Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Someone: what is "non-altar"?
and what is "altar man-ism"?
how come ppl on YR don't use plain english and insist on trying to sound arty-farty smarty
Me: hmm
this is a specific concept
"Yes and I can learn to see the great and glorous Whole Picture. I can see all the men defecating and urinating in their trousers before they died at Chateau-Thierry watching their own guts fall out into their laps and screaming out of a hole that isn't a mouth anymore, as manifestations of that sublime harmony and balance which is ineffable and holy and beyond all sepech and reason. Sure, I can see that, if I knock half of my brain out of commission and hypnotize myself into thinking that the view from that weird perspective is deeper and wider and more truly true than the view from an unclouded mind. Go to the quadruple-amputee ward and try to tell them that. You speak of death as a personified being. Very well: Then I must regard him as any other entity that gets in my way. Love is a myth invented by poets and other people who couldn't face the world and crept off into corners to create fantasies to console themselves. The fact is that when you meet another entity, either it makes way for you or you make way for it. Either it dominated and you submit, or you dominate and it submits. Love? Equality? Reconciliation? Acceptance? Those are the excuses of the losers, to persuade themselves that they choose their condition and weren't beaten down into it. Love of country? Another lie; the truth is fear of cops and prisons. Love of art? Another lie; the truth is fear of the naked truth without ornaments and false faces on it. Love of truth itself? The biggest lie of all; fear of the unknown. People learn acceptance of all this and achieve wisdom? They surrender to superior force and call their cowardice maturity. It ultimately comes down to one question: Are you kneeling at the altar, or are you on the altar watching the others kneel to you?
You know, my contempt for lies has an element of the very sentimentality and foolish idealism that I have been rejecting. Perhaps I will be most effective if I never speak so honestly again."
Someone: the difficulty with talking to you is I can never tell if you're telling me something you think or you're quoting someone else
Me: notice the quotation marks?
Someone: lol
yeah lah
I know
I meant before
I was thinking whoa, this gabriel
brain working overtime man
din know he had such a poetic streak
Someone else: if you were female then no one would call you misogynistic anymore. they'd just say you were a sad bitch or something like that.
[Unrelatedly:] they were in that girl's dance nation competition.
judging by the picture from that contest, all sgp dancers know how to do is simulate sexy dance moves
Someone: haha we're all like. if you know you're ognna get your thing during obs, drink lots of cold stuff two weeks before.
so youll get it one week early.
Me: cold stuff?!
Someone: yeah! you get your period faster if you eat a lot of cold stuff yknow. and if you do so while having it then it'll last longer. and sometimes get more crampy also.
it really works haha most girls know. xD
and what is "altar man-ism"?
how come ppl on YR don't use plain english and insist on trying to sound arty-farty smarty
Me: hmm
this is a specific concept
"Yes and I can learn to see the great and glorous Whole Picture. I can see all the men defecating and urinating in their trousers before they died at Chateau-Thierry watching their own guts fall out into their laps and screaming out of a hole that isn't a mouth anymore, as manifestations of that sublime harmony and balance which is ineffable and holy and beyond all sepech and reason. Sure, I can see that, if I knock half of my brain out of commission and hypnotize myself into thinking that the view from that weird perspective is deeper and wider and more truly true than the view from an unclouded mind. Go to the quadruple-amputee ward and try to tell them that. You speak of death as a personified being. Very well: Then I must regard him as any other entity that gets in my way. Love is a myth invented by poets and other people who couldn't face the world and crept off into corners to create fantasies to console themselves. The fact is that when you meet another entity, either it makes way for you or you make way for it. Either it dominated and you submit, or you dominate and it submits. Love? Equality? Reconciliation? Acceptance? Those are the excuses of the losers, to persuade themselves that they choose their condition and weren't beaten down into it. Love of country? Another lie; the truth is fear of cops and prisons. Love of art? Another lie; the truth is fear of the naked truth without ornaments and false faces on it. Love of truth itself? The biggest lie of all; fear of the unknown. People learn acceptance of all this and achieve wisdom? They surrender to superior force and call their cowardice maturity. It ultimately comes down to one question: Are you kneeling at the altar, or are you on the altar watching the others kneel to you?
You know, my contempt for lies has an element of the very sentimentality and foolish idealism that I have been rejecting. Perhaps I will be most effective if I never speak so honestly again."
Someone: the difficulty with talking to you is I can never tell if you're telling me something you think or you're quoting someone else
Me: notice the quotation marks?
Someone: lol
yeah lah
I know
I meant before
I was thinking whoa, this gabriel
brain working overtime man
din know he had such a poetic streak
Someone else: if you were female then no one would call you misogynistic anymore. they'd just say you were a sad bitch or something like that.
[Unrelatedly:] they were in that girl's dance nation competition.
judging by the picture from that contest, all sgp dancers know how to do is simulate sexy dance moves
Someone: haha we're all like. if you know you're ognna get your thing during obs, drink lots of cold stuff two weeks before.
so youll get it one week early.
Me: cold stuff?!
Someone: yeah! you get your period faster if you eat a lot of cold stuff yknow. and if you do so while having it then it'll last longer. and sometimes get more crampy also.
it really works haha most girls know. xD
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