
Google cockup: "Your search... did not match any documents... In order to show you the most relevant results, we have omitted some entries very similar to the 0 already displayed. If you like, you can repeat the search with the omitted results included."

Somehow I was amused by this Bak Kwa ad on a taxi.

Barracks restaurant in Dempsey Road must spend a lot on air-conditioning. No wonder the prices are so high for the portions you get. Well, at least there's the kumquat (complete with leaves).

Monolingual SBS MRT sign. I wonder if anyone's written in to complain about their lack of commitment to racial harmony.

I know this list in Wakafu was very funny, but this picture can't be read. Acidflask has a hi-res copy of the picture but I haven't gotten it from him yet.

The chicken is blessed indeed!

"Property of Changing Appetites. Do not remove from premises. Offenders will be handed over to police!" (or words to that effect)
I can't believe this happens often enough to need this warning (as with the Khong Guan biscuit tins and passing off)?!

"Tuition !!!!!!!!!...
Qualified and experience tutor teaching maths and science for primary and secondary school... Please contact... lousyman*@hotmail.com"
I sure wouldn't hire a tutor with that email address

Burger King (Singapore): "What your ingredients say about you. Turkey Bacon: You are willing to betray whatever residual culinary standards fast food had and put ersatz crap in your menu in order to earn more money."

The only interesting thing at the USC bazaar (at Science - they're ALWAYS at Science): T-shirts in braille

NUS - where we chain the furniture in the corridor so no one steals it

Science - where people need directions to the vending machine

Apparently you're supposed to take a leap of faith out of this door

Guess what's inside these things. Answer: pineapple (highlight for answer)
K Gourmet - the masters of making savory stuff that looks sweet (people think their buns filled with chicken feather sausage or otar are custard buns) and sweet stuff that looks savory (eg tao sar puff)

"NUSSU Tokok campaign: Q: Are girls in NUS overdressed? A: Ho-ho. Helloooo.... under-dressed is the correct word <:)"
Another interesting one was: "Q: There are too many 'Little Miss' in NUS. A: Give them growth hormones"
The person who designed these forms should be fired. The background at the place where you're supposed to write your comments makes it almost impossible to read what's written. I looked at a few, then gave up squinting - after 3 years you've heard almost everything that can be said, anyway.
Attempts at Valentine's Day emotional blackmail:

"You can give without loving, but you can never LOVE without GIVING. (Sociology Society)" (apparently they don't practise what they preach)

"Friendship stalk
Puppy Love (1 stalk)
Blooming Love (3 stalks)
True Love (6 stalks)
Passionate Love (9 stalks)
Eternal Love (12 stalks)"

"'Before I formed you in the womb I knew you.' - God
catholic awareness week 2007"
Besides arguably violating the 4th Commandment (YHWH and all that), there is something very wrong with this, as this line refers to the prophet Jeremiah (cue the calls about context, which are curiously absent whenever Christians talk about abortion).
Now, suppose we grant that this applies to everyone, and not just a prophet (or all prophets, even).
Since God knows us before forming us in the womb, he knows us before the moment of conception, when a sperm and an egg meet. Thus, to prevent the union of a sperm and an egg is murder. Contraception, naturally, is then out, being a murderous act. Yet preventing the events that would lead to the union of a sperm and an egg is similarly haram.
Even abstinence, then, could be murder.
Infusion (international) bazaar:

"Stand a chance to win a Free plane ticket to PHUCKET"

"Do you want to pay your respects to the late President Soeharto?"
Err, no, but there's something else I want to do...

Other nations had food samples, but Scotland was conspicuous by its lack of any. Yet, notice what seems to be a food warmer. They probably figured no one wanted to eat haggis anyway (cue Mike Myers on Scottish food).
There was a costume dressup booth with the most horrific essentialisation (when I use the word, you know something's up):

'Chinese Minority' was bad enough...

... but 'Afican' (sic) took the cake, condensing the entire continent of Africa into a single costume. I wanted to show up in a loincloth, and maybe with a blowpipe too - that's African as well.

'Arabian Belly Dancer' - sans veil?!