When you can't live without bananas

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Friday, December 01, 2006

"When everyone is somebody, then no one's anybody." - W. S. Gilbert


I finally got Bloodbones. Too bad its cover and spine are greatly out of place among the other 59 books.

Turnitin.com and similar online plagiarism-checking services surely subscribe to essay mills and download their essays for the purpose of storing and cataloguing them to compare submitted essays to to check for plagiarism. Yet, I am sure that essay mills can state in their terms and conditions that unauthorised use of their essays (eg in plagiarism-checking software) is forbidden and can be prosecuted. I'm quite a case has come up already. [Someone: that's precisely why the mills will never dare to ban plagiarism checkers from using their essays. look. why cut off one half of your clientele]

A Political Science major said that someone who'd gone to SMU on local exchange said that people talked a lot in class but it was all rubbish. The stupidest things said by NUS were at least relevant, or if not they were smart enough to cut and paste something the professor had said, but at SMU it was just irrelevant nonsense, said to get participation points. This sort of feedback about the students seems to be the case across disciplines.

Girls like to refer to their boyfriends as "The Boy", but I haven't found any boy who refers to his girlfriend as "The Girl", probably because they fear being accused of objectifying women.


"If you're still unconvinced and insists that "evolution is still a theory", go jump off a building. Gravitation is, after all, only a theory and less "satisfactory" explained by physics than evolution is.

After, what kind of science will explain that mass actually causes space to warp!?!"


Comment on How Girls Waste Time:

"Stumbled upon this piece randomly and loved it :D You have a hell lot of patience to bother doing this. But before you go on to generalize these mostly odd/despicable characteristics to all women in the world, might I mention that it's mostly Singaporean women who could possess ALL of these qualities. Even as a girl, I couldn't fathom the sheer dumbness of some of the traits/activities considered typically feminine in this country. A few (strictly very few) of your points could be true for normal women beyond the borders of this nation (Like 'Am I fat?' - that's universal :D)

"women are like elephants"

Oooh, you probably earned the wrath of all the women wondering if they are fat. Haha!"
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