Monday, September 17, 2007
"Fathers send their sons to college either because they went to college or because they didn't." - L. L. Henderson
Frigid Girl: he always ends up taking it personally
maybe you should start doing a study
guys taking lit behave like females
it's an occupational hazard
what with the subject asking you to 'read beneath the surface meaning'
'double guess'
Me: *** is a bizarre type of catholic
MFM: he's a catholic???
Me: yes
a gay catholic
don't ask me how
MFM: no wonder he's incoherent
SUG: the dragon girls are all quite pretty
very strange :)
I noticed too
and everyone is dressing much better nowadays. everyone.
A Dragon Girl: anyway
dragon girls ugly la
all my guy friends complain
[Me: maybe RJ only]
i meant the entire dragon cohort
but yeah, RJ is getting uglier
the current J2 batch is said to be the exception in a series of worsening batches
but they also happen to look good in the "bitchy bimbo" way
we used to say it was because of RP
Someone: i think pyshotic girls are unconciously attracted to u
Lawyer (male): I suggest that the costs of [first trimester] abortion is like open heart surgery + transplant in terms of the toll on the body
have [the people you asked] ever had abortions before?
I would say that doctors are the worst [in ascertaining the harm caused by abortion]
in fact, Singaporean doctors are the worst
their training necessitates their desensitization to the pains suffered by others
doctors are the worst candidates to assess suffering
LDPVTP (female): then second trimester abortion must be multiple organ failure already
and third trimester abortion/miscarriage would be death
Graduating Medical Student (male): i would be more concerned about the conseuqences of abortion on future fertility
Medical Student (Year 2, female): anw why do u suggest that first trimester thing
its just d&C actually, some women with heavy menstrual problems in india go for it even if theyre not pregnant i read somewhere, tho dont quote me on it
Medical Student (House officer, male): if toll on the body by definition of physical damage/stress to our physiology
then a first trimester abortion is nowhere near open heart surgery in terms of harm
well depends on how you define 'toll on the body'
you can just tell him to stop acting like the retard that he is and to check his facts out first before making dumb claims
ask him if stuffing a ribbed dildo up someone's vagina is as harmful as putting a carving knife in someone's chest
as in y'know, compare those two actions
and pick one
Frigid Girl: he always ends up taking it personally
maybe you should start doing a study
guys taking lit behave like females
it's an occupational hazard
what with the subject asking you to 'read beneath the surface meaning'
'double guess'
Me: *** is a bizarre type of catholic
MFM: he's a catholic???
Me: yes
a gay catholic
don't ask me how
MFM: no wonder he's incoherent
SUG: the dragon girls are all quite pretty
very strange :)
I noticed too
and everyone is dressing much better nowadays. everyone.
A Dragon Girl: anyway
dragon girls ugly la
all my guy friends complain
[Me: maybe RJ only]
i meant the entire dragon cohort
but yeah, RJ is getting uglier
the current J2 batch is said to be the exception in a series of worsening batches
but they also happen to look good in the "bitchy bimbo" way
we used to say it was because of RP
Someone: i think pyshotic girls are unconciously attracted to u
Lawyer (male): I suggest that the costs of [first trimester] abortion is like open heart surgery + transplant in terms of the toll on the body
have [the people you asked] ever had abortions before?
I would say that doctors are the worst [in ascertaining the harm caused by abortion]
in fact, Singaporean doctors are the worst
their training necessitates their desensitization to the pains suffered by others
doctors are the worst candidates to assess suffering
LDPVTP (female): then second trimester abortion must be multiple organ failure already
and third trimester abortion/miscarriage would be death
Graduating Medical Student (male): i would be more concerned about the conseuqences of abortion on future fertility
Medical Student (Year 2, female): anw why do u suggest that first trimester thing
its just d&C actually, some women with heavy menstrual problems in india go for it even if theyre not pregnant i read somewhere, tho dont quote me on it
Medical Student (House officer, male): if toll on the body by definition of physical damage/stress to our physiology
then a first trimester abortion is nowhere near open heart surgery in terms of harm
well depends on how you define 'toll on the body'
you can just tell him to stop acting like the retard that he is and to check his facts out first before making dumb claims
ask him if stuffing a ribbed dildo up someone's vagina is as harmful as putting a carving knife in someone's chest
as in y'know, compare those two actions
and pick one