Thursday, June 15, 2006
Strip Out The Fans, Add 8 Gallons of Cooking Oil - "Common sense dictates that submerging your high-end PC in cooking oil is not a good idea. But, of course, engineering feats and science breakthroughs were made possible by those who dared to explore the realms of the non-conventional. Members of the Munich-based THG lab are only too happy to confirm this fact. And not only did we find that our AMD Athlon FX-55 and GeForce 6800 Ultra equipped system didn't short out when we filled the sealed shut PC case with cooking oil - but the non-conductive properties of the liquid coupled created a totally cool and quiet high-end PC, devoid of the noise pollution of fans. The PC case - or should we say tank - also offered a new and novel way to display and show off your PC components."
EcoGeek - Wooden Computing. - "in the past few weeks, we've seen quite a few new electronic devices housed in wood, and so we went on a search. A long search, it turned out, for all the best, coolest and most useful products in wooden computing."
The Really Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - "From the people who brought you the "The Juggernaut Bitch!!!" Credit: My Way Parody"
Here Come the Brides - "ON SEPTEMBER 23, 2005, the 46-year-old Victor de Bruijn and his 31-year-old wife of eight years, Bianca, presented themselves to a notary public in the small Dutch border town of Roosendaal. And they brought a friend. Dressed in wedding clothes, Victor and Bianca de Bruijn were formally united with a bridally bedecked Mirjam Geven, a recently divorced 35-year-old whom they'd met several years previously through an Internet chatroom. As the notary validated a samenlevingscontract, or "cohabitation contract," the three exchanged rings, held a wedding feast, and departed for their honeymoon."
It had to happen in the Land of Pot, Hookers and Euthanasia!
Cuddle Party - A boundary-appropriate workshop and social event for exploring touch, affection and communication - "What a Cuddle Party IS: A structured, safe workshop on boundaries, communication, intimacy and affection. A drug and alcohol-free way to meet fascinating people in a relaxing environment. A laboratory where you can experiment with what makes you feel safe and feel good. What a Cuddle Party ISN'T: A free-for-all, a pseudo-orgy or a grope-fest."
The Hindu : Rail ballast - "The stones placed in and around railway tracks are technically called `ballast'. The railway track, named `Permanent Way' in rail lingo, is a multi-entity structure which comprises the pair of rail lines running parallel, the spaced sleepers, the ballast and the formation.The force exerted by the wheels of the train is transmitted successively in a proportionally diminishing extent down the rails, the sleepers and the ballast to the formation, a well prepared and consolidated road bed."
Cordless jump-rope can help the clumsy - "If you think keeping fit is merely mind over matter, Lester Clancy has an invention for you — a cordless jump-rope. That's right, a jump-rope minus the rope. All that's left is two handles, so you jump over the pretend rope. Or if you are truly lazy, you can pretend to jump over the pretend rope."
Inventor hopes to hit big time with silent ringtone -"The ringtone was initially the work of an unidentified group of Welsh teenagers who decided that a high-frequency ringtone would be the ultimate in teacher-proof technology. Their product, dubbed Teen Buzz, spread like wildfire through classrooms in the UK and abroad, allowing pupils to receive surreptitious text messages without their teachers noticing."
Boys' own book that puts conkers before computers is a bestseller - "The Dangerous Book for Boys, an old-fashioned compendium of information on items such as making catapults and knot-tying, has stormed the Amazon Hot 100 since it was released. A week after publication, it has made the Top Ten — a rare feat for a children’s book not involving teenage wizards — peaking at No 5."
Transcendent Experience - Temporal lobe epilepsy has been linked to divine encounters, artistic creation and fearful visitations from other realms. Pickover examines some of the implications of current research into this mysterious disease. - "More recently, several TLE nuns have provided further evidence for an epileptic root of many mystical religious experiences. For example, one former nun "apprehended" God in TLE seizures and described the experience: "Suddenly everything comes together in a moment — everything adds up, and you’re flooded with a sense of joy, and you’re just about to grasp it, and then you lose it and you crawl into an attack. It’s easy to see how, in a prescientific age, an epileptic or any temporal lobe fringe experience like that could be thought to be God Himself." Even the Old Testament prophet Ezekiel had a TLE-like vision reminiscent of modern UFO reports — the famous, fearsome Ma’aseh Merkabah, the Vision of the Chariot"
Wallace's Line - "On Lombok the birds were clearly related to those of New Guinea and Australia. He marked the channel between Bali and Lombok as the divide between two great zoogeographic regions, the Oriental and Australian. In his honor this dividing line, which extends northward between Borneo and Sulawesi, is still referred to today as Wallace's Line."
Gay group: Ad is anything but cute - "The Dodge Caliber's "Anything but Cute" advertising campaign featuring a fairy in one television spot is anything but funny to some in the gay community. Some viewers and gay rights supporters have complained the Chrysler Group commercial -- dubbed "Too Tough" and featuring a fluttering fairy zapping buildings and trains into cuter-looking gingerbread houses and toy trains -- is offensive and borders on homophobic."
