Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Table of Contents of "Reforming museums for the 21st century : report on the Stockholm Asia-Europe Conference on Museums 2000" (edited by Karl Magnusson):
"INTRODUCTION: ‘The Challenges for Museums in Asia and Europe’
‘The Experience of the National Heritage Board, Singapore’
Lim Siam Kim
Chief Executive Officer, National Heritage Board, Singapore
‘A Cultural Project within the Strategy of Urban Renewal, Social
Revitalisation and Economic Development’
Juan Ignacio Vidarte
Director General, The Guggenheim Museum Bilbao, Spain
‘Information Systems at the National Museum of Ethnology:
their Present and Future’
Masatoshi Kubo
Director of Information and Documentation Centre,
National Museum of Ethnology, Japan
‘Le Musée du quai Branly: un nouveau regard pour un nouveau
Stéphane Martin
President, Musée d quai Branly, Paris, France
‘Renewing Museum Activities at the Dawn of the 21st Century:
Experiences of the Vietnam Museum of Ethnology’
Nguyen Van Huy
Director, Vietnam Ethnology Museum, Hanoi, Vietnam
‘Museums Should Seize their Chances!’
Hem Reedijk
Director, Wereldmuseum Rotterdam, The Netherlands
‘Sweden’s Project on Museums of World Culture’
Thommy Svensson
National Museums of World Culture, Gothenburg, Sweden
‘Museums, Globalisation and Sustainable Partnerships’
Amareswar Galla
Chairperson, Asia Pacific Executive Board
International Council of Museums"
"INTRODUCTION: ‘The Challenges for Museums in Asia and Europe’
‘The Experience of the National Heritage Board, Singapore’
Lim Siam Kim
Chief Executive Officer, National Heritage Board, Singapore
‘A Cultural Project within the Strategy of Urban Renewal, Social
Revitalisation and Economic Development’
Juan Ignacio Vidarte
Director General, The Guggenheim Museum Bilbao, Spain
‘Information Systems at the National Museum of Ethnology:
their Present and Future’
Masatoshi Kubo
Director of Information and Documentation Centre,
National Museum of Ethnology, Japan
‘Le Musée du quai Branly: un nouveau regard pour un nouveau
Stéphane Martin
President, Musée d quai Branly, Paris, France
‘Renewing Museum Activities at the Dawn of the 21st Century:
Experiences of the Vietnam Museum of Ethnology’
Nguyen Van Huy
Director, Vietnam Ethnology Museum, Hanoi, Vietnam
‘Museums Should Seize their Chances!’
Hem Reedijk
Director, Wereldmuseum Rotterdam, The Netherlands
‘Sweden’s Project on Museums of World Culture’
Thommy Svensson
National Museums of World Culture, Gothenburg, Sweden
‘Museums, Globalisation and Sustainable Partnerships’
Amareswar Galla
Chairperson, Asia Pacific Executive Board
International Council of Museums"