
The exams are coming, and everyone has their personal charms. Some drink chicken soup, some go to bomohs, some hope the bell curve will pull them up and some pray. So far, so good. Whatever works for you, right?

"A+ - Study with Him and see the difference"
What I've an issue with is false advertising. The not-so-subtle promise of this poster is that if you study with Christ you get an A+. You've heard of the Gospel of Prosperity - we have the Gospel of Good Grades.
Of course, there are inevitably people who will study with Him and not get an A+. We can formulate this in a true-false proposition: If you study with him -> you will get good grades (A+s aside, As and A-s will also do); If p -> q. This proposition is false if you study with him (p is true), and yet you do not get good grades (q is false). We can therefore conclude that their promise is false.
Someone: 1st time i stopped praying was to prove to myself that it doesn't depend on god
then i got 3 As for A level..was expecting like 3 Bs.
coz my grades not the straight A kind.
On Wednesday I went on an excursion to the Bukit Timah Campus (Law) to study.
Someone: dont go to law school anymore
pple will write unsavory things about u
Unfortunately I wasn't able to find out just what unsavory things were written. But since one purpose of my visit was to piss off elitist SLUGs, I guess I succeeded!
Happily, I found that although access to the gym and study room is restricted, non-Law matriculation cards unlock their doors, so normal NUS students aren't excluded.

Seen in a toilet at the Bukit Timah Campus. It must be a very dangerous place. Maybe they're afraid that the SLUGs will assault the SNAILS in the corridor.
lawly: "it's important to have campus security on your handphone because law students always get trapped inside the library (really! they study until they forget to go home)."

"If I had 8 hours to study I wld spend 6 sleeping."
Whoever said motivational posters never gave you good advice?

[Bomberman with a bomb, with the words "For Allah!"]
Seditious desktop wallpaper. Except that this is a Muslim's laptop. Therefore he cannot be seditious. Woo hoo. My brother-in-law commented (referring to Borat) that if you want to be a comedian you should be a Jew, then you can make fun of anyone. Including Jews.

I don't know why the queue for Yong Tau Hoo was so insane. And not all of them were SACSALs either.
Some NUS High School people were selling tickets to a Guzheng concert held on Friday. Perhaps they thought that we would support "our" "juniors", but it didn't look like ticket sales were very good from the looks on their faces, if nothing else; they looked tired and very sian. I told them that they weren't likely to get a good response because it was exam period, and some time later I saw them eaving.

"Philly Cheese Steak Sandwich
Thinly sliced beef topped with sauted onions and BBQ sauce served in a French baguette"
This was at