While sorting through unsorted pictures, I realised I still had some from last August's trip to Bolehland, so I shall do a short commentary based just on the pictures:

A&W Curly Fries and Root Beer Float (with the old glass). Mmm.

One face of the NEP (New Economic Policy)

Curly fries closeup.

"EXPLORE MALAYSIA. WORLD'S BEST Tourism Destination - Global Traveler, USA (2006)"
Wah, how much did they have to bribe them for this endorsement?!

"Pasaraya KK Super Mart. Buka 20 Jam" - 7-11 Ripoff. Compare this with the one in Cambodia.
Roaches galore just behind KK Super Mart, not far from an eating place. Malaysia Boleh!

"Ais Krim Goreng. Fried Ice Cream. We Satisfy You In The Culinary Way."
What other way do they propose to satisfy me in?

"Q Bar is dedicated to serve all our customers who are committed to our dress code and we aspire to bring you the best experience in qlubbing... Every customer must be a committed customer. Ladies from 18 years and above. Gentlemen from 21 years and above... Committed to no violence. Misbehaviour will not be tolerated. The only thing we wish to exclude is the kind of behaviour that makes people feel uncomfortable and unable to relax... Our entrance poli
Q Bar discrimination, plus Malaysian English.

"Hong Kong Kim Gary Restaurant. NON HALAL"

Ersatz pseudo-Egyptian pillar. Notice the camera, open book, teddy bear, fountain pen and cup of cocktail lining it.

"You Can See Our Delicacy. You Can Feel Our Sincerity. Soup. Processing Time: 420 mins (3 steps). Weight: -. Methodology: Boil... Total Processing Time: 10 hours 35 mins (39 steps)... Even Though It's Just A Mouthful Of Soup, We Have Combined All Our Painstaking Efforts, Merely To Bring It To Perfection."

Sunway Pyramid. Notice the OMGWTHBBQ Sphinx.

Wth gateway

More ersatz wth pseudo-Egyptian carvings, with Egyptians playing arcade games.

I walked into a Tony Romas and my heart sank, and a part of me died; my worst nightmares had come true: "World Famous Ribs... Bountiful Beef Ribs. A plateful of big, meaty beef ribs basted with TR's Original or your choice of sauce."

"The Body Shop. Kiss & speak out for women! Give us your thoughts on what YOU want for women in Malaysia... 'loose fat !!'"

OMGWTHBBQ Sphinx on the logo of Sunway Pyramid

Sunway Lagoon

Including a wth castle

"Spend your time wisely by visiting our shops. Avoid loitering."
I have nothing to say

"Magical Theatre Restaurant"

Lunch. HWMNBN said this was the best Char Kway Teow (Penang, of course: ethnocentric Malaysians claim that Singaporeans don't know how to make Char Kway Teow) in KL and brought me here as proof of his country's (culinary) superiority, but it was perhaps the worst I'd ever tasted, so he claimed standards had gone down and apologised on behalf of his country.

Not as happy to leave the wretched land as I expected I'd be
Instead of a flashing green man, we have a running green man. Interesting.
Sucking up Root Beer Float froth. The video was HWMNBN's idea. This A&W was much lousier than the one at KLCC (earlier) and indeed, lousy. The Curly Fries were stale and the Root Beer tepid and flat. So much for Malaysian Quality Control.

Dead pigeon. No one smiled and waved at me when I was taking this, though.

Dunkin Donuts at the bus terminal, so I got a large box to eat on the way down.