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Sunday, November 19, 2006

"No." - Amy Carter, (President Jimmy Carter's daughter) when asked by a reporter if she had any message for the children of America



Gabriel, did you lose weight again?... [Me: Looks are deceptive.] But it's the looks that count what. [Me: Good point, good point.]

We all know that a lot of economists don't like adaptive expectations, because it's really backward-looking.

Jaw Jansen (Jorgenson)

Q Theory [of investment] requires a strong maths background... I don't think you guys have the stomach to do it, and frankly I don't have the stomach to do it either. If you're really interested, pick up Alpha Chiang's Dynamic Optimization. It will take you a few months to do. Good luck.

The North Koreans are extremely good at generating fiat money of the United States.

[On not interpreting the MLE model with its mean but rather median] The mean sex is 0.4, 0.5. Who is this person? A person who is 0.5 male, 0.5 female.

Girls cry after Econometrics I. [Student 2: Girls cry? Not our batch right.] [Student 3: *** said - Tsunami after Econometrics I]

The 5 conditions for a BLUE estimate, if I remember correctly: Conditional mean is 0, homoskedasticity, no multicolinearity - and the other 2.

[On stochastic voariance] Wah cheem, man. This is like philosophical.

[On the visualiser projecting the wrong bit for 5 minutes and no one saying anything] You must be really bored. Usually someone says something... it's amazing. *Pushes visualiser so only the power plug can be seen* I was *mumbles and points randomly*. I must've looked like a fool.

I'm gonna implement a friendszone soon. Fuck, do back to the girls what they did to me.

[On SMU] Their International [Economics] A/B is our International [Economics] I.

[On why we should do Masters modules] Masters students - they don't study.

[On the tutor] He's damn cool. He's like some construction worker.

[On technical problems for the presentation] Don't buy Fujitsu, people. For consumption, people, don't buy Fujitsu computers.

Don't waste time. We're all young people. We all have very good eyesight. You can squint your eyes... Anyway no one looks at Powerpoint slides... Just pretend you all can see. Okay cool?

[On diagrams in a presentation] That's stolen from the lecture notes right

Milton Fred Men (Friedman)

[Video subtitle] sercurity (security)

First answer gets a prize. [Student 2: Does it have to be the right answer?]

Cool! Everyone gets a chocolate because everyone shouted 'permanent'!

paw s'hay (Porsche)

What is habit formation? Habit formation is in essence blah blah blah *gestures at projected slide*

[On relative happiness] I wonder if it's the same with grades. Will you be happy with a B if everyone else fails?... [Student: Just give everyone an A. We'll all be happy]

[Tutor on filming a video for a presentation on Consumption: It seems like you guys had a lot of fun.] Especially the girls. We got to dress up.

[On names for an example] The names I picked are all Anglican names. This shows the depth to which we have been colonised.

If - *says own name* is married - I am not, for the benefit of all the beautiful ladies out there.

[Me during the penultimate tutorial: Will he teach us new things next week?] I don't think so. I mean, I'll talk to him.

[Female student] I was going to eat breakfast. Then I couldn't decide what to eat, so I decided not to eat breakfast... That's like so stupid.

Do you know that girls can see 180 degrees? So they can cheat better than guys. (have a 180 degree field of vision)

5000 bussels of corn (bushels)

If F nought is 100 and S nought is 100. *Thunder* *Looks around* *Audience laughs* Don't worry, okay, The chance of having any terrorist activity outside is very low.

[On someone giving out biscuits] You're like the Welfare person here. [Me: She's the Head of Welfare] I see. No wonder [she's] so friendly.

[On the exam being on Thursday, 28th November] This is information you really should know, otherwise you won't do well for the exam... [Student: It's Tuesday] Oh, is it? Wait a minute. I'm not doing the exam.

[On the cheat sheet] You write whatever crap you want, so you feel you don't need to remember all this crap.

[On problem sets vs the exam] It may be a good idea to come with a calculator, in case there are some numbers. You will not need Microsoft Excel. *laughs from audience*

Question 1 should be very easy for you guys. 20 marks - gone. *Laughs from audience* [Student: Gone.] Gone? Sorry, in the bag.

[On the essays] Logical organisation in your writing so I know what you're talking about, so I won't have to scratch my head, until my scalp bleeds.

[On writing legibly] Most of us have lost the ability to use handwriting. I certainly have lost it, because I type a lot nowadays... Cut me some slack here.

Say you want to get A plus. Plus plus plus. For your essay, you might want to read the optional readings.

You can draw Calvin and Hobbes on your cheat sheet, and that's fine by me.

Mr ***, he has an exam... I don't have an exam, so I'll extend my consultation hours by a bit.

[On spurious regression of random values] GDP of Singapore and GDP of Dominican Republic. If you do not like this example... This side is Singapore's GDP per capita and that side is, err. Err. Average goal score in [the] English Premier League. (The average)

In the exam you may need [a] calculator. But you have the best calculator. In your body *Noise from audience*... You yourself are the best calculator. If you rely too much on the calculator you may get wrong values.

W and X are correlated at the same time. W and X are not correlated across time. That is in the question. Do not take a look at me. Take a look at the question.

[Student: Our bridge has caterpillar legs.] How many legs has a caterpillar?... How many legs has the caterpillar that you know?... Anyone from Life Science here? [Student 2: Me] How many legs has a caterpillar?... I don't know what they're teaching you in Life Science.

If this bridge were meant for an airport, this would definitely not be my design. But this bridge was made for *marbles*

After this I'll give you a short break. I'm losing braincells, so I need a break.

Why do we have to assume something exists? Because if nothing exists there's no logic.
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