When you can't live without bananas

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Thursday, December 25, 2008

"First love is a kind of vaccination which saves a man from catching the complaint a second time." - Honore de Balzac


The 9 Most Devastating Insults From Around the World - "Mothers are another favorite target in this region. However, rather than indulge the classic "Yo Mamma" insult architecture, they prefer to taint her sanctity in a round-about way. For example, "Usca-mi-as sosetele pe crucea ma`tii" (I dry my socks on your mother's cross) is blasphemous, but really only as a vehicle to get at the mom. You really have to applaud the balls it takes to assault God just to slam someone's mother."
This FINALLY explains why being called a turtle is so offensive to the Chinese.

Pedal Pumping and Car Stuck site - This is still not as bad as "fetish girls wheelchair stuck in mud"
nw.t: (if you cite this link i demand credit for finding it)
Me: you just need to google "fetish girls wheelchair stuck in mud"

The Real Truth: Pterodactyl porn - This is worse than Breast Rash Larvae and fetish wheelchair girls stuck in mud. Very NSFW.

Crawling With Worms and Illicit, Sardinia's Ripe Pecorinos Fly in the Face of Edible Reason - "The round of pecorino is filled with thousands of wriggling, transparent maggots, the larvae of flies. The 52-year-old Mr. Costa grins as he dips his fork in. "We all go crazy for this stuff," he says. "but because it's prohibited, you can't buy it anywhere." As the worms merrily jump up and down, cavorting all over the table, one of Mr. Cost's five brothers prepares a tasting by wrapping a morsel in the thin bread... This moving delicacy is known as casu marzu, which is sardinian for "rotten cheese."""

Big breasts win verdict for Japanese pin-up - "A Japanese pin-up model says that her big breasts have not only boosted her career -- they also helped her overturn a court verdict. The bikini model, who goes by her professional name Serena Kozakura, was cleared after a court decided she was too well-endowed to squeeze into a room through a hole, as she had been found guilty of earlier... The case was splashed through the Japanese media on Tuesday, with the Asahi network even inviting her to demonstrate how she could not fit through the opening."

Skeptical Battlegrounds: Part III - Alternative Medicine - "Fifty years ago what passes today as CAM was snake oil, fraud, folk medicine, and quackery. The promoters of dubious health claims were charlatans, quacks, and con artists. Somehow they managed to pull off the greatest con of all - a culture change in which fraud became a legitimate alternative to scientific medicine, the line between science and pseudoscience was deliberate blurred, regulations designed to protect the public from quackery were weakened or eliminated, and it became politically incorrect to defend scientific standards in medicine... Proponents have been successful at working both sides of the aisle, appealing to anti-regulation sentiment on the right and anti-corporate/anti-establishment sentiment on the left... Academics have been cowed by calls for “freedom” and political correctness. Promoters have learned to speak the language of academics to further subdue their skepticism - using pleasant terms like “holistic”, and “patient-centered” practice. Like most deceptions, there is always a kernel of truth to such ideas. But in the end it all amounts to a sweet-sounding justification for outright pseudoscientific quackery in medicine."

Shakesville: Facilities - "Mouse pads, cakes, furniture, bikes, bottle openers, ashtrays, pencil sharpeners, remotes, dartboards, sinks, and toilets, all in the shape of women's body parts. Yep, toilets; those things that "facilities" are a euphemism for... What is the joke here? What can the basis of the joke possibly be but to imagine real women's body parts in their place? Imagining pissing into a real woman or jamming a bottle into her vagina. Imagining a woman who exists only to have these things done for the man's convenience (another euphemism for toilets)."
More evidence that feminism drives you bonkers, and that if you look hard enough, you can find what you're looking for. Or as someone else put it: "I think its easy to put an assigned context onto anything and be outraged at it"

Checking out new JB checkpoint - "I went over recently and bought the TouchGo Card. Sounds good, yes? 1. There is a clause about active card. If your card was not used for 12 months, it will be DEACTIVATED. Fancy you going to a queue and getting stuck there will cars horning behind you because the card did not work. To add injury to insult, you must pay RM$5 to reactivate it."
More ways the wretched country squeezes us dry.

New Burger King ad criticized as "culturally tone-deaf" - "Now their newest ad campaign, called "Whopper Virgins," is drawing fire from a number of organizations as being exploitative and culturally insensitive. The new ads show people from some of the most remote parts of the globe-- the Hmong tribe in Thailand, farmers from Transylvania in Romania, and the Inuit in Greenland-- sampling Burger King's Whopper and a Big Mac from McDonald's for the first time, while a voiceover hails the experiment as "the world's purest taste test." The Whopper was apparently chosen "more often than not" over the Big Mac, according to the company... many others see the ad in a more sinister light. The blog Stereohyped criticized the ad in a post under the headline "Burger King Storms Innocent Villages to Plunder 'Virgins,'" while Adweek's Barbara Lippert called it "culturally tone-deaf.""
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