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Thursday, August 24, 2006

Someone: "Dear academic staff and students,

We will be holding a dedication service on this coming Friday, 25/08/06 7.15pm, at the Multi-Purpose Auditorium (Level 3, Block B) to thank the Lord for the blessings that He has poured upon His people, dedicate this campus in His Name and seek His directions for the new year!

Please do come by and celebrate with us!


7:15pm To be seated
7.30pm – 8.00pm Praise and Worship
8.00pm – 9.00pm Corporate Prayer led by representatives from the student body, academic staff and alumni
9.00pm – 9.30pm Closing

BTC Dedication Service Team"

this email is fr the law club
wtf i thought nus was secular

Me: wth
so did I

Someone: i dunno man

Me: can I dedicate Bukit Timah Campus to Cthulhu?
want to come to my ceremony?

A: ­is this some BTC branch of VCF or something
Me: sounds like an official dedication

B: that's very presumptuous
­it's my campus too. what if i don't want it to be dedicated in 'His' name
­wth is a corporate prayer

­the way they phrase these events always gets my goat

C: ...
­i can understand campus crusade or the catholics having their own mass... but they have a dedication team...
­they take 1 HOUR to pray????

maybe they are praying things won't fall apart or something. or that now that law is isolated, a targeted terrorist attack. hehehe

hmm. if they dedicate it, then it's like they're asking for God's special blessing on it, no? but doesn't God already take care of everything... why need extra

D: this is just a group of christian studetns and profs
law club disseminates catholic and muslim groups also

who says the muslims and catholics and buddhist groups havent dedicated the campus
­they do
Me: yes
I am against that all

D: in any case when we mean dedicating a campus, it's not like we're saying this campus is for christians and christians only

Me: no
but it's still presumptuous

E: go where to complain ah? i am a wiccan and feel that they are infringing on my right to free religion

Me: dedicate it to the Goddess!

E: i can find the necronomicon
maybe inside can find cthulu's summoning ritual ah

F: i noe
the latest email
i just saw

blessings my ass lah hah....
SMU new law school
bigger competition

we get sucky compound
bad food
and a whole load of crap

blessings indeed

G: they could email around a ritual sacrifice to dedicate NUS to the spawn of satan, i mean.

H: I hear Lucifer is v trendy

I: can i dedicate to the FSM?
Me: yeah
alternative interfaith service
cthulhu, the Goddess, satan, FSM

I: invisible pink unicorn too
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