Tuesday, February 05, 2008
Something from Frigid Girl:
"Scena da Manuale d'amore 2
Credo ke forse sia questa la parte più erotica e passionata in un film? Monica Bellucci e Riccardo Scamarcio sarebbero una bella coppia..."
Amazing! A sex scene without nudity! Gotta love these Europeans.
This is not quite "fetish wheelchair girls stuck in mud", but it's the closest I've seen to it.
Addendum: "After sex, he was cured. Hallelujah... The wheelchair was just a ploy. I'm handicapped. Fuck me."
"Don't watch handicapped sex, it's gross. Can we watch normal people having sex?... If you really need to watch sex, watch normal people"
"I don't need to watch porn. I need to read my readings... 'Porn, readings, it's so hard to decide. I'll go for readings. Join - University Scholars Programme'"
"Scena da Manuale d'amore 2
Credo ke forse sia questa la parte più erotica e passionata in un film? Monica Bellucci e Riccardo Scamarcio sarebbero una bella coppia..."
Amazing! A sex scene without nudity! Gotta love these Europeans.
This is not quite "fetish wheelchair girls stuck in mud", but it's the closest I've seen to it.
Addendum: "After sex, he was cured. Hallelujah... The wheelchair was just a ploy. I'm handicapped. Fuck me."
"Don't watch handicapped sex, it's gross. Can we watch normal people having sex?... If you really need to watch sex, watch normal people"
"I don't need to watch porn. I need to read my readings... 'Porn, readings, it's so hard to decide. I'll go for readings. Join - University Scholars Programme'"
foreign languages,