The Dangers of Pornography - "Despite their enthusiasm, al-Zarqawi, al-Maqdisi, and Abu Muntassir did not appear to be natural revolutionaries. Their first operation was in Zarqa, in 1993, a former Jordanian intelligence official told me, when al-Zarqawi dispatched one of their men to a local cinema with orders to blow it up because it was showing pornographic films. But the hapless would-be bomber apparently got so distracted by what was happening on the screen that he forgot about his bomb. It exploded and blew off his legs."
EcoGeek - Wooden Computing. - "in the past few weeks, we've seen quite a few new electronic devices housed in wood, and so we went on a search. A long search, it turned out, for all the best, coolest and most useful products in wooden computing."
The Really Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - "From the people who brought you the "The Juggernaut Bitch!!!" Credit: My Way Parody"
Here Come the Brides - "ON SEPTEMBER 23, 2005, the 46-year-old Victor de Bruijn and his 31-year-old wife of eight years, Bianca, presented themselves to a notary public in the small Dutch border town of Roosendaal. And they brought a friend. Dressed in wedding clothes, Victor and Bianca de Bruijn were formally united with a bridally bedecked Mirjam Geven, a recently divorced 35-year-old whom they'd met several years previously through an Internet chatroom. As the notary validated a samenlevingscontract, or "cohabitation contract," the three exchanged rings, held a wedding feast, and departed for their honeymoon."
It had to happen in the Land of Pot, Hookers and Euthanasia!
Cuddle Party - A boundary-appropriate workshop and social event for exploring touch, affection and communication - "What a Cuddle Party IS: A structured, safe workshop on boundaries, communication, intimacy and affection. A drug and alcohol-free way to meet fascinating people in a relaxing environment. A laboratory where you can experiment with what makes you feel safe and feel good. What a Cuddle Party ISN'T: A free-for-all, a pseudo-orgy or a grope-fest."
The Hindu : Rail ballast - "The stones placed in and around railway tracks are technically called `ballast'. The railway track, named `Permanent Way' in rail lingo, is a multi-entity structure which comprises the pair of rail lines running parallel, the spaced sleepers, the ballast and the formation.The force exerted by the wheels of the train is transmitted successively in a proportionally diminishing extent down the rails, the sleepers and the ballast to the formation, a well prepared and consolidated road bed."
Cordless jump-rope can help the clumsy - "If you think keeping fit is merely mind over matter, Lester Clancy has an invention for you — a cordless jump-rope. That's right, a jump-rope minus the rope. All that's left is two handles, so you jump over the pretend rope. Or if you are truly lazy, you can pretend to jump over the pretend rope."
Inventor hopes to hit big time with silent ringtone -"The ringtone was initially the work of an unidentified group of Welsh teenagers who decided that a high-frequency ringtone would be the ultimate in teacher-proof technology. Their product, dubbed Teen Buzz, spread like wildfire through classrooms in the UK and abroad, allowing pupils to receive surreptitious text messages without their teachers noticing."
Boys' own book that puts conkers before computers is a bestseller - "The Dangerous Book for Boys, an old-fashioned compendium of information on items such as making catapults and knot-tying, has stormed the Amazon Hot 100 since it was released. A week after publication, it has made the Top Ten — a rare feat for a children’s book not involving teenage wizards — peaking at No 5."
Transcendent Experience - Temporal lobe epilepsy has been linked to divine encounters, artistic creation and fearful visitations from other realms. Pickover examines some of the implications of current research into this mysterious disease. - "More recently, several TLE nuns have provided further evidence for an epileptic root of many mystical religious experiences. For example, one former nun "apprehended" God in TLE seizures and described the experience: "Suddenly everything comes together in a moment — everything adds up, and you’re flooded with a sense of joy, and you’re just about to grasp it, and then you lose it and you crawl into an attack. It’s easy to see how, in a prescientific age, an epileptic or any temporal lobe fringe experience like that could be thought to be God Himself." Even the Old Testament prophet Ezekiel had a TLE-like vision reminiscent of modern UFO reports — the famous, fearsome Ma’aseh Merkabah, the Vision of the Chariot"
Wallace's Line - "On Lombok the birds were clearly related to those of New Guinea and Australia. He marked the channel between Bali and Lombok as the divide between two great zoogeographic regions, the Oriental and Australian. In his honor this dividing line, which extends northward between Borneo and Sulawesi, is still referred to today as Wallace's Line."
Gay group: Ad is anything but cute - "The Dodge Caliber's "Anything but Cute" advertising campaign featuring a fairy in one television spot is anything but funny to some in the gay community. Some viewers and gay rights supporters have complained the Chrysler Group commercial -- dubbed "Too Tough" and featuring a fluttering fairy zapping buildings and trains into cuter-looking gingerbread houses and toy trains -- is offensive and borders on homophobic."
The Dangers of Pornography - "Despite their enthusiasm, al-Zarqawi, al-Maqdisi, and Abu Muntassir did not appear to be natural revolutionaries. Their first operation was in Zarqa, in 1993, a former Jordanian intelligence official told me, when al-Zarqawi dispatched one of their men to a local cinema with orders to blow it up because it was showing pornographic films. But the hapless would-be bomber apparently got so distracted by what was happening on the screen that he forgot about his bomb. It exploded and blew off his legs."
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