So Gabe just forwarded me 2 somewhat amusing emails (he called them fanmail. blah.). Anyway, I'll try to answer them one by one, so yeah.
Before we start, we should begin with the part about how I'm not Gabriel, ok? I've got a guest account to post as a contributor here, but we're two different seperate people. So do remember that "Char" is not a synonym, acronym, or whatever-nym for "Agagooga/Gabriel/GSSQ".
Ok, now let's get onto the fun stuff.
Email 1:
Let's see. Technically, I was thrown inside the "slammer" for like 3 hours plus. So the "almost bit is kinda moot, isn't it? As for the liberalist anti-christian illegitimate son... well... I never said I was anti-christian; just anti-fundamentalist. Youre just misinterpreting it for the sake ofmisinterpreting it. Or maybe it's just what the local media has been feeding you, non?
As for the hanging bit, I'm sure it'd work. Perhaps something more medieval, like torture devices used in the inquisition would be more to your taste, perhaps, considering you do seem to be the fanatical, let-me-rape-kill-torture-and-steal-in-God's-name maniac, don't you think? =)
Sigh. Whatever happenned to the sixth commandment? Or perhaps the devil quoteth scripture here, and points you to Exodus 20:7 - "Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain."
"Why do you observe the splinter in you brother's eye and never notice the plank in your own? How dare you say to your brother, 'Let me take the splinter out of your eye,' when all the time there is a plank in your own? Hypocrite! Take the plank out of your own eye first, and then you will see clearly enough to take the splinter out of your brother's eye."- Matthew 7:3-5 / Luke6:42
Besides, let's put it this way, sending a personal misguided attack to the wrong person, calling me a naive son-of-a-bitch, using the word "Damn", without knowing the exact religious implications of it, just shows how far matured you are in your own religion. Interesting. I'd wager you'd be laughing your head off while I'm burning in hell.
(Gabriel insisted that I put his comments after every email, so here it is: "If this person is Christian, as he most probably is, this email illustrates why Char posted the cartoons in the first place.")
Email 2:
I see that you have had a bad experience from this 'FundieP' character. I am hoping that whatever this person has done to you has not turned you against Jesus or caused you to be 'de-converted'. My only request is that you ignore people for a moment and just focus on the Truth. One of the main problems with religions these days is that anyone interprets anything as they wish and then try to put that on other people. Well, we are ALL sinners, so it's never going to be perfect with any believer or non-believer. We are all going to say or do something completely stupid at times and hopefully ask for forgiveness for that later. I ask that you take all of this to Christ, and see what HE has to say about it. Ask that He give you the answers you need. I believe that if you truly seek those answers, they will come to you. I will pray for you as well. Whatever happens, I wish you the best.
Again, my re-iteration. I loathe fundamentalists. And I'm unafraid to spout my views on that. I'm fine with Christians in general, having personal Christian friends, and even a confidante who's a priest in the Roman Catholic Archdiose in Singapore. I'm fine with religion as long as it doesn't affect me. What I'm not fine with, are people who perverse their belief in their religion to cloud out their own sense of reason, to fufil and justify their own selfish and personal agendas.
As for "Truth", let me then ask, as Pilate did in John 18:38; "What is truth?" Because we all have our own truths we believe in. I didn't leave the Church, and Christianity, because of FundieP's actions, but because I did over 2 years of searching, watching people I knew and cared about die in front of me, and found my answers elsewhere. (Although on a side note, the type of people in the church, of which FundieP belonged to, was one of the many reasons I did renounce Christianity. But there are black sheep in all religions anyway.)
That said, I thank you for your mild "interest" in this case, and trust me, if I'm ever re-converted (although I doubt it), perhaps you might have a better place in heaven, or something like that. And yeps, I wish you all the best too in that endeavour.
By the way, I particularly love this quote of yours; "One of the main problems with religions these days is that anyone interprets anything as they wish and then try to put that on other people. " - is it only me who notices the delicious irony in this statement, considering you are trying to put your views on Christianity on me?
(Gabriel commenteth: "My eyes were opened. I saw the light. The truth set me free.")