When you can't live without bananas

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Friday, October 27, 2006

I didn't know Ringafling was tonight. It seems like only yesterday that I snapped that "My name is Milk" rubbish poster, which came with no date, venue or clue to what Ringafling was. In any case, Ringafling is even more ridiculous and salacious than anything I've seen so far. I wonder what new depths they have to plumb. Oh, and it's not by Science.

The buzz:

NUSSU Bizcom presents:

27th October 2006
830pm till late.

The party to remember.

What are you waiting for? Don’t. Hold. Back.

Party like you know no limits.

Tickets going at
$12 (presales)

Our models will blow you. Away.
Watch them live out your fantasies.
Sit tight for a night of mystery and burning passion as our mystery sizzling hotties reveal themselves.
Keep your phone close to your body and you might get up close and personal with them.
Be sure to leave with a memorable night.

Be a sport! Take part in our programmes and stand a chance to win ipod nanos and more than $50,000 worth of vouchers!

And girls, come in your shortest skirts and get $1 off with skirts every 1cm shorter than 25cm.

BE there!! And don’t miss out for the chance to party with the hottest people in campus.

Contact Yisi at *** for tickets
Visit the Ringafling booths at the NUS AS6 walkway from Monday(23/10) to Thursday(26/10) to get your tickets NOW!

Supplementary hilarity: "Babes come in your mini skirts ( exclusive discounts- a dollar off every cm shorter than 25 cm. and you stand to win attractive prizes as well!)"

What will they win? Longer skirts? Shorter skirts? FBT shorts to protect their modesty? Lacy underwear to show off to guys who upskirt them?

And since Ringafling is $12, if you go in with a <13cm skirt, do they pay you to come?

As L (skirt length) tends to 0, X (the amount they pay you) tends to $13

Xephyris: "come without a skirt, you are infinitely shorter than 25cm and thus win enough money you can buy the attractive prize yourself"

Someone: "i like to think of it as an economic exercise, we, em they, are simply subsidizing them for the positive externality they bring with a shorter skirt length, that of course, begs the question, does long skirts incur negative externalities? depends on who's wearing them."

The best word on the subject, I think, is this:

"I was studying in the clubroom on Tuesday night, till about 2 am, when I left to go back to hall.

While I was walking back, I realised that while I'd been holed up in the clubroom, some people had gone around sticking up posters for the StompAIDS campaign.

They were *everywhere*. Really. On *every* pillar along the AS6 and AS1 corridors; you couldn't walk five steps without seeing one.

And here's the funny thing.

NUSSU Bizcomm has a bash on the 27th of October, and in the tradition of NUS bashes, its theme has some sexual innuendo to it, although perhaps not so subtly veiled: bright posters of luscious, shiny, lipsticked lips and telephone keypads proudly declare the name of the bash-- RingAFling.

If that doesn't imply one-night stands, I don't know what does.

And then you have this flood of AIDS awareness posters with their half-naked, semi-faceless models veiled in dark purple lighting, declaring that casual sex kills.

Oh, the irony.

And look at what I snapped today with my camera phone, along the AS1 corridor.

The two posters side by side, on adjacent sides of a pillar.

This is gonna crack me up for the next week or so. LOL. :D"

(O.o --Limbo-- o.O)

Someone had tipped me off about the placement, but I never got down to tracking it down. So kudos to her!

If the bash poster had gone up after the AIDS one, someone's head is going to roll. If the AIDS poster had gone up after the bash one, someone's head is going to be decorated.

And so, my updated list of names of NUS student events is expanded:

"Indulgence, Decadence, Ecstasy, Harem, Tease, Legal-disiac, Barely Legal, Bare, Naughty by Nature, E XXX othermic, Forplay, Tryst, Compulsion, Envy: Sin or Sense?, S.T.R.I.P, Dare 21, Ringafling, Temptations (All bashes except for the last, a bazaar)"

Damn, I realise I didn't get any while I was away. Ah well. I'll get plenty of new ones in the next 3 semesters anyway.
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