effectively with Jews and Mischlings.
The legislation is expected to be passed in time for the Summer Olympics in August which could attract both local and overseas Jews, he said.
US president Franklin Roosevelt is among the 49 leaders scheduled to attend the games.
Laws for the Protection of German Blood and German Honour laws are already tight in Germany, where marriages and extramarital sex between Jews and citizens of German or kindred blood are forbidden and Jews are forbidden to display the national flag.
Nevertheless, Herr Hinkel said fresh legislation is needed to deal more effectively with Jews, while relaxing regulations on people of German Blood.
He said the Gestapo could be granted power to take action before Jews could pollute the German bloodline, and cited births of children of mixed blood, and couplings of foreign Jews with German nationals.
"They make a show of breaking the law," Hinkel said of the couplers.
"The Gestapo watch and do nothing and can only follow up with investigation after the show is over when they clean up. This cannot go on," he said."

Making a show of breaking the law

Law abiding citizens
Singapore government to tighten laws against protests
Posted: 17 January 2009 1618 hrs

DPM Wong Kan Seng (file pic)
SINGAPORE: Singapore's deputy prime minister said the island state, which is hosting a summit of Asia Pacific leaders this year, may further tighten laws against public protests, according to reports.
Wong Kan Seng, who is also Home Affairs Minister, said the government is reviewing public order laws and may pass legislation to deal more effectively with illegal protests and other acts of civil disobedience.
The legislation is expected to be passed in time for the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum in November which could attract both local and overseas protesters, he said.
US president-elect Barack Obama, due to take office next week, is among the 21 leaders scheduled to attend the summit.
Public order laws are already tight in Singapore, where protests require a police permit if held outside a designated free-speech zone and gatherings of five or more people are illegal.
Nevertheless, Mr Wong said fresh legislation is needed to deal more effectively with political activities, while relaxing regulations on people gathering for social and recreational purposes.
He said police could be granted power to take action before protesters could gather at specific areas such as Parliament, and cited protests by the political opposition, and by Myanmar nationals against their country's ruling military government.
"They make a show of breaking the law," Wong said of the protesters.
"The police watch and do nothing and can only follow up with investigation after the show is over when they pack up and leave. This cannot go on," he said."

Making a show of breaking the law

Law abiding citizens