Day 6 (28/6) - Transit: Shanghai-Hong Kong
This morning I woke up with diarrhea thanks to something I'd had in Hangzhou, so the few plans I had for the day were aborted. For lunch Yucheng, Johnny Malkavian and I had a Brazilian buffet for 55 yuan; they made money through drinks, which were priced at 10 yuan each for a small cup, but then Shanghai had just ruled or passed a law disallowing eating establishments restricting outside beverages being brought in so we brought water in. To encourage fluid intake, everything was salty. This was not surprising, except that even the salad was salty. Nonetheless, even though I ate only half as much as I would've if not sick, it was still worth it.
There was a woman who didn't know how a vizor was worn - she was wearing it like a welder's mask (covering her face).
[Addendum: J in comments:
"Actually, visors in china are meant to be worn like that. they're different from the normal visors if you scrutinize the designs. It's summer so the ladies there like to hide under shade. That's what the visors are used for."]
To get to the airport we elected for the only commercial maglev train in the world.

Even though the journey was only 8 minutes long, there was a First Class option which cost twice as much as the normal one.


Clear proof that markets don't always clear. Extra legroom wasn't enough to entice anyone.
The journey was fast but not as smooth as I expected (perhaps partly due to the rainstorm we zoomed through). Being on the maglev was like being on a noisy and rumbly plane. Of the 8 minute travel time, only 1-2 mins were spent cruising at the top speed of 490-1km/h. The rest was spent accelerating and decelerating. The train was so fast, it turned like a plane - by banking to one side.
At the airport I was feeling worse and worse, and cursing Hangzhou food all the way. On reflection, being like The Accidental Tourist and carrying canned food with me might not have been such a bad idea.

"Hail the Special Olympic Games, the hospitality of our harmonious airport accompanies your flight - Shanghai Airports Civilization Promotion Leadership Office"
Airport hospitality.
Due to bad weather and a military exercise, some flights were delayed. Ours was delayed by a grand total of nearly 4 hours (and since our flight went on to leave late, we arrived 4 hrs later than scheduled). Although they gave us 70 yuan meal coupons, this wasn't even enough to buy some of the main courses in the airport eateries (eg An exorbitant 88 yuan katsu don). Gah.
If you've psychosis you can't enter China. Wth.
China Easter Airlines (Eastern)
I've had experience with women before. Why else do you think I don't want a girlfriend?