
Ever since I've been leaving my hair out, it's been shedding ridiculously. This picture shows the yield of a few hours at my desk. Even someone, who sheds a lot, is amazed by how much I shed. My mother suggested I go to the University doctor to enquire, and since I was going anyway for my flu, I asked for medical advice.
Fortunately, I got a female doctor. After I mentioned my problem, she looked at my hair and asked if it was rebonded, because it was very straight. She thought the chemicals used in rebonding might've damaged it temporarily or permanently, and mentioned that 2 people had visited the NUS doctor after going bald following rebonding, and had been referred to the National Skin Centre. She also advised me not to dye it (I don't), since the traction was bad. I was also advised not to use funny hair products (does conditioner count?) and try baby shampoo, but I can't be bothered to do the last, especially since she confirmed that I have a healthy head.
There was the obligatory line about how there's less shedding with shorter hair, but cutting my hair to avoid shedding is like amputating a limb to cure a minor gangrene infection.
soft gay
"Guy: Don’t you have any Chinese girls you can introduce to me?
Me: No… I’m gay.
Guy: Really? It’s okay, I’m not homophobic.
Me: That’s alright. I’m not gay either."