When you can't live without bananas

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Wednesday, November 05, 2008

"Any war that requires the suspension of reason as a necessity for support is a bad war." - Norman Mailer


YouTube - Peeing in the Urinal - "i took out commenting because i didn't want to waste my time trying to convince people that they were stupid mother fucking retards that called me a slut, bitch, whore, etc. Sickening. Calling me all those things because i went to the BATHROOM that wasn't made for my gender? jesus christ!"
I hope she wouldn't feel the same way about men entering women's bathrooms. "Male, if found in female toilet, will be handed over to the police"

Polish Jokes - "Regardless of political correctness, many of our Polish friends find Polish Jokes amusing for the simple reason that they are funny (well, most of them.), and that Poles have a sense of humor too"
Tsk tsk, such bigotry. Pollock jokes should never be acceptable!

The Nasty Truth: Free Trade Agreements May Scuttle Green Jobs Plans - "Obama promises to "increase fuel economy standards 4 percent per year while protecting the financial future of domestic automakers." This is a nice thought, but it would most likely be subject to challenge: U.S. gas efficiency standards have already been successfully contested once before by the EU in 1994 (under the auspices of the WTO's predecessor, the GATT)."
Lots of (most likely deliberate) misunderstandings of WTO rules, including on Technical Barriers to Trade, which goes to show that just because you're a Progressive doesn't mean you're for Progress.

The Palin Porno as read by Ricky Gervais - "'It's well written! It's well written porn!'... 'It's time to "Drill, Baby. Drill hard and drill deep! Come on, you tree-hugging hippie. What're you waiting for? Congressional approval?'... 'Better get ready, Santa, coz Mamma's about to melt the North Pole!'... 'That was very good' 'They're sneaking in satire... Global warming, this is absolutely brilliant'... 'The political situation has affected even the people who wouldn't be normally affected' 'Yes, even wankers are thinking about it'
Ah, what a misogynistic show, hosts and audience!

BBC Apologizes for Comedy Show Outraging Filipinos - "The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) has apologized for airing a comedy show that offended Filipinos and prompted a diplomatic protest from the Philippine government, media reports said on Thursday. In a Sept. 26 episode of "Harry and Paul," the comedy sketch showed comedian Harry Enfield ordering his Filipino maid to mate with his friend Paul Whitehouse. The Filipino woman was shown gyrating in front of Whitehouse in an effort to seduce him... The British network described "Harry and Paul" as a "post- watershed comedy sketch show well-known for its exaggerated humour and absurd characters."... Last year, Filipinos were offended by the American Broadcasting Co. and made the U.S. television giant apologize and deleted the controversial segment from its TV show "Desperate Housewives.""
Can I be outraged at their outrage?

Make-Believe Maverick : Rolling Stone - "His pandering to the right is consistent with the only constant in his life: doing what's best for himself"
Pfft. Maybe the writer would like to set up a 527 called 'Air Force Veterans For Truth'.

Top 10 Bizarre Mental Disorders - The List Universe - "10. Stockholm Syndrome
9. Lima Syndrome
8. Diogenes Syndrome
7. Paris Syndrome
6. Stendhal Syndrome
5. Jerusalem Syndrome
4. Capgras Delusion
3. Fregoli Delusion
2. Cotard Delusion
1. Reduplicative Paramnesia"

Japan Tobacco's Delightfully Disturbing 'Smoking Manners for Adults' Ads, Part 1 - "Japan Tobacco (JT), like most cigarette companies today, is concerned about the image of smokers and smoking in modern society. In an effort to improve said image (but NOT discourage smoking, of course), the company commissioned a series of over 70 public service announcement style ads. All of the ads were rendered in the same green-on-white, simply drawn format. It's the messages they seek to send that are so intriguing... and so reflective of the Japanese psyche."
Oh, these are actually commissioned by a Tobacco company.

Smoking Manners - 73 of the ads.

Number of pagan prisoners has doubled over four years - "Inmates practising paganism are allowed among their personal possessions a hoodless robe, a flexible twig for a wand, incense and a piece of jewellery. The Prison Service has made clear that the hoodless robe can be used only during private worship in an inmate’s cell or when a number of pagans in one prison gather together to worship. Pagan prisoners are also allowed to have tarot cards but staff have barred them from using them to tell the fortunes of other prisoners. Nor is skyclad – naked pagan worship - allowed under the Prison Service rules."
One comment: "Given the rate of increase, people of certain ideological thought processes might conclude that the police and justice system were showing insitutionalised prejudice....". Ah yes, anti-pagan bigotry!!!

MrSexist t-shirts - MrSexist.com sexist t-shirts - "MrSexist t-shirts look elegant but smart. The font is just the right size - not too big, but not too small. You will impress people in your immediate area without advertising to the whole block."
I think my favourite: "Love is the delusion that one woman differs from another"

Councils ban use of Latin terms - "A number of local councils in Britain have banned their staff from using Latin words, because they say they might confuse people. Several local authorities have ruled that phrases like "vice versa", "pro rata", and even "via" should not be used, in speech or in writing. But the ban has prompted anger among some Latin scholars."
It's not just Latin scholars who should get upset.

Free sex toys — and much more — for voting - "The rewards are no-so-subtle reminders of this year’s campaign rhetoric. For men, it’s the “Maverick,” a "sleeve" for self-pleasuring. According to a press release, “He’s always there to lend a hand, he works for every man, and he bucks the status quo.” Women can choose the “Silver Bullet” mini-vibrator, which is “a magical solution to difficult problems” and “a great stress-reliever during these troubled economic times!” The promotion lasts through Nov. 11."
Someone: my girlfriend wants to vote in the US gen-election because "u get FREE donuts from krispy kreme, FREE sex toys, FREE starbucks and FREE ice cream frm b&js"

Parents want a teacher to be sacked after she stripped for 15-year-old students - "The teacher is seen peeling off her top to reveal her bra and then starts to undo the zip of her trousers before another lecturer covers her in a tablecloth. "It is disgusting. What kind of teacher acts that way in front of her pupils. She should be in a lap dancing bar, not a school," said one angry parent."

Japan fires military chief over WWII denial - "Gen. Toshio Tamogami lost his job as chief of staff for Japan's Air Self-Defense Force, the Ministry of Defense said, after saying in an essay that "it is certainly a false accusation to say that our country was an aggressor nation.""
Not like the Chinese will stop flogging their dead horse.

Speaking in tongues - "Moving and communicating are not the only things that the severely disabled care about, however. According to a paper published four years ago in the Journal of Neurotrauma, recovering sexual function is also a priority. Accordingly, Jaimie Borisoff, a neuroscientist at the Neil Squire Society Brain Interface Laboratory in Vancouver, British Columbia, is using the tongue to restore sexual sensation to those who cannot feel anything from the neck down."

The 1977 "wow" signal - "The major exception in the SETI record was the so-called "WOW" (like Egad!) signal picked up in 1977 by a radio telescope at Ohio State University, in Columbus. The bandwidth of the sig nal was narrower than those of most natural sources; there was also some evidence of periodic and drifting features. The signal never recurred, nor could it be correlated with any manmade or natural radio sources."
They only count it as bona fide if it's repeated, while tells you something important about the scientific method and Creationism.
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