When you can't live without bananas

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Tuesday, November 28, 2006

"Now we sit through Shakespeare in order to recognize the quotations." - Orson Welles


This girl was studying Immunology and complaining about the pictures of diseases in her notes. I asked why she didn't delete them before printing, and she said she didn't read her notes before printing.

Then I showed her the breast rash larvae picture so she'd forget about the diseases, and it seemed to work.

Lut on the breast rash larvae: if u put it as yr wallpaper and go set it up in the library

all the prcs will fail their exams
or whoever those ppl who camp in the library are

Me: oh yah
bell curve

One person doesn't think it disgusting ("the sickness is prob more with me than the object of scrutiny agh"), another thinks it boring since it's "too fake", and recommends this instead (Personal rating: Shiver inducing, but I think the larvae is worse. That is truly nightmare material) and a last comments dryly, "hm i don't know about disgusting. i was more engrossed with um how the pores could be so neat."

Meanwhile another thinks it "interesting, disturbing, but not very disgusting" (that qualifies it in my book, since it's disturbing).

I think it says something that even the person who sent me MeatSpin.com cursed me to hell and be eaten by Cerberus when I re-acquainted him with it.

An examination of the psychology of the reaction:

Medical Student: man
the fake one is grosser

like GEEZ
its sick
and i'm from a profession which doesn't really squirm at such stuff

maybe because it looks pristine despite the supposed infestation that makes it surreal

cos if teh canal tracts are like 5cm deep
the whoel breast should be compromised and scerwed already
the skin should be messed up cos the underlying structure is dead

Me: uhh
it looks too good so it's gross?

I think the juxtaposition adds to the disgusting feel

Medical Student: something like that
what i meant to say was
if its all black and gooey and messed up with worms, i might not react so strongly to it, cos that's something i'm used to?

but that one just looks uhm, peacefully sick, it doesn't really look like the worms have drilled 5cm holes in her breast
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